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The Asian Relations Conference has long served as a historical footnote to the more famous Bandung Conference of 1955. In this paper, however, I argue that this Conference needs to be read and analysed independently. As the opening act of decolonial solidarity, this Conference juxtaposes the moment and the movement of decolonisation, alerting us to the promises and pitfalls of both. In particular one needs to be conscious of its Eurocentric readings which almost always place the ‘Third World’ within the context of the Cold War project and thus are incapable of understanding its historical relevance.  相似文献   

从新中国成立到中日复交前,日本多数首相是"两个中国"论者,日本多届内阁奉行了"两个中国"政策,只是表现或露骨或隐晦而已.这一政策既是导致日本长期成为"台独"活动的大本营和中日郑交正常化迟迟不能实现的重要原因之一,也出人意料地为中日复交后的日本朝野右翼所沿袭,继续干扰两岸统一和阻挠中日关系的发展.本文就迄今尚未系统梳理的从吉田茂到佐藤荣作五位日本首相及其内阁的"两个中国"政策进行纵向考察,对认识和把握今天台湾问题中的日本因素及其政策源头和来龙去脉,不无裨益.  相似文献   

门洪华 《攀登》2010,29(3):2-9
本文梳理东亚秩序变迁,以此为线索探求中日关系的演变历程,评估当前中日关系现状,分析其症结所在,并就如何稳定和发展中日关系提出建议。作者认为,中日之间历史问题复杂、现实问题交织,未来相互影响巨大,当前中日关系的调整只是消除或缓和长期政治冲突的部分后果,如何避免两虎相争的困境依旧是摆在两国决策者面前的重大议题。作者建议,以更加长远的眼光和更具战略性的大国风度处理中日关系,思考如何构建中美日三边关系的稳定框架,妥善处理中日关系与东亚未来的关系,把共同利益追求提升到战略层次,将互利共赢作为中国国际战略的核心目标加以推行。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the applicability and transferability of conventional frameworks of archaeological survey in the context of marginal alluvial environments, particularly the unique inland deltas of Central Asia. These dynamic and visually obstructed landscapes pose unique challenges not only to survey methodologies but also to theory and interpretation. Here, an exploratory approach to data analysis is used that applies three distinct yet integrated methodologies: visibility analysis, multi-scalar spatial analysis and directional (anisotropic) statistics. This approach thereby moves beyond many of the existing conceptual constraints about how we understand surface distributions in arid alluvial landscapes and ultimately identifies both transferable analytical methods and new fieldwork agendas that are relevant to a wide range of survey projects.  相似文献   

李华 《当代中国史研究》2020,(1):118-131,159,160
新中国成立后20多年,一直没有与意大利建立外交关系。直至1969年初,中意两国关系正常化才迎来了转机,其原因主要是:中苏两国从结盟走向对抗、西方大国纷纷调整对华政策、意大利国内左翼政党力主承认新中国以及中意经贸发展的驱动。从1969年2月至1970年10月,中意两国围绕建交问题进行了长达22个月的谈判,最终于1970年11月6日签署联合公报。中意关系正常化掀开了两国关系的新篇章,标志着以美国为首的西方阵营孤立新中国的政策开始破产。  相似文献   

最近由中国社会科学院中国边疆史地研究中心主编、黑龙江教育出版社出版的中国边疆史地丛书之一、黄定天先生所的《东北亚国际关系史》,向我们揭示了东北亚的过去.中国等东北亚主要国家在近代历史上从荣到衰的重要导因和东北亚国际关系的演变与东北亚各国经济的关联。  相似文献   

近十年李鸿章与洋务运动研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑刚 《安徽史学》2002,(1):39-43
晚清的洋务运动,影响了中国的近代化进程和改革开放;洋务运动最主要的倡导者和实践者李鸿章,又影响了这一运动的进程和结局.近十年来,史学界主要从李鸿章与近代政治外交、近代海防、近代企业、近代教育四个方面对李鸿章与洋务运动的关系进行了研究探讨,较客观、全面地论述了李鸿章领导洋务运动的是非功过与经验教训.  相似文献   

The folklore associated with fish otoliths is traced from classical times to the present day for the first time. Otolithomancy involved divination of maritime weather conditions by consulting the properties and morphology of the “stones.” In folk medicine, they were employed in the treatment of renal problems, malarial fever, nose bleeds, jaundice, pain, and swellings in the groin. They were also believed to act as aphrodisiacs. Modern applications include the treatment of urinary tract infections in Turkey, fever in Spain, and asthma and back pain in Brazil.  相似文献   

世界上只有一个中国,大陆和台湾同属一个中国,中国的主权和领土完整不容分割。历史上,台湾曾被西班牙、荷兰、日本先后占领过。抗日战争胜利后,台湾不仅在法律上而且在事实上已经归还中国。但是,1949年后,由于众所周知的历史原因,台湾与祖国大陆处于分离的状态。台湾问题的出现,是国民党发动反人民内战的结果,其本质是中国的内政问题。台湾  相似文献   


Surviving churches and documents are analysed for what they may reveal about the architectural context of the mass in early-medieval Ireland. This shows that there is no evidence to support the widely held view that the congregation stood outside. Instead, the variable but relatively small size of these churches expresses the fact that they served smaller and more diverse communities than their high-medieval successors. The altars in large episcopal and/or monastic churches seem positioned further west than those in relatively small, pastoral churches. In part, this was probably to facilitate relatively complex eucharistic liturgies. Externally defined chancels appear for the first time in the late 11th century AD in response to an increased emphasis on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Significantly, they occur at a handful of important sites whose clerics and patrons were in direct contact with Lanfranc of Canterbury, a key exponent of this doctrine.  相似文献   

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