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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Artefacts from Wrecks: Dated assemblages from the Late Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution, MARK REDKNAP (Ed.)
Scientific Diving: a General Code of Practice (2nd edition), N. C. FLEMMING and M. D. MAX (Eds)
The History of English Sea Ordnance: 1523–1875: Vol. II, The Age of the System, 1715–1815 ADRIAN B. CARUANA
Greek and Roman Technology: A Sourcebook ( Annotated translations of Greek and Latin texts and documents ), J. W. HUMPHREY, J. P. OLESON and A. N. SHERWOOD
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland IV Die Spätbronzezeit am norwestlichen Bodensee, GUNTER SCHØBEL A. BILLAMBOZ, W. OSTENDORP, M. RØSCH
Die Schiffe im Alten Testament, ARVID GOETTLICHER
Dansk Sefarts Historie vol. 2: Skuder og Kompagnier 1588–1720, OLE DEGN, ERIK GØBEL
Waterschip ZN 421: a clenched-lap fishing vessel from Flevoland ( Excavation Report 17 ), RALPH K. PEDERSEN
Man & Sea in the Mesolithic, ANDERS FISCHER (Ed.)
Das neuzeitliche Wrack aus dem Hedwigenkoog, Kr. Dithmarschen, ANTON ENGLERT
Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea (Anzio, 1996), AIASub (Ed.)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Boats of the World—from the Stone Age to Medieval Times, SEAN M c GRAIL
War, Technology and Experience aboard the USS Monitor , DAVID A. MINDELL, JOHN BROADWATER
The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies, and Trade ( 2nd edition ), MARIA EUGENIA AUBET, LIONEL CASSON
England's Sea Fisheries: The Commercial Sea Fisheries of England and Wales since 1300, D. J. STARKEY, C. REID and, N. ASHCROFT (Eds), ADRIAN G. OSLER
The Bombay Country Ships 1790–1833, ANNE BULLEY, SEÁN M c GRAIL
The Art of Dhow-building in Kuwait, YA'QUB YUSUF AL-HIJJI, DAVID GODDARD
The Lost City of Dvaraka, S. R. RAO, KENNETH M c PHERSON
Debating the Archaeological Heritage, ROBIN SKEATES, DELLA SCOTT-IRETON
The Lowland Wetlands of Cumbria ( NWW Survey no 6 ), D. HODGKINSON, E. HUCKERBY, R. MIDDLETON and, C. E. WELLS, R. W. COWELL
Medieval Naval Warfare 1000–1500, SUSAN ROSE, ERIC RIETH
The Wreck of the Belle —the Ruin of La Salle, ROBERT S. WEDDLE
Hin føroyski rórarbáturin: Sjómentir Fsroyingar I edri ti ( ASSF supplement XVVI ), ANDRAS MORTENSEN, MORTEN GØTHCHE
Maritime Tel Michal and Apollonia. Results of the 1989–1996 underwater survey ( BAR International Series 915 ), EVA GROSSMANN, CHERYL WARD
Warships of the Great Lakes, 1754–1834, ROBERT MALCOLMSON
Lords of the Lake—The Naval War on Lake Ontario, 1812–1814, ROBERT MALCOLMSON, ANDREW LAMBERT
Down the River to the Sea ( Eighth International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology, Gdansk 1997 ), JERZY LITWIN (Ed.), JEREMY GREEN  相似文献   

Coití. Logboats from Northern Ireland: ( Northern Ireland Archaeological Monographs 4 ) MALCOLM F. FRY
Studia nad lodziami jednopiennymi z obszaru Polski (Study on Logboats from Poland): ( Polish Maritime Museum's Proceedings 11 ) WALDEMAR OSSOWSKI
Legal Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: National and International Perspectives SARAH DROMGOOLE (Ed.)
Piracy in the Graeco-Roman World PHILIP DE SOUZA
Maritime Topography and the Medieval Town JAN BILL and BIRTHE I. CLAUSEN (Eds)
The Magor Pill Medieval Wreck ( CBA Research Report 115) NIGEL NAYLING
HMS Victory: her Construction, Career and Restoration ALAN McGOWAN with drawings by JOHN McKAY
Report for the Sri Lanka Department of Archaeology: Galle Harbour Project 1996–1997: ( ANCEMA Special Paper no 4 ) J. GREEN, S. DEVENDRA, R. PARTHESIUS (Eds)
Traditional Fishing Boats of Britain and Ireland: Design, History and Evolution MICHAEL SMYLIE
The Boats of Men of War W. E. MAY
Two Prams Wrecked on the Zuider Zee in the Late Eighteenth Century KATHLEEN McLAUGHLIN-NEYLAND and ROBERT NEYLAND
A Late-Sixteenth-Century Freighter from the Workumer Nieuwland Polder in Workum, Friesland ROBERT NEYLAND and KATHLEEN McLAUGHLIN-NEYLAND
Prince Rupert's Patent guns SARAH BARTER BAILEY
Excavacions arquelbgiques subaquatiques a Cala Culip 2, Culip VI ( Monografies del CASC 1 ) HUG PALOU, ERIC REITH, MANU IZAGUIRRE, ANNA JOVER, XAVIER NIETO, MARCEL PUJOL, XIM RAURICH and CRUZ APESTIGUI  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Les Sorres X: Un Vaixell Medieval al Canal Olímpic de Rem (Castelldefels, Baix Llobregat) XIM RAURICH, MARCEL PUJOL et al.
Catchers and Corvettes: the Steam Whalecatcher in Peace & War, 1860–1960 JOHN H HARLAND
HMS Sirius 1790. An Illustrated Catalogue of Artefacts Recovered from the Wreck-Site at Norfolk Island MYRA STANBURY
Beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: The Archaeology and Early History of Traditional Golgotha. Palestine Exploration Fund Monograph Series Maior 1. SHIMON GIBSON and JOAN E. TAYLOR
The Heavy Frigate: Volume 1, Eighteen-Pounder Frigates 1778–1800 ROBERT GARDINER
Viking Voyages to North America B. L. CLAUSEN (Ed.)
Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 16—1993 U. SCHNALL and U. FELDCAMP (Eds)
The Ivory Sundials of Nuremberg 1500–1700 PENELOPE GOUK
Muddy Waters—Proceedings of the First Conference on the Submerged and Terrestrial Archaeology of Historic Shipping on the River Murray SARAH KENDERDINE (Ed.)
Die Schiffswerft von Henry Koch AG HEINZ HAAKER  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cogs, Caravels and Galleons: The Sailing Ship 1000–1650 (History of the Ship Series). RICHARD W. UNGER (Ed.)
Medieval Ships and Shipping (No. 3 in The Archaeology of Medieval Britain series). GILLIAN HUTCHINSON
Crossroads in Ancient Shipbuilding: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Roskilde 1991 (Oxbow Monograph 40). C. WESTERDAHL (Ed.)
Archaeonautica 11: L'épave D'Omonville-la-rouge (Manche) (pp 31–129). J. GUESNON
Zes Vatem Rundvlees mit het Scheepswrak Scheurrak S01 . J. T. ZEILER  相似文献   

Ingrid and other studies P. G. W. ANNSIS(Ed)
Sea studies: Essays in honour of Basil Greenhill, C.B., C.M.G., on the occasion of his retirement
Underwater archaeology 1. Archeologia IX. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici JERZY, OLCZAK and GERARD WILKE (Eds)
Compagnie des Indes 1720–1770:Vol. 1—Vaisseaux, hommes, voyages, commerces; vol. 2—Boullongne, vaisseau 600 tx. 1759–1761 JEAN BOUDRIOT
The twilight of Welsh sail ALED EAMES  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Nanking cargo Chinese export porcelain and gold, European glass and stoneware. Auction catalogue 28 April-2 May, Amsterdam Christie's Amsterdam, 1986
The Geidevmaisen history and porcelain. C. J. A. Jörg
Michael Hatcher with Max de Rham. The Nanking cargo. ANTHONY THORNCROFT
Armada 1588–1988—the official catalogue MIA RODRiGUEZ-SALGADO (Ed. and introduction)
The Spanish Armada COLIN MARTIN and GEOFFREY PARKER  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Great ships — the battlefleet of Charles II. FRANK FOX
Inshore craft of Norway. ARNE EMIL CHRISTENSEN, Ed.
The lambo or prahu bot: a western ship in an eastern setting. G. ADRIAN HORRIDGE
Sprits'l - A portrait of sailing barges and sailormen. RICHARD HUGH PERKS
Thera and the Aegean World, I. Papers presented at the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1978. C. DOUMAS(Ed.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Chester Hartman (Ed.) America's Housing Crisis: What is to be Done
D. Massey and R. Meegan (Eds.), Politics and Method: Contrasting Studies in Industrial Geography .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The funerary boats of Khufu. A bdel M oneim A bubakr & A hmed Y oussef M ustafa
Schiffsmodelle in Alten Ägypten. A rvid G ottlicher & W alter W erner
Three major ancient boat finds in Britain. H. H azelhoff R oelfzema
Britain and the western seaways. E. G. B owen
Clenched lap or clinker. E ric M c K ee
Gunpowder and galleys. Changing technology and Mediterranean warfare at sea in the sixteenth century. J ohn F rancis G uilmartin , J r
The sloops of the Hudson. W illiam E. V eerplanck & M oses W. C ollyer
History of New York shipyards. J ohn H. M orrison
Windjammers of the Horn. A. G. C ourse
The Lusitania case Collected by C. L. D roste . W. H. T atum IV (Ed.)
America's lighthouses: their illustrated history since 1716. F rancis R oss H olland , J r
A history of lighthouses. P atrick B eaver
Marine archaeology. D. J. B lackman (Ed.)
The conservation of antiquities and works of art Treatment, repair and restoration. H. J. P lenderleith & A. E. A. W erner  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Review article: The Spanish shipwrecks of 1554: The Nautical Archaeology of Padre Island (Studies in Archaeology). J. BARTO ARNOLD III and ROBERT S. WEDDLE
Ships and Sea Power Before the Great Persian War, The Ancestry of The Ancient Trireme. H. T. WALLINGA
The Trireme Project. Operational Experience 1987–90, Lessons Learnt. TIMOTHY SHAW (Ed.)
Die Kogge von Bremen, Band I, bauteile und baublauf. WERNER LAHN
A Cog-like Vessel from the Netherlands. ALEYOIS VAN DE MOORTEL
Ancient Shipwrecks of the Mediterranean and the Roman Provinces (BAR International Series 580). A. J. PARKER
Bronze Age, Greek & Roman Technology—Selected Annotated Bibliography. JOHN PETER OLESON
Practices of Archaeological Stratigraphy. EDWARD C. HARRIS, MARLEY R. BROWN III and GREGORY J. BROWN (Eds)
Det nordiska skeppet. Teknik och samhällstrategi i vikingatid och medeltid. bjÖrnvarenius
The Shipbuilder's Repository, 1788. DAVID H. ROBERTS (Ed.)
Predicaments, Pragmatics, and Professionalism: Ethical Conduct in Archaeology (Special Publication No. 1). J. NED WOODALL (Ed.)  相似文献   

Book reviews in this Article: F. F. Bruce : New Testament History. Henry Marsh : Dark Age Britain: D. Knowles : Thomas Becket. P. M. Holt , Ann K. S. Lambton and Bernard Lewis (Eds): Carl S. Meyer (Ed.): Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies V. Norskov Olsen : The New Testament Logia on Divorce. B. R. White : The English Separatist Tradition: From the Marian Martyrs to the Pilgrim Fathers. P. M. H. Bell : Disestablishment in Ireland and Wales. Elizabeth Isichei : Victorian Quakers. Mary Shanahan : Out of Time, Out of Place C. Turney (Ed.): Pioneers of Australian Education Judith Fingard : The Anglican Design in Loyalist Nova Scotia  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Cicero. By D. R. Shackleton Bailey.
Britain. Rome's Most Northerly Province. A History of Roman Britain, A.D. 43-A.D. 450. By G. M. Durant.
The Medieval Architect. By John Harvey.
The Study of Medieval Records: Essays in Honour of Kathleen Major. Edited by D. A. Bullough and R. L. Storey.
The Peace Conspiracy: Wang Ching-wei and the China War, 1937–1941. By Gerald E. Bunker.
The Mallorys of Mystic: Six Generations in American Maritime Enterprise. By James P. Baughman.
In His Image, But … Racism in Southern Religion, 1780–1910. By H. Shelton Smith
White Savage: The Case of John Dunn Hunter. By Richard Drinnon.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Emanuel Point Ship: Archaeological Investigations 1992–1995 and 1997–1998 (2 Vols). ROGER C. SMITH and contributors Sutton Hoo: Burial Ground of Kings?. MARTIN CARVER La Navigation dans ?Antiquite. P. A. GIANFROTTA, X. NIETO, P. POMEY and A. TCHERNIA Nautical Archaeology on the Foreshore (Hulk recording on the Medway). GUSTAV MILNE, COLIN McKEWAN and DAMIAN GOODBURN Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 20 (1997): Zeitschrift des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (English and French summaries). UWE SCHNALL (Ed.) II Mediterraneo nell'Eta Arcaica (originally La Mediterranee Archaique). MICHEL GRAS (Translated by Emmanuelle Greco) Maritime Wales—Cymru A'r Mor (No 19, 1997–8). DAVID JENKINS, BRYN PARRY et al.(Eds)  相似文献   

British Warship Losses in the Age of Sail 1650–1859, DAVID J. HEPPER
'De Zeehond', een Groninger Tjalk Gebouwd in 1878, Vergaan in 1886 (in Dutch with an English summary) R. OOSTING and K. VLIERMAN
Archeologia Subacquea, Studi, Ricerche e Documenti, 1 PIER0 GIANFROTTA and PAOLA PELAGATTI (Eds)
I Vikingernes Kelvand (in Danish) SOREN VADSTRUP
Medieval Boat and Ship Timbers from Dublin, SEAN MCGRAIL
Tall Ships, Two Rivers, A. OSLER and A. BARROW
The Wreck Diver's Guide to Sailing Ship Artifacts of the 19th Century, DAVID LEIGH STONE
Sail's Last Century-The Merchant Sailing Ship 1830–1930 (no 8 in Conway's 'History of the BASIL GREENHILL Ship' series)
The History of the French Frigate 1650–1850 JEAN BOUDRIOT, trans. DAVID H. ROBERTS
The first Frigates: Nine-Pounder and Twelve-Pounder Frigates 1748–1815 ROBERT GARDINER
Mersey Flats and Flatmen MICHAEL STAMMERS
Shipwrecks of the Isles of Scilly, RICHARD LARN  相似文献   

Le maÎtre-gabarit, la tablette et le trébuchet. Essai sur la conception non-graphique des carènes du Moyen-Age au XXe siècle ÉRIC RIETH (Preface; M. Mollat de Jourdin)
Maritime Archaeology in Sri Lanka–the Galle Harbour Project 1992. JEREMY GREEN and SOMASIRI DEVENDRA (Eds)
Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant. Interconnections in the Second Millennium BC. W. VIVIAN DAVIES and LOUISE SCHOFIELD (Eds)
Ships of the Port of London–12th to 17th centuries AD (English Heritage Archaeological Report No. 5) . PETER MARSDEN
Technichgeschichte des industriellen Schiffbaus in Deutschland Vol. 2. UWE SCHNALL (Ed.)
The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade. MARIA EUGENIA AUBET (translated by Mary Turton)
Vestiges archéologiques: la conservation in situ .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Skuldelev Ships I: Topography, Archaeology, History, Conservation and Display (Ships and Boats of the North: 4.1), OLE CRUMLIN‐PEDERSEN, OLAF OLSEN (Eds) III‐starred Captains—Flinders and Baudin, ANTHONY J. BROWN Facing the Ocean. The Atlantic and its Peoples, 8000 BC‐AD 1500, BARRY CUNLIFFE Archaeology and Seafaring: the Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period (ICHR Monograph 1), HAMINSHU PRABHA RAY The Sea in Antiquity (BAR International Series 899), G. J. OLIVER, R. BROCK, T. J. CORNELL, S. HODKINSON (Eds) Lost Warships: an archaeological tour of war at sea, JAMES P. DELGADO ‘A ship cast away about Alderney’—Investigation of an Elizabethan shipwreck, JASON MONAGHAN and, MENSUN BOUND (Eds) Archeologisch onderzoek in het tracé van Willemsspoortunnel te Rotterdam. Sluizen en schepen in de dam van de Rotte (BOO Rbalans 4, 2 vols), M. van TRIERUM, A. CARMIGGELT, A. J. GUIRAN (Eds) Schutz des Kulturerbes unter Wasser (IKUWA conference 1999 proceedings), CHRISTOPHER BÖRKER et al. (Eds) Construzione navale antica, PIER0 DELL'AMICO The Voyages of the Discovery: the illustrated history of Scott's ship, ANN SAVOURS Chicago Maritime: An Illustrated History, DAVID M. YOUNG Deux siècles de constructions et chantiers navals (milieu XVIIe‐milieu XIXe) Proceedings of 124th Congrès des societés historiques et scientifiques, Nantes 1999), CHRISTIANE VILLAIN‐GANDOSSI (Ed.) Submarine Researches by C. A. Deane (1836), MICHAEL FARDELL & NIGEL PHILLIPS (Eds.), JOHN BEVAN Naval Guns: 500 years of Ship and Coastal Artillery, HANS MEHL Lords of the East—the East India Company and its ships 1600–1874, JEAN SUTTON CSS Alabama: Anatomy of a Confederate raider, ANDREW BOWCOCK The extraordinary voyage of Pytheas the Greek, BARRY CUNLIFFE Trincomalee— the last of Nelson's frigates, ANDREW LAMBERT Galleons and Galleys (Cassel's History of Warfare Series), JOHN F. GUIIMARTIN Jr.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Archaeology Underwater. The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice. M. DEAN, B. FERRARI, I. OXLEY, M. REDKNAP and K. WATSON (Eds)
Waterfront Archaeology: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Bristol, 1988 (CBA Research Report No. 74). G. L. GOOD, R. H. JONES and M. W. PONSFORD (Eds)
The Athlit Ram. LIONEL CASSON and J. RICHARD STEFFY (Eds) ELISHA LINDER (Principal Investigator)
The History of Underwater Exploration. ROBERT F. MARX
Mr Greathead's Lifeboats. ADRIAN G. OSLER
Galleon—The Great Ships of the Armada Era. PETER KIRSCH
The Trireme Trials 1988. Report on The Anglo Hellenic Sea Trials of Olympias . J. F. COATES, S. K. PLATIS and J. T. SHAW  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Eugene Bardach, Getting Agencies to Work Together: The Practice and Theory of Managerial Craftsmanship
David E. Camacho (Ed.), Environmental Injustices, Political Struggles: Race, Class and the Environment.
Donald T. Critchlow, Intended Consequences: Birth Control, Abortion, and the Federal Government in Modern America
Harvey Feigenbaum, Jeffrey Henig, and Chris Hamnett, Shrinking the Slate: The Political Underpinnings of Privatization .
Ronald F. Ferguson and William T. Dickens (Eds.), Urban Problems and Community Development
David M. Hart, Forged Consensus: Science, Technology, and Economic Policy in the United States
Frederick M. Hess, Spinning Wheels: The Politics of Urban School Reform
Jerry Mitchell, The American Experiment with Government Corporations
Richard K. Olson and Thomas A. Lyson (Eds.), Under the Blade: The Conversion of Agricultural Landscapes
David Rusk, Inside Game, Outside Game: Winning Strategies for Saving Urban America.
Peter H. Schuck, Citizens, Strangers, and In-Betweens: Essays on Immigration and Citizenship
Elaine B. Sharp (Ed.), Culture Wars & Local Politics.
Norman J. Vig and Regina S. Axelrod (Eds.), The Global Environment-Institutions, Law, and Policy
Ronald K. Vogel (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Urban Politics and Policy in the United States
Janet Coble Vinzant and Lane Crothers, Street-Level Leadership: Discretion & Legitimacy in Front-Line Public Service
K. Vogel (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Urban Politics and Policy in the United States . Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. 464 pp. $99.50 (cloth).  相似文献   

Geography, Technology, and War—Studies in the Maritime History of the Mediterranean 649–1571, JOHN H. PRYOR
The Seventy-four Gun Ship Vol. 4 JEAN BOUDRIOT (translated by David Roberts)
Ships and shipwrecks of the Americas. A history based on underwater archaeology G. F. BASS (Ed.)
Seesturm und Schiftbruch. Eine motivgeschichtliche Studie. SABINE MERTENS
Marine Archaeology of Indian Ocean Countries, S. R. RAO, Ed.
Le Cerf(cutter of 1779) J. BOUDRIOT and H. BERTI (English translation by H. Bartlett Wells)
Le Coureur (lugger of 1776) J. BOUDRIOT and H. BERTI
Innovation in Shipping and Trade STEPHEN FISHER, Ed.
Florida Archaeology no 4,1988: Gold Coins of the 1715 Spanish Plate Fleet-a numismatic study of the State of Florida Collection ALAN K. GRAIG with Appendix by FRANCIS KEITH
Historique de la Corvette 1650–1850: Monographie La Criole 1827 JEAN BOUDRIOT
The 32-Guo Frigate Essex PORTIA TAKAKJIAN
Ceramic Excavation Sites in Southeast Asia-a Preliminary Gazeteer JOHN S. GUY
Upchurch and Thameside Roman pottery: a ceramic typology for northern Kent, fist to third centuries A.D. JASON MONAGHAN
A Naval Expositor T. R. BLANCKLEY
Sternstunden der Schiffsarchiiologie PETER BAUMANN  相似文献   

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