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Like so many European cities that developed city planning to handle urbanization and industrialization in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the municipality of Copenhagen (Denmark) discussed, planned, and erected new neighbourhoods for the growing working-class population on the city outskirts. In doing so, the politicians and professionals expressed different visions of the working class and its territories, thus creating a symbolic space of representations alongside the physical spaces of the actual neighbourhoods. Taking the north-west neighbourhood of Copenhagen as a case, I investigate the socio-historical construction of this neighbourhood from the early 1900s to 1950. Drawing on a selection of state policies and municipal plans and debates, as well as on public debates among the professionals who took part in building the new neighbourhood, I analyse the symbolic struggles involved in the construction of the neighbourhood and the population that was meant to live there.  相似文献   

阿咪 《旅游纵览》2014,(1):98-101
<正>在内蒙古通辽市的科尔沁草原,鸟儿与花儿和牛、马、羊一起,同草原形成一个完美和谐的世界。这里鸟类资源十分丰富,尤其是独具灵性的百灵鸟,更因其歌喉婉转美妙,被视为吉祥、智慧、幸福的化身,特别受到草原人民的喜爱,被誉为"内蒙古自治区区鸟"。然而,随着生态环境的变化和城市化进程的不断加快,不经意间,鸟类已渐  相似文献   

椿树王--树木民俗之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张开梅 《民俗研究》2004,(2):166-171
臭椿,在植物分类上归为无患子目苦木科。树的枝叶形状与“香椿”相似,气味不同,一臭一香,各得其名。在山东、河南、山西等地,多称之为“椿树”、“臭椿”,在不同的地方又有“樗”、“臭樗”、“鼓鼓翅”、“樗  相似文献   

The aims of the first VISCOM conference were to compare different methods employed in the study of community to address new methodological perspectives for the analysis of categories of identification and belonging, the conditions and processes of the making of communities across large cultural and geo-political fields. At the same time, this exchange was meant to provide thorough reflections on the process of comparative research itself. This contribution sets out to discuss the diversity and creative tension of these methodological approaches before proceeding to outline how they may contribute to future collaboration both within the VISCOM project and beyond in interdisciplinary and, eventually, in transdisciplinary collaboration between historians and socio-anthropologists. The text thus focuses on the methodological tools and the very practical research processes addressed at the conference and in the case studies brought together in this thematic issue. It will specifically address the challenge to develop comparable, but contextually differentiated approaches to different types and amounts of medieval source material across time and space, viewing the methodological and conceptual framework of the project and the contributions of this issue as a toolbox. I will thus take up the claims of several contributors to more thoroughly contextualise the very conceptual notions underlying our research (such as identity, ethnicity and community) and argue in favour of a less “loaded” and more flexible conceptual vocabulary developed in close relation with the source material to cope with the high diversity of sources and methodological approaches.  相似文献   

The co-editors' introduction to this special issue of History and Anthropology outlines the rationale for featuring this collection of essays by social anthropologists and historians on medieval and early modern communities in Europe and Asia. After discussing basic terms and concepts in this endeavour, the introduction proceeds to address the comparative challenges implied in such transcontinental and cross-cultural forms of methodological practices. From here, the argument introduces this special issue's main division into three subsections, that is, (A) “Interdisciplinary Inspirations”, (B) “Cross-cultural Comparisons” and (C) “Transdisciplinary Intersections”. The text concludes with brief introductions to the contributing articles, and by a summary of the innovative conceptual and methodological results emanating from these forms of cooperation.  相似文献   

驱车千里证前缘,苍翠斜迎见佛莲。劫火曾经精舍小,霜风不绝喇嘛传。云中法号音空好,世外桃源地难全。怅说天堂名寺在,又从河上叹桑田。  相似文献   

周人祭天以祖配天考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周人举行郊天礼时要以祖配天而祭。周代祭天的最高祀典就是郊天礼,举行郊天礼时以始祖后稷配祭,这是周人祭天礼的常制,然亦不只是以后稷配祭。文献中还有所谓祭之礼,实为宗庙祭礼,与周人郊天配祖的制度无关。  相似文献   

在熙宁变法期间,当天变灾异发生时,宋神宗不敢放弃对天的信仰,不敢放弃天人感应说;王安石徘徊于天道自然观与天人感应说之间,也没有能力说服宋神宗接受他的天道自然观;反变法派则借机大肆攻击,恰中宋神宗与王安石的弱点。天变灾异使安石变法陷入困境,是熙宁变法失败的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

<正>草鹭(学名:Ardea purpurea),大型涉禽。雄性体重最重1250克,雌性体重最重达1160克;雌雄体长最长均能达到970毫米,且喙长、颈长、腿长。它们在欧亚大陆及非洲北部活动,在中国遍布东部及东南部,分布不及苍鹭普遍常见。由于开垦沼泽地、围湖造田等原因,近来草鹭的总数量更少了,已被列入国家林业局2000年8月1日发布的《国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录》。  相似文献   

Abstract. This article examines the rise of religious political radicalism and its critique and appropriation of secular Nigerian nationalism. It argues that the revitalisation and radicalisation of religion in Nigeria is both an expression of the deep legitimacy crisis confronting secular nationalism and a means of resolving such a crisis. Religion is seen as fundamental to nationalism because it provides the sacred normative essence that ultimately enables individuals and communities to accept as permanent and meaningful the suffering which is integral to a national identity. In ‘holy nationalism’, the collective emotional force of nationalism merges with religion so that the two are one and the same. God chose a particular people and promised them a particular land.  相似文献   

天坑地缝风景名胜区位于重庆春节县兴隆镇境内,以岩溶天坑与地缝峪谷等喀斯特地貌景观著称,2004年被批准为国家重点风景名胜区。  相似文献   

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