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中国共产党领导的统一战线,是团结少数民族群众,调动少数民族群众的积极性,维护国家稳定,实现社会主义现代化全面发展的重要保证,社会主义时期党的少数民族统一战线政策大体经历4个完善发展阶段,即新中国建立初期、全面建设社会主义时期、“文化大革命时期”、社会主义建设新时期。  相似文献   

中国共产党领导的统一战线,是团结少数民族群众,调动少数民族群众的积极性,维护国家稳定,实现社会主义现代化全面发展的重要保证。社会主义时期党的少数民族统一战线政策大体经历4个完善发展阶段,即新中国建立初期、全面建设社会主义时期、“化大革命”时期、社会主义建设新时期.  相似文献   

张艳国 《史学月刊》2003,2(11):44-51
国性论、国粹论,滥觞于晚清。在五四新文化运动中,它们成为旧文人旧思想护圣守旧的工具;同时,又是新文化新思想排孔开新的靶子。由对于国性论、国粹论的批判,到主张国民性改造,标志着新文化运动由关注思想文化问题到关心社会主体——人的问题,这本身就体现着新文化运动的深化和进步。因此,理所当然地说,文化新人对国性论、国粹论的批判,既是五四时期排孔开新文化主题的题中本义,更是新文化运动的重要内容。因此,研究晚清思想史学术史固然要重视国性论、国粹论,而研究五四思想史学术史也不能忽视国性论、国粹论。  相似文献   

国家关于西部大开发的重大经济发展战略正在紧锣密鼓地逐渐落实.这一举措的重大意义是无可质疑的,它必将推动西部民族地区的工业化、现代化和市场化.也将极大地改善西部各民族民众的生活状态。同时也无可回避的是.巨大的经济建设和社会变革又必将严重威胁着传统民族文化的生存空间。因此,如何把加快少数民族地区的经济发展与保护民族文化艺术传统很好地结合在一起,就成了具有文化意识的人们所关注的重要问题。  相似文献   

肖霞 《民俗研究》2001,(2):101-108
川端康成(1899—72),日本现代著名作家,1968年获诺贝尔文学奖,他的创作生涯始于1914年,止于1972年,共经历了58个年头。在58年里,发表了许多长、中、短篇小说,还写了大量的散文、随笔、评论等,丰富了日本文学的宝库。  相似文献   

刘军 《民族译丛》2007,(1):30-38
以色列是一个以犹太、阿拉伯两大民族为主体的多民族国家。本文探析了以色列民族政策的主要特点,即表面上的犹、阿两族平等和事实上对阿拉伯人的压迫、歧视、隔离和分化。文章认为,以色列的民族政策造成了国内犹、阿两大民族的长期怀疑和敌视,削弱了以色列的国家凝聚力,损害了以色列的国家权力。  相似文献   

印度民族政策的核心是“一个国家,一个民族”。本文认为,这是对欧洲“民族一国家”理论的歧解和误读,其防止国家分裂和增强国家凝聚力的用心可以理解,但结果却并不利于国民团结的增强和各种矛盾的缓和。这一政策的实质是民族压迫和民族同化。  相似文献   

民族族游开发以丰富的现存文化资源为基础,其开发和再生产所需投入不多,是一种低耗高效型的新型文化经济形式。因此,我省许多民族地区纷纷开发以展示多姿多彩的民族文化风情为主要内容的民族旅游,迅速实现了脱贫致富。以互助土族自治县为例:“九五”以来,互助始终把旅游业作为发展第三产业的龙头产业和国民经济新的经济增长点来扶持和培育,以独具特色的土族民俗风情为龙头,加强基础设施建设,改善旅游环境,提高服务质量。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济的形成,为我国民族关系发展提供了新的条件与环境,并已经对我国民族关系产生了重要影响。本主要从在社会主义市场经济条件下研究民族关系的必要性,影响民族关系的主要因素.民族关系研究的主要内容与方法三个方面进行了论述,提出了在现阶段研究我国民族关系的现状及发展趋势的重要意义。  相似文献   

Sport,National Identity and Public Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The paper examines the use made of sport by governments to help manage identity. It begins with an exploration of the relationship between sport and ethnic culture and continues with an analysis of the ways in which sports can be used to aid the state and achieve its objectives of legitimacy, territorial integrity, and citizen commitment. This introduction is followed by an examination of the particular problems of identity faced by Canada, Ireland and Britain and the sports policies adopted by the governments of the countries is evaluated. It is concluded that while sport possesses a powerful symbolism that can be exploited on occasion to great effect, the malleability of sports symbolism often undermines its capacity to exert a lasting effect on national identity.  相似文献   


Given the crucial importance of the notion of Volksgemeinschaft in Nazi Germany, one might assume that there existed a common understanding about who did or did not belong to it. Before the war, the Nazis clearly prioritized the latter, with the Volksgemeinschaft taking shape in a process of excluding those deemed to be enemies of the people. When German troops crossed into Poland, the balance shifted. Conquering land that could only be turned into German living space when settled with Germans, the occupation authorities were suddenly confronted with the opposite. Establishing the German Volksgemeinschaft in multinational territories now meant sifting through the local population and separating Germans from Poles. One might have thought that it should be easy enough to answer what was a simple enough question: who is German in annexed Poland? It was not easy, however, as I will show by looking at the selection procedure set up by the provincial government in the Wartheland, the so-called German People’s Register. Given the polycratic nature of the Nazi regime, it was to be expected that this would quickly descend into a bitter dispute with rival power factions with rather different ideas about how to define Germanness. What is surprising, however, is that it was loyal behaviour and not, for example, ‘racial suitability’ that emerged as the primary criterion. Surprising, too, is the extent to which the native population subjected to this process was able to influence its outcome by using every opportunity to convince the provincial government of its German credentials.  相似文献   

论社会主义市场经济条件下民族关系的新格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会主义市场经济条件下.中国的民族关系发生了许多重要变化,出现了新的格局。本从民族分布格局.民族自治地方经济地位和比重的变化、民族共同因素增多,民族团结的新发展和“两个离不开”观念深入人心五个方面,对民族关系的现状进行了论述.阐明了社会主义市场经济对民族关系发展的促进作用。  相似文献   

In the face of the reemerging threat of preventable diseases and the simultaneous vaccine risk controversy, what explains variations in Americans’ policy preferences regarding childhood vaccinations? Using original data from a recent nationwide Internet survey of 1,213 American adults, this research seeks to explain differing public opinions on childhood vaccination policies and related issues of governance. As Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky's grid‐group cultural theory of policy preference formation suggests, cultural biases have a significant impact on the formation of preferences toward various vaccination policies. Hierarchs are in support of mandatory vaccination, oppose religious and philosophical exemption, and believe the government should preside over vaccination‐related decisions. Fatalists strike a bold contrast in their opposition to mandatory vaccination policy and support for religious and philosophical exemptions and the role of parents in deciding on vaccinations. Falling between hierarchs and fatalists, egalitarian support for vaccinations is stronger than individualists‘.  相似文献   

In his recent work on the Australian political system, Ian Marsh argues that interest groups and issues movements should be treated as 'potential partners and collaborators with government' (1995, p. 1). He suggests that the traditional two-party system with its inherent reliance on adversarial relations may need to mutate to cope with the demands which stakeholders are placing on the policy process and a changing political culture. This paper examines evidence that collaborative and cooperative modes of interaction are developing in Australia as a feature in the strategies used by both government and non-government players.  相似文献   

Policy for Gearing Up National Equality and DevelopmentPolicyforGearingUpNationalEqualityandDevelopment¥byChengRanThereisnoet...  相似文献   

梁景和 《史学月刊》2003,1(4):60-65
时至清末,中国思想文化界开始高扬中国传统社会所未见的国民意识。这是中国知识分子对中国未来前程进行探索后而得出的一个思考的结果,并为此展开了塑造国民意识的文化实践活动。  相似文献   

美国新霸权主义外交政策中的政治文化传统   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汪波 《世界历史》2002,2(1):25-34
自从国际社会出现以来,称霸世界几乎是每个世界强国追求的目标。在历史的不同时期,先后出现的葡萄牙、荷兰、西班牙、英国等世界强国,都曾推行过诸如海上霸权、殖民霸权、军事霸权等不同形式的霸权主义。  相似文献   

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