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The war on terror and the war in Iraq pose three challenges for foreign aid. The first concern is that donors may hijack foreign aid to pursue their own security objectives rather than development and the alleviation of poverty. The second concern is that the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the wider war on terror will gobble up aid budgets. The third concern is that major donors are continuing to impose competing and sometimes clashing priorities on aid recipients and this erodes rather than builds the capacity of some of the world's neediest governments. This article assesses the emerging aid policies of the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom and the European Union and proposes practical measures that could bolster an effective development-led foreign aid system.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition in the development literature that foreign aid can have malign effects on the recipient country, especially in failing states. This paper considers the impact of Australian aid on macro-level development in Papua New Guinea. After a review of official evaluations of the effectiveness of aid, the potential sources of ‘aid failure’ and ‘aid accountability’ in Papua New Guinea, it is argued that the current Australian macro-level aid program needs to be reassessed. In particular, the focus, coherence and impact on civil society of Australian aid should be modified in order to minimise its debilitating effects.  相似文献   

<正>枯叶蛱蝶在我国目前发现有三种,即枝叶蛱蝶、蓝带枯叶蛱蝶和指斑枯叶蝶。它们被人们誉为"拟态大师",它落在枯叶上不知骗过多少天敌,也不知骗过多少想一睹它真容的眼睛。它背面的斑纹多像一枚枯叶,从叶柄到叶脉都是那么逼真,有的翅膀上还长有霉斑。蝴蝶经过数亿年的进化,都有了一套隐身、吓敌之法。蝴蝶身上蕴藏着让人类无法估量的秘密,等待人们  相似文献   

2002年3月1日,山东大学民俗学研究所和山东大学哲学与社会发展学院社会学系联合邀请在济南参加学术活动的北京师范大学刘铁梁教授和北京大学王铭铭教授为研究生做学术演讲,演讲的中心议题是“村落研究”。现将演讲内容根据录音整理出来,供大家参考。  相似文献   

Judith Hoch‐Smith and Anita Spring, eds. Women in Ritual and Symbolic Roles. New York: Plenum Press, 1978. xv + 289 pp.  相似文献   

宁张公路由西宁向北33公里,到达著名的老爷山脚下,沿着桥阴路向东不远,美丽富饶的朔北藏族乡代同庄就坐落在山脚下,这里是通往大通鹞子沟国家森林公园的必经之地。几百年来,这里生活着勤劳善良的藏族人民,他们淳朴友善,能歌善舞,和其他民族一道相濡以沫,共同生活,繁衍生息。  相似文献   

Paul Baxter and Basil Sansom, eds. Race and Social Difference: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books (Penguin Modern Sociology Readings series), 1972. 495 pp. Maps, tables, charts, references, indexes and bibliography. $3.95 (paper).  相似文献   

午亭山村(现名皇城或日黄城村),位于山西省阳城县东北20公里的樊山南麓,因清康熙皇帝御笔亲书而闻名,系康熙年间渊阁大学士兼吏部尚书陈廷敬的故居。  相似文献   

Yagla is the biggest nomadic village I have seen in northern Tibet.It lies in Sog County,about one kilometer away from the downtown of Sog. This village is situated on flat terrain by the mountainside,adjacent to Sogchu River.A suspension bridge links the two river banks and further extends into abundant grazing lands skirted with flourishing grass and spotted by countless flocks of yaks,goats,  相似文献   

Low-lying houses, dirt paths, stinking ditches, a litter-strewn environment, poor school conditions, and poorly equipped clinics-these are problems still plaguing many parts of the rural areas today.Generally speaking, living conditions in rural areas in the autonomous region can only be termed as nasty. In some villages, many houses have no space for bicycles in front. Some of the farmers' houses have their door facing the toilets of the house in front.  相似文献   

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