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Summary.   Obsidian is an important material circulated throughout the Aegean. Melian obsidian is found at many sites and researchers have concentrated on Melos without acknowledging obsidian from other sources. This article endeavours to highlight obsidian of non-Melian origin, such as that from the Carpathians, central Anatolia, Antiparos and, particularly, Yali. It is demonstrated that this latter source was a central one for certain islands, with its obsidian found at a number of sites in the Dodecanese and beyond. It is also emphasized that there were circulation modes of obsidian parallel to that of Melos, as well as different procurement conditions. Therefore, by including important regional sources such as Yali in the obsidian discourse, our understanding of obsidian exchange and circulation is enriched.  相似文献   

Dina Vaiou 《对极》1992,24(4):247-262
The paper discusses the absence of gender from the analysis and understanding of urban development as a result of dichotomies, implicit or explicit, in much of urban research: private space vs public space, home life vs politics, domestic labor vs paid employment, reproduction vs production. It is argued that urban analysis and theorizing have focused almost exclusively on the latter part of such dichotomies, the one associated with men and masculinity. This is an emphasis on and valuation of the adult male's activities and experiences of urban development and a corresponding devaluation of the activities and experiences of women — thereby reproducing gender hierarchies and ways of thinking about them. To consider these questions, a historically and geographically specific context of urban development is presented: the municipality of Helioupolis in the Greater Athens area (Greece). This study helps explain how the boundaries of divisions and dichotomies are transcended in women's everyday lives; how women (and men) are not exclusively identified with either part of dichotomies; but also how dichotomies are often intensified — sometimes by perceptions and practices of women themselves.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):215-225

While the lack of grave goods has been the focus of most scholarly discussion of Coles Creek burial practices, the mortuary analyses presented here focus on recognizing correspondences among sex, age, and burial position. Using assemblages from three Coles Creek sites (Greenhouse, Lake George, and Mount Nebo), I find that while there is significant intersite variability among Coles Creek mortuary programs, certain age groups are consistently treated differently from each other and from everyone else. Thus interments were being made with deliberate care and consideration for those involved and are not nearly as haphazard and disorderly as previously thought.  相似文献   

中国城市流动人口的空间结构   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用中国公安部1996年流动人口统计数据,采用空间统计分析方法和断裂点法,对中国城市流动人口的空间结构进行研究发现,中国城市流动人口主要集中在沿海地带,而且客观存在着三大城市流动人口圈:①京津连流动人口圈。为中国第三大的城市流动人口圈,具有性别比高、来自圈外的流动人口比重大、以亲缘、地缘为纽带聚居等特点。②沪宁杭流动人口圈。为中国第二大的城市流动人口圈,具有来自省内的流动人口比重高、暂住时间差距大等特点。③广深厦流动人口圈。为中国最大的城市流动人口圈,具有女性流动人口比重高、来自外省的流动人口比重大等特点。  相似文献   

The author, comparing growth histories of East and West Siberian cities of over 50,000 population through regression and cluster analysis techniques, develops a number of city typologies based on magnitude of population growth, economic specialization, and social infrastructure. It is argued that such typologies are useful in planning because they identify types of cities experiencing similar growth conditions and instances where cities have changed from one type of situation to another. Although the study is limited to 1926-1986, it addresses economic and social components of Siberian urban growth relevant to the interpretation of preliminary results of the 1989 census (translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK).  相似文献   

城市涂鸦自1960年代在世界各大城市普及以来,在环境指示、社会沟通、权力表达、身份构建、产业发展、规划设计等诸多方面扮演着重要角色,并成为一种典型且有争议的城市社会文化现象,吸引了国外学者的密切关注。借助文献计量分析法,以Web of Science为数据库,对国外城市涂鸦研究进行了系统分析,并重点回顾了涂鸦的内涵、涂鸦与城市环境、涂鸦的街头表达、涂鸦与空间构建、涂鸦与城市响应等主要领域的研究进展,同时从研究内容、学科、方法与数据、理论基础四个方面进行了述评与展望。最后,分析了国外涂鸦研究对我国研究的启示,从我国涂鸦的诞生背景、涂鸦者群体和涂鸦特征三个方面阐述了我国涂鸦研究对国际研究可能存在的意义,也指出了未来我国涂鸦研究的方向。  相似文献   

Summary. More than one hundred years ago in the Gudme area on Funen, Denmark, Frederik Sehested carried out probably the earliest regional survey in world archaeology. This was subsequently published in two magnificent volumes. Today the Gudme-area is the focus of the main research project of Danish archaeology, investigating a truly massive 'royal' settlement of some two hundred hectares near Gudme with the adjacent emporium at Lundeborg on the nearby coast of the Greater Belt. The settlements, cemeteries, and hoards of precious metals of the region date in the main from 200–600 A.D., the late Roman and migration periods of European history. The royal settlement is seemingly made up of farms with longhouses of ordinary type, but with very rich finds, including many Roman and Frankish imports, and remains of luxury crafts. The emporium antedates the well-known Carolingian and Viking establishments by several centuries and was founded when Roman cities still flourished, e.g., in the Rhinelands.  相似文献   

城市儿童户外体力活动研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在快速城市化的当今,公共健康已成为各国尤其是发展中国家的突出问题.城市人口急速增加、城市建成区快速高密度蔓延,加之汽车入侵、城市结构及居住模式的改变,供儿童日常活动的户外公共空间越来越有限,儿童体质20年来持续下降,儿童能否在城市中健康成长成为维系中国家庭及整个社会稳定与可持续发展最具挑战的课题之一.文章对国内外户外环境中的儿童体力活动研究及实践进展进行了综述,国内外已有研究主要集中四个方面:(1)运用多种测量方法对儿童体力活动水平进行调查研究; (2)宏观尺度的城市儿童户外活动空间结构空间分异研究以及儿童游戏场地设计分析; (3)具体的户外环境因子对儿童体力活动的影响研究; (4)儿童对户外环境中的体力活动机会感知等四个方面.文章最后提出促进城市户外环境中的儿童体力活动应进一步研究的方向,包括环境因素对体力活动类型及体力活动强度影响、户外物理环境因子如温度、风速、日照等对儿童体力活动的影响、儿童与父母对户外环境及活动机会感知差异以及儿童户外环境感知偏好研究等.  相似文献   

陈涛 《人文地理》1994,9(2):38-43
本文首先提出商品价格空间分布的分形函数,以此为基础导出商品销售的空间受限模型,该模型揭示了人地非线性相关的某些机制,并为企业选择投资区位提供了分析方法。  相似文献   

Summary.   Over the past decade, new radiocarbon dating from several art caves has conflicted with the traditional stylistic sequence of Palaeolithic art. Using Chauvet as a paradigm, some archaeologists have suggested that stylistic approaches to Palaeolithic art should be rejected in favour of more sophisticated methods, such as AMS radiocarbon dating. Contrary to this proposal, we suggest that the high antiquity of the Chauvet paintings (dated to c .32,000 years BP) does not necessarily imply the end of all stylistic approaches to Palaeolithic art. Taking the recent discoveries (2003) at the site of Hohle Fels and the attribution of the Palaeolithic engravings of the cave of l'Aldène to the Aurignacian (2005) into account, we suggest that the Chauvet paintings can be placed within an Aurignacian stylistic context. Throughout this analysis, we propose some critical thoughts on the concept of 'style' and discuss some ways in which stylistic approaches can be used to improve our knowledge of Palaeolithic art.  相似文献   

地方性食物原本被定义成在清晰的地理边界内生产的食物,是“本地人”抵抗极端商品化食物系统的有力武器,但以地理边界为中心的视角压抑了消费者身体的积极作用,也忽视了作为“外来者”的流动群体的在地饮食体验。基于对广州流动群体的日常饮食消费的深入考察,本研究发现:流动群体对跨越地理边界的故乡食物和广州本地食物主动赋予丰富的地方性意涵,构筑日常饮食“流动的地方性”。基于身体与食物的关系视角,本研究认为身体接触食物的契合感受以及与食物提供者的信任关系奠定了流动群体建构地方性食物的基本途径。区别于反抗式的地方性食物运动,流动群体把地方性食物嵌入在地生活,凸显多重的日常意义,主要表现在突破食物知识困境,缓解饮食焦虑,以及增进身体和地方的亲密关系。  相似文献   

Pictures are often connected with the mediation of the event but, paradoxically, not with temporality as such. Although there are several existing approaches that focus on the interplay between the event and its literary representation, the relation between pictorial time and the temporal constitution of the event remains unexplored. The field of image theory has offered insights into the multiple dimensions of the picture's temporality. It has shown that the picture's temporality concerns not only the depicted event but also the picture's immanent modes of producing different temporalities within one pictorial plane. The picture thus not only makes visible but also generates multilayered times of the event. This article brings together insights from image theory and from theories of historical times to demonstrate the relationship between the times of the event and the inner logic of the picture. In order to identify the various qualities of the picture that structure the times of the event, this article uses the case study of Reinhart Koselleck's practical and theoretical work with pictures. This article reads Koselleck's approaches to pictures alongside new insights concerning the relationality of time to the event and the picture. By exploring the picture's agency with regards to the politics of time, this article lays bare the picture's potential to structure the times of the event.  相似文献   

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