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2001年敦煌学研究论著目录索引   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
据笔者不完全统计 ,2 0 0 1年中国大陆共出版敦煌学研究著作 4 4部 ,发表论文 36 3篇。本文首先列出专著 ,其次按敦煌文献、敦煌石窟、敦煌宗教、敦煌史地、敦煌文学与语言文字、敦煌学史、学术动态等栏目对论文作一分类索引 ,以供学界参考查询之用  相似文献   

Arthur Wellington Clah was a Tsimshian man on the Pacific north-west coast of Canada, who encountered the missionary, William Duncan, as a young adult at the Hudson's Bay Company's Fort Simpson in the 1850s. Moses Tjalkabota was an Arrernte man in central Australia. He was a young boy when he first came into contact with Lutheran missionaries at Hermannsburg mission in the 1880s, and was baptized in 1890. Both these men became Christian evangelists, both preached to their own people, and further afield among neighbouring groups. But here the similarities between them seem to stop. Clah was never part of a mission settlement, maintaining his independence from any established church; while Moses, who became blind as a young man, spent most of his life at Hermannsburg.
  This article examines these two evangelists' understandings of Christianity and how they communicated these understandings to their own and neighbouring peoples. Clah encouraged good behaviour, which conformed with his understanding of Christian precepts; Moses tried to communicate a more abstract form of belief through which happiness and eternal life could be attained.  相似文献   

In 1670, the Hudson's Bay Company was granted proprietary rights to Rupert's Land, a vaguely defined territory that came to be equated with the drainage basin of Hudson Bay. This paper is concerned with the geography of these lands that developed in the minds of Englishmen in the course of the eighteenth century. Since only slight and fragmentary information was available in England about these territories, there was created at this time a hypothetical physical geography of the Company's lands. This was based largely on the opinions of Arthur Dobbs, whose book in 1744 was the first devoted to the Company and its territories. Dobb's views were not opposed by the Hudson's Bay Company. Indeed, they were well grounded in the scientific thinking of the time, so that what we now regard as having been speculative and grossly exaggerated, gained acceptance in England as geographical reality in the latter half of the eighteenth century.  相似文献   

臧运祜 《近代史研究》2005,9(5):149-168
中国学者关于现代中日关系史的研究,不但受制于本国的资料,也受制于日本的资料,而后者的制约可能会更大。1945年8月15日投降前后,日本政府与军部为了销毁战争罪证、逃避战争责任,分别命令下属烧毁了大量的文书,主要是最为重要的机密文书“外务省记录”和“陆海军文书”,由此造成了现代中日关系史研究上永远的缺憾。战后美国接收了一些免遭烧毁的资料,部分地制作成缩微胶卷,使得战前日本的机密文书,得以公开于世。美国后来将大部分资料归还了日本,但现存于日本外务省外交史料馆与防卫厅防卫研究所图书馆的主要资料,数量与质量均已非常有限。日方史料的这种状况,值得提请所有研究现代中日关系的学者们,必须注意自身成果的局限性,并努力在“日本之外”发掘新的资料。  相似文献   

This article concerns Arthur Vogan's novel The Black Police, published in 1890. In his book Vogan drew upon an affective global language of suffering that combined appeals to his experience as an eyewitness of the frontier with popular stereotypes drawn from British and American abolitionist precedents. These sources included Uncle Tom's Cabin and popular newspaper commentary on Queensland frontier violence that had circulated earlier in Australia and Britain. The reception of Vogan's novel was mixed: while it reached a wide audience, it failed to prompt official action, and local and British reviewers charged him with sensationalism and ‘embellishment’. Vogan defended his work vehemently, asserting it was based on fact. Reviewers' scepticism stemmed, however, from Vogan's uneasy blend of realist narrative, grounded in eyewitness testimony, and the popular and sensational fictional and visual conventions he deployed. At the end of a period of intense frontier conflict in Queensland over the preceding three decades, Vogan's novel of protest and its ambivalent reception point to the limits of humanitarian influence within an Australian, intercolonial, and ultimately imperial framework.  相似文献   

科学思维方式与历史研究的“假设”方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“假设”是科学思维常用的手段之一,隶属科学范畴的“历史科学”自然可以使用之。每一历史事实作为过去的存在虽是唯一的客观的,但在其生成前并非仅有一种可能性。因此“假设”没有转化为事实的可能性不仅是合理的,而且也是必要的;历史研究中有条件的“假设”并不是虚构“历史”。历史学除了求真功能之外,还有借鉴作用,从这个角度进行“假设”也有其意义。  相似文献   

魏礼是二十世纪英国著名的汉学家与翻译家,出版的译著及书籍三十余部,发表文章百余篇,是一位兴趣广泛且多产的学者。魏礼的汉学成就无论在翻译与研究领域,与敦煌学都颇有渊源。从1917年初次接触敦煌绢画到他离世,终其一生魏礼都对敦煌学给予相当的关注。他对敦煌绢画的研究成果至今仍有值得借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

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