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(一) 那是在首都北京举行的一次以“理想”为主题的全国先进妇女演讲会。  相似文献   


The transition from the Pueblo III to the Pueblo IV period (A.D. 1100–1400) in the American Southwest involved marked population aggregation. Diverse economic, political, and religious factors must have played a role in the integration of these populations. Bailey Ruin, Bryant Ranch, and Pottery Hill, three sites in the Silver Creek drainage of east-central Arizona, show increased hunting of large mammals during this transition. This trend has elsewhere been attributed to hunting specialization due to local resource depletion and perhaps the need for a seasonal supplement to maize-based diets, but these factors do not adequately explain the data here. In fact, the regional reliance on rabbit protein suggests that hunting larger game was not necessary to meet dietary needs in an environment where small game is a reliable food source and artiodactyls are rare. Rather, the increased proportion of large mammals in the Silver Creek area faunal assemblages seems to reflect larger issues of social reorganization. Rituals aimed at community integration and individual attempts to gain authority and prestige were focused on communal hunts, feasts, and the production of ritual paraphernalia through large-game hunting.  相似文献   

The Bonito Phase (ca. AD 860–1140) in Chaco Canyon is widely recognized as one of the primary sources of information about emergent social complexity in prehispanic North America. Large masonry buildings called “great houses,” such as Pueblo Bonito, are iconic symbols of the rapid rise of a powerful society based on the ability to harness labor to prolonged construction projects. It is clear that the political forces at work during the Bonito Phase had an agricultural foundation, presumably in the financing of construction through food surpluses, but the actual nature of farming in Chaco is surprisingly opaque to archaeologists. Indeed, many researchers have concluded that farming in Chaco Canyon was too constrained by poor soils to have supported the dynamic developments associated with the massive stone structures and extensive trade systems of the Bonito Phase. The popular perspective that Chaco was mysterious or enigmatic is largely a response to this view of the canyon as agriculturally marginal. In this study we argue that a predictive model of potential agricultural productivity that includes other portions of the canyon besides the floodplain indicates that Chaco was not marginal for farming. The results of this analysis suggest that great house communities may have been sited to control local production zones and that some great houses may have been linked to others in order to manage multiple agricultural areas.  相似文献   

在民航事业高速发展的今天,品牌服务成为各航空公司打造核心竞争力的重要手段。国航股份浙江分公司的两支青年文明号队伍:西子空乘组和春晓乘务组就是其中典范。两支队伍由一群朝气蓬勃、才华横溢的优秀乘务员组成,各有33人。他们怀着对乘务工作的热爱和满腔激情,以旅客需求为导向,不断提升服务质量,把迷人的微笑、真诚的服务、细微的关怀带给每一位旅客,努力打造和谐空中旅程。  相似文献   


In A.D. 1680, the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest united in a revolt that drove Spanish colonists out of Pueblo lands for more than a decade. Dramatic changes in the architecture, spatial organization, and settlement patterns of Pueblo villages occurred during this era as Pueblo leaders sought to revive traditional beliefs and practices. Semiotic and space syntax analyses of 10 Pueblo Revolt-era (1680–1696) villages reveal evidence for an ideology of cultural revitalization, as well as changing patterns of leadership and social interaction. Villages built early in this period exhibit planned communal construction and evidence of strong centralized leadership that resulted in highly structured social interaction. In contrast, later villages are characterized by less centralized leadership and a dispersed layout that facilitated the informal interactions necessary for communal integration in a time of increased migration. The social changes reflected in and shaped by Revolt-era architecture were crucial in the formation of modern Pueblo culture, influencing village alliances and spatial organization down to the present day.  相似文献   

在中国的版图上,山东省形似一只振翅欲飞的雄鹰,突出在华北平原东部和渤海、黄海之间.  相似文献   

滑翔伞的历史,可以追溯到1978年。 那一年,法国登山家贝登利用一顶方形降落伞从阿尔卑斯山上成功地飞降到山下,一项新奇的运动宣告诞生。后来,其他登山家们纷纷效仿,并对降落伞进行改进,将降落伞与滑翔翼的特点相结合,制造出了利用山坡地形起飞,能够在空中自由翱翔的滑翔伞。1984年,同样是来自法国的登山家菲隆利用滑翔伞从阿尔卑斯山的勃朗峰成功飞翔而下,使滑翔伞名声大噪,迅速在全世界风行起来。  相似文献   

<正>鸟对环境变化极其敏感,鸟类种群数量的变化与栖息地环境质量密切相关。每年的春季,寂静的天空开始热闹起来,一群群不同种类的鸟儿沿着它们既定的航线,列队从南方向北方,进行着地球上最大规模的生物迁徙。鸟类是权威的生态鉴定师和体验者。鸟对环境变化极其敏感,鸟类种群数量的变化与栖息地环境质量密切相关。它们在每年循环往复的迁徙过程中,从高纬度冻土地带飞越到低纬度的热带地区,或者相反,总要选择适宜的地方落  相似文献   

SkyOverTibetIstheBluestinChinaNinetypercentoftheindustrialwastegas,waterandsolidwastedischargesintheTibetAutonomousRegionoccu...  相似文献   

The first group of Tubo kings were said to come from Heaven via a celestial ladder that folk tales varionsly describe as smoke,light or holy mountains high enough toreach the heavens.  相似文献   

The cooperation of China and India in replacing chemicals that damage the stratospheric ozone layer is critical to the success of the world's first environmental agreement, the Montreal Protocol. China's leaders accepted the agreement more readily than did their Indian counterparts. These divergent responses are attributed to the nature of the policy issue in question, the impact of regime type upon state leaders' environmental policies, and dissimilar linkages between international and domestic actors and forces.  相似文献   

Archaeology relies upon evidence of past human modification of the natural landscape in order to infer past human social dynamics on the site, local, and regional levels. Given the inferential linkages between past landscape use and social relationships, archaeology can benefit from an approach that more explicitly delineates relationships between systems of land use and land tenure, the social means through which people define and assert land use rights. This research outlines a set of methods for modeling prehistoric land tenure systems and developing a middle range theory of land tenure relationships that may assist archaeologists in their investigations of prehistoric resource access systems. Land tenure systems are complex risk-buffering strategies that are conditioned by the labor invested in food production, the size of groups holding direct access to productive lands and resources, and the temporal duration of land access rights. The role of these variables is supported by cross-cultural data from a worldwide sample of food-producing societies. The land tenure model is applied to data from the prehistoric Southwest to help explain local and regional changes in food production, settlement size, and community organization in southwest Colorado between 900 and 1300 A.D.  相似文献   

The advent of glaze-painted ceramics by Ancestral Pueblo peoples in the US Southwest occurred during an important period of cultural change. In east-central Arizona, potters used glaze-paints to decorate a striking, representational-style pottery during the early fourteenth-century AD. We evaluate the possibility that these vessels were manufactured by emergent specialists who possessed crafting-knowledge that was not widely shared with others in their communities. Time of flight-laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (TOF-LA-ICP-MS) was used to characterize the composition of a large sample of red ware sherds from sites in the Silver Creek area. This analytical approach precisely measures the chemical composition of paints, which can then be used to model ancient technological “recipes.” Our study highlights the complexities of craft production in small-scale societies and the utility of practice-based versus typological approaches to specialization.  相似文献   

We propose the existence of extensive trade and interaction among the peoples of the American Southwest and Mesoamerica. We base this inference on our detection of the widespread presence of theobromine, the biomarker for cacao, in 50 of 75 vessels used by Ancestral Puebloans (previously referred to as Anasazi) elites and non-elites from the Four Corners area and Hohokam elites of the Gila and Salt river valleys in the prehistoric American Southwest. We used a non-invasive, non-destructive aqueous sampling procedure that provides conservation advantages over the current methods that require crushing and boiling sherds or removing residues from vessel surfaces. Analysis of these samples by sensitive LC-MS instrumentation capable of detecting nanogram quantities of material revealed theobromine in non-local vessel forms found in elite burials in great house and platform mound sites as well as in local vessel forms used by non-elites living in small unit-pueblos. After elimination of plants native to the Southwest as the source of theobromine, we conclude that either Theobroma cacao or Theobroma Bicolor was imported from its homeland in the Mesoamerican tropical coastal lowlands. Our results are at odds with the current consensus that there was little systematic commerce between Mesoamerican and Southwestern polities. We suggest that cacao was exchanged for high quality turquoise such as that mined in the Cerrillos, New Mexico mining district. We conclude that, far from being isolated developmentally, this trade integrally tied populations in the American Southwest to the socio-political and economic activities of Mesoamerican states.  相似文献   

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