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Although historians of the crusades and the Latin East are familiar with the Old French translation and continuations of William of Tyre’s Historia, very little has ever been written about the narrative of the Third Crusade generally known as ‘the Latin Continuation of William of Tyre’. This article re-examines the probable date and sources of the Continuatio. Challenging long-standing assumptions about when the Continuatio was written and where the continuator drew his information from, it argues that the evidence points to an original date of composition in the early thirteenth century, not c.1194, as is commonly believed, and that the continuator used Roger of Howden’s Chronica, not his Gesta, as a principal written source. Furthermore, analysis of numerous parallels between the Continuatio and the vernacular Estoire de la guerre sainte attributed to the poet Ambroise reveals a possible relationship between the two texts that has hitherto gone largely unnoticed.  相似文献   

本文参考古代典籍及今人论著,钩稽出何尚之的生平、婚宦、交游、信仰等,涉及晋宋之际、刘宋初期的政局,揭示何尚之以官俸为生的经济特征。  相似文献   

This is the first systematic analysis of the contents of the earliest monastic chronicle in the Latin west, the so‐called Chronicle of Ireland, which spans the years 431/2–911. It aims to establish the reasons for which the Chronicle was compiled, unravel the process of compilation, and challenge the generic classification of the Chronicle and other European chronicles of this kind as works of historiography. As an alternative, it is proposed that the Chronicle might have been compiled with an eschatological objective in mind. The present investigation is shown to have implications for our understanding of early medieval chronicling more generally.  相似文献   

文章认为大事记应该取消,或者改变它的编纂方法,并提出4点理由:一、大事记无以为纲,记述内容无法反映整体内容;二、大事记的设置造成结构上的臃肿和内容上的繁琐;三、大事记不具备资料的检索性;四、大事记的编纂很难把握尺寸,内容畸轻畸重.为使方志编排科学,结构合理,便于查阅,减少不必要的重复,可对大事记作如下处理:一、删去大事记栏目,将大事记从志书中抽出来加以充实、提高、独立成书,使其成为地方史;二、在取消大事记的同时,将其内容合理归类;三、改变以时间为序的编写方法,采用分类记述的做法.  相似文献   

本文参酌孙敦恒《清华国学研究院纪事》,苏云峰《清华国学研究院述略》,及爬罗其它相关材料,用系年方法,将杨氏事迹排比成文,每条述说之下并加案语,详予申解。全篇凡二万余言,用以裨补前人所未及为,允称富赡,足供研究者参考。  相似文献   

本文参酌孙敦恒《清华国学研究院纪事》,苏云峰《清华国学研究院述略》,及爬罗其它相关材料,用系年方法,将杨氏事迹排比成文,每条述说之下并加案语,详予申解。全篇凡二万余言,用以裨补前人所未及为,允称富赡,足供研究者参考。  相似文献   

In spite of Warren Treadgold's recent contention to the contrary, no new insights on the Sacred History of Euhemerus of Messene are to be gleaned from John Malalas and the account of the gods found in his chronicle. They cannot be directly connected to Euhemerus, or even to a complete version of Diodorus Siculus’ lost sixth book, which related a version of the Sacred History. We would, nevertheless, like to know the source for what Malalas says about the gods. Previous efforts to identify the author of the euhemeristic narrative in the chronicle of Malalas prove unavailing and misleading. Taking into account the parallel version of this narrative found in the Excerpta Latina Barbari, it would seem that the most likely author is Bouttios, one of the authorities cited for a few other items by Malalas. Treadgold has included this Bouttios in the list of authors he considers to be nothing more than inventions of Malalas. But, unlike the others on Treadgold's list, the existence of Bouttios can be independently corroborated. We are, moreover, in a position to offer some speculations about Bouttios and his work.  相似文献   


作为实录类史学体裁 ,时政记由唐朝武则天时宰相姚所创设。时政记一般由当值宰相记录皇帝“谟训”以付史官 ,不仅对历史记录的真实性 ,而且对历史记录的完整性都有裨益。时政记的修撰在唐代屡有兴废、变化 ,对后世史学的发展影响甚大。  相似文献   


Interpreted against the historical situation in the Levant of the first millennium BCE, ancient Jewish texts reflect the historical situation of the time in which they were written. Based on this assumption, we propose in this article that ancient Jewish materials speak of the city-states of Tyre and Sidon in three divergent ways that reflect three distinct socio-historical situations. The first grouping, represented primarily by the books of Amos and Hosea, reflects the pre-Persian or late Persian historical situation. These books speak of Tyre as the dominant economic polity in the Levant, whereas an economically weaker Sidon receives little coverage, if any. The second large grouping, represented primarily by the DtrH, addresses the Persian-period historical situation. We propose the DtrH materials coincide with the Persian-period compositional date when placed against the historical situation of the mid-6th4th centuries BCE. The third category of ancient Jewish texts does not differentiate between the cities of Tyre and Sidon. Reflecting the post-Achaemenid period, when the city-states of Tyre and Sidon were no longer able to maintain their independent economic and political positions, these texts refer to Tyre and Sidon as the collective “Tyrians and Sidonians.”  相似文献   







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