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FollowingtheLivingBuddhaXaricangIntoTibetforthePeacefulLiberationofTibetBeginningwiththisissue,wecreateanewcolumncalledPastMe...  相似文献   

Byearly1996,therewere146,000disabledpersonsinTibet,accountthepopulation.Thisil1dicatesthatone-thirdoftlimiIieshavedisabledmembers.thehighestproportioninthecountry.Amongdisabled.66.000havelimbdisabilitv.24.000impairmentinhearinga11dspeaking,20.000sightprob…  相似文献   

Upon the invita-tion of the ChinaNational Centerfor TibetanStudies,I attended theInternational Symposiumon Tibetology held in Bei-jing in July 2001.Of the100-odd participants,mostwere Chinese Tibetan studyworkers.Foreign scholarsnumbered only some 20,and they came from the  相似文献   

In the seven years from 1993 to 1999, the Tibetanmountaineers dwarfed 11 peaks each of more than8,000 meters, including the Qomolangmo,Kanchenjunga, Lho Tse, Makalu, Cho Oyu,Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna,Gasherbrum II, and Xixabangma. This is rare in the human history of mountaineering.SANGZHU: Head of theMountaineering TeamBorn in Gyamco Township,Xigaze in June 1953, Sangzhubegan to receive training inmountaineering in 1974, andjoined the team to climb theQomolangm…  相似文献   

Save the Children UK has been active in the TAR since 1990,working primarily in counties within Lhasa Municipality in close collaboration with various government depamnents at municipal and county level. Our current sponsoring department is Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau. In recent years our work has primarily focused on Education and Health, including installing clean water system with a strong emphasis on ensuring a respect for Children‘s Rights.  相似文献   

Winter Roundup in the Northern Tibet GrasslandsWinterRoundupintheNorthernTibetGrasslands¥byMiaoFanzhuCeringToinzhubboundtheya...  相似文献   

n 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In the autumnof the same year, Ming forces took over Dadu, capital of the Yuan Dynasty. Allplaces of China including the Tibetan-inhabited areas outside Tibet pledgedIloyalty to the new dynasty.N…  相似文献   

In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644). In the autumn of the same year, Ming forces took over Dadu, capital of the Yuan Dynasty. All places of China including the Tibetan-inhabited areas outside Tibet pledged loyalty to the new dynasty.  相似文献   

The year 2001 marks the first year of China's 10th Five-Year Plan.It is also a year in which the development of China's westernregion development programs is being strongly promoted. Howshould Tibet react to this situation? With this question in mind,China's Tibet reporters recently interviewed Leqoi, Chairman ofthe Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region.QUESTION:Mr. Chairman,could you please tell us whatmeasures Tibet will under thenational western region development program duri…  相似文献   

Free Belgian Times and Viewpoints (weekly) of Belgium both released signed articles on March 30 and April 8 this year reporting on the delegation of the People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region visiting Belgium and the European Parliament.According to the articles, prior to the visit, which was led by Radi, Chairman of the People's Congress of the Tibet  相似文献   

SkyOverTibetIstheBluestinChinaNinetypercentoftheindustrialwastegas,waterandsolidwastedischargesintheTibetAutonomousRegionoccu...  相似文献   

On the bustling ritual walk road in Lhasa, religious believers from various places are marching slowlyin one direction while reciting surras and counting their beads. Every day, they repeat this holy rite in the belief it will be greatly beneficial in their lives. If you watch carefully, you will notice now and then in the stream of people some cattle, sheep and other animals following closely behind the ritual walkers, appearing as if they are part of the devotions, too. You can hardly  相似文献   

AprilinBejingwassunny,withtheland,afteralongwintef,beginningtoturngreen.OntheafternoonofApril20.aconferencewasheldintheTibetHalloftheGreatHallofthePeopletomarkthe10thanniversaryofthefoundingoftheTibetDevelopmentFund(TDF).AttendeesincludedNgapoiNgawangJigm…  相似文献   

FortheHappinessOftheTibetans──ProgramtoAidthePoorinTibetLIUGUANGXUThegovernmentoftheTibetAutonomousRegionhasmappedoutaplantos...  相似文献   

The total installed capacity of electric power in theTibet Autonomous Region is nearly 0.5 million kilo-watts,the annual electric energy,production achieved12 hundred million kilowatts-hour.Nearly everyCounty in Tibet realized electrification.By the end of 2004,the population which used elec-tricity has reached more than 1600000,the rate of elec-tricity used population covered 57% of the whole re-gion,71% of the small towns and 40% of the villagesin Tibet have been electrified.In 1965,when the Tibet Autonomous Region was  相似文献   

QUESTION:Mr.Chairman,wouldyoupleasetalkabouttheplanofyourgovernmentwhosetermwillspanthetwocenturies?ANSWER:Mygovernmenthasenteredofficeattheturnofthecentury.ThefiveyearsaheadwillbeimportantforTibetandChinaasawhole.So,wedecidedtoadoptadown-to-earthapproach,andwillcloselyfollowtheleadershipoftheCentralGovernmentinvariouswork.Ihavefullconfidencetoturnthisgovernmentintoonewhichishighlyefficientandservesthepeoplewholeheartedly,anddistinguishesitselfinbuildingaunited,prosperousandcivilizedTi…  相似文献   

Plants in Tibet     
ForeignbotanistspredictedalmostahundredyearsagothatthereweretheChangtangPlateau.TheybasedthisonsurveysinTibet.Surveyssincel95o,however,showadifferentworld.DIVERSIFIEDSPECIES.AccordingtoRecordsonPlantsinnbetpublishedinl987,therewere5,766sPeciesofplantsinTi…  相似文献   

Istill remember the facial expression of two foreign women a few days ago. Just like me, they were visiting an exhibitionof Tibet, but confused in front of a glass window. They asked me for help. When I explained to them that big stone hat was used to punish "criminals"(actually those poor serfs maybe without committing any crime) by pressing their eyes out, they both were so shocked and surprised, thinking that was horrible and incredibly cruel.  相似文献   

NorbuLingka,of"gem'spark",hasbeenthesummerresidenceoftheDalaiLamaofvariousgenerations.CoverinRanareaof360.000souaremeters'itisdividedintotheeasternpartcalledNorbuLingkaandthewesternpartcalledJianseLingka.ThelingkaishometotheWuyupPalace,TsogyiPalace,rockmo…  相似文献   

The State Grid Corporation of China (the State Grid for short) is in charge of powerconstruction in the whole country. Attaching great importance to promoting the development of Tibet, it adopts the policy of aiding Tibet in projects, technology and cultivation of talents, playing an important role in the socio-economic development of Tibet.  相似文献   

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