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1950年中央人民政府政务院主导的统一全国财政经济工作使新中国在财政、金融、贸易等领域迅速构建起高度集中统一的管理体制.中央的统一财政经济工作经历了不断的制度调整:在确保税制统一的同时尝试减轻地方政府的征税压力;在建立统收统支财政体制后不久即开始划分收支与酝酿分级管理方案;为了缓解地方的财政压力,中央采取了整理地方财政、推进地方收支挂钩、适度划分管理职权、增加地方收入分成等一系列举措.这些制度调整意味着虽然统一与集中是这一时期央地财政关系的主要特征,但并非全部内涵,如何兼顾集中统一与因地制宜从这时起已成为新中国经济发展进程中的核心命题之一.  相似文献   

2月,梅州召开《广东年鉴·2009)梅州部分组稿工作会议,参加《广东年鉴》组稿的市直有关单位,各县(市、区)编写组、方志办主任及市方志办干部参加了会议。会议组织学习了省委常委、副省长肖志恒在《广东年鉴·2009)全省组稿工作会议上的重要讲话,部署《广东年鉴·2009)梅州部分组稿工作.并对如何做好组稿工作进行培训和讨论交流。  相似文献   

(本刊讯)中国钱币学会2000年元月19日在京召开新千年首次常务理事会。中国钱币学会名誉理事长李葆华、顾问童赠银、副理事长李学勤、夏立平等出席会议。会议增补段引玲、刘世安、易都佑为常务理事。学会秘书处向会议汇报了1999年学会工作概要和2000年工作设想。出席会议的常务理事们充分肯定了学会1999年的工作。童赠银顾问提出新千年工作指导思想应为“抓住时机,开拓进取,提高素质,服务现实”,并获得常务理事一致赞同。中国钱币学会各专业委员会负责人、中国钱币博物馆有关领导列席了会议。中国钱币学会召开新千年…  相似文献   

郭金雨 《百年潮》2022,(6):56-64
<正>1949年5月27日,上海解放。第二天,陈毅出任上海市军事管制委员会主任,并正式成为新上海第一位市长,担负起“改造旧上海,建设新上海”的重任,承担安定中国最大工商业城市的重责。几乎同时,党中央决定由陈云主管全国财政经济工作,出任中央财政经济委员会主任。  相似文献   

<正>一问题意识20世纪末,西方新财政史兴起,论证了财政这种经济行为或经济现象的一个重要特点,就是与政治的关系最为紧密,将欧洲历史按照财政史进行了重新分期(陆连超:《新财政史:解读欧洲历史的新视角》,《天津师范大学学报》2008年第4期)。当前,关于中国经济改革、社会转型和全球化的研究已经成为社会科学研究的前沿热点,受到中外学者的普遍关注。著名经济史家熊彼特认为:"从国家财政入手的这种研究方法,在用于研究社会转折点时,效果尤为显著。"[熊彼特:《税收国家的危机》  相似文献   

&lt;波茨坦公告&gt;发布日本数次“乞降“   1945年5日7日,德国法西斯宣布无条件投降,第二次世界大战的欧洲战事宣告结束.两个多月后的7月17日至8月2日,美国新任总统杜鲁门、英国首相邱吉尔、苏联部长会议主席斯大林,在德国首都柏林郊区幽静的小镇波茨坦举行了会议.会议期间的28日,邱吉尔下台,遂立即由继任首相艾德礼接替参加会议.除国家元首(首相)外,3国的外长、军队参谋长也参加了会议.会议拟促令日本无条件投降,但由于中国未能参加这个会议,再加上苏联尚未对日本宣战,所以在征得了中国国民政府的同意后,以中、美、英3国政府的名义,正式发布&lt;中美英三国政府促令日本投降之波茨坦公告&gt;.内容共13条,其中心内容是:……  相似文献   

张立群 《攀登》2001,20(Z1):193-196
<中华苏维埃共国国宪法大纲>是中国历史上第一个由人民自己制定的宪法,也是人民进行反帝、反封建的革的纲领性文件.它明确了苏维埃政权的阶级本质、任务、目的、和组织形式,同时规定工农劳动群众的各项基本权利.它是中国人民制订宪法的首次伟大尝试,对以后革命政权的立宪活动提出了极其宝贵的历史经验.  相似文献   

李鸿谷 《华夏地理》2008,(5):174-175
在新中国解放初期,中央财政将“平抑物价作为稳定经济、稳定社会、稳定人心的中心环节”,实行财政资源高度集中(这几乎成为中国财政的核心基因),终使新中国的人民政府有了力量与上涨的物价进行真正的较量.稳定了新政权。  相似文献   

为落实中国地方志指导小组对续志工作的要求,搞好《黑龙江省志&#183;共产党志》的续编工作,经省委领导同志同意,成立了《黑龙江省志&#183;共产党志》续志编纂委员会。编委会于7月27日召开了第一次会议。编委会主任、省委副书记杨光洪,副主任、省委常委组织部长周同战在会上讲了话。杨光洪同志就共产党志的续编工作讲了四点重要意见,他说:  相似文献   

2007年7月3日,《山西通志·民俗志》编纂工作会议在山西省史志研究院召开。山西省史志研究院党组副书记、副院长张铁锁,地方志所副所长刘益龄,方志所各室负责人及《山西通志·民俗志》编纂人员20余人参加了会议。会议着重围绕《山西通志·民俗志》篇目编纂工作实施方案进行了深入细致的研究讨论,并且进一步明确了今后工作开展的思路和方法。[第一段]  相似文献   

张书林 《攀登》2011,30(1):3-8
从党的十四大开始,我们党已经定型把每届中央委员会的第五次全体会议的主题和政治使命定位为"研究制定经济社会发展规划"。这四个"五中全会"及通过的关于经济社会发展规划(计划)的"建议",主要是从提出奋斗目标、发展战略两个方面对五年间的经济社会发展进行安排部署和谋划设计。  相似文献   

Population geography in the Soviet Union is found to be developing mainly in breadth without adequate theoretical gounding. Because of the growing interest in mathematical methods, which have yet to demonstrate their real research value, long-tested traditional methods (statistical, comparative, cartographic) are being neglected. The usefulness of large conferences as compared with small meetings on a specific topic is questioned. The present active interest in population geography is resulting in neglect of other branches of economic geography in the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

Academic conferences create an opportunity to disseminate new research, network with like‐minded researchers, and make new connections. The use of Twitter at these conferences continues to expand. This article focuses on how the Twitter data generated during conferences can be visually analysed in terms of community detection, connectivity, and information flows. Using social network analysis techniques and an online survey, the article analyses the subgroups within the entire network, their institutional affiliations, and research interest, and then focuses on the roles of the highly connected Twitter uses in the network. Through in‐depth analysis, the data revealed both how Australian geography academics use Twitter during a conference and how they cluster based on affiliations and research interest and also identified the information bridges in the social media conference network generated by using #IAG2019Hobart. The article concludes with some recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

国际背景与中国特色的经济地理学   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
李小建 《人文地理》2004,19(1):27-31
近一、二十年来,以英美地理学家为主导的国际经济地理学界开始注重制度和社会文化因素对经济空间现象的影响。柔性专业化、网络与根植性、集聚与集群,区域管制等概念,频聚出现于国际主导地理刊物和国际会议讨论之中。国内也有一些学者引进这些相关理论并结合中国实例作了一些可喜的探索。这种引进理论--中国实际研究--理论总结的研究模式,推动着上世纪中国经济地理学发展。但是,从中国特色的经济地理学角度考虑,还应该探索其他研究思路。中国经济地理学发展背景,有一些在世界十分独特,如最大的且近20多年经济增长最快的发展中国家,工业化与城市化不相一致,体制变革、文化传统的特殊影响,人口与资源的尖锐矛盾,区域差异巨大,经济地理学在地理学中地位的特殊性等。根据这些背景,中国经济地理学需要冷静地审视国际学术动向和中国特色。立足中国实际,加强国际交流,凝练解释中国特殊经济地理现象的理论观点,逐渐培育国际经济地理学界中的中国流派。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the themes of the two conferences organized by the League of Nations—“Modern Man” and “The Foundations of Modern Humanism”—which were held in Nice and Budapest in 1935 and 1936, respectively. It was a time of deepening crisis, when the pervasive belief was that European civilization was declining. The more specific questions discussed in these conferences included the relation of modern man to the state, the impact of irrational theories on modern life, and the need for free education for everyone. Renowned writers and academics of the period participated in the debates, among them Thomas Mann, Jules Romains, Salvador de Madariaga, Alfred Zimmern, and Johan Huizinga. I present a critical overview of their debates, beginning with Paul Valéry, the initiator and chairman of these conferences, who coined the intriguing slogan “La Société des Nations suppose la Société des Esprits.”  相似文献   

The Painted Chamber, adjacent to the old house of lords at Westminster, was the venue for conferences between the house of lords and house of commons designed to settle any disagreements between the two Houses. Information about the accommodation in the Painted Chamber and its furnishings is provided by a study of a plan by Sir Christopher Wren dated about 1703 and a painting by William Capon of 1799. This note discusses the layout of the accommodation in the early 17th century and how it changed after the Restoration in 1660 and again at the union with Ireland in 1801. It further considers how the furnishings dictated the use of the space by the managers of the conferences, and how the gentleman of the black rod regulated the use of the Painted Chamber by the public.  相似文献   


This is a review of the 6th Postgraduate Conflict Archaeology conference held in Glasgow in October of 2019. It summarizes the presentations and keynotes delivered at the two-day conference, and reflects on the benefit of postgraduate and ECR specific conferences, the gender disparity within the field of conflict archaeology, and the importance of a supportive network of colleagues.  相似文献   

《UN chronicle》1994,31(4):63-65
After 6 days of debate and 200 speakers during September 5-13, 1994, participants from 180 countries at the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agreed on a strategy for curbing global population growth over the next 20 years. The objective was sustained economic growth and sustainable development. In his opening remarks, UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said that the objective was to balance humanity and the environment with the means to sustain life, and that the efficacy of the world economic order depended to some extent on the ICPD. Participants were urged to use rigor, tolerance, and conscience in conference deliberations. Men and women should have the right and the means to choose their families' futures. The preamble stated that the ICPD would probably be the last opportunity in the twentieth century to address globally the issues relating to population and development. UN Population Fund Executive Director Nafis Sadik remarked that the ICPD had the potential to change the world. Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak was elected president of the ICPD. Mubarak stated that solutions to population problems must go beyond demographic accounting and incorporate change in social, economic, and cultural conditions. Norway's Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland stated that development in many countries never reached many women. She called it a hypocritical morality that allowed women to suffer and die from unwanted pregnancies, illegal abortions, and miserable living conditions. US Vice President Albert Gore called for comprehensive and holistic solutions. The essential features of social change would involve democracy, economic reform, low rates of inflation, low levels of corruption, sound environmental management, free and open markets, and access to developed country markets. Pakistan's Prime Minister Benazir urged the empowerment of women. Many expressed the concern about unsustainable consumption in industrialized countries. Prior world population conferences had been held in Rome (1954), Belgrade (1965), Bucharest (1974), and Mexico City (1984). The first World Plan of Action was adopted in 1974 and changed at the 1984 conference.  相似文献   

Building global knowledge pipelines: The role of temporary clusters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Business people and professionals come together regularly at trade fairs, exhibitions, conventions, congresses, and conferences. Here, their latest and most advanced findings, inventions and products are on display to be evaluated by customers and suppliers, as well as by peers and competitors. Participation in events like these helps firms to identify the current market frontier, take stock of relative competitive positions and form future plans. Such events exhibit many of the characteristics ascribed to permanent spatial clusters, albeit in a temporary and intensified form. These short-lived hotspots of intense knowledge exchange, network building and idea generation can thus be seen as temporary clusters. This paper compares temporary clusters with permanent clusters and other types of inter-firm interactions. If regular participation in temporary clusters can satisfy a firm's need to learn through interaction with suppliers, customers, peers and rivals, why is the phenomenon of permanent spatial clustering of similar and related economic activity so pervasive? The answer, it is claimed, lies in the restrictions imposed upon economic activity when knowledge and ideas are transformed into valuable products and services. The paper sheds new light on how interaction among firms in current clusters coincides with knowledge-intensive pipelines between firms in different regions or clusters. In doing so, it offers a novel way of understanding how inter-firm knowledge relationships are organized spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact a gender and woman's history conference had on the development of my own research and writing. ‘Las Olvidadas’ was a conference held at Yale in the Spring of 2001, and was the first in a series of Mexican women's and gender history conferences organised. My own research, on the gendered nature of the welfare state in Mexico, explores how class and race intersected with gender to produce a welfare system that, while particular to Mexico, also nevertheless had much in common with other Latin American countries. These conferences shaped both my views of gender, but also the importance of the transnational to historical research.  相似文献   

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