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はじめに 日本语の研究が盛んになつてくるに连れて、日本语の勉强も教授法も、文法と文型重视かろ言语的コミュニケ一ション重视へと变わりつつぁる.  相似文献   

化学材料在南通天宁寺古建筑维修中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天宁寺是江苏省重点文物保护单位,该建筑历经千年风霜雨雪,虫蛀霉烂,残损情况十分严重。本文简要分析了古建筑的落架大修与化学加固两种方案的利弊得失,重点介绍了化学材料在木构古建筑维修、加固中的应用。  相似文献   

无色、无光泽、粘结力好、渗透性强的B-72材料适用于土质文物的维修。  相似文献   

The abrupt reversal of culturally ascribed primacy in the science–technology relationship—namely, from the primacy of science relative to technology prior to circa 1980, to the primacy of technology relative to science since about that date—is proposed as a demarcator of postmodernity from modernity: modernity is when ‘science’ could, and often did, denote technology too; postmodernity is when science is subsumed under technology. In support of that demarcation criterion, I evidence the breadth and strength of modernity’s presupposition of the primacy of science to and for technology by showing its preposterous hold upon social theorists—Marx, Veblen, Dewey—whose principles logically required the reverse, viz. the primacy of practice; upon 19th and 20th century engineers and industrialists, social actors whose practical interests likewise required the reverse; and upon the principal theorizers in the 1970s of the role of science in late 20th century technology and society. The reversal in primacy between science and technology ca 1980 came too unexpectedly, too quickly, and, above all, too unreflectively to have resulted from the weight of evidence or the force of logic. Rather, it was a concomitant of the onset of postmodernity. Oddly, historians of technology have remained almost wholly unacknowledging of postmodernity’s epochal elevation of the cultural standing of the subject of their studies, and, specifically, have ignored technology’s elevation relative to science. This I attribute to the ideological character of that discipline, and, specifically, to its strategy of ignoration of science.  相似文献   

在晚清行将告罄的1902年,霍乱作为一个历史进程的指标,敏感地反映了开埠通商前后中国北方社会环境的剧烈变化:疫区的盈缩反映出区域商贸交往体系的成型及港口的兴衰;城乡传播模式的沿海环绕及内陆、沿海轻重疫区的清晰分层则暗示出其时区域人口交往密度的沿海大倾斜。而现代交通工具的介入,则从速度上悄然影响着霍乱的传播区域。  相似文献   

本文对上图藏敦煌写卷《黄仕强传》中的十五个俗字进行了考辨,认为上图本俗字的使用明显多于浙藏本,其抄写时间当早于浙本。通过对“守文案鬼”一词在不同本子中的使用情况的分析,认为上图本当抄写于明皇之前,浙本等当抄写于明皇时期或明皇之后。  相似文献   

This study aims to uncover the geographies of places informing teenagers' understanding of cosmopolitanism and citizenship. Children and young people (CYP) in Singapore are becoming more internationally mobile and growing up in highly globalised Singapore. There are three overall arguments in this paper. First, the local is the actual place to situate studies on cosmopolitanism and that cosmopolitanism should be considered as a dimension of deterritorialised citizenship amongst CYP growing up in highly globalised nation-states. There are ‘roots and routes’ approaches to citizenship and my second argument is that the ‘routes approach’ to citizenship has ingrained cosmopolitan experiences into young people's life-worlds and is arguably the stronger approach of the two for young Singaporeans. Finally, this study demonstrates that the experiences of CYP in geographies of education [Holloway, S. L., P. Hubbard, H. Jöns, H. Pimlott-Wilson. 2010. “Geographies of Education and the Significance of Children, Youth and Families.” Progress in Human Geography 34 (5)] are credible yet neglected life-worlds that can help reconstitute frameworks for understanding cosmopolitanism and citizenship [Harvey, D. 2000. “Cosmopolitanism and the Banality of Geographical Evils.” Public Culture 12 (2)].  相似文献   

本文通过对宋代瓷器铭文中有关佛教内容的分析,结合佛教在中国流传的历史过程,阐述宋代佛教的世俗化倾向。尽管目前所知的与佛教有关的宋代瓷器铭文资料十分有限,难以全面解答佛教在中国的世俗化问题,但铭文中的内容却无可非议地昭示着佛教进入普通平民的生活后,那种大众化、实用化、民俗化的特征。  相似文献   

本文从20世纪前后两个时间段来探讨历代文人学者对《左传》行人辞令研究概况,分析前人时贤研究《左传》行人辞令的重点,以期为今后相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

湘学在经历了元、明时期的相对沉寂之后,进入了晚清繁盛时期。促成这一时期的繁盛现象,除了学术发展内在的规律及客观环境外,县域人文因素或曰县学的积淀,是重要的元素。新化邓显鹤于湖湘文献特别是船山遗书的收集整理、湘乡曾国藩经世理学士人群体的崛起、浏阳谭嗣同对中西学术的融通,促成了晚清湘学的发展与转型。  相似文献   

兴隆洼文化居室葬俗再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居室葬俗延续的时间非常久远 ,从旧石器时代晚期开始出现 ,直至近现代的某些少数民族中仍旧流行。兴隆洼遗址和查海遗址均发现有居室墓葬 ,这说明居室葬并非某一遗址的独特现象 ,而是兴隆洼文化的重要内涵之一。居室墓在室内的位置比较固定 ,通常一座房址内仅埋有一座居室墓葬。兴隆洼遗址共发现居室墓葬 30余座 ,查海遗址仅发现有 6座。居室葬代表了一种极为特殊的埋葬制度 ,具有浓重的宗教祭祀意义。少数人物因生前具有特殊的社会地位或死因特殊 ,死后被埋在室内 ,成为生者崇拜、祭祀的对象。兴隆洼文化的居室葬俗对辽西地区后来的赵宝沟文化、红山文化、夏家店下层文化均产生了多方面的影响  相似文献   

以色列城市化先后经历了自发发展与政府推进两个阶段,在国际移民助推下城市化进程持续推进,城市化水平显著提高,城市布局不断优化。以色列作为世界上典型的移民国家,外来犹太移民不仅是国家建构的基石,也成为以色列城市化持续、快速发展的不竭动力。  相似文献   

2000年 5 月和 2004 年 5 月,赤峰市元宝山区文物管理所在小五家回族乡大营子村后山分别清理了三座早期被盗辽墓。一、地理位置及墓葬分布大营子村位于赤峰市元宝山区政府所在地平庄镇西北约30公里,这里是燕山山脉分支努鲁儿虎山西侧的北缘,属老哈河流域。村的东南有一条长约 35 里由东北———向西南走向的季节性河流塔子川,村的东、南、西三面被海拔较低的群山环抱,墓葬就座落在塔子山地势较缓的南坡台地上(图一)。图一 赤峰市元宝山区大营子大营子村北的塔子山是一座孤峭挺拔、巍岩壁立的孤山,山顶立有自治区级文物保护单位“塔子山…  相似文献   

Despite recent emphases on both environmental archaeology and practice theory in archaeology, the two are rarely combined. In this paper, we illustrate a genealogies of environmental practice approach that seeks to understand how human actions grounded in familiar repertoires make sense of environmental and political economic change. Employing archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological data, we first examine taxon-specific genealogies of practice and then compare them to one another as well as to broader climatic, political, and economic contexts of the last millennium in Banda, west central Ghana. In focusing on the interactivities between different kinds of data, we coax out the strategies used by Banda’s inhabitants to cope with fluctuating environmental and political conditions. We argue that during a several centuries long drought in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries ad, Banda villagers took advantage of a diverse set of economic activities to cope with turbulence, but by the late nineteenth century, these opportunities had dwindled, diminishing the villagers’ practical options.  相似文献   

顾颖 《中原文物》2012,(2):63-67
南阳汉画是汉文化的载体,展现了瑰丽奇异的浪漫主义世界。汉画中的神仙世界充满了深刻的寓意和神秘的象征,反映了汉人浓厚的升仙思想,神灵大都以人兽同体的形象出现;人神杂处的世界是一个怪诞奇异、富于幻想的世界;对世俗生活的描绘透露出汉人积极乐观的生活态度。南阳汉画艺术与远古图腾、原始歌舞、商周文明、楚文化等一脉相承,密不可分。  相似文献   

南方民间的土地神信仰极为普遍,并由此产生了一系列的民俗民风,文章就此作了系统的概括和初步的讨论。  相似文献   

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