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L'oracle pour les Recabites (Jr 35,18-19 TM // 42,18-19 LXX) presente quelques differences notables suivant qu'on le lit dans sa version massoretique ou dans la LXX. Il s'agit essentiellement du changement de locuteur et de destinataire, de la construction differente des personnages, ainsi que d'insistances differentes d'une version a l'autre. De la sorte, ce texte se revele etre un bon terrain pour verifier a petite echelle que les differences entre les narrations paralleles des deux versions connues du livre de Jeremie impliquent une strategie narrative differente, ce qui a un impact sur le sens du recit lui-meme pour le lecteur. L'article entend montrer tout l'interet qu'il y a a prendre au serieux separement le TM et la LXX, de sorte qu'apparaisse la specificite de chaque texte dans sa confrontation a l'autre. De la comparaison ressortiront des indications quant a la qualite eraire de chaque texte, mais aussi sans doute l'un ou l'autre indice concernant l'histoire textuelle de ce livre biblique.  相似文献   

The subject of family appears appropriately related to social policy, since family functions interface with society so closely. Moreover, U.S. families have been changing rapidly enough in this decade to warrant new attention to policy development. Public and political interest in family policy has been growing. Yet, historical barriers to government targeting family issues for policy development abound. While some intellectual, organizational, and bureaucratic mobilization has occurred, producing broad family policy declarations, interest groups are in the process of positioning themselves differentially, and disagreement about the value of explicit family policy is on the increase. The author believes that family policy will develop slowly in the D.S., and that comprehensive and cohesive family policy can better be considered a goal rather than a readily implemented public activity.  相似文献   

从1986年创办《江苏经济年鉴》至2020年,《江苏年鉴》走过了35年的发展历程。该报告回顾了《江苏年鉴》运行机制在35年间从专业年鉴到综合年鉴、从图书出版到期刊出版、从纸质中文版到数字化英文版、从一刊多鉴到一鉴多品、从业务指导到协作研讨、从政府主办到部门主办、从独立建制到隶属归并、从经费包干到全额预算八个方面的主要变化,为当代地方年鉴发展史提供了重要的样本案例。  相似文献   


In the pursuit of an “authentically Indonesian” nation-state, for decades Indonesians have denied the civil rights of fellow citizens for allegedly being less authentically Indonesian. A key to the longstanding efficacy of such exclusionary ethno-nationalism is the failure to recognise the trans-national solidarity that helped give birth to independent Indonesia. Such solidarity is best illustrated in the extraordinary case of the making in Australia of a documentary film, Indonesia Calling (1946). A starting point of this article is the proposition that Indonesia’s cultural politics of the past and its future is never free from a protracted battle over what the nation is allowed, or willing, or able to forget and remember from its past. Mere disclosure of Indonesia’s past history with its cosmopolitan features will not necessarily lead to changes for the better in contemporary Indonesia, especially if the new revelation runs counter to the interests of those in power. Nonetheless, no substantial and long-term change for the better is possible for Indonesia without serious, open, critical re-examination of the revolutionary making of the Republic, and due acknowledgment that inauthenticity, plurality and trans-national solidarity are the hallmarks of the process.  相似文献   

时潇 《世界遗产》2013,(2):62-67
历史造就了泰宁古城,但却葆不住其青春活力,古镇在漫长历史长河中历尽了沧桑。现在,让我们从心灵深处搜寻情思,抚摸古镇历经风雨而不凋的色彩和当代赋予她的秀美风华。  相似文献   

Nyingchi,locatedinsoutheastTibet,isonthemiddleandlowerreachesoftheYarlungZangboRiver.ItneighborsQamdoineast,Shannaninwest,Nagquinnorth,andIndiainsouth.Itisblessedwithaweathercombinationofchillycoldandhumidwarmth.Extending646.7kmeastwestand353.2kmnorthsout…  相似文献   

吴潮海 《民俗研究》2007,(3):125-135
在距今7000多年前,中国历史进入新石器时期。这是中华民族的祖先跨入文明门槛前的最后一个历史时期。在这个时期,先民们在衣、食、住、行、生产、宗教、  相似文献   

<正>"阿要买茉莉花……""阿要买白兰花……"对中老年的苏州人来说,这是两句充满了儿时记忆的熟悉吆喝声,往往从身板硬朗、健步行走的老妪口中传来,依然柔糯悦耳。伴随着悠扬的叫卖声,映入眼帘的先是一只精致竹篮,篮里的茉莉花、白兰花洁净素雅,三、五朵相缀,嫩绿枝叶相衬,格外清新,一股浓郁的清幽香味也扑鼻而至,沁人心脾。是的,茉莉花、白兰花,还有玳玳花,这就是令苏州人颇为自豪的、以"三花"为代表的虎丘花卉,也是虎丘山下的一道靓丽的风景线。  相似文献   

Abstract: Around the European Union, the implication by large sections of society is that there is something intrinsically different about Islam that makes it difficult to integrate Muslims into European societies. Some of these sections of society are non‐Muslim, and are reluctant to allow such integration to take place; others are Muslim. These sentiments raise a number of issues relating to plural identities and their compatibility with modern day Europe and Islam, with such issues finding variable expressions in member‐states. The British example represents an illustrative case study, having a long history of interaction with Muslims and being the home of a large Muslim population. History bears witness that in terms of religious diversity, the U.K. was never a monolithic society based on a monoculture. From the Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, there is strong evidence to show that there was, at the least, British contact with Muslims. In Britain, just as all over Europe, Islam has a long lineage: “For British Muslims, the past does not have to be ‘another country.’”  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨美国华语文学的历史变迁、社会意义及其文化特性。美国的华语文学初始于19世纪中叶华人首次大批移民来美之际。时至今日,美国华人社会已成为亚洲之外最大的华语文学中心。近年来经济全球化及跨国文化交流之影响,更使得美国华语文学风行于世界各地华人社会。那么,美国华语文学有何特性?其作品对华人生活有何影响?与美国华裔英语文学相比,华语文学有何异同?其作品的文化内涵与社会功能之间有何关联?本文拟对上述问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

盛夏的清晨,我们一行三人,骑马行走在布青山的一道深窄的峡谷中,突然发现右前方一座峭壁的顶部,静静地站立着一只大头弯羊。它在昂首远眺,大角如轮,背部棕黄,腹白如雪,迷人的体态,清晰地映在碧蓝的天幕中。朝霞为它披上了一层淡淡的光晕,是那样的安详、雄健、庄严、孤独,  相似文献   

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