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近300年来新疆玛纳斯湖变迁研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在充分分析、利用历史文献记载、精确解读历史地图信息的基础上,结合现代大比例尺地形图、遥感卫星影像资料,以及前人的科学研究和野外实地考察成果,运用历史地理逆向推演法,分析了近300年来玛纳斯湖的历史演化过程,确定了不同历史时期玛纳斯湖的地理位置,弥补了第四纪以来玛纳斯湖演化过程研究的空白,并且对不同历史时期区域自然因素与人文因素对玛纳斯湖流域水文变迁的影像进行了分析,为今后玛纳斯湖周围生态环境演化研究提出了新的研究重点和研究方向。  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation at the lower Nottawasaga River in southern Ontario, Canada, was to reconstruct the impact of base level on fluvial stability and human occupation during the Holocene in a topographically confined section, where the river cuts through the Edenvale Moraine. Three cores were extracted from an oxbow lake (Doran Lake) and a ground-penetrating radar survey was executed in its vicinity to study wider subsurface alluvial architecture. Radiocarbon dating suggests that the Nottawasaga River became entrenched in the Edenvale Moraine early in the Holocene, with base-level lowering in the Lake Huron basin, and that Doran Lake formed towards the middle Holocene as a meander cutoff when water levels in the Lake Huron basin increased, leading to a period of fluvial instability, enhanced flow and floodplain aggradation. Fluctuating lake levels would have affected human settlement as well as the preservation and visibility of archaeological remains predominantly through vertical accretion.  相似文献   

Archaeological evidence indicates a complex history of settlement of the southern Lake Chad Basin from the mid-Holocene onward, in parallel with the gradual desiccation of the Sahara and reduction of lake and river systems in the region. These archaeological data can be compared with a growing body of data from historical linguistics and genetics, and the southern Lake Chad Basin is one of few areas in Africa where such comparisons can be undertaken. This paper will serve as a preliminary consideration of some of the issues generated by an initial comparison of archaeological, genetic and linguistic evidence for the peopling of the Lake Chad Basin. It focuses on the contexts of initial encounters between ancestral Nilo-Saharan and Chadic populations south of Lake Megachad and subsequent population expansions and diversifications around the Mandara Mountains.  相似文献   

明清时期,福州西湖水环境总体趋劣。明代西湖水源较为充足,水质状况良好;万历以降,受民间占垦等社会因素影响,湖域面积缩减,水质日渐趋下;清代中后期,福州城内水道淤浅,江潮渐绝,西湖水源趋向单一。明清时期西湖水环境的变动,除了受区域气候干湿变化、山地森林水土保持以及湖泊含沙量的影响之外,还与人为的水地之争密切相关。由于人地关系紧张,加之水资源权属不清、新垦湖田税赋征收模糊等,获取湖利的必然性刺激了民间占湖为地的行为。地方官府也曾采取如修闸筑坝护堤、追返侵地还湖、清理粪秽淤泥等治理措施,并取得阶段性成效,但受区域人口、土地资源与生存环境等社会经济因素的影响,西湖历经多次治理仍积弊难除。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织世界遗产项目在各国的世界遗产申报过程中重视国际专家话语权,而忽视当地居民和游客的话语.在杭州西湖文化景观申遗的过程中,由于中西文化的差异性,国际专家不能全面地理解国内专家在西湖申遗文本中陈述的价值.而游客与当地居民的话语不仅能够理解西湖所体现的中国传统文化价值,也会将其与个人的情感、经历和记忆联系,构建...  相似文献   

博斯腾湖旅游开发的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
博斯腾湖是新疆现存最大的湖泊,其巨大的水体景观与周围荒漠、戈壁景观形成巨大反差,是干旱区不可多得的旅游资源。本文从旅游业空间结构和市场竞争角度,对博斯腾湖旅游开发作了初步研究,得出以下结论:①博斯腾湖旅游开发的近期市场定位应是度假为主、观光为辅的地区级旅游地;②对于新疆内的市场,重点开发2-4日游;对于新疆外的市场,应把博斯腾湖作为一个结点,纳入到南疆旅游区以及整个新疆的旅游路线中。  相似文献   

在吴文化研究中,吴文化发源于太湖地区还是宁镇地区,一直是个有争议的问题。有的学者根据太湖与宁镇地区印纹陶某些特征的一致,认为西周后期两地区的文化面貌已“融为一体”,并以此作为吴国由宁镇地区东进到太湖地区的论据。笔者认为全面准确认识太湖地区周代文化面貌...  相似文献   

Obsidian has been widely used by early Holocene hunter-gatherers and succeeding Pastoral Neolithic peoples in northern Kenya. Here we report the results of over 2000 electron microprobe analyses of artifactual and non-artifactual obsidian from the greater Lake Turkana region. Of the 15 compositional types of obsidian observed, a preponderant type is widespread across the region from the Barrier in the south to Ileret in the north and east as far as Kargi. This obsidian is the principal type at Lowasera and most Pastoral Neolithic sites, including the Jarigole Pillar site and Dongodien (GaJi4). The source of this obsidian is not known, but based on its distribution the source may be located on the Barrier or in the Suguta Valley immediately to the south of Lake Turkana. Although there are several possible sources of local obsidian identified for minor types, in stark contrast to the central part of the Kenyan Rift, major sources of obsidian available for artifact manufacture are not known in the Lake Turkana region. The lack of obsidian from demonstrable Ethiopian Rift and central Kenyan Rift sources, and the absence of obsidian with compositions found at the Turkana area sites in assemblages in the central part of the Kenyan Rift suggests that the earlier Pastoral Neolithic peoples around Lake Turkana interacted with each other, but perhaps not as strongly with people farther south along the Rift Valley, even as herding practices were expanding to the southward into central Kenya.  相似文献   

巨淀湖是山东北部一个重要的湖泊。这个湖泊在历史时期发生过很大的变化。本文将巨淀湖的演变分为三个阶段 ,分别论述了汉代的巨淀湖、《水经注》中记载的巨淀湖和元、明、清时期的清水泊 ,此外 ,还论述了巨淀湖在鲁北地区历史进程中的作用  相似文献   

杭州西湖,位于浙江省杭州市老城区的西部因此而得"西湖"之名,自东汉西湖形成以后的近四百年间,钱塘县不断生聚.扩展,至6世纪,杭州诞生。隋代江南运河的开凿,杭州城成为运河的终点,就此一跃成为一个商业城市,并迅速发展。"西湖"之名,大概始于隋代,至唐代已被频繁使用,也是从这个时候,杭州开始迅速发展。至唐代李泌开凿六井,引西湖淡水润泽杭州城里的千家万户开始,西湖就成为杭州城不可分割的一个部分。同时,杭州城的不断发展兴盛也有效地阻遏了它的沼泽化过程使之继续存在。西湖,从一个大海湾,到一个泻湖,在不断地淤积疏浚过程中,最终成为一个风景湖泊。它的形成与发展过程,就是一部保护与治理的历史。这其中贯穿了中国传统山水文化的精神和理念,体现了西湖历史文化的延续性。  相似文献   

明末清初西湖小说与西湖诗词有着共同的文化背景与地域色彩,西湖诗词能够自然贴切地融入小说叙事,创造出诗情画意的优美意境,提高了西湖小说的艺术品位,调节小说叙事的节奏,使其情节生动曲折又符合情理逻辑,还丰富了人物的思想感情与心理活动。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of a large water body—Lake Michigan—on residential property values using two models that incorporate a coastal “setback” term. The econometric results in both models strongly suggest that Lake Michigan and the setback width from the Lake significantly impact property values.  相似文献   

骆驼墩遗址位于太湖西部山地向平原过渡地带,其早期文化遗存以平底陶釜为主要特征,代表了太湖西部地区马家浜文化时期的一个新的文化类型。发掘中发现了马家浜文化时期的大型聚落遗址,崧泽文化时期、良渚文化时期的墓葬、灰坑等,以及广富林文化时期的灰坑,共出土陶器、石器、骨器、玉器等约400件,以及各类动物骨骼标本约2000件。发掘者建议将以骆驼墩早期文化遗存为代表的、以平底釜为主要特征的考古学文化遗存,命名为骆驼墩文化。  相似文献   

The western Lake Titicaca basin is marked by above-ground funerary towers, known as chullpas, located in a variety of geographical contexts and dating to the Late Intermediate Period, or LIP (AD 1100–1450), and Late Horizon (AD 1450–1532). Over the years, interpretations of these tombs have concentrated upon their roles as loci for ancestral veneration and their abilities to perpetuate memory, delineate social ties and territories, and demarcate access to resources. These views share the implicit or explicit assumption that these mortuary structures were intended to be highly visible. Yet this assumption has never been formally tested. By using GIS-based geospatial tools and statistical analysis, this paper investigates the extent to which chullpas surveyed in the western Lake Titicaca basin visually dominated the landscape. These tombs were not positioned in random locations; they exhibit a high degree of clustering and were built in highly visible areas that could be seen from sites of occupation and regions of economic importance such as Lake Umayo. This paper suggests that this landscape of death was deliberately constructed to have an enduring social impact.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(3):220-236

The Lake Jackson Mounds site (8LE1), located near Tallahassee, Florida, has long been considered to be a frontier Mississippian center. This assertion is primarily based on elaborate burial goods recovered during salvage excavations in the 1970s. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) on the two largest intact mounds at Lake Jackson revealed new information about their morphology and construction histories. These findings demonstrate that mound-building practices at the site were distinct from earlier, local Woodland mound-building traditions, and more similar to those of other Mississippian centers, such as Etowah and Moundville. Lake Jackson revitalized mound building in the Tallahassee area under the influence of external connections with groups in the Mississippian interaction network. These findings show how mound building was an integral practice for expressing and expanding Mississippian ideologies and rituals. This work also shows the utility of GPR in exploring mounds' morphologies and construction histories.  相似文献   

明清以降,滇池在岁修制度下常年疏浚海口,水域范围基本稳定,但受季风气候影响,其水位存在明显季节性变化,夏秋上涨,冬春下降,主要表现为沿岸低田在雨季即周期性被湖水淹没的特点。随着滇池流域坝田开发趋于饱和,滇池沿岸低田的深水稻“水涨谷”,在明清之际逐步系统种植,实现滨湖低田稻作与滇池水位季节性变化的生态耦合。这种局面到20世纪60年代末彻底改变,入滇河道上游大小水库的修建,使滨湖低田逐渐干田化,水涨谷生长的水域环境发生变化。观察滇池水域环境与稻作生态互动的关系,发现当区域环境呈现出长时段的规律性变化,就可能变“害”为“利”,这是人与自然相处中适应并利用自然的智慧展现。  相似文献   

西湖,本是一个山水实体,属于自然界的一部分,但在不断地演变中成为一个著名的文化景观,并且在一千多年的时间里,始终处于中国人审美体验、审美活动的中心位置,不断地影响着中国人的生活、思绪和艺术活动。  相似文献   

清代的东太湖地区的湖田出现了快速增长。随着山区水土流失,东太湖的泥沙量大增,水面植被也出现大扩展,淤积和湖田扩展也因此加速。在西部出现大缺口,大缺口在清代很快合拢。东部湖田发展使出太湖的水流受阻,吴淞江北移瓜泾口,进而使东北部湖田快速发展。湖田形成时往往先是大圩,后是小圩,以后逐步形成纵向交错的河网。植桑又加速了湖田水稻土的培肥,优良的水稻土在小圩规模上逐步形成。植桑养蚕与稻作的配合维持了传统江南生态农业的持续。  相似文献   

张阳生  姚春丽 《人文地理》2005,20(2):114-118
针对青海湖国家重点风景名胜区这一特大型风景名胜区的生态及社会经济地位和作用,综合分析了其社会发展的现状特点及存在问题。在此基础上,对青海湖国家重点风景名胜区内的居民社会调控问题进行了初步研究。提出了风景名胜区优化城镇及乡村居民点体系、加强经营管理、健全社会组织、分区分类实施居民社会调控的基本思路和主要措施。从而为特大型风景名胜区的居民社会调控以及景源保护与开发、经济社会发展、生态环境建设探索有效的途径。  相似文献   

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