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乾隆帝弘历是清朝入关后第四代皇帝,在位60年(1736~1795),是清朝在位时间最长的皇帝之一。乾隆帝兴趣广泛,喜爱收藏古玩,故宫博物院收藏的物,有相当一部分是乾隆时期的。  相似文献   

No doctrine of Pufendorf's is better known than that of socialitas. The reason is that Pufendorf himself declared that socialitas was the foundation of natural law. No interpreter of Pufendorf can therefore avoid dealing with it. Moreover, Pufendorf linked the issue of socialitas to the question of the state of nature, thus raising important issues with both theological and philosophical implications.

Given the prominence and importance of this theme in Pufendorf's work, a close analysis of what he meant by it is central to the interpretation of his work, even though this means to pose again a new number of questions already discussed in the scholarly literature. In particular, this article examines the relationship between Pufendorf and Hobbes with regard to this central theme. In fact, a traditional historiographic topos is that Pufendorf and Hobbes fundamentally disagree on the doctrine of socialitas, while the former is closer to Grotius and to the Aristotelian-classic tradition that see man as a social animal.

This article takes, instead, Pufendorf to be a follower of Hobbes, and tries to explain how the more traditional view of Pufendorf as a critic of Hobbes was in some way due to Pufendorf's own attempt to distance himself from the accusations of Hobbesism (and hence of atheism and moral indifference) that the critics made against him when his work first appeared. In order to do this, Pufendorf tried to rethink his own position within the history of ethics, and put himself on the side of the Stoics, of Grotius and of Cumberland, against Epicurus and Hobbes. This retrospective ‘illusion’ has greatly influenced later scholarship, giving us a distorted image of Pufendorf's own view of socialitas. A more precise account of the latter gives a better prospective from which to look at the relationship between Pufendorf and Hobbes.  相似文献   

<河伯>的祭主是黄河之神,作品描述的是以女妻河的场面.起源于夏代的<九歌>,为夏启依据楚地音乐制作而成,后成为夏朝乐舞,其或有祭河之歌.夏桀被流放后至"苍梧之野",使本为南音的<九歌>更广泛地流播于民间.楚庄王曾祭黄河,必用乐舞,<河伯>当是祭河之乐,此不必列入楚祀典,当流传于楚.屈原整理民歌,将之收入<九歌>.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which the Duke of Portland’s Welbeck Abbey estate in Nottinghamshire reacted to the caveats of The Education Act of 1870. The Duke had in the past taken little interest in any school within his estate until it appeared that the new legislation would significantly impact the control he exerted. The situation was somewhat complicated as the 5th Duke was reclusive by nature and consequently his land agent William Cripwell was required to act as his representative to what essentially became an estate in conflict. The resultant furore, particularly at Gringley, between school, parishioners and clergy reveal the fragility of rural relationships. The expectation that the Duke’s agent had the expertise and ability to deal with the problems, which arose because of the Act, are a sign of the increasing professionalism of the land agent and the movement to a role beyond that of a traditional agriculturalist.  相似文献   

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