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东欧八个社会主义国家在冷战年代具有极其重要的地位.美国历届政府都努力寻求制定一项促进东欧国家脱离苏联阵营,并最终放弃社会主义制度的政策.杜鲁门政府的遏制政策和艾森豪威尔政府前期的"解放"政策都不具有现实可操作性.因此随着新的国际局势的发展,艾森豪威尔政府后期确立了.演变"政策,该政策与以前的"解放"政策有着本质区别,并成为以后美国历届政府在冷战期间对东欧的基本政策.  相似文献   

茹莹 《民族译丛》2005,(4):21-29
一战给东欧地区的民族关系以巨大的冲击,而凡尔赛体系作出的战后安排使该地区的民族关系进一步复杂化.在这一背景下,从稳定战后欧洲秩序的角度出发,主要的战胜国建立了一个在国际联盟保证之下的少数民族保护体系,它是人类历史上第一次以国际组织监督与调节的形式处理和解决民族冲突的尝试.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Increasing strains on self-sufficiency within the block of East European command economies resulted in the dramatic decision to change over to an economic system largely based on market forces. The painfulness of the ensuing transformation process will be mitigated somewhat by supportive economic policies of the West, including the European Community which is itself aiming at complete economic integration by the end of 1992. The consequences for the developing countries of these far-reaching policy changes in East and West are likely to be negative, at least in the immediate future. This is true for the volume of development assistance given by East and West, as well as for the export prospects of developing countries. Favourable effects might at best be expected in the longer run.  相似文献   

Sikkim, a small Eastern Himalayan state in India has twenty-seven hydropower projects proposed under the Indian Power Ministry's hydropower initiative that envisions the Himalayan region as the country's "future powerhouse" (Dharamadhikary 2008; Kohli, 2011). In 2011, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake rocked Sikkim, the epicenter of which was located eerily close to two under construction dams and the Dzongu reserve, revered as sacred by Sikkim's Indigenous minority Lepchas. Drawing on interviews with Lepcha residents of Dzongu, and state geologists and disaster management officials, I center my analysis on their encounters with disasters and hydropower infrastructure. Building on decolonial theorizations and scholarship on Himalayan borderlands, I argue that disastrous hydropower forms on historical terrains shaped not only by geophysical conditions but also generations of uneven regional development, and the racialized colonial and postcolonial governance of the Eastern Himalayan frontier. In placing ‘disastrous’ as a prefix to hydropower, I follow my interlocutors who implicate state and private developers in producing disaster conditions in Sikkim even as they evade culpability by discursively shifting blame onto the region's “inhospitable terrain” (GoI 2008: 27). I demonstrate that despite key differences in their relation to state power both Dzongu Lepchas and Sikkimese technocrats, forward a materialist, place-based understanding of precarity, differential vulnerability, and uneven regional development. Centering Indigenous and regionalist critiques, I argue that the recent entry of hydropower development in the Eastern Himalayas, conceptualized by colonial authorities as India's “Mongolian Fringe” (Baruah, 2013), requires a closer attention to the entanglements of frontier-making and racialization in India. More broadly, I demonstrate how disastrous hydropower development in a racialized frontier region offers a productive entry into decolonial theorizing in the Indian context.  相似文献   

In a paper on the effects of the global financial crisis in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), a European Union economist reacts to a companion paper (Åslund, 2001) published in the same issue of Eurasian Geography and Economics on the influence of exchange rate policies on the region's recovery. The author argues that post-crisis corrections in current account deficits in CEE countries do not in themselves signal a return to steady economic growth. Disagreeing with Åslund over the role of loose monetary policy in fostering the region's economic problems, he outlines a number of competitiveness problems that remain to be addressed in the 10 new EU member states of CEE, along with improvements in framework conditions supporting future macroeconomic growth.  相似文献   

The spatial impact of transition in Central and Eastern Europe is becoming an increasingly important question. Two main areas of regional disparity have emerged—core‐periphery contrasts and a West‐East gradient, with more positive development in core and Western areas respectively. A recent embryonic regional policy response is evident in the Visegrad Four countries, including the creation of a distinct Ministry in Hungary, the designation of assisted areas, and the provision of spatially focused instruments. The institutional infrastructure for regional development remains a central problem, including issues of coordination, strategy, implementation and territorial administrative structures. There is both an economic and political rationale for future development, with some potential for the transfer of western experience.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general survey of the transition to farming in Eastern and Northern Europe, approached within the framework of the availability model and treated from the perspective of local (Mesolithic) hunting and gathering communities. We argue that in Eastern and Northern Europe, the transition to farming was a slow process, which occurred through the adoption of exogenous cultigens and domesticates by the local hunter-gatherer populations, who may have been already engaged in some form of husbandry of the local resources. Contact and exchange with the Neolithic and later Bronze Age of Central Europe had a profound and prolonged influence on the process of the adoption of farming in Eastern and Northern Europe. During the slow process of transition, mixed hunting-farming societies emerged, which could be regarded as having a characteristic social and economic organization of their own (i.e., neither Mesolithic nor Neolithic). In conclusion, we argue for continuity in population and in social and economic traditions from the hunter-gatherer past until recent antiquity and, in some areas, into the historical period.  相似文献   

美国经济考察团来华与中美经济关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仇华飞 《民国档案》2000,3(3):58-64
1935年春,当中日关系不断紧张、中国国内经济势日趋恶化时,中美之间进行过一次重要的经济交往——美国经济考察团六来华。当时中美经济关系有以下几个特征:第一,受世界经济危机影响,中美贸易出现萎缩趋势;第二,美国自公布《白银购买法》(Silver Pur—chase Act)以来,连续多次通过有关白银法案,抬高银价,大肆收购白银,导致中国白银大量外流,中国金融市场出现恐慌。  相似文献   

This study examines the Swedish and Estonian publics' views on Eastern Europe's environmental problems and on providing and receiving environmental aid. It utilizes a series of research techniques: a random telephone survey in Sweden, person-to-person interviews in Estonia, a content analysis of Sweden's largest newspaper, and interviews with policymakers in both countries. Both the Swedish and Estonian publics are more concerned about local, rather than transboundary, environmental problems. The majority of respondents in the Swedish sample supported giving environmental aid for altruistic reasons, whereas the majority of the Estonian respondents saw the environmental aid as essential to fund environmental improvements in their own county. 7 tables, 33 references.  相似文献   

Jurij Borys. The Sovietization of Ukraine, 1917–1923. The Communist Doctrine and Practice of National Self-Determination. Revised edition. Edmonton: The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1980. Pp. xxii, 488; Vera S. Dunham. In Stalin's Time. Middle-class Values in Soviet Fiction. Introduction by Jerry F. Hough. First paperback edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv, 283; Taras Hunczak, editor. The Ukraine, 1917–1921: A Study in Revolution. Introduction by Richard Pipes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1977. Pp. viii, 424; Roy Medvedev, The October Revolution. Foreword by Harrison E. Salisbury. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. xix, 240; Rosalind Mitchison, editor. The Roots of Nationalism: Studies in Northern Europe. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd., 1980. Pp. vii, 175; Peter J. Potichnyj, editor. Poland and Ukraine, Past and Present. Edmonton: The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1980. Pp. xiv, 365; Edward C. Thaden, editor. Russification in the Baltic Provinces and Finland, 1855–1914. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii, 497; Anthony F. Upton. The Finnish Revolution, 1917–1918. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1980. Pp. v, 608.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2002,21(5):671-686
The collapse of Communism in the USSR and Eastern Europe between 1989 and 1991 was followed by a decade of new-found independence for two groups of states: (1) the former Soviet Socialist Republics of the USSR, and (2) the former Communist states of Eastern Europe, all but two of which were Soviet satellites. As part of an effort to redefine their character and relative location on the European stage, almost all of these states launched a cartography of independence, putting the world on notice that a new set of geographical realities had taken hold of the region. During the 1990s, maps were requested from each country’s embassy in Washington, DC; 15 of the 19 embassies responded, usually with multiple maps. Using perception theory, communication theory, and semiotic theory, these cartographic artifacts, some of which are presented in this article, were analyzed with the objective of understanding how each country wished to present itself in the post-Communist era. Through the lens of persuasive cartography, we are able to note the nation-building process at work and the emergence not only of newly independent countries but of a new Europe.  相似文献   

CAROLE ROGEL. The Slovenes and Yugoslavism 1890–1914. Boulder: East European Quarterly, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1977,167 pp., East European Monographs, No. XXIV. ROBERT H. JOHNSTON. Tradition versus Revolution: Russia and the Balkans in 1917. Boulder: East European Quarterly, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1977, 240 pp., East European Monographs, No. XXVIII. ROBERT A. KANN, BÉLA K. KIRÁLY, PAULA s. FICHTNER, eds. The Habsburg Empire in World War i, Essays on the Intellectual, Military, Political and Economic Aspects of the Habsburg War Effort. Boulder: East European Quarterly, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1977, 247 pp., East European Monographs, No. XXIII. LESLIE CHARLES TIHANY. The Baranya Dispute 1918–1921: Diplomacy in the Vortex of Ideologies. Boulder: East European Quarterly, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1978, 138 pp., East European Monographs, No. XXXV.  相似文献   

En este artículo yo demuestro la relación entre la formación de WAC como una reacción polítical y moral al régimen de aparteid en Sur áfrica y los cambios en Europa después de la caída del Muro de Berlín. Arqueología como una disciplina en su propio derecho no puede continuar escondida tras objectivismo falso. La necesidad para re-evaluar los problemáticos pasados nacionalista de la mayoría de los países europeos crea un imperative para re-analizar los vínculos entre arqueología y los regímenes nazi y comunista. Es más, yo considero las realidades post-comunistas en Bulgaria y las maneres que los arqueóloqos reaccionan a la comercialización del Control de Herencia Cultural. Yo se?alo áreas que son importantes para cooperación entre el WAC y Bulgaria y otros países de Europa Oriental. Lo más importante son los esfuerzos cooperativos entre el WAC y los arqueólogos de los Balcanes para humanizar la disciplina. Durante los 1990s fue obvio que a través de sus “representaciones visuales” la arqueología contribuyó enormemente a mantener las actitutes nacionalistas que promovieron la guerra en los Balcanes.
Résumé Dans cet article, je considère la relation entre la création du WAC, comme réaction morale et politique, le régime de l'apartheid en Afrique du Sud et les changements en Europe après la chute du mur de Berlin. L'archéologie, en tant que discipline dans son plein droit, ne peut plus se cacher derrière un faux objectivisme. Le besoin de ré-évaluer le passé nationaliste, trouble de la plupart des Etats Européens crée comme impératif le réexamen des liens entre l'archéologie et les régimes Nazi et Communiste. De plus, j'examine les réalités du post-comunisme en Bulgarie et la fa?on dont les archéologues réagissent à la commercalisation de la gestion du Patrimoine Culturel. Je souligne les domaines qui sont importants pour la coopération entre le WAC et la Bulgarie comme d'autres pays d'Europe de l'Est. Le plus important sont les efforts coopératifs entre le WAC et les archéologues des Balkans pour humaniser la discipline. Dans les années 90, il est devenu évident qu'à travers ses représentations visuelles l'archéologie a contribué énormément à maintenir des attitudes nationalistes qui ont favorisé la guerre dans les Balkans.

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