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明治维新后,日本的牧羊事业曾几度规划,但起色不大,其羊毛工业使用原毛的绝大部分依赖进口。"九一八事变"后伪满洲国的出现,为日本在大陆发展牧羊业提供了机遇。日本设立了"日满绵羊协会"。力图在中国东北发展牧羊业。卢沟桥事变日本占领华北及"蒙疆"地区后,"日满绵羊协会"的活动范围扩大,改称"东亚绵羊协会",全面负责日本本土及殖民地、占领地的绵羊改良增殖事务。日本企画院制定了《羊毛生产力扩充计划要纲》,规划到1946年在中国大陆及日本等地达到拥有改良种及原种绵羊2450万只、生产羊毛4115万公斤的规模水平,力图为日本的对外侵略战争提供羊毛资源。  相似文献   


Britain first exerted considerable civil and military aerial authority in Africa in the 1920s and 1930s. The occasional but striking presence of British pioneer pilots and aircraft was soon followed by formal agreements about Empire airbases, and operation of imperial airline service. During the Second World War, all British aviation resources in Africa were tailored to mobilising and executing military action. At the end of the War, Britain’s nationalised airline resumed scheduled commercial services to and from Africa. In the post-War Commonwealth there was demand for air services at lower prices than Britain’s flag-carrying airline offered. Private charter airlines provided long-haul but low-cost ‘trooping’ flights, ‘colonial coach’ passenger flights, and ‘tramp’ cargo flights, and consolidated and extended British aerial presence and influence in Africa. Mostly, London set and managed the regulatory regime under which they operated. Coloniality provided a key licensing element. In the 1950s, before widespread decolonisation, the authority for the least expensive long-haul flying across Africa vested in layers of complex regulation in Britain.  相似文献   

姜守明 《世界历史》2004,3(2):78-87
民族国家形成之际 ,也正是英国人大力推进海外贸易和殖民扩张之时。新君主制的巩固、英帝国的萌芽和海外殖民贸易扩张是民族国家形成时期几个重要的互动因素。新君主制和民族国家日益成为新兴市民阶级追求其经济利益的政治保障 ,市民阶级则构成新君主制和民族国家赖以存在与发展的阶级基础。除了资本原始积累的需要外 ,传播上帝的福音 ,对金银财富的追逐 ,以及民族意识的觉醒和新君主制的建立 ,也构成英国海外殖民扩张的动因。本文拟选取“民族国家形成时期”这个全新视角 ,考察现代“民族国家”和“帝国”之间的关系 ,探讨英帝国形成的内在机制 ,揭示英国海外殖民贸易扩张的根本特点。  相似文献   

陈谦平 《民国档案》2003,(2):109-117
一、门隅概况门隅位于西藏自治区错那宗南部 ,北迄错那泊拉山 ,东至卡门河 ,南抵布拉马普特拉河的广大地区 ,包括达旺、德让、江噶尔、森格、达隆、邦迪拉等地。其区内有聂乡河、章马河、章朗河及绒朗河等 ,均系卡门河支流。河流两岸之河谷和高山上有茂密的原始森林 ,土地肥沃。区内湖泊密布 ,有嘎尔巴桑措、童噶洛措、东米洛措、东米加布措等大小湖泊 1 0余个。①该地区公元 7世纪为吐蕃王朝所辖 ,1 3世纪为元朝所统治 ,1 4世纪 ,西藏帕竹地方政权在错那建宗。 1 7世纪中叶 ,五世达赖喇嘛统一西藏后 ,派其弟子梅热·洛珠嘉措活佛和错那宗宗…  相似文献   

美国史学对19、20世纪之交美国海外扩张的思考与认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对 1 9、2 0世纪之交美国海外扩张的研究是整个美国外交史学的极为重要的部分 ,在一定意义上 ,这一研究折射出美国外交史学陷入困境的症结与原因 ,同时也映现着美国外交史学发展的出路和方向。美国外交史学在以下两个问题上无法解释美国海外扩张的合理性 :其一 ,海外扩张是否违背了局限于大陆拓进的孤立主义外交传统 ;其二 ,海外帝国的追求是否有悖于美国人视为立国之本的民主理想。自 2 0世纪初美国外交史学产生以来 ,无论是理想主义史学的“背离说” ,还是现实主义史学的“国家利益说” ,都不能说明海外扩张的历史逻辑性。修正派史学虽然揭示了美国扩张外交的本质 ,但由于其“由内到外”的研究体系的局限 ,最后难免落入孤立主义的陷阱。本文着重介绍了“后修正史学”的“综合研究”和“国际研究”的研究方法 ,指出不同民族的观念、情感的平等沟通和交流才能代表着美国外交史学的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文以华侨华人与闽粤侨乡为研究对象,探讨了多重网络的内容、结构及其在华侨华人与闽粤侨乡互动关系中的作用.本文认为,多重网络是侨乡和华侨华人之间存在的一种关系网络.这种网络形成于两者的互动关系之中,且在互动中渗透和扩张.正是这种多重网络的存在和活跃,促使华侨华人与闽粤侨乡的关系更紧密、更持久.  相似文献   

Monica Rico 《对极》1998,30(2):119-134
In the late-nineteenth century, open-range cattle ranching in the American West became popular among the British upper classes both as an investment and as a vocation. However, after a severe winter in 1886–1887, many of these enterprises failed and foreign investment in the American range cattle industry waned. This paper examines the experiences of British ranchers in Wyoming and in particular the career of Moreton Frewen (1857–1924) in order to explore the dialectical relationship between culturally constructed nature, shaped by discourses of class and gender, and material nature, itself transformed by capitalist production. Although from an élite family, Frewen lacked the financial resources necessary to sustain the kind of life to which he felt he was entitled. The great profits and excellent big-game hunting supposedly available to ranchers attracted him to the Powder River region of Wyoming, where he began a ranch that failed in the crisis of 1886–1887. British images of a bountiful American nature spurred investment, but also led to ranching practices that were ultimately harmful to the ranges upon which cattle depended. A detailed study of the élite British ranchers provides insight into the specific cultural, historical, environmental, and local contexts within which global capital expansion takes place.  相似文献   

Peter Eberhardt 《对极》1982,14(1):45-46

In an attempt to distinguish between regional physical geography and the Soviet school of landscape science, the author defines the study objects of the two disciplines and provides a useful review of the present state of landscape science in the Soviet Union. Physical geography is said to be concerned with study of the entire geographical shell of the earth, ranging from the troposphere to the bottom of the layer of sedimentary rocks in the earth's crust. Landscape science focuses on the so-called landscape sphere, which is defined as the portion of the geographical shell that lies at or near the surface of the earth and is imbued with present-day life. Although some Soviet geographers treat the term “landscape” as a broad conceptual term (similar to climate), most investigators tend to give the term a classificatory or typological connotation, regarding landscape as the basic unit in a classification of natural geocomplexes. One landscape school focuses on the morphological structure of landscape, the other on model-building of the landscape mechanism.  相似文献   

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