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This paper contains a textual comparison between the eight accounts of the events in London, June 1381. It reveals a close interrelationship between these accounts, and the author therefore provides a new evaluation of their reliability as a source for the events of the revolt. A stemma is proposed which, among other things, shows that the Anonimalle chronicle should be regarded as a secondary compilation.  相似文献   

This paper contains a textual comparison between the eight accounts of the events in London, June 1381. It reveals a close interrelationship between these accounts, and the author therefore provides a new evaluation of their reliability as a source for the events of the revolt. A stemma is proposed which, among other things, shows that the Anonimalle chronicle should be regarded as a secondary compilation.  相似文献   

Breen  Michael P. 《French history》2006,20(2):138-160
Popular uprisings have attracted the interest of early modernhistorians but the efforts of local elites to manage their consequencesremain largely unexplored. This article examines how Dijon’smunicipality negotiated the aftermath of the 1630 Lanturelurevolt. Following the uprising, Louis XIII curtailed Dijon’sprivileges, reorganized its municipality, and ordered it toindemnify the revolt’s victims. Over time, however, theavocats of Dijon’s municipal government successfully manipulatedthe Ancien Régime’s power networks—law, localinstitutions and clientage networks—to win a restorationof Dijon’s traditional city government, the reductionof damage claims, acknowledgement of the municipality’sinnocence and reaffirmation of its contested authority. Lanturelu’saftermath, often interpreted as an example of the early Bourbons’growing control over French cities, thus reveals that the lattercould remain dynamic political centres in the early seventeenthcentury and that the state’s expanding apparatus couldbe used to contest royal authority, as well as extend it.  相似文献   

During the 1760s a fierce political struggle developed betweenthe shareholders and the royal ministry over the administrationand continued operations of the Compagnie des Indes. Portrayingthemselves as members of a self-governing commercial republic,the shareholders insisted that ultimate authority rested withtheir assembly and accused the ministry of despotic interferencein company affairs. The ministry, concerned with the financialstability of the company, employed the abbé Morelletto shift the debate from the rights of the shareholders to theadvantages of commercial liberty over the company’s privilegedtrading monopoly. Although the ministry succeeded in endingthe commercial operations of the Compagnie des Indes, the affairhad taken place in the public sphere where the publicist Pidansatde Mairobert and the financier Jacques Necker, among others,extolled the patriotism of the shareholders, condemned the despotismof the ministry, and insisted upon the importance of the companyto France’s international presence. By including an accountof the shareholders’ meetings in his anti-Maupeou publicationsof the 1770s, Mairobert linked the affair to the infamous Maupeoureforms, thereby broadening the patriot attack on ministerialgovernment.  相似文献   

日军大屠杀期间南京军民反抗问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1937年12月,面对日军的猛烈进攻,南京守军在南京保卫战中进行了英勇的抵抗,显示了中国人民顽强不屈的精神。13日南京沦陷后,日军在城内进行了长达数周惨绝人寰的大屠杀。在南京沦陷后的最初几周内,南京军民面对日军的大屠杀暴行,进行了英勇的反抗,但这些反抗斗争行为,其特点表现为分散和无组织性。在城市沦陷后数周内,不仅中国军队未见有组织的游击或巷战发生,市民们也没有进行较为普遍和成规模的反抗,这无疑是受到当时的历史环境和条件制约的。对此问题进行进一步研讨,并不是为了抹煞中国军民在南京大屠杀过程中的反抗事迹,而是希望能更深入系统地了解和分析南京军民当时的应对状态以及相关背景和原因。  相似文献   

Focusing on the cultural influence of the cigarette, this paper synthesizes a wide range of evidence to argue that the cigarette was a fundamental primer for Iran's encounter with modernity, especially as understood in the context of western influence. Applying the dramaturgical theories of sociologist Erving Goffman, it is argued that the cigarette is an instantiation of the “sign-equipment” of modernization used to refashion the identity and subjectivity of Iranian men and women. This refashioning has occurred in three distinct periods. In the first period (1860–1930), cigarette smoking was a habit adopted by the Persian elite in an attempt to mediate the encounter with European colonial figures. In the second period (1930–70), cigarettes were leveraged by Iranians who wished to be seen as upwardly mobile. In the final and contemporary period (1970–present), cigarettes have become ubiquitous among the adult population, but smoking itself has become the act of youth rebellion as experimentation occurs at increasingly young ages.  相似文献   

Mohammed Rafi Arefin 《对极》2019,51(4):1057-1078
In this article, I examine the relationship between waste, revolt, and repression in Cairo's sanitation system from the early 20th century to the present. I coin the term infrastructural discontent in the sanitary city to describe how discontent slowly accretes around Cairo's sanitation system and becomes a powerful force in the city's politics—a force that can be mobilised for popular revolt and state repression. I detail three expressions of infrastructural discontent in Cairo's sanitation system, paying careful attention to the deeply related mundane and spectacular productions of these expressions. Tracing the formation of infrastructural discontent in the sanitary city, I show how resistance and repression are produced and contested in material infrastructural relations which contain the accretions of long‐standing struggles over colonialism, development, and uneven urbanisation.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the current development in the southern Ionian Islands (Kefallinia and Zakynthos) prehistory and places it within the context of seafaring. Archaeological data from the southern Ionian Islands show human habitation since Middle Palaeolithic going back to 110 ka BP yet bathymetry, sea-level changes and the Late Quaternary geology, show that Kefallinia and Zakynthos were insular at that time. Hence, human presence in these islands indicates inter island-mainland seafaring. Seafaring most likely started some time between 110 and 35 ka BP and the seafarers were the Neanderthals. Seafaring was encouraged by the coastal configuration, which offered the right conditions for developing seafaring skills according to the “voyaging nurseries” and “autocatalysis” concepts.  相似文献   

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