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新民主主义的命运和刘少奇的失败   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、同一个“新民主主义”,潜在的倾向性分歧 新民主主义是中国革命胜利的旗帜。作为中国共产党的革命建国思想,“新民主主义”在1940年经毛泽东提出,刘少奇等也有论述,到1945年党的七大前后具备了比较完整的理论形态。其核心主张是:“共产党反对国民党的‘一党专政’,但并不要建立共产党的‘一党专政'”,而是要组织民主联合政府。经过新民主主义的国家经济、私人资本主义经济和农民私有财产基础上合作社经济的发展,中国由农业国变为工业国,即改变了半殖民地半封建社会的“废墟”之后,才可能建设社会主义。  相似文献   

张闻天中央苏区时期的经济民主思想是在分析当时苏维埃经济的状况、性质和发展的前途,逐步纠正当时"左"的经济政策的过程中形成和发展的。他从巩固苏维埃政权的高度肯定了私人资本主义经济的存在和发展,并主张在利用、发展私人资本主义经济时应该进行必要的限制,因为,发展私人资本主义经济不是为了中国资本主义的发展,而是为了社会主义的前途。所以,更重要的是要建立和壮大带有社会主义性质的合作经济和国营经济。  相似文献   

毛泽东关于私人资本主义认识的历史分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱金瑞 《史学月刊》2000,1(4):77-84
私人资本主义是近现代中国社会经济中不可忽视的组成部分。毛泽东对此十分关注,并根据不同革命阶段需要分别提出了不同的策略。民主革命时期主张“鼓励”、“节制”,建国初期国民经济恢复后则力求“绝种”,三大改造完成后又提出“可以消灭了资本主义,又搞资本主义”,但1958年后又回到了“绝种论”。这是一个极其复杂的历史过程。今天,私有制成分仍然是中国共产党人所面临的一个重要的理论和实践问题。毛泽东关于私人资本主义经济思想的变化历程,给我们完善和发展社会主义市场经济留下了许多深刻的启示。  相似文献   

张旭东 《攀登》2008,27(2):32-35
中国共产党对官僚资本内涵的界定,经历了从当初特指清朝洋务派和北洋军阀时期的官办企业到专指国民党私人官僚资本再到国民党政府国家资本和私人官僚资本的演变。我们党对官僚资本内涵的认识及其演变适应了当时政治斗争发展的需要,但其内涵的模糊性又要求中国共产党对官僚资本特别是私人官僚资本必须进行严格的区分和界定。  相似文献   

全面抗战时期,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人提出了新民主主义理论,新民主主义经济的主要特征是不仅要发展公营和集体经济,更允许资本主义和私营经济的发展。在新民主主义经济政策的指导下,陕甘宁边区根据抗战形势的变化不断调整经济政策。陕甘宁边区不仅有建立自给经济的资源,也确立了适合建立自给经济的各项制度,促进边区建立了自给经济体系。1944年底,边区粮食产量就达到了“耕三余一”或“耕二余一”,棉花可以达到自给率的85%,布匹自给率达到60%上,大部分日用工业品可以满足需求,部分产品还自给有余。因此,边区自给经济体系的建立是边区度过抗战困难时期的根本原因,对外贸易只起到辅助作用。  相似文献   

在中国革命和建设过程中,如何正确对待私人资本主义,既是一个极端重要的理论问题,又是一个十分棘手的实际问题。中国共产党人对此进行了艰辛的探索,张闻天作出了开创性的理论贡献。他是中国共产党内最早提出利用私人资本主义的党的高层领导人,“利用私人资本主义”是他最富于创见的思想之一。时值张闻天诞辰一百周年,认真回顾、仔细研究他的这一思想及政策主张,对建设有中国特色的社会主义具有重要的理论借鉴作用和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

苏凤捷 《史学月刊》2004,13(4):55-62
马克思<〈政治经济学批判〉序言>所集中表述的唯物史观基本原理,主要得之于对资本主义经济制度的研究.当代资本主义的重大发展变化,为唯物史观的发展提供了巨大的理论空间;社会经济形态演进的几个时代,大体是西欧的历史实际,将其应用于不同地区和国家历史的研究,同样为唯物史观的发展提供了理论空间;"经验的事实"和"历史环境条件",既决定了在生产力发展水平没有重大不同前提下不同地区和国家社会经济形态的不同存在,又对生产力的发展具有决定性的影响.  相似文献   

伊昕舟 《沧桑》2014,(4):17-19
16至17世纪是世界历史的转折期,资本主义作为一种全新的生产力形式脱胎于封建主义制度。中英两国的统治者对资本主义则采取了不同的态度,这从两国的经济政策中体现的淋漓尽致。通过比对分析两国的对外商业贸易政策和财税政策,我们从中可得出一个国家经济政策的制定要顺应生产力发展的趋势的结论。  相似文献   

对刘少奇“巩固新民主主义制度”的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1949年10月,中华人民共和国成立,驾驭“新中国航船”的舵手们,虽然对已在东方地平线露出的社会主义曙光欢呼雀跃,但是他们很明白,由于面临着复杂的社会环境和严重的经济困难,在过渡到彼岸的航程中,还无法马上采取很多建设社会主义的实际步骤。那时,赖以支持新中国发展的国民经济面临着一个十分尴尬的地位:在国民经济占领导成分的国营经济,主要是没收官僚资本的企业,所占的比重很小;而小私有经济及私人资本主义经济则占了绝对的优势。在这种局面下,解决好汪洋大海似的小私有经济,正确地使私人资本主义经济向有利于国计民生的方…  相似文献   

在中国革命和建设过程中,如何正确对待私人资本主义,既是一个极端重要的理论问题,又是一个十分棘手的实际问题。中国共产党人对此进行了艰辛的探索,张闻天作出了开创性的理论贡献。他是中国共产党内最早提出利用私人资本主义的党的高层领导人,“利用私人资本主义”是他最富于创见的思想之一。时值张闻天诞辰一百周年之际,认真回顾、仔细研究他的这一思想及政策主张,对建设有中国特色的社会主义具有重要的理论借鉴作用和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Kevin St Martin 《对极》2007,39(3):527-549
Abstract: Fishing economies are typically represented as pre‐capitalist and as a barrier to capital accumulation rather than as an alternative economy with its own potentials. Privatization (and capitalism) appears logical and inevitable because “there is no alternative” described or given. The class analysis presented here focuses on questions of property and subjectivity and describes fishing as a non‐capitalist and community‐based economy consonant with both a tradition of common property and an image of “fishermen” as independent and interested in fairness and equity. While the latter is associated with a neoliberal subject aligned with the capitalist economy, a class analysis of fishing repositions “fishermen” as community subjects aligned with a community economy.  相似文献   

Junxi Qian  Lei Wei 《对极》2020,52(1):246-269
This paper rethinks the relationships between capitalist development in indigenous places and the fabric of local differences and specificities. It first develops a critical appraisal of the celebration of ethnic identities, local agency and indigenous knowledge in existing literatures. It suggests that, based on such insights, we can further envision the possibility of questioning and problematising the ontology and concept of the capitalist economy. Above all, this paper is interested in non-capitalist factors percolating into capitalist economies and creating fissures in their logical and ontological coherence. It examines how capitalist economies depend on local specificities to achieve particular configurations. We elucidate this argument with a case study of indigenous development in Lugu Lake, Southwest China, which is inhabited by the ethnic Mosuo people. Through the dual lenses of land and labour, we pay special attention to the transition from grassroots development initiatives to heavy dependence on exogenous capital and entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss how gift economy tenets exist within capitalist systems and in what ways the alternative logic of gift economies could be used within capitalist firms to create a more fair economy overall, citing open source software within the technology sector as one example.

To do this, I begin by striking a dialectic between John Milbank's theological and David Graeber's anthropological conceptions of gift economies, illuminating crucial aspects of each to uncover what alternative economic principles are applicable to standard capitalist economic ideologies.

I then turn to a practical application of where these gift economy ideologies are already being utilized to a degree, arguing specifically that open source software provides an alternative economic logic for countless members of the technology sector. On a broad level, I hope to show that capitalism provides the means to alter itself within its own ethos, as certain economic ideologies – like gift economies – could potentially assuage those economic models that contribute to economic inequality. By accentuating these alternative logics within technology firms, they can be expanded and made more substantial, subsequently altering capitalism from the inside out.  相似文献   

Debates around diverse economies have flourished in geography in recent years, challenging the consistent and limiting hegemonic framing of the economy as singularly capitalist and global, through making visible the vast array of economic practices that are taking place alongside and beyond capitalist ones at multiple sites and scales. Bringing together debates around community economies, (relational) approaches to scales and place, and Actor Network Theory, in this article we focus on the narrative of Mama Bokolo, a healer/gardener/diverse economic actor in Cape Town. Grounded on her lived experience, we suggest that allegedly local, marginalised actors like Mama are actively contributing to enact liberatory diverse economic arrangements beyond‐the‐local, by articulating networks across places and scales and fostering relations with a range of diverse, human, natural and supernatural actors. In doing so, we elucidate why precisely these more‐than‐local and more‐than‐human elements can be instrumental to enable transformative economic spaces of hope.  相似文献   

Within contemporary feminism, common approaches to feminising the economy involve adding a sphere or sector or attributing a monetary value to women's unpaid labour. Each of these approaches is interested in creating an accurate representation of the real or 'whole' economy. But these representations are in the same lineage as mainstream economic conceptions; the economy remains a bounded entity that can be known by enumerating its parts. The 'adding on' and 'counting in' strategies employed by feminists complete the picture of what is needed to produce social well-being but do not necessarily help us think differently about how goods and services are or might be produced. In this article, the authors ask how feminist economic theory might contribute to envisioning or enacting alternative economies. They find answers to this question through reading feminist interventions for glimmers of a deconstructive project that opens 'the economy' to difference. Pursuing these glimmers, they attempt to insert the possibility of non-capitalist forms of economy, including economies of generosity, non-profit businesses, worker collectives and alternative capitalist enterprises impelled by a social or environmental ethic. In place of the view of the economy as a whole comprised of a pre-established number of parts or sectors, it can begin to be seen as a discursive construct that can be reconstructed to contribute to social transformation.  相似文献   

Gabrielle E. Clark 《对极》2017,49(4):997-1014
In the historical study of modern American capitalism, labor unfreedom in agriculture has been conceptualized as an exception to liberal labor relations in the post‐slavery polity, from debt peonage to the threat of deportation from workplaces populated by non‐citizen migrants. At the same time, state‐enforced labor compulsions and restrictions are increasingly part and parcel of what scholars call neoliberal exceptionalism. This article argues that agricultural and neoliberal exceptionalisms are related, by tracing the historical genealogy and juridical production of a restrictive work status, the deportable temporary labor migrant, across political economies in the modern United States, from imperial construction in the Panama Canal Zone, to agriculture, to the knowledge economy. Contrary to existing notions of temporary work visas as a new form of unfreedom in neoliberalized advanced capitalist states, I show how the threat of deportation is older and rooted in the rise of the liberal regulatory state in a post‐slavery, yet persistently racial capitalist political economy. The import of understanding this history of government intervention increases as the liberal regulatory state's coercive logics and practices intensify and circulate in agriculture and under a post‐Fordist regime of accumulation, reproducing racial capitalism in the labor process.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in explaining the significance and persistence of regional growth differentials. Much of the debate in contemporary political economy has focussed on the relative importance of either “weak” or “strong” competition in regulating movements in prices, profits, and investments both within and between economic sectors and regions. However, little attention has been directed toward developing theoretical models that are capable of evaluating the relative importance of (non) equilibrating forces in determining the long-run accumulation dynamics of capitalist space economies. In this paper, I develop an approach to modeling regional growth that simultaneously theorizes the link between processes of economic restructuring and regional capital accumulation. I examine the stability properties of this model in order to evaluate the theoretical significance of both equilibrating and nonequilibrating forces in determining the trajectory of regional outputs, profits and employment.  相似文献   

The greater part of regional development theory and thinking focuses most attention either upon spatial structure within nation states or upon inherent tendencies/free market forces within capitalist social formations/domestic economies. The great significance that is attached to the nation state is entirely understandable in terms of the historical specificity of the re-emergence of regional development studies in the post-war era. It is, however, no longer a sufficiently adequate basis for analysis Rather, it is necessary to commence analyses with a consideration of shifts in the global capitalist economy. Whilst the significance of the impacts of the growth in the internationalisation of production have been noted, more attention needs to be devoted to shifts from public to private economic power and from order to disorder in international finance markets. These shifts are not accidental They can be traced to internal weaknesses and inconsistencies in the Bretton Woods arrangements which eroded their ultimate foundation, that of monetary stability. As one consequence, the unregulated growth of private economic power, endemic instability and extreme volatility in international finance markets have all directly and indirectly undermined and eroded the extent of control over domestic economic policy on the part of the nation state  相似文献   

Following caterpillar fungus as it travels from the Tibetan Plateau to wealthy Chinese consumers, this article makes several interventions into geographical studies of commodity chains. First, it argues for an expansion beyond the usual call to connect the political economy of production with cultures of consumption; the cultural politics of production and political economies of consumption must also be considered. Second, it argues for bringing together political economy and more-than-human analytical approaches to commodity chains, showing how nature and the nonhuman play a key role in an assemblage that has allowed Tibetans to navigate livelihoods in a rapidly changing economy. This challenges a tendency to assume a universal figure of ‘the human’ in more-than-human geographies. Third, by connecting the erasure of Tibetans from representations of various natures used to sell caterpillar fungus with the broader politics of Tibetans within the People's Republic of China, we show that commodity fetishism can conceal not just labor relations, but also political struggles not reducible to class. Finally, we show that following a small fungus can shed light on the unevenness of China's capitalist development obscured in monolithic narratives of China's rise, demonstrating the value of expanding commodity chain studies beyond those that end with Western consumers.  相似文献   

In this article I use an intersectional diverse economies framework and weak theory to build knowledge about migrant Latinas' economic spaces in Chicago. Drawing on qualitative data, I demonstrate how multiple and dynamic identities are linked to economic practices. I show that Latina migrants are not limited to capitalist or noncapitalist forms of economic engagement within neoliberal structures or to single spaces within or outside ethnic economies. Their multiple and dynamic practices shifted, as did their identities and geographies. I captured a snapshot of one migrant Latina economic community and provide insights about the nature and scale of its activities as well as the opportunities, and obstacles it faces. I propose future research and policy resulting from seeing economies differently. What kinds of programs might support collective economies and migrant Latina crafts? How might we re-envision workforce development programs if we see economies differently? What kinds of creative campaigns and advocacy do we need with new kinds of economies? More data and reflection on the nature and scale of intersectional identities within migrant (and other) economic communities and the geoeconomic ramification within those communities is needed. Furthermore, I call for the imagination of new global forms and practices that respond to the crisis that the current economic structures are facing.  相似文献   

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