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我国的高级酒店行业在近几年来伴随着全球经济一体化的发展国际交流的频繁进行得到了长足的发展,高级酒店个性化服务质量是未来酒店行业竞争的主导趋势。酒店根据每个顾客的特别需求,以变革的服务理念重新审视酒店服务,以顾客的个性化需求为出发点,深入细致地观察、恰到好处地把握顾客需求,尽量发挥酒店和服务人员的个性特点,以提高其服务水平和盈利能力。  相似文献   

黄筱雯 《神州》2014,(17):226-227
顾客满意是消费者行为研究中的一个重要课题。虽然有显著证据表明,顾客满意作为前因变量,是企业盈利能力的重要驱动力,将产生一系列重要的结果。其中对顾客行为意图和行为的影响与对企业整体绩效的影响这两个领域的研究已较为成熟。现存的文献中已经在很大程度上忽视了客户满意度的两个中间结果,即公司的广告和促销的效率和人力资本的表现。通过文献回顾,归纳总结以前学者的研究结果,指出其中存在的一些缺陷和今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断转型与发展,市场对于顾客的分群也更加细化,对于市场细分而产生的一些个性化消费人群,酒店也意识到具有鲜明的针对性、超前性、灵活性以及个性化服务才是未来酒店发展的趋势。酒店的个性化服务并不是仅仅用来满足某一顾客群体的特殊要求,它的个性化服务更重要的是体现在对消费者与管理者的日常管理中。这样才能以一种差异化的经营手段和服务理念在市场竞争中脱颖而出,这也有助于酒店的品牌创新,建立顾客的品牌意识,为自己创建一些忠实顾客,从而增加酒店的经济效益。  相似文献   

旅游团购在日益增长的团购市场中开始占有一席之地,要想得到更大的发展就必须考虑到用户的需求与满意度。本文采用问卷调查的方式对大学生群体对旅游团购网站的满意度进行调查和分析。发现旅游团购的总体满意度与产品属性、售前售后服务以及顾客安全感有关。最后提出提高用户满意度的措施。  相似文献   

本文引入归因理论和公平理论来解释顾客参与服务过程中出现不满意的原因,以旅行社的顾客为调查对象,通过建立结构方程模型,探讨旅行社行业背景下顾客参与的结构维度,分析顾客参与、顾客感知的组织支持、顾客对自身参与表现的满意程度、顾客满意感和顾客归属感这5个变量之间的关系.研究结果表明:(1)顾客感知的组织支持对顾客满意感和归属感有正向影响;(2)顾客参与是顾客感知的组织支持与顾客满意感和归属感之间的关系的中介变量;(3)顾客对自身参与表现的满意程度调节顾客参与的中介效应.  相似文献   

本文在文献研究的基础上,提出一个包含顾客教育、顾客心理受权及消费价值的研究模型,并利用作者在旅行社收集的数据,对模型进行了实证检验。数据分析结果表明:顾客教育对顾客心理受权有显著的直接正向影响;顾客心理受权对顾客感知的风险有显著的直接负向影响,对顾客感知的消费价值有显著的直接正向影响。本次研究结果丰富了学术界在顾客教育、顾客受权的研究成果,对旅行社通过顾客教育增强顾客心理受权感,进而提高顾客感知的消费价值有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

中国游客真正需要什么 中国游客市场不断壮大的同时,也变得多元化。据统计,去年出国旅游的中国游客人数为5739万人次,比前年增加了20.4%。要想成功吸引出手阔绰的中国游客,需要了解“什么样”的中国游客会增加并做好准备。因此应该勾勒出中国游客的具体轮廓,并详细分类顾客群体进行了解。  相似文献   

2013年10月1日新《旅游法》的正式实施,旅行社价格优势消失。顾客与旅行社间的关系恶化。顾客关系管理在充分利用现代信息的基础上,管理企业与顾客之间的关系,提高顾客满意度,减少销售环节与成本,达到顾客与企业的双赢。本文将从顾客关系管理的角度,浅析种种乱象背后,旅行社企业在顾客关系管理上的现状,以及旅游行业中应用顾客关系管理的注意事项。  相似文献   

2013年10月1日新《旅游法》的正式实施,旅行社价格优势消失。顾客与旅行社间的关系恶化。顾客关系管理在充分利用现代信息的基础上,管理企业与顾客之间的关系,提高顾客满意度,减少销售环节与成本,达到顾客与企业的双赢。本文将从顾客关系管理的角度,浅析种种乱象背后,旅行社企业在顾客关系管理上的现状,以及旅游行业中应用顾客关系管理的注意事项。  相似文献   

花志刚 《神州》2013,(32):241-242
越来越多的企业将顾客满意视为最重要的成功因素,顾客满意战略已日益成为企业占有更多顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。本文在探讨了顾客满意与营销管理的内涵及关系的基础上,从牢固树立顾客满意度的经营理念,提供令顾客满意的全程服务和个性化服务是基于顾客满意营销管理的主要策略。  相似文献   

论文从社会学视角,对广东坎镇与海南文镇两个移民群体公共文化事业的捐赠活动进行了比较研究,认为海外移民对于侨乡公共文化事业的捐赠与其社会地位补偿密切相关,提出了"社会地位补偿"的解释范式。广东坎镇移民流向主要为美国、加拿大等经济发达国家,移民群体社会地位落差较大。他们的捐赠活动,不仅能够补偿他们某种身份及归属感的缺失,而且还能够获得一种额外的社会声誉。这种移民的补偿心态使得坎镇侨乡的公共文化事业出现了繁荣发展的盛况;而海南文镇移民流向主要是东南亚国家,经历了从"华侨"到"华人"的身份转变,祖籍地与移居地的经济差距缩小导致移民补偿成本升高,侨乡地方社会所构建的补偿体系对移民的吸引力在逐渐减弱,从而导致文镇公共文化事业出现衰落的发展态势。  相似文献   


How do deaf academics navigate the physical environments of their workplaces? Original interviews with five deaf academics working in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the UK were conducted using walking interviews to explore the ways in which they experienced the physical environment of their HEI and how they produced their own deaf spaces within their workplace. Results show that deaf academics face distinct barriers to their involvement in and access to their HEIs, and analysis using a Lefebvrian approach shows that deaf academics have their own ways of subverting the spatial expectations of the HEI to create their own pockets of lived, deaf space.  相似文献   

The Working Holiday is a relatively new but rapidly growing form of transnational mobility. In Australia, Working Holiday Makers (WHMs) form the largest group of Japanese temporary migrants, and their numbers have been increasing. In this paper, I will discuss the experience of returned WHMs in the light of Japanese labour practice. For my interlocutors, the motivations for taking a Working Holiday were frequently related to their dissatisfaction with their status and future prospects as workers. In order to understand this popular but under-researched form of transnational migration, it is therefore important to consider their self-perceptions about their worker status when they re-entered the Japanese workforce, and how they think their life course has changed due to the Working Holiday experience. The employment experience of WHMs upon their return to Japan illuminates their position in the home society in which their migratory decision-making was situated.  相似文献   

In 1839, six Malagasy Christians arrived in Britain under the auspices of the London Missionary Society. The group had been persecuted in Madagascar for their faith. They were introduced to the British evangelical community as saints and martyrs who were dependent on the missionary society, but their decision to undertake the long journey was shaped by their spiritual beliefs, their desire to develop their education, and their wish to eventually become evangelical missionaries in Madagascar. At public meetings around the country, the Malagasy used a Christian frame of reference to describe their personal stories and their hopes for the future of Christianity in Madagascar. As speaking subjects, not merely objects of spectacle and display, they communicated to British audiences their credibility as fellow Christians, educated individuals, and civilised human beings.  相似文献   

试论美国奴隶制时期的黑人家庭   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈志杰 《史学集刊》2006,1(1):53-59,96
生活在美国奴隶制下的黑人奴隶被看作主人的财产,其婚姻和家庭没有法律保障,但黑人在特殊的生存环境中并未放弃这种最基本的权利,他们建立了属于自己的家庭生活并形成了奴隶制度下特有的家庭观念。黑人在家庭中找到一种群体归宿感和个体身份,家庭生活是黑人奴隶在奴役和剥削下得以生存的重要策略。  相似文献   

In November 2012, a researcher, two social workers and five mothers embarked on a participatory action research (PAR) journey with the aim to develop new ideas for interventions for children and young people in street situations of the city of El Alto in Bolivia. In this article, we attend to the topic of personal and social transformation in PAR. We explore how the mothers of young people in street situations perform and negotiate their subjectivities as mothers in their everyday life; how they create (new) subjectivities in exchange and in interaction with each other during the mother project; and how the performance of their (new) subjectivities can bring social change. The mothers in our group shared stories of being silenced by social services in their everyday lives, as their motherhood is declared not good enough or as they are perceived too guilty to claim for help. It was the first time the mothers shared their stories with other mothers of their lives with their children in street situations. By noticing that they all experienced or heard of similar events that their children were subjected to in the streets, the mothers grew confident enough to talk back. Mothers talked back by denouncing injustice and by transforming doubts into questions, providing them with more knowledge. Finally, as the mothers reached out to social services, mothers’ presence, questions and stories confronted aid workers with their own flaws, and their comfortable discourse of blaming families, creating new paths towards social transformation.  相似文献   

张少伟 《攀登》2005,24(4):149-150
档案是人类枉会各项实践活动的真实记录,它具有其独特的价位和作用。在全面建设小康枉会的进程中,只有重视档案价值,深入开发档案信息资源,发挥档案工作的枉会功能,才能充分地实现档案的价值,为社会经济建设服务。  相似文献   

早年旅美华侨的“落叶归根”多是通过各自乡邑的善堂进行的。善堂常资助乡侨在有生之年买棹归国,或将死者遗骨捡运回国。后者要经过埋葬遗体、捡拾遗骨和运送回国的细致过程和严密组织,有时还要做好代还债务等善后工作。本文以《旅美三邑总会馆史略》的记载为例,反映早年华侨社团在帮助华侨实现“落叶归根”愿望方面所起的重要作用以及这一过程的烦难和时间的旷日持久。作者认为,实现“落叶归根”愿望过程的烦难和时间的旷日持久,应该是后来华侨逐渐选择“落地生根”的原因之一。  相似文献   

Diaspora tourism is often considered a form of ‘homecoming,’ but for the children of immigrants who are born in the new country, the question remains as to whether they perceive their parents’ homeland as ‘home’ or destination. Moreover, advancements in transportation and communication technologies allow contemporary immigrants to maintain transnational ties to their homeland, which in turn may affect the nature of diaspora tourism. The purpose of this study is to understand the lived experience of second-generation immigrants when they travel to their ancestral homeland, and explore the extent to which second-generation transnationalism shapes their diaspora tourism experiences. Using a phenomenological approach, 26 second-generation Chinese-Americans who had the experience of traveling in China were interviewed. Four themes were identified from semi-structured interviews: language and appearance, search for authenticity, family history, and sense of ‘home.’ Proficiency in their parental language was found to be a main cause of negative experiences, yet occasionally a source of pride and attachment. Their search for authentic experiences was not unlike other tourists, while familial obligations sometimes limited their experience. Traveling back to the homeland not only allowed them to understand their parents and family history, but also reflect upon their life through experiencing contemporary China. Finally, as the transnational attachment of second-generation immigrants was not rooted in a specific locale, they could feel connected to the homeland without actually visiting their family's place of origin. Findings contribute to transnationalism and diaspora tourism literature by comparing first- and second-generation immigrants and identifying the difference between contemporary transmigrants and classic diaspora groups with regard to their diaspora tourism experience.  相似文献   

International mobility has become a key requirement in science and technology (S&T) professional career progression. On the one hand, the increasing mobility of women suggests that this may be a way for them to avoid or get away from women-unfriendly working environments. On the other hand, international mobility can present problems for women as they, particularly, have to plan their lives around their professional goals and personal lives. This article addresses the international mobility strategies of women regarding their personal and professional choices. We analyse their motivations to move, the way they manage their lives abroad and the effects of mobility on their lives. The analysis is based on 24 in-depth interviews of highly skilled women working in Spanish S&T sectors. Our main findings show that mobility is a new challenge which may improve women's family lives and professional careers. However, they have to plan carefully their lives on a long-term as well as a daily basis. In this sense, they need strong personal determination and the ability to balance their professional and personal goals. Moreover, their personal decisions depend not only on them as individuals, but also on their partners and families, on wider social values, on the institutional support they enjoy, and on the general public policies which they are affected by.  相似文献   

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