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This study documents and interprets patterns of identity in relation to tooth ablation patterns at Yoshigo, a Late/Final Jomon period (3500–2500 yBP) site. Two patterns of tooth ablation are observed among the Yoshigo people: both (2) mandibular canines or four (4) mandibular incisors were extracted during life and formed a basis for identity differentiation. Three hypotheses are tested regarding these groups: (1) tooth ablation groups will be unrelated to postmarital residence; (2) tooth ablation groups will be associated with age‐based achievements; (3) tooth ablation groups will be associated with occupational specialisation. Biodistance, demographic and stable isotope analyses were performed on skeletal remains recovered from Yoshigo (3500–2300 BP) to test these hypotheses. Within‐group variation expressed by cranial and dental measurements was not significantly different between tooth ablation groups. This indicates that tooth ablation practices were not related to migration. Previous biodistance findings do, however, suggest that tooth ablation groups represent closely related individuals, possibly kin‐based networks. Demographic analysis of age‐at‐death and tooth ablation suggests that tooth ablation styles were achieved at different ages. Stable isotope analysis indicates that the tooth ablation groups consumed similar foods. Based on isotopic findings from other sites and archaeological evidence for food sharing among Jomon people, these results suggest that dietary variability between tooth ablation groups was homogenised by cooperative food sharing. The totality of these findings support the hypothesis that the identities associated with tooth ablation were unrelated to migratory patterns, and instead, possibly reflect kin‐based social units, where achievement or age acted as a determinant of membership. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recovered and amplified ancient DNA (aDNA), from a historically documented 19th century Upper Canadian pioneer cemetery produced genotypes that were used to infer a past societal kinship system. While the results from multiplex short tandem repeat (STR) amplifications showed an unreliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product, a single locus HUMTH01 analysis yielded reproducible data and an allelic frequency pattern not statistically different from modern populations. Mitochondrial (mt) DNA HVR II data showed that a combined cemetery database exhibited reduced haplotype diversity indicators, as well as clusters of probable maternally related burials. The chronological persistence and replacement of mtDNA clusters approximately every two generations suggests a patrilineal/patrilocal kinship structure from a virilocal burial program for the Harmony Road cemetery. Through the integration of the aDNA analysis with archaeological material culture, historic records, and other ethnohistoric sources of information, this conclusion is supported. In this study persisting patrilineally inherited surnames act as a surrogate for aDNA Y‐chromosome haplotype analysis. These results suggest that aDNA applications on aggregate skeletal collections where sparse, or no ethnological or historical documentation exists, may result in incorrect population history inferences if the presence of a kinship interment bias is not considered. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1999年9月,南京市博物馆为配合基本建设,在南京市北郊的郭家山清理了1座六朝砖室墓。(图一)由于此前我馆已先后在郭家山清理了7座墓葬,①所以此次将这座砖室墓编为郭家山8号墓。现将此墓的清理情况简报如下。 一、墓葬形制 该墓为前、后室砖墓,墓门方向170°。(图二) 由于此墓系基建中发现,故其前室东侧的墙已被推去一半,墓顶也部分被毁。前室南部中间有短两道,而道券顶,壁采用三顺一丁砌法,铺地砖为平铺,封门墙则采用侧“人”字相交砌法,南道长0.7米,宽0.9米,高1米。 前室略呈方形,长2.65米,宽2…  相似文献   

北周独孤宾墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年11月,陕西省考古研究院在配合西安北郊至咸阳国际机场的专用高速公路建设中,发现墓葬100余座,并对其进行发掘清理。其中北周独孤宾墓较为重要。该墓位于西安咸阳国际机场高速公路专线西端,此处原属咸阳市渭城区底张镇龙枣村。工地编号2007XJGM10,东距M9约30米,西距M11约20米(图一)。  相似文献   

潘玲 《华夏考古》2004,(2):68-74
通过对两汉时期的玉、玉璜、玉璧、玉舞人的形制变化的分析 ,可见西沟畔汉代墓地四号墓随葬的几种仿照玉器的石佩饰具有西汉晚期至东汉晚期汉墓出土的玉器的特点 ,总体上更接近东汉中晚期的。该墓的包金镂空玉佩、青铜马具有明显的匈奴文化特征。西沟畔四号墓是南匈奴的高级贵族墓葬。  相似文献   

温峤墓是迄今为止南京地区发现的墓主身份明确、地位最高的东晋勋臣墓葬。本依据考古发现及献资料,对温峤家世、事迹和葬地进行比较全面的考察。  相似文献   

Incremental dentine analysis utilizes tissue that does not remodel and that permits comparison, at the same age, of those who survived infancy with those who did not at high temporal resolution. Here, we present a pilot study of teeth from a 19th‐century cemetery in London, comparing the merits of two methods of obtaining dentine increments for subsequent isotope determination. Covariation in δ13C and δ15N values suggests that even small variations have a physiological basis. We show that high‐resolution intra‐dentine isotope profiles can pinpoint short‐duration events such as dietary change or nutritional deprivation in the juvenile years of life.  相似文献   

赵丛苍  祁翔 《文博》2021,(1):45-52
通过对墓地分区和墓葬特征的分析可知,凤翔孙家南头墓群周墓地的墓主至少应由周系族群和广义的殷遗民组成,其中以后者居多。墓地结构反映出这一地区社会亲属关系结构至少分为三个层级。不同亲属集团的墓葬群同处一地,两大族群的文化相互影响。二者人群主体的等级普遍较低,但殷遗民中不乏地位相对稍高者。此外,西周晚期该墓地规模的缩小,很可能与周人对关中西部地区控制力减弱有关。  相似文献   

河北正定县吴兴墓地战国墓葬发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国祥  蔡强  于俊玉  柏艺萌  尚晓波  万雄飞 《考古》2012,(6):3-13,98,102
吴兴墓地位于河北省石家庄市正定县新安镇吴兴村,距正定县城15公里。京广铁路在墓地东南2.5公里处南北向穿过,滹沱河在墓地南12公里处自西向东流,地势平坦(图一)。2006年,南水北调中线工程河北段考古发掘工作全面展开。受河北省文物局委托,辽宁省文物考古研究所与朝阳市博物馆  相似文献   

舒家坳墓地是鄂东北北宋时期一处重要的家族墓地.墓葬分布在二、三级平台上.从墓地的布局来看,墓葬有长幼辈份之分,M1在前,"宣和六年"墓在后,也就是说,第二级平台上葬的是长辈,第三平台则为晚辈,其年代相差约27年,这充分说明舒家坳墓地是一处经过规划设计的家族墓地.墓地以长幼辈份布局和夫妻同穴并室合葬为特色.舒家坳墓地的发掘,对研究该地区北宋时期家族墓地布局与丧葬习俗提供了宝贵的实物资料.  相似文献   

In 2003, a tall skeleton belonging to a young adult individual was recovered from a post‐medieval cemetery situated north‐east of the modern city of Erzurum, Turkey. The sex of the individual was not possible to determine. The predicted stature values range from 182 to 200 cm with the average 188.94 cm. The growth was proportional on almost all bones, except for the cranial and facial bones. The selected metric data were compared with the mean values of the male individuals from the same cemetery for differential diagnosis. The individual exhibits characteristics of both pituitary gigantism and acromegaly due to the tumour formation developed in the intrasellar area. Pathological features such as severe osteoarthritis, enthesis and new bone formation around and on the joint surface of the post‐cranial bones, kyphoscoliosis and ankylosis are in agreement with these diagnoses as well. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

富弼家族墓地发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年,洛阳市第二文物工作队为配合基本建设抢救性发掘北宋中期宰相富弼夫妇及其家族墓地,墓地规划整齐,排列有序,层次分明.随葬器物除墓志外,仅出土有少量遗物和壁画.其中富弼墓志方1.41米,碑文近7000字,内容丰富,涉及北宋中期许多重大历史事件,文辞优美,书法兼备楷、行、篆、隶,是探讨北宋中后期的政治、经济、文化、艺术等方面的重要实物资料.  相似文献   

繁昌汤家山西周墓是一座高等级的吴国墓葬。通过对长江下游西周至春秋时期吴国墓葬的等级规模和出土青铜器的比较研究,汤家山西周墓与丹徒烟墩山、荞麦山西周墓和北山顶、青龙山春秋墓属同一等级的墓葬,皆为吴王之墓;根据汤家山西周墓主身份和墓地位置推测,《左传》记载的"鸠兹"应为西周晚期的吴国都城。  相似文献   

2019年,随州枣树林曾国贵族墓地M190出土的曾公(田求)编钟与同墓地出土曾侯與编钟、嬭加编钟铭文可以互相印证,内容非常重要。本文对该编钟铭文进行释读和初步的注释,考订出编钟年代在公元前646年。文章指出曾国的爵称为侯,但是因为曾公(田求)重新得到了周王室的册命,取得了"公"的爵命。文章还利用铭文资料重新探讨了曾国疆域等问题。  相似文献   

Andrew Warren 《对极》2019,51(2):681-706
Informed by labour geography's thrust to situate workers as active subjects of analysis, this article examines lived experiences of restructuring at Australia's single largest industrial workplace. Drawing on extended ethnographic research, the article traverses three restructuring outcomes faced by workers and their families: (1) job retention; (2) redundancy; and (3) re‐employment. Amid the turbulence and uncertainty of a major workplace restructuring episode, workers' different lived experiences illuminate uneven intra‐labour power relations. As capitalist workplaces are re‐organised and labour processes redefined, more conflictual and divisive relationships often develop among groups of workers differentially positioned within the hierarchical labour markets of large firms. Emphasising restructuring episodes as generative contexts for grounded labour geographies research, the article develops intra‐labour agency as a critical analytical frame to explore more deeply the agency implications of workplace structures, co‐worker relationships, and social life matters that shape workers' capacities for action inside and beyond workplaces.  相似文献   

谢尧亭  范文谦  王金平  杨及耘  李永敏 《考古学报》2022,(1):75-80+180+81-148+153-172
<正>横水西周墓地于2004年被盗时发现。经报请山西省文物局和国家文物局批准,2004-2007年,山西省考古研究所(现山西省考古研究院)、运城市文物工作站和绛县文物局组成联合考古队进行了抢救性发掘,按照探方发掘法清理了所有墓葬。墓地位于山西运城绛县横水镇横北村以北约800米处,北距下庄村约1.2公里,东距绛县县城约11公里。墓地北依中条山余脉绛山(又名紫金山),南面横水镇以南有涑水河自东向西流过,再往南约7000米是东北—西南走向的中条山脉。墓地北高南低呈缓坡状,较平坦,东、西两侧不远处各有一条深20-50米的冲沟(图一)。  相似文献   

青海都兰热水墓群2018血渭一号墓墓主考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墓主族属与身份是青海都兰热水墓群研究争议最大,也是最关键的问题。本文从最新考古发掘的2018血渭一号墓的墓葬形制和出土遗物入手进行考察,认为2018血渭一号墓是吐蕃化的吐谷浑王陵,根据墓葬树轮测年和出土印章,并结合敦煌本藏文文献,进行分析认为,墓主是吐蕃赤德祖赞时期的吐谷浑王莫贺吐浑可汗,其母后是689年嫁给吐谷浑王的赞蒙墀邦。  相似文献   

小胡村墓地为殷墟晚期"舌"氏家族墓地,为探讨其出土铜器的腐蚀特征,揭示其所蕴含制作技术和相应考古学信息,从而为器物保护修复提供科学依据,采用金相显微镜和扫描电镜及能谱仪对墓地出土12件铜器进行基体锈层结构和制作技术分析研究。研究表明,相较纯铜、铜锡和铜锡铅合金,铜铅合金耐腐蚀能力较弱,腐蚀严重;铜器经冷热加工处理易造成内部组织结构不均内应力残存,间接加速铜器腐蚀;12件铜器材质:纯铜2件、铜铅合金4件、铜锡合金3件和铜锡铅合金3件;仅2件兵器(刀M28:1、戈M38:1)经有意铸后热锻和冷加工,其余皆直接铸造成型。M21墓4件铜器皆为铜铅合金明器,小胡村墓地作为殷墟周边商文化系统,趋同商文化中心区,亦呈现部分中小贵族随葬铜器明器化现象。研究结果可为器物修复保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

河南南阳春秋楚彭射墓发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年6月,南阳市文物考古研究所对一座春秋晚期楚墓(M38)进行了发掘。此墓为长方形竖穴土坑墓,墓口南北长7、东西宽5米。葬具一椁二棺,两棺并列于墓室北部。随葬器物有铜器、玉石器、皮甲等。其中铜器制作精美,种类有鼎、簠、盏、盘、匝、斗、浴缶等礼器,戈、戟、殳、镞等兵器以及车马器、工具等。墓中出土5鼎,均为盖鼎。从铜礼器和兵器上的铭文看,墓主彭射为楚国高级贵族。在该墓附近已经发现多座彭氏墓葬,此处应是彭氏家族墓地。  相似文献   

Ancient Greek colonies were founded by Greek seafarers all along the Mediterranean coast as early as the eighth century bc . Despite extensive archaeological and historical research, the population structure of the inhabitants of Greek colonies and their relationship to indigenous populations are still debated. Here, we perform a biodistance analysis to reconstruct migration and gene flow between the ancient Greek colony of Metaponto (southern Italy) and indigenous groups in the surrounding hinterland (900–250 bc ). We collected dental nonmetric trait data of 355 human skeletons from the indigenous Italic sites of Santa Maria d'Anglona, Incoronata and Passo di Giacobbe. This data set is compared with an urban and rural sample of the Greek colony of Metaponto comprising 351 individual dentitions. The R‐matrix approach is used to estimate inter‐population relationships and F ST. The resulting kinship coefficients indicate that the three indigenous groups exhibit greater similarity to each other and possess lesser similarity to the two Metapontian samples. Interestingly, the two samples of Metaponto are least similar to each other, although they are geographically very close. The F ST estimates confirm this pattern and reveal greater biological variation between the two nearby Metaponto samples (F ST = 0.0603) than between the three geographically fairly distant indigenous groups (F ST = 0.0389). We conclude that the Greek colony of Metaponto included large numbers of people with diverse geographical origins, whereas the indigenous Italic communities of the surrounding hinterland exhibited high levels of homogeneity and cohesion. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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