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This is a study of change over time, both in attitudes to objects, and in the manner of their collection. The example of a pair of columns from a Mycenaean tholos tomb, the so-called 'Treasury of Atreus' at Mycenae, serves as a point of departure for discussion of the value of material culture in the context of archaeology's emergence as a discipline.  相似文献   

A Late Bronze Age Mycenaean pictorial krater, decorated with a chariot procession, from tomb 387 at Tel Dan, Israel, was examined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The origin of the krater is placed in the Argolid, very likely in the region of Mycenae or Berbati.  相似文献   

谢尧亭  范文谦  王金平  杨及耘  李永敏 《考古学报》2022,(1):75-80+180+81-148+153-172
<正>横水西周墓地于2004年被盗时发现。经报请山西省文物局和国家文物局批准,2004-2007年,山西省考古研究所(现山西省考古研究院)、运城市文物工作站和绛县文物局组成联合考古队进行了抢救性发掘,按照探方发掘法清理了所有墓葬。墓地位于山西运城绛县横水镇横北村以北约800米处,北距下庄村约1.2公里,东距绛县县城约11公里。墓地北依中条山余脉绛山(又名紫金山),南面横水镇以南有涑水河自东向西流过,再往南约7000米是东北—西南走向的中条山脉。墓地北高南低呈缓坡状,较平坦,东、西两侧不远处各有一条深20-50米的冲沟(图一)。  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper is the biography of a single piece of pottery found in a tomb in Sardinia. The form is one that is common in Levantine sites in the Mediterranean in the Early Iron Age, but this single vessel, its history, context, and form, allows a greater story to be told: it points to a second wave of Levantine exploration and colonization – probably Tyrian – that built upon a Euboean–northern Phoenician initial phase in the eighth century BC.  相似文献   

Summary. During the first quarter of the fourteenth century B.C., a series of violent destructions seems to have occurred in the Aegean, affecting sites including Knossos, Khania, Mycenae, Pylos, Sparta, Nichoria, Thebes, Athens, Ayia Irini, Phylakopi, and a number of sites in Cyprus and Anatolia. This followed a period in which certain artifacts and burial practices were relatively uniform throughout these sites, and in which Knossos appears to have held a position of particular prominence.
It was during the period of these destructions that the Mainland Greeks began their most notable era of contact with the Eastern Aegean, possibly prompted by a desire to secure access to commodities such as copper from the Eastern Mediterranean. Competition to control such trade may have contributed to warfare between Mycenaean centres, which resulted in destruction at several locations, including Knossos.  相似文献   

2010年6月,为配合洛阳铁路枢纽建设,洛阳市文物工作队在孟津县平乐镇马村发掘了一座西晋时期墓葬(C10M823)。C10M823位于汉魏洛阳城西北部约6公里,西距焦柳铁路约0.5公里,东距二广高速公路约1公里(图一)。一、墓葬形制C10M823形制较特殊,由墓道、甬道、墓室和耳室组成,主室为砖室,耳室均为土洞(图二)。墓葬方向185度。墓道位于墓室  相似文献   

Summary.   This article analyses the mortuary data of the 'Second Palace' period (c. 1700–1450 BC) on the Aegean island of Kythera. It proposes that the chamber tombs which were first introduced to the island in this period can offer potential insights into aspects of local-level social relations, especially at the central site of Kastri. This approach complements the broader cultural perspective that has usually been taken regarding these tombs, which have been viewed as indicators of Cretan cultural influence and, indeed, colonization. It is proposed that a strong horizontal in-group solidarity was being expressed by the tomb-using group at Kastri through spatial and diachronic uniformity in burial practices, and that this uniformity should be viewed at least partially as a response to local-level social agendas. The hypothesis is then explored that status identities were also being asserted in the burial sphere by at least some members of this group, through tomb location, the resources devoted to mortuary rituals and, perhaps, emphasis on lineage.  相似文献   

南阳市三杰房地产公司住宅小区M49为西汉晚期墓,形制为双凸字形竖穴土坑墓,由双墓道和东西两室组成.墓中出土大量的青铜器和原始瓷器,为研究南阳汉墓提供了丰富的资料.  相似文献   

1998年,成都市文物考古研究所等对成都龙泉驿区青龙村的一座砖室墓进行发掘。墓葬为较大型的长方形双室券顶砖墓,墓圹平面呈亚字形,两墓室均由封门墙、墓室、棺床、耳室和肋拱组成。此墓是迄今发掘的除王建永陵之外的最高级别的前蜀重臣和分封亲王墓葬,为前蜀墓葬制度的研究提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

河南南阳春秋楚彭射墓发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年6月,南阳市文物考古研究所对一座春秋晚期楚墓(M38)进行了发掘。此墓为长方形竖穴土坑墓,墓口南北长7、东西宽5米。葬具一椁二棺,两棺并列于墓室北部。随葬器物有铜器、玉石器、皮甲等。其中铜器制作精美,种类有鼎、簠、盏、盘、匝、斗、浴缶等礼器,戈、戟、殳、镞等兵器以及车马器、工具等。墓中出土5鼎,均为盖鼎。从铜礼器和兵器上的铭文看,墓主彭射为楚国高级贵族。在该墓附近已经发现多座彭氏墓葬,此处应是彭氏家族墓地。  相似文献   

俞凉亘  申建伟  高虎  胡小宝  胡瑞  高向楠  周立  王炬 《文物》2011,(8):13-21,1,98
2005年2~9月,洛阳市文物工作队配合基建项目在体育场路西发掘了一批东周墓葬。其中M8830未遭盗掘,保存完好。此墓为长方形竖穴土坑墓,墓口南北长3.7、东西宽2.1米。葬具为一棺一椁。随葬器物有铜器、玉器、石器、陶器等,以铜礼器为主。铜器制作精美,种类有鼎、(■)、簋、方壶、(■)、舟、(■)等礼器及车马器。根据墓葬形制及随葬器物,初步推断此墓的年代属春秋中期,墓主为高级贵族。此墓的发掘为研究东周铜器提供了新资料。  相似文献   

Summary.   The first painted tombs in Etruria date to about 675–650 BC, as attested by a few examples at Veii and Caere, which pre-date those of Tarquinia (mainly sixth–third centuries BC). At first glance, tomb painting has no obvious connection with the Early Iron Age or Villanovan period (tenth/ninth–eighth centuries BC), when burial in shaft or trench graves predominated. Nevertheless, some links can be suggested with Villanovan house urns, which reinforce the point that indigenous traditions merit greater consideration than is usual in discussions of Etruscan artistic and cultural development.  相似文献   

山西兴县红峪村元至大二年壁画墓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月,考古工作者在山西兴县康宁镇红峪村发掘了一座壁画墓。墓葬坐西朝东,由墓道、封门石、甬道、墓门及墓室组成,墓室为八角形,为夫妇合葬墓。墓顶和墓室皆绘有壁画,包括花卉、鞍马、墓主夫妇对坐图、备茶图及孝行故事等。西壁墓主夫妇之间有一牌位,题有墓主武庆及其妻景氏名字,其后座屏上题传马致远所作《天净沙.秋思》。西南壁上题记中有元代至大二年(1309年)纪年。  相似文献   

Summary.   The reputed Neanderthal 'flute' from the Slovenian site of Divje babe I has stimulated much interest and detailed research since the original publication of its discovery in 1997. In spite of nearly ten years' worth of analysis and discussion its status as an artefact has remained ambiguous; nevertheless it is still frequently cited as a 'flute'. This paper examines the literature and research regarding this object, and finds that much of the ambiguity regarding the object's status derives from the literature itself. It concludes that there is no need to invoke hominin agency in explaining the features of the bone.  相似文献   

Artifacts from royal burial graves Gamma and Omicron of grave circle B at Mycenae attest to cultural ties between the Eastern Mediterranean elite and that of the Scandinavian Early Bronze Age (mid- and late 2nd millennium BC). The appearance of the running spiral motif and representations of ships with rams in Scandinavia coincide with the beginning of the Mycenaean civilization. These facts, along with the ?nds of Baltic amber only in the royal burials at Mycenae but not in Crete, suggest that a principal role in the introduction of these cultural elements in Scandinavia during the Scandinavian Bronze Age (periods I–III according to Montelius) was played by the Mycenaean elite.  相似文献   

In this paper new and previously known passage tomb art in north‐west Ireland is recorded using an innovative recording technique. The use of this method, which involves vector drawing from digital photographs taken with oblique lighting (VeDPOL), has clarified and increased the instances of megalithic carving in the north‐west of Ireland. At two monuments – Listoghil and Heapstown Cairn – the new recordings have allowed us to contextualize the art within the broader corpus of passage tomb motifs. Additionally, it is proposed that one of the carvings from Listoghil is of later prehistoric origin and not Neolithic as previously believed. Finally, and most importantly, this paper highlights a group of motifs recently found at Cairn B in the Carrowkeel‐Keashcorran complex. This discovery demonstrates for the first time that megalithic art was a feature of all four major passage tomb complexes in Ireland.  相似文献   

Summary.   The monumental Early Bronze Age settlement at Liman Tepe (Levels VI–IV) (predecessor of the classical site of Klazomenai), on the southern shore of the Gulf of Izmir, is a good indication of the emergence of settlements with centralised organisation on the west coast of Anatolia. Similar developments can also be followed in Troy at the northernmost limit of the western coastline, on the islands of the north and east Aegean, and at the inland site of Küllüoba in north-west Anatolia. Over a much wider geographical area, extending from south-eastern Anatolia via central and western Anatolia, the islands of the east Aegean, the Cyclades, and mainland Greece, a distinctive set of cultural features emerged at the end of Early Bronze Age II. An explanation of the cultural changes taking place along the west Anatolian coastline at this time should thus be sought in the perspective of this wider sphere. These features can be summarised as follows:
  • • 

    organised settlement structures indicating the presence of a central authority;


李德文  秦让平  汪欣  邓刚  杨亚宁 《考古》2012,(5):29-40,98,106,109
2010年4月发掘的白鹭洲战国墓M566为带墓道的竖穴土坑墓,墓主为女性。墓葬中出土一椁三重棺,以及铜器、仿铜陶礼器、漆木器及玉器等随葬品。墓主身份应不低于大夫级,墓葬年代为战国中期偏晚。此墓葬的发掘丰富了战国时期皖西地区楚墓的研究资料,对研究安徽地区楚文化的传播和发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A total of 150 intricately carved bone slips were uncovered at the Loughcrew H passage tomb in Co. Meath, Ireland, during excavations between 1865 and 1943. Studies of the carvings identified La Tène motifs suggesting that the slips may have been Middle to Late Iron Age in date. Joseph Raftery even went so far as to argue that the megalithic tomb itself was an Iron Age construction. His theory has since been debunked, but absolute dates have not been forthcoming for either these finds or the tomb. The following Middle Iron Age results presented here are slightly earlier than the dates that had hitherto been anticipated and they help to shed light on the subsequent interactions with this tomb.  相似文献   

江苏连云港海州西汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武可荣  惠强  马振林  张璞  程志娟  项剑云 《文物》2012,(3):4-17,2,3,97
2002年,连云港市博物馆对海州区双龙村的西汉墓(M1)进行了发掘。M1墓室东西长4.2、南北宽3.6米,内有两个椁室,共放置4具漆木棺。随葬器物有铜器、铁器、玉器、漆木器、角器、木牍等,其中木牍包括名谒和衣物疏。墓主人可能是西汉中后期的地方官员。在M1的三号棺内发现了一具保存完好的女尸,从出土的龟纽铜印看,墓主叫凌惠平,死亡年龄大约55岁,可能是男性墓主人的妻子。  相似文献   

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