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1870—1914年英国的济贫法制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1870—1914年英国的济贫法制度仍然遵循1834年新济贫法所确立的“济贫院内救济原则”。由于社会条件的变化,英国的济贫法制度在1870—1914年进行了一定程度的改革,但是,这种以对贫困的消极被动性救济而不是积极主动性预防为基本特征的济贫法制度已经不能适应英国社会发展的需要。然而,由于特殊的政治原因以及济贫法制度本身的改革,英国的济贫法制度作为以社会保险制度为核心内容的现代社会保障制度的补充而暂时保存下来。  相似文献   

1928年国民党统一中国后,特别是中东路事件发生后,由于受到1927年中苏关系因革命问题而破裂的影响,《大公报》等报刊均站在政府一边,把政治意识视为中苏关系的决定因素,把反赤等同于反苏。“九·一八”以后,随着日本侵略的不断加深,中苏在国际关系中的共同利益日渐显现,舆论逐步放弃政治意识中心观,转为以是否符合国家利益为处理中苏关系的根本原则。但与此同时,舆论又出现了亲苏倾向。这种要么为仇敌、要么为亲邦的观念极易导致国际交往中利益原则的偏离,对中国对外关系事务产生了极其深远的影响。  相似文献   

Aimed to alleviate pauperism in nineteenth-century England, the New Poor Law of 1834 resulted in the creation of hundreds of workhouses across the English landscape. Through the workhouses’ continuing use and adaptation over nearly a 100 years, these buildings illustrate the complexities of attitudes towards, and the treatment of, the poor. In its use of the built form to understand the human experience, this research identifies the variable implementation of the policies of segregation, surveillance, and specialization to promote care and/or control. Ultimately, this multifaceted approach to the workhouse reveals how workhouse architecture reflected, and sometimes contradicted, contemporaneous attitudes towards poverty, structuring, yet not defining, a pauper’s identity.  相似文献   

The striking improvement in life expectancy that took place in England between the Middle Ages and the seventeenth century cannot be explained either by an increase in real wages or by better climatic conditions. The decrease in the risk of utter destitution or of death from famine that was evident on the eve of the Industrial Revolution stemmed, in part, from institutional changes in the old poor law, which began to take shape and become effective early in the seventeenth century.  相似文献   

徐滨 《史学集刊》2004,(3):102-107
16世纪以来的济贫法直到工业革命时期都是规范贫困救济的重要法律依据,但旧济贫法主要体现的是传统的经济观念,这与工业革命的经济社会变化越来越不相容。倡导自由放任的古典经济学的兴起为人们创造了一个理解现实的新的理论基础,在新思想体系的影响下,社会对贫困救济的观念不断变化,最终导致济贫法改革和1834年新济贫法的确立。  相似文献   

《Northern history》2012,49(1-2):78-96
A considerable corpus of literature addresses the poor relief crisis and its culmination, the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. However, the Act's adoption was not uniform, temporally or geographically, and the role of West Riding Gilbert incorporations in delaying its local implementation, and the consequences of that delay, have received little attention. The environs of Leeds were less affected by the Act than elsewhere. Four sprawling incorporations comprising 160 townships, established under Gilbert's Act of 1782, obstructed the formation of New Poor Law unions. The largest, the Carlton Incorporation, included in its membership seven of the ten Leeds out-townships. Alongside member townships, others, interspersed but non-incorporated, like Holbeck in Leeds, might also administer relief predominantly in the tradition of Old Poor Law welfare mechanisms, with greater autonomy, and by select vestries, to which working men might be elected. Such was the case in Holbeck, where on three occasions in the 1840s Chartist administrations were returned. This paper examines the impact on the poor of relief administration in the Carlton Incorporation, and Holbeck, during the 1840s, introducing an analysis of the workings, policies, and effects of an example of Chartist local governance.  相似文献   

In the nineteenth-century Prohibition Party, American women ascribed new gendered meanings to party work traditionally performed by male partisans, and also drew upon their gendered roles as women, mothers, and wives to create new partisan strategies. This article investigates the political culture that sustained a remarkable departure from traditional Democratic and Republican practices, and further explores why women's contributions to the Prohibition Party declined in the early-twentieth century. In so doing, it traces how gender and gender roles shaped the meaning of party and politics, and elucidates the interplay between institutions, constituencies, and policy during one of America's most tumultuous political eras.  相似文献   

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