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Rope and other patterns on pottery unearthed from the Karub cultural sites, dating back some 5,000 years, are considered to be the earliest examples of painting art known so far. Rock paintings believed to have come later constitute the embryo of Tibetan painting art.Tangka painting is closely related to frescoes in terms of painting art. Tangka is created to reproduce what is painted in the fresco. Cultures prevalent in China's hinterland, India and Nepal exerted deep influence on Tibetan painting art.Both Princess Wencheng and Princess Jincheng brought the Han Chinese culture into Tibet, which proved to be a boon for the development of Tibetan painting art. With construction of the Potala Palace, Jokhang, Qamzhub and other monasteries, Tibetan painting art developed apace. Frescoes in Jokhang Monastery, Qamzhub Monastery and Potala Palace, still visible today, feature a simple nature, with rich colors and concise lines, while figures were painted in an  相似文献   

正On the wall of her room,which is no bigger than twenty square meters,she has hung all her paintings that she has worked out while in a different spirit and state,most of them in a series of a few pictures.The paintings were finished in the past one or two years during her free time after lectures.Pointing at her paintings,she smiled and said,"Each painting is my soul work,to which I have devoted  相似文献   

Tibetan painting art finds expression in two: murals and tangka paintings. The two vary in painting styles and materials used. Tangka paintings show the unique feature of Tibetan fine arts.However, in the face of refined tangka, how one should enjoy it? Do you know how to paint it? How to mount it? Anything special in this regard?Mounting MethodIn Tibet, when a tangka has been created, it would be mounted. The brocade for mounting, called Gyishamo in Tibetan, always has the same dimension: Gyishamo below the tangka amounts to half that of  相似文献   

Guanzhuang site is located in the west of Guanzhuang Village, Gaocun Township, Xingyang City, Henan Province. From the site, more than 3 000 pottery moulds have been unearthed, with various types, including the moulds for containers, tools, chariots, weapons, money and core, etc. According to the types and decorations of pottery moulds and the characteristics of co - existing pottery, the pottery moulds of Guanzhuang site can be divided into two periods—Phase I dating from the late Western Zhou Dynasty to the early Spring and Autumn Period, and phase TJ considered between the early and middle Spring and Autumn Period. The change of bronze ware styles from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period was important in the development of ancient Chinese bronze wares. Due to the lack of archaeological data, research on pottery moulds during the two - week period was still insufficient; discussion of the important issue of standardizing the sources of raw materials was also relatively weak. Environmental archaeology has relatively mature methods and practices in depositional dynamics, depositional processes and provenance tracing, which could provide new ideas for further in - depth discussions on this issue. In order to understand the material sources and craftsmanship of pottery moulds unearthed from Guanzhuang site in Xingyang, Henan Province, samples of Guanzhuang pottery moulds and natural sedimentary strata were studied using particle size analysis, XRF and petrographic analysis to give the following results. 1) The raw materials for mould - making were taken from the late Pleistocene Malan loess layer under the cultural layer of the site. The Malan loess underwent simple manual elutriation before being used to make pottery moulds. 2) A small amount of plant ash and calcium nodule powder was added during the production process of pottery moulds as an admixture to increase the high - temperature resistance. 3) The inner side of pottery mould for container was mainly made of Malan loess, while the outer one was made of a mixture of Malan loess and river sand with a blending ratio of about 7:5. Pottery moulds for various ware types had different processing techniques (e.g., moulds for containers were more refined). Besides, compared with early pottery moulds, later ones are relatively rougher, but the difference is not obvious. 4) The petrographic characteristics of double - layer container moulds indicate that there are different production processes for the inner and outer sides of mould. The inner side was made of Malan loess with finer particles—below 100 μm—as the raw material after elutriation, and there were traces of directional trimming. The outer one was made of a mixture of two parts of minerals (coarse and fine), and there was no obvious processing trace. Analysis of sample particle size is a new attempt to discuss the material sources of pottery moulds. The related discussion of mud - clarifying ponds is also helpful to understand the function of such relics and the formation process of accumulation in them. This study has important reference significance for exploring the material and craft characteristics of pottery moulds before and after the early Spring and Autumn Period in the Central Plains. © 2023, Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

The relation between the wall paintings of Dra-thang Monastery and Dunhuang art is rather complex.In order to have a better understanding of it,two fac-ets need to be clarified:one is that the wall paintingsof Dra-thang Monastery are a kind of continuation ofTibetan-style paintings during the Tubo's occupationperiod (786-848A.D),that is,their dates are differentbut they are of the same essence.The other is thatboth of them share similar cultural elements.They arerelated but differ from each other.Their multiple links  相似文献   

The brick - vault hall of Longchang Temple at Baohua Mountain is a representative of a series of Ming Dynasty brick - vault halls——a unique architectural heritage type in China. In order to evaluate the structural safety of this architectural heritage in earthquakes, we set up a three - dimensional finite element model to analyze its dynamic properties, seismic response spectrum and seismic time history in order to obtain the natural frequencies, modal modes, seismic effect, and seismic deformation and stress response. The results show that the structure of the hall features high symmetry and high torsional rigidity. The degrees of influence of earthquake on the vibration of the hall are as follows : roof, side walls and arch on the second floor, eaves of the first floor, side walls and arch on the first floor. Under the Intensity 7 frequently - occurring earthquake, precautionary earthquake, and rarely - occurring earthquake, the most dangerous position of the hall is the junction of the arched window impost and sill wall on the side far away from the stairs on the first floor. In addition, prone to the tensile damage, each arch impost is a weak position in an earthquake. Finally, a seismic strengthening strategy for the brick - vault hall of Longchang Temple is presented based on the results of dynamic properties and seismic behavior analysis. © 2023, Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

曾红 《东南文化》2001,(10):42-47
Sheng Mao was an important landscape painter in the late period of Yuan Dynasty, learning from Dong and Ju. His style was minute and delicate, gaining great reputation at that time. However, his position was shaken since four maters of Yuan Dynasty grew up later. Anyway he is a great painter with unique style. The author draws an instructive opinion on his painting.  相似文献   

Xianquanhe River in Ngari of Tibet got its name because of the valley at its head that looks like an elephant trunk. It originates in Mointo Township,Gar County,running west to pass through Zada County before entering India.The section of the river in India is named the Sutlej.It joins the Chenab River in Pakistan before finally becoming a major tributary on the upper reaches of the Indus River.It is 1.450km long,with a drainage area of 400,000 square km. The survey started with the source of Xianquanhe River and then went on to Zada County’s Xiangba Township.They found many historical remaias of the pre- Buddhism period including stoneware position,great stone relics,ancient graveyards, rock paintings and relics of the  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note:Han Shuli,modern painter and first-class national artist,has worked on art in Tibet since 1973.He has worked on quite a number of paintings on Tibet,and is honored as the"leading figure of the Tibet highland school of painting".It is often said that disposition decides destiny or your hobby foretells your fate.I do not entirely agree with this.For my part,before I was 25,it had never occurred to me that my life would have any  相似文献   

The West Yellow Temple is currently the location of the Senior Tibetan Buddhist College of China in Beijing, situated at the outer area of Andingmen and Deshengmen. This temple is an over 350 years old and covered with glazed tiles onthe roof, surrounded by a red wall and beautified by giant cypresses in the courtyard. Inside it looks solemn but spectacular. The splendid and exquisite architecture of the buildings is a perfect integration of the styles of Han, ethnic Tibetan and India and is referred to as a treasure of Tibetan Buddhist style architecture.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):483-492

Instead of focusing on what characteristics the next president of the United States should have, we need to focus on the institutional realities of the presidency. Those realities consistently reflect a system dedicated to maintaining the dominance of the United States through economic and military power, and maintaining the ruling elite's control of economic and political power in this country. Persons committed to the practice of the Gospel, especially in solidarity with the poor, must name, confront and resist those institutional and cultural realities. This truth-telling can take many forms, such as life in community with the poor, public speaking, preaching, writing, demonstrations, civil disobedience, and some involvement in electoral politics. All of these will be informed by a realism that struggles faithfully without placing undue hope on presidential politics.  相似文献   

杨红林 《史学月刊》2005,(12):61-65
关于北京政府时期的外交,尽管学术界近来已开始有了较为客观的评价,不过对于其背后因素的考察还有待深入。实际上,在北京政府时期,由于特殊的时代背景,各种社会舆论被全面动员起来,以汹涌澎湃之势冲击着外交这一特殊的政治领域,从而形成了近代史上国民外交的黄金时期。于是,由于中央政府统治的虚弱,在其决策者进行外交运作时,就处处受到来自舆论界的影响,这是一个极为明显的历史特色,通过对当时舆论的考察,就会更深层次地探究北京政府外交的两难境地。笔者在考察时,主要以关税特别会议为个案,以上海舆论为核心,以《申报》、《东方杂志》等报刊为第一手资料。  相似文献   

野牛的灭绝与大平原印第安人的命运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周钢 《史学月刊》2002,(7):113-118
野牛是美国西部大平原地区最重要的一种动物,曾对人类的生活产生过直接的影响,更与印第安人的生存息息相关。在内战后的西部开拓中,白人移居对野牛进行了野蛮的屠杀,致使野牛灭绝。与此同时,白人拓居在美国政府的支持下推行种族灭绝政策,导致失去生活所依的印第安人陷入了严重的生存危机。这种残暴和不义之举是无可挽回的历史失误。反思这段历史今天仍具重要意义。  相似文献   

《庆元儒学洋山砂岸复业公据》碑是目前发现存世的仅有的一例附有八思巴字元代公据碑。本文在释录碑文的基础上,通过对宋末元初庆元路儒学对位于昌国州的洋山砂岸被侵占所提起的二次诉讼案及相关人物的考察,试图揭示元代赡学砂岸被占的实质,以起补史、证史之作用。同时,作为一例完整个案,为元代司法、儒学等方面的研究提供第一手史料。  相似文献   

成吉思汗建立了蒙古帝国,以千户制巩固了统治,国土横跨欧亚。至忽必烈在中原大地建立了蒙元王朝。1368年元朝灭亡后,众多蒙古人返回蒙古本土,与当地统治者发生权力斗争。蒙古本土也因无法为骤然增多的人口提供给养而导致经济崩溃。蒙古人不断侵扰明朝边境,迫使永乐皇帝率兵亲征,更加剧了蒙古困难局面。重建蒙古强力政权的努力一再破产。直至达延可汗,蒙古再现生机。  相似文献   

清末财政困窘,支出浩繁,政府在维持旧有税收的同时,力图开辟新的税源,并因应时势而不断变化,酒税从厘捐到烟酒税这样的变化就体现了这一发展历程。民国初创,面临的财政危机依然如故,酒税征收仍然沿习清末旧制,弊病百出。当政者对酒税制度重新设计,意欲将其纳入国家财政收支系统的正轨。对原有酒税加以改革,举办公卖制度开征公卖费,新征烟酒牌照税,构成了民国初年酒税制度的主要内容。然而由于各种各样的原因,这一努力并没有达到制度设计者的初衷。  相似文献   


The unprecedented and unsustainable impact of human activities on the biosphere threatens the survival of the Earth's inhabitants, including the human species. Several solutions have been presented to mitigate, or possibly undo, this looming global catastrophe. The dominant discourse, however, has a monolithic and Western-centric articulation of the causes, solutions, and challenges arising from the events of the Anthropocene which may differ from the other epistemes and geographies of the world. Drawing on the International Relations (IR) critical engagement with the Anthropocene, this paper situates the Asia-Pacific region in the Anthropocene discourse. The region’s historical and socio-ecological characteristics reveal greater vulnerability to the challenges of the Anthropocene compared to other regions while its major economies have contributed recently to the symptoms of the Anthropocene. On the other hand, the region’s ecocentric philosophies and practices could inform strategies of living in the Anthropocene. This contextualised analysis aims to offer an Asia-Pacific perspective as well as insights into the development of IR in the age of the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

Some of the problems of establishing the cause of the death of Alexander the Great are like the attempts to find causes other than hysteria for Anna O.’s symptoms. The more general problem of using plausibility as a criterion of the truth of such reconstructions are illustrated by the arguments embedded in Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia.  相似文献   

明代是中国封建社会城市经济和商品经济得到较大发展的历史时期。市民阶层的形成,促进了以戏曲、小说为代表的通俗文学的发展,戏曲、小说中的插图在继承宋元传统的基础上得到了前所未有的繁荣。明代的人物肖像画家面对人物画的弱势格局和蓬勃兴起的书籍出版业,积极为书籍创作插图,两者之间形成了紧密联系、共同发展的关系。  相似文献   

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