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During the second half of the sixteenth century, the Society of Jesus relied heavily on Portuguese trade routes in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans in order to reach Ethiopia. However, geopolitical shifts, particularly the rise of Ottoman sea power in the Indian Ocean and the Spanish conquest of Portugal in 1580, ended this route’s viability for the Jesuits. In order to sustain Jesuit connections with Ethiopia, Father General Mutio Vitelleschi decided in 1627 to abandon the Portuguese and send four Jesuits with French passports through Ottoman territory and up the Nile, whence they would travel overland into Ethiopia. After arriving in Egypt, however, the Jesuits were arrested, interrogated and expelled by the Ottoman governor, who suspected that they were Habsburg spies. The course of this failed Jesuit effort to reach Ethiopia has three important implications for our understanding of the Mediterranean and its relationship with other sea spaces in terms of early modern empire building and Catholic evangelization. First, the decision to abandon the Portuguese in favour of the French illuminates how the Mediterranean remained at the fore of the Society of Jesus’s missionary efforts. Second, French willingness to protect the Jesuits demonstrates that Louis XIII of France saw the Mediterranean as an important theatre for achieving his political, religious and economic goals. Third, the Ottoman decision to arrest and expel the Jesuits due to fears that they were in Egypt to assist in a Coptic rebellion and concomitant Hapsburg invasion demonstrates both Ottoman anxiety concerning the rise of European religio-imperial ambitions and the Ottomans’ ability to control foreigners travelling through their lands. In sum, these developments illuminate a larger thalassological picture of the Mediterranean, which, like other sea spaces, obtained as an important contact zone where early modern powers competed to build empires and save souls.  相似文献   

王国强 《清史研究》2007,1(4):51-62
《中国评论》是晚清时期一份出版于香港的英文期刊。这份刊物汇集了其时西方汉学界尤其是在华西人研究中国的主要成果,是最早的在中国出版的专业汉学刊物之一。该刊不仅具有高度的学术自觉,在研究方法、资料发掘和领域扩展等方面也有一定的突破,从而推动了英国汉学在"域外"尤其是以香港为代表的中国沿海地区的发展,见证了英国汉学在十九世纪末期的整体崛起。  相似文献   

James Anthony Froude disapproved of the apologetic methods used by English Protestants in defending Christianity because he felt they did not answer the real questions. Nevertheless, he was disquieted by the rise of religious infidelity during the nineteenth century. Froude believed that heterodox clergymen deserved a hearing, but he also believed they had to be answered. He feared that simply using legal means to silence the doubters would strengthen infidel opinion, and drive young inquirers toward Rome or atheism. At a minimum, Froude himself wanted to believe the gospel history. While he could not believe much that was said in its defence, he was unhappy with much that was said against it. Froude suggested that the synoptic gospels might have been based on an early, authentic biography of Christ. He preferred this solution to assuming that the early church had been motivated by “passion or fraud or cowardice” in creating a fiction.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):266-275

This paper compiles an interview with Preston Peet, editor of the recent popularaudience archaeology book Underground – the Disinlormation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History (The Disinformation Company, New York,2005). The volume positions itself unashamedly at the fringes of archaeology. This interview serves as primary, qualitative data for archaeologists to understand how they communicate with the public, how archaeology on the fringes operates and how editors act as conduits between professional and public spheres.  相似文献   

清朝的玻璃制造与耶稣会士在蚕池口的作坊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天主教耶稣会士纪理安、倪天爵、纪文和汤执中等人在北京任职期间曾经在蚕池口建立了制造玻璃及画珐琅玻璃器皿的作坊。其多数制品是日用工艺品,亦有数学和天文学仪器,而以金星玻璃为代表的佳作则是中国和欧洲宫廷及教廷之间互赠的礼品。本文大量使用西方档案叙述了欧洲的玻璃工艺,特别是吹制、添色、雕刻和抛光技术在中国的传播历程及其由盛转衰的原因。  相似文献   


This article analyzes the proselytical use of ancient theology that developed in the environment of the Jesuit China Mission in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. This period is roughly coeval with the European diffusion of deistic doctrines based on a secularized interpretation of natural theology. I argue that the threat posed by the spread of such doctrines produced a significant effect on the philosophy that Jesuits developed in order to relate to Confucianism. In particular, in the late seventeenth century, Jesuits belonging to the China Mission gradually abandoned Matteo Ricci’s natural theology and espoused an approach grounded in ancient theology. The situation changed, however, after the turn of the eighteenth century. Deism continued to spread, and even ancient theology came to be perceived as dangerously close the libertinism. The increasing suspicion towards ancient theology was reflected, in the China Mission, by the reception of the doctrines advanced by the so-called “Figurists”, a group of French Jesuits who proposed an interpretation of certain characters of the Chinese Five Classics as figurae of the Bible.  相似文献   

1918年,考狄(Henri Cordier)在为沙畹(Edouard Chavannes,1865—1918)撰写的讣告中这样评价他——"西方汉学第一人"。才华横溢的沙畹于当年1月早逝,终年52岁,身后留下了斐然可观的研究成果。在人们为悼念沙畹所作的文章中,考狄的那篇讣告无疑分量最重。这其中固然有作者文笔出众的缘故,两人相互熟谙也是一个很重要的原因。考狄于1890年创办《通报》(T’oung Pao),1904至1918年期间与沙畹共同担任期刊主编。  相似文献   

仇华飞 《史学月刊》2000,20(1):93-103
美国汉学兴起于19世纪中叶,起步虽晚,但发展迅速。早期美国汉学研究有两个显著的特征:一是以来华传教士为主体。裨治文、卫三畏是其中主要代表。他们精通中文,熟悉中国历史文化,汉学研究水平之高、程度之深、范围之广是前所未有的。二是注重中国现实特别是关注中国近代化问题的研究,从而开启了美国汉学注重现实的先河,使汉学研究摆脱了欧洲汉学古典规范的束缚。但早期美国汉学也存在着缺乏专职性和研究群体单一性的严重不足。  相似文献   

Title I of the Americans With Disabilities Act prohibits employment discrimination against disabled people. This article provides an overview of how the courts have interpreted the duty to accommodate an individual with a disability, focusing on the concepts of "reasonable accommodation" and "undue hardship."  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):11-19

'The West March on the Anglo-Scottish Border in the twelfth century and the origins of the Western Debatable Land'. Although there was a frontier zone between medieval England and Scotland where March Law applied, within that zone there was, at any rate in time of peace between the Crowns, an ascertainable frontier line. Two conflicting views on the location of this line west of the Cheviot are reviewed and a third proposal advanced. From William II's conquest of Cumberland in 1092 up to 1552, the line lay along the River Esk and Liddel Water, except when the Scots possessed Cumberland and Westmorland in 1136–1157 and 1216–1217. After 1136, David I granted to the lords of the English barony of Liddel additional land comprising the parishes of Kirkandrews-on-Esk and Canonbie, north of the Esk. From 1157, the barony remained a cross-Border holding until the Scots dispossessed the English lords of Kirkandrews and Canonbie between 1300 and 1318. The English lords continued to claim that land, however, and their claim was assigned to the English Crown after 1349. At that point, what had been a claim to private rights started to become confused with national sovereignty. In 1552, arbitrators partitioned what had become known as the Western Debatable Land, a no-man's-land, and the Border then assumed its present line.  相似文献   

许明龙所著《黄嘉略与早期法国汉学》一书已由中华书局于2004年1月出版发行,这是一部很有水平的学术专著,值得研究中法关系史和早期法国汉学的学者认真一读。  相似文献   

In the literature, the ‘Overview Maps of Imperial Territories’ or Huangyu quanlan tu 皇輿全覽圖, is mostly referred to as ‘the Jesuit atlas of China’. The reason is that this early eighteenth-century atlas of all Qing China’s territories plus Korea and Tibet is assumed to have resulted from European missionaries importing European cartographic practices. In this essay, I argue that this view is outdated and can no longer be sustained. By revisiting the background of the missionaries’ involvement in cartographic exchanges between Asia and Europe, the techniques used for surveying Qing territories and the production of the resulting atlases, I show that the mapping project behind the ‘Overview Maps of Imperial Territories’ is best understood as a creative answer to the unique needs of Qing frontier management and imperial control, made possible by the integration, in mensurational and in representational terms, of European and East Asian cartographic practices.  相似文献   


This article explores potential connections between the experience of contemporary forced migrants subject to destitution and detention policies in the UK and readings of the biblical text, including the Book of Jeremiah. Drawing from fieldwork interviews conducted in London, it notes the significance of Jeremiah 29 to and its interpretation by interviewees. In dialogue with other articles in this volume and based on the insights of those interviewed for this project, the article considers the figure of Jeremiah as a critical figure in debate about forced migration and the Book of Jeremiah. It concludes with a proposal for connecting the narratives of contemporary forced migrants, readings of the text of Jeremiah, and the work of Simone Weil.  相似文献   

根据散落于相关研究文献和数据中有关越南华裔的资料,对1975年以后华裔逃离越南并定居美国的历史过程、生活适应、地位获得和族群认同等方面的大致状况作一个梳理,旨在加强越南华裔问题研究。结果表明,两次移民潮中,抵达美国的越南华裔难民约30-50万人,寻找亲人、取得族裔社区的支持和族裔聚居区的形成成为应对政府分散安置政策的方案;文化适应与经济成就落后于越南裔,但近20多年来取得了一些值得称道的成就;其族群认同建构于以共同的原居住地、居住国为背景和多元文化的基础之上。结论是,越南华裔还没有完全融入其他美国华裔之中,而是形成了一个既认同于美国华裔、又与越南裔有一定联系的相对独立的华人“次族群”。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Traditional political economy has a number of limitations that make it ill-suited for exploring the nuances of cultural communication in colonial cultural contexts, and for elucidating the specific ways in which meaning is produced within the dialectics of power. Following the pragmatic turn in archaeology, this paper suggests a revaluation of the political economy of early modern slavery, describing and employing aesthetic and semiotic tools to render the processes of enslaved subject formation, meaning-making and quotidian conditions within the 17th- and 18th-century institution of the Jesuit hacienda through recent archaeological explorations at two Jesuit vineyards in Nasca, Peru.  相似文献   

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