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东太湖是太湖主要出水区,生态环境敏感。光绪十六年河南客民迁入,吴江东太湖兴起围垦潮。此后到抗战前,对其治理政策经历了从光绪中后期招垦弛禁,到1914年禁垦、停补荡粮,再到1925年有限放垦的变化过程。这看似是从以财政考虑为主,到重视水利等问题,再到注重合理开发的变迁过程。然而,1914年后,由于财政需求以及治湖经费不得不依赖湖田放领的现实,官方不仅未能限制和引导围垦,设局放领和下调湖田领价,反而推动围垦无序发展,使水利状况日趋恶化。1935年大规模私围后,官方不得不拆围以避免极端后果,并制定善后方案。总之,近代转型过程中,技术和理念有所进步,却未必能真正推进环境治理,财政能力是影响治理落实的重要因素。  相似文献   

全面抗战爆发后,为了组织南京、上海等地区物资西迁,交通部航政局责成招商局、民生、三北等轮船公司成立长江航业联合办事处,专门负责办理军民运输事宜。长江航业联合办事处先后组织沪镇联运和汉渝间分段联运来保证京沪汉地区物资顺利西迁,为支撑持久抗战做出了重要贡献。由于组织仓促、信息沟通不畅、日机空袭等原因,长江航业联合办事处在组织物资西迁过程中也存在诸多问题,甚至一度被撤销。但其所建立的分段联运和多部门协调机制,对抗战时期的物资运输发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

铁路与石家庄城市的崛起:1905—1937年   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
江沛  熊亚平 《近代史研究》2005,1(3):170-197
近代以来,随着华北铁路网络的形成与铁路运输业的发展,华北区域城市兴起的条件、布局及特点发生了明显变化,由于铁路枢纽地位的形成和近代商贸流通体系的需要,一些地方逐渐形成新兴的城市。1905-1937年间正太、京汉铁路与石家庄城市崛起间的关系,便具体展示了铁路运输业与石家庄城市的交通运输业、工商业,城市人口增长和街市扩展等方面的关联作用,及以铁路为代表的新式交通对近代华北城市群体的分布特点、城市空间结构、等级规模所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

Examinations of the defence of Singapore normally focus on therole the Royal Navy and antipodean cries of betrayal. In suchstudies, great attention is paid to such matters as how longit would take the Royal Navy to relieve Singapore and the degreeto which the British government misled Australia, New Zealand,and Singapore itself with regard to London's determination todefend the fortress. This study concentrates instead on Britishdiplomacy in the Far East, and contends that Britain intendedto defend its position in the region by means of creating theimpression in Tokyo that Japan faced a loose Anglo-Americancoalition opposed to any Japanese expansionist efforts. In asimilar fashion, the British attempted also to utilize Soviet–Japanesehostility to protect their interests in the Far East. By lookingat these matters, a greater understanding of the wider aspectsof British strategic defence policy can be found.  相似文献   

抗战前期,香港是中国与西方保持经贸联系的最重要据点,国民政府所属的金融、外贸、运输等企业亦纷纷前来设置分支机构,使香港成为抗战经济的一个中心.直至太平洋战争爆发,这些企业调剂金融,沟通对外贸易,输出大量国产品,为中国政府赚取了宝贵的外汇,同时又得以购进急需的军事战略物资,对于粉碎敌人的经济封锁,支援持久抗战,做出了突出的贡献.  相似文献   

在日本的思想舆论界,甲午战争的性质被普遍认为是“开化对保守的战争”、“文明对野蛮的战争”,日本方面将这场获得加入帝国主义阵营的通行证的侵略战争美化成为“圣战”、“义战”,在日本近现代思想史上产生了深远的影响。在战争结束之后,一些思想家如内村鉴三转向了和平论,而大多数则如德富苏峰那样走向了帝国主义。  相似文献   

抗战时期台湾义勇队组织活动史料一组   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗日战争全面爆发后,心系祖国的台湾同胞积极投身于全民抗战的洪流之中。台湾义勇队是由在大陆的台胞组成的抗日团体,从1939年2月成立,一直战斗到1945年抗战胜利。本组史料反映了台湾义勇队的基本概况,对研究台湾同胞的抗日斗争史具有一定的参考作用。1、台湾义勇队筹备委员会致朝鲜义勇队指导委员会函(1939年4月29日)敬启者:敝会自本年一月间在贵会指导及援助之下成立以来,先后已集合队员六十余名,在金华开始编队训练,并展开一般文化工作,经过尚称良好。兹以一切筹备事项业告就绪,而于队员成份亦经详细调查,…  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,随着近代中国社会与经济的现代转型,铁路、轮船等新型交通运输方式应运而生,一批新兴交通型城市逐渐形成,青岛便是其中之一。作为青岛港所在地和胶济铁路起点,青岛市在1898至1937年间的变动与港路休戚相关:港路运输体系的构建,极大改善了当地的交通运输条件,使青岛成为陆上交通枢纽并跃居山东省沿海第一大港;凭借路港联动,物流与人流均以前所未有的速度和规模在内陆—青岛—海外地区间流动,带动了青岛工商经济的飞速发展,也为青岛集聚了人气,大批务工、经商人员移居青岛,青岛市人口规模增大,街市不断扩展。在青岛港和胶济铁路的作用下,青岛完成了由小渔村到现代化城市的嬗变,并由此带动了山东省乃至近代华北地区交通和经济格局的变动。  相似文献   

Sun Huei-min's book is the latest among a number of scholarly works on the role of the legal profession in Republican China.While some of the issues addressed in this book were covered in those other works,the author has provided more details and introduced new issues,partly through primary sources that were not taken up earlier.Alison Connor's works ("Legal Education during the Republican Period:Soochow University Law School," Republican China 19,no.1 (1993):84-112;"Lawyers and the Legal Profession During the Republican Period," in Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip Huang,eds.,Civil Law in Qing and Republican China.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1994),for instance,did not use the Shanghai Bar Association (SBA)'s annual reports,while Xiaoqun Xu's works ("The Fate of Judicial Independence in Republican China,1912-1937," China Quarterly,no.149 (1997):1-28;Chinese Professionals and the Republican State:The Rise of Professional Associations in Shanghai,1912-1937,New York:Cambridge University Press,2001) did use the SBA's annual reports but not the SBA's archives.  相似文献   

Ott  Sandra 《French history》2008,22(1):94-114
In July 1940 the Armistice Commission sent a German delegationto Pau in south-western France. The delegation included AndréMüller, a Nazi who also worked for the German SecurityPolice. Müller's twenty-nine letters to a female collaborator,alongside the testimonies of those who knew the two friends,provide an unusual opportunity to recapture a sense of day-to-dayrelations between the occupied and occupiers. The Nazi officer'sletters reveal his reflections on the war, his hopes and, aboveall, his material needs. The cycle of epistolary exchange thatlinked the two friends entailed a unidirectional flow of giftsfrom the female collaborator to Müller. The letters, goodsand services they exchanged raise important questions aboutthe location of power, indebtedness and gratitude in Franco-Germanpartnerships; they also provide an opportunity to test assumptionsabout the inequality of such relationships in occupied France.The court testimonies in Pau also offer rare insights into femaleinvolvement in collaborationist movements, which were primarilya male sphere of activity and influence.  相似文献   

Justice William J. Brennan once remarked that the Court has never fully developed a jurisprudence of national security. It is simply too episodic, he said. 1 Our present Chief Justice would, it would seem, largely agree, though his own research shows some greater willingness for the Court to superintend—at least after the fact 2 —the actions of the executive in times of war or similar crisis. My assignment in this essay was to ask the question slightly differently; namely, has the posture of the Court differed in times of hot or cold war, and if so, how has it differed? As will be evident momentarily, that question is less helpful to our present circumstance than it might seem. Why? Because, frankly, we are in neither a hot nor cold war, but something quite different 3 —something that has the potential to be not only hot, but blistering, and something which will likely never be fully appreciated as having gone truly cold.  相似文献   

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