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持久的抗日战争,从空间上将中国界分为沦陷区、大后方和中共领导的根据地,战争对沦陷区和大后方两区域民众的社会地位、自我认识,以及看待彼此的心理产生了重要影响。抗战结束后,在复员与接收背景下,伴随着国民政府在关涉收复区人切身利益的政策上的失位和举措不公的惩奸运动,复员人员与收复区民众之间发生普遍冲突,并泛化到价值观念及生活方式的对立。本应是举国欢庆胜利,收复区民众却发现自身因曾被敌伪统治,成为不具备享受胜利资格的“他者”,身份认同处于一种缺失状态。战后在上海社会中盛行的有关“上海人”与“重庆人”的讨论,即反映了这一现状。  相似文献   

An adult male buried in the late 1600s or early 1700s and excavated from a plantation slave cemetery in Barbados had the cemetery's richest assortment of grave goods: an iron knife, several types of metal jewelry, an earthenware pipe, and a necklace of money cowries, fish vertebrae, dog canine teeth, European glass beads, and a large carnelian bead probably from India. Most of these artifacts are unique to New World African descendant sites. The individual was probably an African-type diviner/healer whose high status in the slave community is reflected in his relatively elaborate artifact inventory.  相似文献   

人与地之纠葛:鄂伦春社会中的地域意识行为和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就人类学意义的文化而言,人与地、地域与文化、特定族群与其繁衍、生息的土地,存在着从物质文化、社会组织到精神信仰等千丝万缕的纠葛。由此形成的地域意识行为,发挥着构建和维护社会的重要功能。将地域意识行为与小民族的生存、发展联系起来考察,从地域意识行为作为民族物质、精神资源,民族自我认同,社会体系调整的重要作用作为路径分析,测度影响小民族生存状况的因素及社会健康水平,会带给我们一定的认识启迪。世代生活在我国东北大、小兴安岭森林地区,以传统狩猎文化为特征的鄂伦春社会生活中的地域意识行为,具有典型意义。对此,本文提炼的探讨方向是:地域意识行为与物质、精神资源;地域意识行为与社会功能;地域意识行为与当前鄂伦春社会。并通过历史追溯与现实归纳,提出鄂伦春族地域意识行为处于转型过程的观点。  相似文献   

对苗族源流以及伴随着中国漫长的奴隶、封建两社会的产生和发展过程作了探讨.同时,对苗族自身的生存与发展,他们所作出的刚毅不屈的斗争和努力,迂回迁徙、顽强生存等方面都作了论述.  相似文献   

Reconsideration of the evidence set out by Jackson and Fletcher in 1962 shows that it does not lead uniquely and inevitably to the complicated building history postulated by them for the apsidal chancel at Wing, whereby the present walls were supposed to have arisen in part by cutting back earlier alignments and in part by building them forward and inserting the pilaster strips. Instead it is shown that all the known evidence can be interpreted in terms of a simpler and more plausible building sequence in which the present walls of the apse arose in a single building operation which included the pilaster-strips and arcading as well as the internal plaster which separates the original walls of the crypt and apsidal chancel from the later stone vaulting of the crypt. This revised interpretation does not affect the important conclusion that the walls of the polygonal apse were built later than the main walls of the nave; but this conclusion is based upon simpler direct observation. Unfortunately the evidence at present available does not allow precise details of the building phases to be stated with certainty; a new thorough archaeological investigation would be needed to settle these questions and to provide an indication of the dates of the several phases.  相似文献   

Stelae (also known variously as statue-stelae and statue-menhirs) are a pan-European phenomenon in fourth and third millennia b.c. Europe and are clearly associated with the social transformations characterizing Europe in this period. While the varying traditions of stelae, from the Ukraine to Iberia, differ considerably, they also share a set of general aesthetic choices towards representing the human body, reducing the body to a rigidly schematic, highly stylized with a widely shared geometry and with emphasis upon its surface as a canvas for social marking, particularly of gender. This paper reviews the aesthetic choices involved in stelae and relates them to the changing social contexts of later prehistoric Europe.  相似文献   

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