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对段永平来说,买股票就是玩,在赚钱的过程中,看到数字的增长,以证明、修正自己的判断,如同一场游戏一般  相似文献   

Jessy 《旅游纵览》2007,(8):42-43
<正>Washington D.C.'s nickname-Chocolate City-is a cute way to explain its big perportion of African American residents. Personally, I also have the same connection with the city and its name:I love it; and I hate it: it is amazing yet sometimes a bit bitter and, yes, very addictive.  相似文献   

My last interview of Mr.Leque was when he was the Chairman of the Government of Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).As time went by,Mr.Leque became the Chairman of the People's Congress of TAR.Following the custom,I paid my respects by presenting a delicate Karta whereupon,he gracefully gifted me another in return.Talking and laughing between us put me at ease and then led naturally into my questions.  相似文献   

In the closing decades of the nineteenth century the idea of Greater Britain, of the unity of the Anglo-Saxon colonies and the ‘mother country’, became a topic of considerable interest and controversy amongst the metropolitan intellectual and political elite. This article examines the roles played by the monarchy in the debates. Queen Victoria, as both idea and institution, assumed two central functions. First, it was argued that the institution of the monarchy, stretching back over centuries, could supply an anchor of permanence and constitutional fidelity in a redesigned global polity. This would reassure critics of such schemes that their fears about fundamental transformation were unfounded; that a thread of historical continuity ran through the proposals. Secondly, Victoria – or at least an idealised representation of her – acted as the linchpin for a sense of global national identity. The prestige and admiration that she (and the institution of the monarchy itself) generated, it was contended, bound the distant peoples of her realm in close communion. Moreover, the way in which she was sometimes represented in imperial debate harked back to (while modifying) an older civic humanist language of ‘patriot kingship’.  相似文献   

张正泉  陈德军 《当代中国史研究》2020,(2):118-129,159,160
朝鲜战争后,根据中朝双方签订的经济及文化合作协定,大批朝鲜实习生于1954—1961年来到中国接受培训。中国有关部门、上海各实习工厂自上而下地构建起相应的组织管理体系,为朝鲜实习生顺利完成培训任务创造了良好的条件,并在日常生活方面对他们给予了周到细致的照顾,探索建立了一套行之有效的培训体系,使朝鲜实习生回国时大多具备了一定的专业技术能力,有的还在某些领域取得了突出的成绩,为朝鲜国民经济的恢复和发展培养了不可或缺的技术人才。  相似文献   

全国重点文物保护单位国务院关于发布文物保护管理暂行条例的 通知文物保护管理暂行条例国务院关于公布第一批全国重点文物保护 单位名单的通知第一批全国重店轰交物保护单位名单第一批全国重点文物保护单位中的古遣址和 古墓葬中国科学院考古研究所查料室第一批全国霓点文物保  相似文献   

徐玲 《史学月刊》2022,(6):75-81+91
1949—1961年,传统王权宫殿和原中华民国国家博物馆的双重身份,使故宫博物院的改造问题变得异常复杂。这表现在,既有如何处置传统皇权建筑、收藏等物质层面的历史性,又有如何调整中华民国博物馆陈列模式以期符合社会主义文化建设需要的现实性两方面问题。实践中,中华人民共和国政府不仅在故宫博物院空间改造问题上表达了鲜明的政治态度,同时在陈列模式、藏品体系上赋予了新的社会主义文化内涵,用“人民性”置换了传统的“皇权观”,完成了故宫博物院的革命性改造。  相似文献   

<正>On September 9th of 2009, at the request of the reporters for German magazine Focus,Mr.Zhu Weiqun(executive vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee) gave an interview only on the condition that the main text of the interview was published in Focus.On Oct 5, Focus magazine reported this interview,using only 400 words as translated into Chinese.During the two-hour interview,Mr.Zhu Weiqun gave frank answers to the questions raised by these reporters that covered their areas of interest and also questions of worldwide concern.His talk was cut and thrust.Herewith,we would like to publish it in installments.The following is the second part of this interview.  相似文献   

Responding to state electoral losses in 1804, Massachusetts Federalists vehemently pursued an antislavery measure called the Ely amendment, which sought to end the three-fifths clause. Despite failure to pass the Ely amendment, opposition to the three-fifths compromise became central to Federalist politics through the Missouri crisis in 1820. Federalists participating in the Missouri debates chose to let Republican politicians lead the opposition to slavery’s expansion after putting forth their critique of the three-fifths clause. Yet Federalists’ repeated attempts to pass the Ely amendment ensured that a generation of Massachusetts citizens connected the three-fifths clause with southern domination.  相似文献   

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