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2004年7月,全国党报社长、总编辑研讨会在满洲里召开,会议安排了去俄罗斯赤塔市采访观光。三天的赤塔之行,让人感受最深的是俄罗斯民族对大自然的呵护和亲近。呵护自然由满洲里至赤塔480公里的旅程,可谓是地广人稀。沿途所见的30余个市镇村落,千户以上不过二三,多是百余户、几十户。彼此隔着几十或是十几公里的茫茫荒野林海,大多没有人烟、牛羊、耕地。由于人烟稀少,即便是公路两侧的荒草,也十分茂盛,厚厚的,一层盖着一层,将地面遮掩得严严实实;在林区,路边的原始树木也比比皆是。在拥有丰富自然资源的同时,是俄罗斯人对大自然的倍加珍惜与…  相似文献   

曲乐  深白 《旅游纵览》2012,(7):8-10
子曰:"知者乐水。"水之灵活被用来比作智者的智慧——若藏于地下则含而不露,若喷涌而上则清而为泉;少则叮咚作乐,多则奔腾豪壮。水处天地之间,或动或静;动则为涧、为溪、为江河;静则为池、为潭、为湖海。水遇不同境地,显各异风采;经沙土则渗流,碰岩石则溅花;遭断崖则下垂为瀑,遇高山则绕道而行。水,可由滴滴雨水雪水而成涓涓细流,而成滔滔江河,而成茫茫海洋……  相似文献   

<正>在人类移民火星的梦想中,首先考虑的是水。水不仅是生命的发源地,且贯穿生命的全部过程。自然环境对物种选择的结果,使亲水倾向成了现存生物的一种生存基本能力。即只有亲水的生物才有可能继续存活并发展壮大。  相似文献   

From July 5th to 16th, 2013, I joined Travel Channel's “The interior of the Himalayas” team for a rewarding tourto a series of border areas in China, including Legpo in Shigatse's Cona County and Drenthang in DingkyeCounty.  相似文献   

●2002年,喇家遗址被评为“全国十大考古发现”之一。●这里有我国惟一的史前灾难遗址;●这里发现了中国第一大磬——黄河磬王;●这里发现了国内最大的玉刀;●这里发现了世界上最古老的一碗面条;现在,就让我们——在青海省民和回族土族自治县南部,有一个面积约60平方公里的三角  相似文献   

每当人们步入官亭镇街面,首先映入眼帘的是树立于“三川科技文化中心”门口的两棵参天大树。这两棵树,每一棵上都长着两种树叶,原来这两棵树每棵都是一株榆苗和一株槐苗缠在一处栽下的,至今都已长了一百多年了,现在仍枝繁叶茂。成为三川土乡的一大奇观和一道风景线。三川土族的先辈们为什么要别出心裁地栽下这样榆槐结合而成的树呢?有人说这是“槐抱榆”,取其“怀抱玉”的谐音,以求富贵。但也只是一种猜想。人们无法破译种树老人当时的心思,当然我也曾不止一次地苦思冥想过这个怪现象,几十次下乡三川,询问群众,几十年的揣摩猜测,终于使我感…  相似文献   

我并无高深的文化,对于一个土生土长的土族人来讲,只是以求知学,自《中国土族》发行后,我从发行部副主任秦春生老先生处每拿到一本《中国土族》杂志,先迫不及待地浏览,继而从头至尾地啃噬,遇到精妙处更加字斟句酌,并将土族有关的历史、民族风俗,细细品味,还联想起自己家乡中古老、传统的婚礼曲、巴依儿、纳顿节等,深深感到我们土族历史悠久,文化灿烂。  相似文献   

博物馆工作必须由封闭型向开放型转变,这是由博物馆的基本职能决定的,也是客观形势发展的需要。我国博物馆工作目前还处在由封闭型或半封闭型向开放型的转变阶段。博物馆工作者要进一步更新观念,加速这一转变过程。  相似文献   

读刘玲娣教授对拙著《秦汉儿童的世界》撰写的评论,为作者对儿童史研究的关注以及对我的工作的肯定深心感动。于是有就《秦汉儿童的世界》一书撰写的甘苦得失谈谈相关体会的想法,也愿意面对刘玲娣教授的一些批评有所回应,有所说明。  相似文献   

Observers of the digital humanities often see them as shifting literary study away from close reading. However, the digital humanities also present opportunities to refine our capabilities for close reading. These digital reading tools, often useful to scholars, may be just as helpful in the classroom. Students working on long Victorian texts often resist close reading. Ideally, they will have multiple low-pressure opportunities to practice this skill. Open annotation provides a frequent, collegial assignment to help students gain the habit of turning to specific moments in the text for their examples. Hypothes.is is an open-source project facilitating group annotation of any online text; it requires users to anchor any comment in a specific text passage while enabling privacy, conversation threads, and easy grading. This essay offers a commentary on open annotation in the classroom, growing out of the particular challenges and rewards of the course where it was used. Students’ experiences of the text were indisputably enriched by their work with Hypothes.is, but the assignment works best with careful framing and support due to students’ unfamiliarity with the technology.  相似文献   

张红 《敦煌学辑刊》2009,(3):145-149
汉唐时期中原政权与西域各族相互依存,密切往来,从西域地区来看,不仅是西域的地理条件和周边形势所决定的,更是古代西域各族人民要求加强与中原政权联系的结果。  相似文献   


The second edition of D’Arcy Thompson’s On Growth and Form was written only shortly before the advent of computers made it possible to develop more sophisticated mathematical models of processes of growth, morphogenesis and pattern formation in nature. It also predates the blossoming of several branches of science with the conceptual tools to investigate complex phenomena such as self-organization, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, fractal geometry and self-organization. As a result, Thompson’s aspirations sometimes fall short of his means — and occasionally he sets out on the wrong path. This image essay explores some of the instances in which Thompson surpassed his limitations or, alternatively, was constrained by them. In either circumstance, it illustrates how his themes remain areas of significant scientific activity today.  相似文献   

This paper presents the outcomes of sidescan sonar and archaeological diving surveys in 2015 of two wrecked vessels located off Flotta Island, Orkney, North Scotland. Archival research indicates these are the remains of Anti‐Torpedo Close Protection Pontoons (ATCPP), an experimental protection device used for close protection of naval vessels at anchor in Scapa Flow from attack by aircraft‐launch torpedoes. The pontoons were only in operation in Scapa Flow for 13 months (March 1941–April 1942) and few were brought into service. As such they represent a rare heritage resource, for which very little is known about their operation.  相似文献   

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