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香港地区博物馆的运作具有组织架构一体化、陈列展览现代化、展品来源社会化、推广活动网络化、服务设施人性化等特点,为内地博物馆的运作提供了参考。  相似文献   

陈燕 《攀登》2010,29(1):88-91
本文立足世界金融业发展的实践和全球经济一体化的实际,通过综合分析金融业混业经营的优势,提出金融业混业经营的最佳模式和途径选择。  相似文献   

王乃明 《攀登》2010,29(2):92-98
发展集约型规模经营是我国农业发展、实现农业现代化的必由之路和必然趋势。目前,要把扩大规模与发展集约经营结合起来,转变发展方式。同时,要培育新的经营主体,增加投入,加快农业科技创新和科技应用,因地制宜,发展多种形式的集约型规模经营。  相似文献   

休闲产品主题化发展与经营   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
董芳 《旅游科学》2004,18(2):48-53
随着人们生活质量的提高,休闲已成为一种时尚。休闲产业日益兴起,休闲经济对国民经济有着巨大的影响力。在休闲产业经营的过程中,单一的、无特色的休闲产品已不能满足人们的需求,休闲产品主题化成为发展趋势。主题公园、主题酒店、主题旅游和主题购物等就是主题化休闲产品的几种表现形式。  相似文献   

1954年长江中下游发生特大水灾,其中湖北省遭受的损失尤为严重。面对肆虐的洪水,湖北省党政军民在中共中央和中央人民政府以及全国人民的支援下,采取了一系列措施积极救灾。在水灾救济中表现出明显的特点:政府(包括中央政府和地方政府)承担起组织救灾的任务,成为救灾的组织者和指挥者;积极组织灾民生产自救,促使社会功能尽快恢复正常;努力帮助灾民克服灾民意识,在物质救灾的同时加强精神救灾。  相似文献   

This article challenges the historical amnesia surrounding the whirlwind of international recognition of the state of Kosovo. It explores three theses concerning the role of international intervention and local politics in state formation. First, the article contends that Kosovar Albanians were 'backed into' the independent state option. Second, it makes a distinction between 'parallel states' and 'parallel societies', and explores the inadequacy of the thesis that, in the case of Kosovo, a parallel entity was waiting in the wings, prepared to step up and assume the mantle of a fully operational independent state. Third, it argues that Operation Allied Force was central to the eventual recognition of the independent State of Kosovo.  相似文献   


Operation Chastise, more often known as the 'Dambusters raids', was one of the most audacious aerial military operations of the Second World War, in that it made use of operationally untested technical innovations under extreme logistical constraints. Of particular interest is the scientific environment in which the mission was implemented. Here I review the principal scientific innovations that were necessary for the realisation of the mission. These went beyond the rotating depth charge itself. Simple but nevertheless ingenious methods for altitude and range finding were devised for low altitude flying, and the new system of two stage blue day–night flying was implemented for simulated night flying. Even drugs to combat airsickness during low altitude flight in turbulence were tested. The diverse technical expertise that was necessary for the original idea to be transformed into a logistical reality in less than three months provides a particularly lucid instance of effective scientific management in a framework of rapid technological change. I also describe an expedition inspired by these developments, which fifty years on used a dedicated low altitude night flying microlight aircraft (the Barnes Wallis Moth Machine) to catch insects over a rainforest canopy, illustrating the legacies that such missions can leave.  相似文献   

Railroads are now owned by state or local governments in most of the American states. Public ownership does not necessarily bring public operations; indeed, most of the publicly owned lines are privately operated. Public operation is more likely to be found in states with noncompetitive political parties, relatively low population density, higher levels of political corruption, and a higher proportion of public lines that serve port or terminal facilities.  相似文献   

The provision of large economic infrastructure in Australian cities is widely seen to be in crisis. This paper examines the reasons why crisis has arisen in the urban infrastructure sector and what might be done to redress this. The analysis and the argument are based on a resuscitation of the ideas and ideals of infrastructure provision and how these have been eroded. The paper shows how these ideas/ideals once underpinned the formulation of state role, governance and regulation systems, financial arrangements, and even community need and expectation. Critical to this was an acceptance of the ideals of universality, access, bundling and free positive externalities, and the belief that these should be assembled necessarily as part of any urban infrastructure roll-out. This package became instinctive in post-war economic and urban management. Yet this instinct has been lost as governments shift from models of infrastructure provision to infrastructure procurement where a major role for the private sector is now common. While such an involvement has its benefits, there are concerns for the urban condition when privatisation of infrastructure construction, delivery and operation becomes dominant. Citing Graham and Marvin (2001 ), the paper argues that, where once infrastructure was the key device for integrating the elements of the city and its people, the way it is now being delivered produces a splintered urbanism. There is an urgent need, then, to re-think what infrastructure means in today's urban context and thereafter to re-assess the criteria for deciding what infrastructure is to be provided, in what form it should be provided, who should provide it, who should pay, and who should operate it.  相似文献   

流坑旅游资源的开发与经营   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马智胜  郭跃  瞿杰 《旅游科学》2004,18(1):27-30
本文从分析流坑旅游资源的价值特色着手,深入探讨了流坑旅游资源的规划与开发,并从四个方面对流坑旅游资源营运的创新性进行了探讨:(1)如何定位;(2)投资者;(3)管理系统;(4)经营。文章同时就如何发挥传统旅游资源的优势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国饭店业集团化发展刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经过20多年发展,我国的饭店业已成为具有相当规模的产业,但由于受到长期以来的计划经济及传统的小生产思想的影响,我国的饭店业集团化发展缓慢、艰难,本就我国饭店业集团化进程中强化品牌意识、培育职业化市场化的饭店经营人才、集团化发展的战略等问题进行分析。  相似文献   

绿色名录的目标、运作与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《世界遗产》:绿色名录宣传册上描述,绿色名录是为了帮助“爱知目标”第11项指标的实现而制定的一项计划,您能否先介绍一下什么是“爱知目标”?第11项指标又是什么?朱春全:在1992年的联合国环境与发展大会上,缔约国签订了一个由联合国推动的国际公约——《生物多样性保护公约》。这个公约是IUCN应联合国邀请从技术上帮助起  相似文献   

王乃明 《攀登》2003,22(6):34-36,40
文章从农业经济关系市场化、农业生产商品化和产业市场关联三方面阐述了农业市场经济运行机制的内涵,分析了现代农业市场机制的构成内容;说明了农业市场机制的实现过程及其农业市场化的一些规律,并结合中国实际,就建立农业市场机制问题提出了四点建议。  相似文献   

陈雪琼  何凡 《旅游科学》2005,19(5):51-56
我国目前单体饭店仍然占据主导地位,因此大力发展饭店联合体有利于促进中国饭店业的发展.但目前我国饭店联合体在运行过程中却存在相当多的问题,本文对联合体高效运行的制约因素进行了深入的分析,以探寻消除这些因素的对策.  相似文献   

中国对联合国维持和平行动的认知和参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国参与联合国维和行动经过了一个复杂的历史演进过程,大致可分为新中国成立后至改革开放前的原则否定、概不参与,改革开放后至冷战结束前的区另I对待、有限参与,冷战结束至今的积极支持、扩大参与三个阶段。中国对联合国维和行动政策的调整与国际环境和中国国内政治的变化是相对应的,它从一个方面反映了中国国际地位的提高、中国世界观念的变革和中国外交行为方式的转型。中国参与联合国维和行动的历史演进过程表明,中国维护世界和平的大国责任意识日益彰显。  相似文献   

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