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This paper outlines the history of preservation in situ as practised in London over the last hundred and fifty years. It touches upon the early development of the City of London and the destruction of significant remains, which gradually lead to a heightening of sensitivities and public concern for preservation, particularly of built fabric such as the Roman defences. The role of cases such as the Walbrook Mithraeum and Rose Theatre are discussed, both influential in changing the relationship between development and archaeology. The paper concludes by noting how much we have learnt from past mistakes, but notes that more can be done to make these sites more accessible.  相似文献   

Geographical Analysis (GA), in cooperation with the Wiley‐Blackwell publishing business, undertook a project to complete the digitizing of all back issues of the journal and make those for the period 1969–2001 free to the academic community; the volumes for 2002–2005 already were, and continue to be, free. This article commemorates the completion of this event late in 2010, drawing upon this new resource to highlight important contributions made through the journal to the geography and spatial sciences community. Besides summarizing publication trends for the journal, in the tradition of Fenneman's Venn diagram conceptualization of overlaps between geography and its cognate disciplines, this article highlights prominent articles published in the journal that contributed to the four themes of urban and economic geography, transportation geography, spatial statistics, and geographic information science. Geographical Analysis (GA) en cooperación con publicaciones Wiley‐Blackwell llevo a cabo el proyecto de digitación de todos los números pasados de la revista, los cuales están ahora a disposición de la comunidad académica sin costo alguno; los volúmenes de los años 2000–5 ya estaban disponibles y continúan siendo gratis. El presente artículo conmemora la culminación de dicho evento a fines de 2010, recogiendo los aportes de esta nueva fuente de información y resaltando varias contribuciones importantes hechas vía GA a la comunidad de geografía y ciencias espaciales. Además de resumir las tendencia de las publicaciones de la revista, en la tradición de la conceptualización de traslapes entre la geografía y disciplinas afines de los diagramas Venn Fanneman, el presente artículo resalta, artículos prominentes publicados en GA que contribuyeron a los cuatro temas principales: geografía urbana y económica, geografía del transporte, estadística especial y ciencias (sistemas) de información geográfica. 地理分析(GA)和Wiley‐Blackwell出版商合作完成了对本刊1969‐2001年所有刊册数字化的项目,并向学术界免费开放。事实上,从2002年第5卷就已经开始并将一直持续免费。本文记述了2010年末完成的这一事件,并依托这一新的数据资源,重新回顾了本刊对地理学和空间科学研究群体做出的重要贡献。本文总结了本刊论文发表趋势,从Fenneman的韦恩图概念传统来看是地理学及其相关学科的交叉。此外还回顾了本刊发表的对城市与经济地理、交通地理、空间统计以及地理信息科学方法做出卓越贡献的论文。  相似文献   

如果不是"国际抢渡黄河极限挑战赛",我肯定无缘循化。2009年8月1日我们在青海同仁游完隆务寺后,打算第二天返回西宁。晚上打开电视,"青海新闻"正在介绍"国际抢渡黄河极限挑战赛"。说是该赛事与环青海湖国际公路自行车赛、  相似文献   

现代人起源的争议由来已久,而遗传学的冲击尤大。1987年,美国加州大学伯克利分校的人类学家根据对147名各大洲不同人种妇女胎盘细胞中的线粒体DNA分析,将所有现代人起源追溯到20万年前的一位非洲妇女。这一被称为"夏娃理论"或"走出非洲"的假设对学术界和一般公众产生了巨大的影响①。这意味着人类起源和进化的主干在非洲,其他各大洲的古人类代表都不过是进化中的旁支。后来,有学者对"夏娃理论"的遗传学推理做了检验,认为现代人有一个共同祖母的说法十分可疑②。虽然目前国际学界承认,古代的非洲种群不管在规模还是在古老性上,对全球现代人进化有着最重要的影响,但是这种影响究竟是整体取代还是存在一定的基因交流仍存在争议。本期介绍的是两位美国人类学家对现代人起源之争的历史回顾,对我们了解好似雾里看花的现代人起源之争有一定的帮助。现代人起源争论的关键,在于如何解释遗传学证据与化石材料之间的矛盾。遗传学研究表明,现代人的线粒体DNA和Y染色体变异非常小,表明其更新世祖先种群的规模很小,而且分布非常有限。但古人类化石却表明人类祖先的种群不少,分布也很广。如果古人类以很小的种群在漫长的时间里孤立进化却没有形成新的物种显然不可思议。于是,一种"瓶颈说"被提出来解释这种现象,即人类进化在更新世末遇到一个瓶颈,只有少量基因被保留下来,"夏娃理论"就认为现代人都是一小群非洲人的后代。但是与"夏娃理论"不同,本文作者认为这种瓶颈在更新世一直存在,并提出了一种间断进化模式来说明人科化石记录的地理差异和遗传学解释,即人类进化是一种适应辐射(种群扩张)和物种选择(种群减少)的交替过程。他们认为,现代人起源也是这种过程的产物,大部分更新世人科化石是没有留下后裔的一批种群。在过去两百万年的进化过程中,人类并非源自单一物种,而是来自由间断性物种形成事件所隔开的几个相继的物种,反复的遗传瓶颈大大减少了最后智人种群的遗传变异。作者还指出,现代人起源应该从生物人类学的方法来进行研究,并重视自然选择的作用。  相似文献   

In 633, when Tubo bang SongtsanGambo moved his capital to what isnow Lhasa, he ordered constructionof monasteries, river dams androads. The Jokhang Monastery wasbuilt in 647. By 823, the area was namedLhasa, which means "the holy land"Lhasa has, since its formation 1,300years ago, been the economic, political andcultural center of Tibet. For many reasons,however, it covered only 3 square km andhad a population of only 30,000 in 1951when Tibet won Peaceful liberation. Urbanarchitecture cov…  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand the Asian crisis through theeyes of the City of London. Relying upon material provided byThe Financial Times (FT), we construct an index of pessimismto chart the dominant City of London interpretation of the pathof the crisis. This index is set against data on the actualperformance of the Hong Kong, and Tokyo, London, and New Yorkstock markets over the same period. We have the luxury of retrospectivelyreconstructing the actual path of the crisis whereas the FT(and global financial markets) had to respond to specific eventsin a chain of apparent cumulative events. Our goal is to explainthe construction of the dominant pessimistic interpretationof the path of the crisis, placing the City of London in thecontext of global markets (in time, between Tokyo and New York).In the penultimate section of the paper we report on an interviewwith Riley, the FT columnist, about the results of our analysis,emphasizing the apparent homogeneity of information and opinionin the City of London as opposed to New York. The conclusionfocuses upon the implications of this argument for the studyof discontinuities between global markets, and the future offinancial centres.  相似文献   

浙江宁波古称明州,也称四明。自宋元以来有诸多名志传世,特别是注入《四库全书》的"四明六志"享誉志坛。宁波人强于经商,精于治学,也乐于修志,且代有传人。民国初期宁波北仑修志人热衷修志的事迹盛传浙东,80多年来一直成为志苑佳话。  相似文献   

ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS in the City of London have produced an important collection of late 9th- to early 12th-century textiles manufactured from wool, goat hair, silk and flax. The production processes associated with the different types of cloth are here described, together with details of weaving techniques and dyeing practices. Changes in the types of cloth used in the nth century are related to the introduction of new technology and the decline in use of the warp-weighted loom. Evidence is examined for the local manufacture of cloth and for the import of foreign silks. Lastly, attention is drawn to the similarity of the London textiles to those found in other regions of northern Europe.  相似文献   

The development of what Mayne and Lawrence (Urban History 26: 325–48, 1999) termed “ethnographic” approaches to studying nineteenth-century households and urban communities has gathered momentum in recent years. As such research agendas have taken hold and been applied to new contexts, so critiques, methodological developments, and new intellectual and theoretical currents, have provided opportunities to enhance and develop approaches. This article contributes to this on-going process. Drawing upon household archaeological research on Limehouse, a poor neighborhood in Victorian London, and inspired by the theoretical insights provided by the “new mobilities paradigm,” it aims to place “mobility” as a central and enabling intellectual framework for understanding the relationships between people, place, and poverty. Poor communities in nineteenth-century cities were undeniably mobile and transient. Historians and archaeologists have often regarded this mobility as an obstacle to studying everyday life in such contexts. However, examining temporal routines and geographical movements across a variety of time frames and geographical scales, this article argues that mobility is actually key to understanding urban life and an important mechanism for interpreting the fragmented material and documentary traces left by poor households in the nineteenth-century metropolis.  相似文献   

Exactly half a century ago, the MIT-scholar Kevin Lynch published The Image of the City (1960). The book was agenda-setting, thanks to its original approach to the way people perceive the urban environment. Over the years, The Image of the City has become a classic among urban planners. Fifty years after its publication the study is still highly topical and relevant. In this contribution, we argue that not only urban planners, but also city marketers can learn from Lynch's most cited book. The framework Lynch devised to assess urban areas is of great use for cities that look for a distinctive image to market themselves. After a short review of the book, we explore the opportunities of the Lynchian framework for city marketing. Next we briefly discuss case examples of three European cities: the Finnish capital of Helsinki, Bielefeld in the German region of Westphalia and the old industrial city of Enschede in the Netherlands. The paper concludes by suggesting city marketers to do a “picture postcard test” to examine the link between the city's built environment and the city's marketing.  相似文献   

纵观1978年以来《世界遗产名录》的变化轨迹,可以清晰地看到世界遗产事业发展所走过的道路:从精英阶层的遗产到平民百姓的遗产;从人类征服自然的杰作到人与自然和谐共生的产物;从单一文化的代表到文化交流和交融的成果;从单点小规模遗产到跨区域跨国境巨尺度遗产;从古代遗产到现代遗产;从静态遗产到活态遗产.这种发展还反映在全社会对遗产关注点的变化,即:从关注遗产点的时代断代到关注遗产点在整个历史进程中的地位、作用及影响;从关注文化到关注文化与自然的互动;从关注物质遗产到关注物质与非物质遗产共生:从关注物质遗存到关注物质遗存与社会和人的关系;从关注利益相关者的权益到关注全民参与保护,保护惠及民生的实践.这种认识上的发展体现了"以人为本"的精神,也体现出遗产保护与当地社会发展的和谐共进.  相似文献   

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