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Many current proposals for policy reform call for the use of economic incentives. The growing application of economic incentives in a number of policy areas necessitates continuing critical examination of the claims for and the criticisms of their use. Early empirical evidence on the implementation of incentive schemes serves to shed light on the validity of some of the supporting and opposing arguments. By continuing the assessment of the viability of economic incentives, this study reveals that incentive alternatives face obstacles to use stemming from implementation problems, but political and philosophical issues pose greater threats. Nevertheless, the use of incentives can best be defended on political and moral grounds. Political resistance can be overcome and incentives can be employed effectively, if incentive schemes are understood as fostering one form of social interaction in a mixed regime.  相似文献   

States and towns are increasingly using a new impact analysis technique (one that shows many of the virtues and vices of impact planning generally): fiscal impact analysis. In a recent celebrated case in Vermont, the Pyramid Mall case, in which a shopping center was refused a development permit under “Act 250”, Vermont's state–wide land use law, heavy use was made of fiscal impact analyses. This case raised serious issues about the financial and technical capability of the state – indeed any state – to administer fiscal impact analysis, and about the adequacy of the law to properly guide the use of impact analysis. The central question running throughout the Pyramid Mall case and the use of fiscal impact analyses in that case is whether the administration of land use controls pursuant to fiscal impact analysis is improper government control of competition. The Pyramid Mall case offers an illustration of the effort to control both competition among private units and competition among municipalities; a study of the case reveals the extent to which the effort is effective, optimal, and equitable. The inadequacy of the Vermont laws enabling fiscal impact analysis emerges, and the shallowness of existing judicial review of fiscal impact analysis becomes evident. Guidelines for a proper legal approach to fiscal impact analysis are suggested and alternative mechanisms of review are suggested.  相似文献   

王志勇  叶祥松  林仲豪 《人文地理》2021,36(1):94-103,134
文章运用2003-2017年珠三角9市的相关数据,构建空间杜宾模型和城市地理系统分形模型,分析了城市功能对经济增长的影响.研究表明:①城市功能专业化基础上的城市间功能互补,或者说注重城市间功能互补的城市功能专业化对本地经济增长有显著的促进作用,对其他城市也有显著的溢出效应;②只追求功能专业化对本地经济增长有促进作用,但...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The index proposed by Ellison and Glaeser (1997) is now well established as the preferred method for measuring the localization of economic activity. In this paper we develop an alternative localization measure that is consistent with the theoretical framework originally proposed by Ellison and Glaeser. Our measure follows directly from the Random Utility (Profit) Maximization (RUM) location decision model. Because the distributional assumptions in our model are fully compatible with RUM, we are able to offer a more efficient measure of industry clustering.  相似文献   

孔翔  陈丹 《人文地理》2016,31(4):26-32
我国的城郊开发区普遍缺乏地方特色,在招商引资中易陷入低水平恶性竞争的困境,急需通过增强地方性来促进开发区的持续健康发展。基于空间生产的相关理论和对长沙经济技术开发区的实地调研,本文初步探讨了城郊开发区建设对东道区域地方性消解的机理。研究表明,城郊开发区建设主要是资本主导下的空间生产过程,主要生产可复制、可交换的同质空间,因而会消解东道区域的地方性,这在调研中突出表现为当地居民对新的空间缺乏深厚的认同和依恋。为此,有必要尊重当地人的发展需求,更好保护东道区域独特的自然环境和地方文化,从而把开发区塑造成具有地方特色的"宜业宜居"空间,以增强开发区的特色竞争力和持续发展能力。  相似文献   

赵鹏军  孔璐 《人文地理》2017,32(5):125-131
TOD被广泛认为是一种可持续城市发展模式,同时对于促进绿色交通也具有重要意义。但是,学术界对TOD的交通影响研究仍然存在争论。本文以北京为例,通过实际调查,采用定量研究方法,对地铁站周边居住居民的通勤出行方式进行了研究。在控制了居民社会经济属性和出行距离等因素的情况下,回归分析结果表明,地铁站周边地区的土地利用混合度、接驳公交服务、模式通勤时效等对居民通勤出行方式具有显著影响。高土地混合度和便捷交通接驳服务能够提高居民选择公交或非机动出行的比例;由于各模式时效差异,长距离通勤的居民更加倾向于选择地铁出行。同时,TOD模式能够提高需求出行导向的居民绿色通勤的可能性。  相似文献   

本文将主客观评价法相结合,对北京市紫竹院公园视觉景观质量影响因素进行分析。课题组实地评价并拍摄照片,室内请评判者给照片打分评出美景度分值,请专家对主观性因子评价,与实地评价结果做一致性检验;对两种方式获取的数据进行方差分析、相关分析,并建立线型回归模型。结果表明:主观性因子的实地评价和室内问卷评价结果具有一致性;专业背景不同不影响评判者对景观美景度的评判结果;美景度与区内因子呈正相关,与区外因子呈负相关;区内的3个因子更能影响对景观的评判,其中,自然景观所占比例影响最为显著。  相似文献   

The Multiregional Variable Input-Output (MRVIO) model is introduced to measure the development impact of a transportation system. The MRVIO model is a theoretically flexible, computationally simple, and cost-responsive model. Under the MRVIO model, regional input-output coefficients, trade coefficients, and trade flows become cost responsive and easy to compute. The MRVIO model is employed to measure the development impact of the Arkansas waterway during the period of 1974 to 1978. In the study, the U.S. economy is disaggregated into 3 regions and 35 industrial sectors. The MRVIO model estimates the economic conditions of these 3 regions with and without the waterway in terms of industrial output, income, employment, and trade flows.  相似文献   

朱峰  项怡娴  丁新新 《人文地理》2013,28(5):147-152
本文旨在探讨互联网这一信息传播媒介在旅游目的地演化中的作用机制。研究以婺源为案例地,经三方资料(田野调查、网络数据、样本访谈)互证后还原了婺源旅游业发展过程。研究发现,在婺源的旅游地生命周期演进中,互联网作为新兴媒介,沟通小圈子传播与大众传播,促进了旅游地从探查阶段向参与阶段演化;互联网的早期传播在提升目的地知名度的同时使游客到访量渐增,为政府介入旅游发展奠定了市场基础,推动了目的地快速发展;进入发展阶段后,互联网作为互动传播媒介的优势使政府宣传、名人效应、事件营销的传播被放大。研究突破了单纯将互联网作为营销工具看待的局限性观点,把互联网作为影响旅游目的地演化的因素纳入到目的地演化理论范畴,深化并补充了旅游地生命周期理论的相关内容。  相似文献   

采用可变步长的两步移动搜索法,以福建省福州市为典型案例,以居民点(普查小区)为分析单元,对各居民点入园空间可达性进行了测算,并与传统的两步移动搜索法进行对比分析,综合判别学前教育资源空间分布特点。研究表明:福州城区入园可达性总体情况并不理想,仅有少数地区、少量人群可以获得较好的幼儿园空间的可达性。入园可达性在地理空间上呈现出多中心结构,高可达性地区主要分布在市中心并在城市周围零星分布,边缘乡镇特别是除西部以外的乡镇地区缺教明显,入园可达性在城区内部差异较大,幼儿园资源过剩地区和稀缺地区呈两极分化的格局。可变步长的两步移动搜索法能更为客观有效地对幼儿园的布局状况进行评价。而传统方法有一定的夸大作用,且降低了内部的差异,在一定程度上掩饰了幼儿园资源分布的不公平现象。  相似文献   

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