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清代是新疆历史上经济开发规模最大、开发成效最显著的时期,也是新疆城市发展最快、城市地理变化最明显的时期,因而,从总体上研究这一时期该地区城市人口及城市规模,对西北历史地理的研究应具有重要意义,但目前学术界对这一问题的研究却相对薄弱。本文首先分析了清后期新疆城市人口的统计原则,从清前期天山南北主要城市的人口数量及城市规模、清后期新疆主要城市的人口数量及城市规模等方面分别进行了述论,初步探讨了形成这种人口规模特征的主要原因。  相似文献   

<正>康雍时期,在与准噶尔的战争中,清军在西、北两路修建了不少的城池,其中尤以北路的城池修建最为显著。对北路城池的相关研究,就笔者所见,较为集中论述的仅有两篇文章。金启孮对清军西、北两路城池的兴废作了介绍,其中北路的城池有察罕瘦尔城、扎克拜达里克城、塔米尔城、乌里雅苏台城、鄂尔昆城。但文章介绍,存在不全面和不准确的问题。①何一民从城市史的角度探讨了蒙古地区城市的兴建及其规模,认为一系列强有力的政治、军事、国家安全战略的实施推动了外蒙古地区城市的兴起和发展";②但清军在北路兴建的城池能否称得上是城市,有待商榷。  相似文献   

崔晓阳 《沧桑》2012,(5):54-57
清代台湾的官府建筑包括官署、城池、炮台和文庙等。官署建筑是地方官员办公、住宿、休憩、待客之地,建筑格式体现了封建礼制,是朝廷行政权力的体现。城池、炮台起到了防御作用,但朝廷对修建的规模有严格限制,对城池建设的限制与放松,以能否加强统治为根本依据。文庙和儒学的修建显示了清朝统治者都相当重视文教的发展。从统治者的角度来说,文教的发展有利于社会稳定。这些官府建筑体现了台湾人民的文化属性与政治属性。  相似文献   

清代进行丝绸与马匹交易的新疆城市风良乾隆初年平定准噶尔和大小和卓叛乱以后,新疆地区的政治更加稳定,社会生产得到了恢复发展,与内地的经济文化交流也日益发展和繁荣。江浙一带生产的丝绸大量运往新疆,去换取边外哈萨克、布鲁特等民族的马匹,这种丝马交易规模很大...  相似文献   

本文探讨了清代新疆八旗驻防满城时间上的发展特征和空间的分布特点,阐明了满城的形制及结构,并对比分析了满城衙署、兵房及教育、祠庙等相关设施在数量和规模上的差异,揭示出清代新疆满城的时空结构.  相似文献   

新疆济木萨地区人口数量在清代呈曲折发展之势,人口与城镇发展均受到政治因素的影响。利用清代新疆地方志及政书,复原乾隆平定天山南北至宣统年间4个不同时间断面的济木萨人口规模,展现其城镇发展面貌,为呈现清代新疆天山北坡东段人口及城镇变迁的区域特征提供典型案例。  相似文献   

阎泽川 《文史月刊》2013,(11):33-33
城隍被认为是冥界中的基层神司,是保护城市的神。周朝时,每年除夕要祭祀八种神,其中就有水(即隍)庸(即城)。古代称有水的城堑为"池",无水的城堑为"隍"。为什么要祭祀隍、城呢?因为他们是守护城池的神。城市规模逐渐具备后,绝大多数城市都是靠近水边的,水与城有了进一步的结合,于是水神和庸神合二为一,成为城池的城隍神了。  相似文献   

由中国社会科学院边疆史地研究中心主编的大型系列资料丛刊——《中国边疆史地资料丛刊》新疆卷、蒙古卷将于1989年12月由全国图书馆文献缩微复制中心出版,其内容如下:一、《清代新疆稀见史料汇辑》,马大正主编.收集了《伊江汇览》、《伊江集载》、《总统伊犁事宜》、《伊犁略志》、《清故伊犁将军文贞行状》,均系罕见抄本,是研究清代新疆地方史、民族史的重要史料,也是研究清代治理新疆和了解清代新疆地区政治、军事、经济、文化、宗教的珍贵史料.二、《新疆乡土志稿》,由马大正、黄国政、苏凤兰编校.本书除收集了1955年湖北省图书馆29  相似文献   

张萍 《安徽史学》2021,(1):5-12
西北城市古旧地图开发较早,唐都长安城图是目前中国存世最早的城市地图之一,明清以后,西北地区开始形成系统、多层面的城市地图.明代,方志城池图是西北城市地图最重要的组成部分.清代,西北城市地图进入多元发展时期,大批地方志城池图之外,存世的还有部分单幅彩绘城图.光绪时期,会典舆图的绘制使西北城市地图的发展进入一个新时期.民国时期,测绘机构开始建立,大比例尺城市地图的绘制增多,往往配有地形图,精度高、复原价值大,对学术研究帮助更大.利用GIS技术提取相关数据开发系列古旧地图,对建立长时段、系统的城市地理剖面具有重要价值.  相似文献   

再现新疆察哈尔蒙古历史的珍贵史料──《清代西迁新疆察哈尔蒙古满文档案译编》评介黎青由中国第一历史档案馆、中国社会科学院中国边疆史地研究中心、新疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州地方志编纂委员会联合编译的《清代西迁新疆察哈尔蒙古满文档案译编》(以下简称《译编》)一书...  相似文献   

李嘎 《中国地方志》2012,(6):55-62,5
明清时期山西的城市洪灾普遍而严重,曾遭受洪水冲击的城市达到62座。地方社会的防治措施大致可以归纳为“拦”、“疏”、“蓄”三类。具体而言,“拦”,即在城郊修筑拦洪堤堰以障水,这是明清山西城市防洪的主要措施,其中某些城市堤堰的筑造技术值得关注;“疏”,即通过开凿水口、疏浚城壕及新凿河渠等手段,使洪水远离城区;“蓄”,就是在城内利用既有低洼之地或新凿陂池,以蓄积雨洪。以上举措并未能彻底改变山西城市洪灾普遍且严重的状况,探究起来,城市的地理坐落、生态环境破坏导致的水土流失、城市建成区的扩展等,是不容忽视的三大诱发因素。  相似文献   

The increasing impact of urbanization on the natural environment and physical constraints on city planning in the various natural zones of the USSR call for a program of research that would bring to bear the tools of the various geographical disciplines on the problem and might give rise to a distinctive geography of city planning. Geomorphology might be concerned with a variety of caving and slumping processes typical of large cities; climatology with the impact of cities on the microclimate of an area; hydrology with watertable changes and water-management problems, and biogeography with the distinctive plant and animal life of large cities and urban agglomerations. More complex, integrated research in both physical and economic geography would deal with the choice of suitable sites for new cities, particularly in extreme types of environment; with predictive aspects of the impact of urbanization, and the functional structure of cities. A number of cities and parts of cities with different layouts and different environmental settings should be designated as experimental study areas for geographical research of a more systematic character.  相似文献   

A case study of three early modern Dutch cities (Alkmaar, Delft, and Amsterdam) using geographical information systems and confronting earlier historical, sociological, and geographical models finds clear patterns of segregation below the level of the city block, thus necessitating block-face mapping. The remarkable continuity in patterns of residential segregation is best explained by the workings of the real-estate market, allowing the well-to-do and middle classes to realize their preferences. In Amsterdam, the merchant elites were able to use their political dominance to plan a scenic and expansive residential environment free from noisy and odorous activities.  相似文献   

A world geography of global media cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This is an empirical study that analyses the geography of 33 global media firms through their locations in 284 cities across the world. The analyses are set within the world cities literature and a methodology is used that searches out city networks from data on firms to define ‘global media cities’. Resulting definitions of network connectivities allow comparisons to be made with more familiar world city network results on global service centres. The relative importance of media industries in European cities is highlighted. The main analysis uses a principal components model to discover global media fields centred upon specific articulator cities, notably New York, Los Angeles, Munich, Berlin, London and Paris. It is concluded that there is a geographical logic to the growth of large media companies.  相似文献   


Since the late twentieth century, the subject of China becoming urban has appeared in the scholarship across the disciplines while spectacular images of China’s cities, and narratives about their developmental achievements, have proliferated in global media. Simultaneously, the parallel “spatial turn” in social thought invigorated geographical approaches to cities and urban change. Yet at this promising meeting ground, between contemporary geographical thought and urban-industrial transformation in China, research has tended to demonstrate a “loss of space” through patterns of dependence on analog circulation of exemplar paradigms that derive from the history of the capitalist city and liberal political economy. What drives this condition and what do we know about its practices and proliferation? This inquiry challenges research design and the politics of theory to consider how routine adoption of capital-centric concepts for research on cities in China arguably reflects the priority of paradigms in the disciplines and their conjunctures with exemplarity in Chinese society and political philosophy. These interstices facilitate application of analog models, and selective adoption of empirical information to suit them, with the paradoxical result of portraying cities in China through multiple capitalist aesthetics including a relatively narrow range of empirics framed by market-based social thought.  相似文献   

中国史前时代城址到目前为止已发现数十处之多 ,最早可上溯到仰韶文化晚期 ,大部分建造于与龙山文化相当的四五千年前 ;从分布的地域看 ,主要在黄河中下游、内蒙古和长江上中游地区。本文认为史前城址的功能有较大差异。这种差异与各地的自然条件、经济方式、文化水平等各方面的因素有着密切的关系 ,黄河中下游地区由于其独特的自然和地理条件 ,以及由此导致的较为先进的文明 ,使得这一地区的古城具备了相对完备的功能。中国古代文明最早在这一地区诞生 ,显然与此有密切关系  相似文献   

The present work pursues theoretical and empirical objectives. With regards to the former, it is demonstrated that the natural tendency to uniformity of both the probability distribution of a city to have a certain number of inhabitants and that of a person to reside in a town of a given number of citizens leads to a competition between their information entropies, which provides the power law distribution as the most probable one for city size. It is also shown that Zipf's law reflects the significant control of the existence of interconnections between cities on the self-organization of their size. With regards to the empirical objectives, based on population data of European countries and Italian municipalities, the theoretical approach proposed is validated. At the Italian scale, city distribution is shown to be a power law for cities above 10,000 inhabitants. In the 20 Italian regions, the breakpoint in the distribution is generally lower. Finally, the geographical control on city distribution is discussed based on the results achieved in some regions.  相似文献   

We designed a geographical model for simulating the distribution of urban growth in systems of cities. The model incorporates the hierarchical and spatial diffusion of innovation cycles through gravitational interactions within a set of cities. Using theoretical simulations, we demonstrate that this model is able to reproduce the observed properties of urban systems for the log‐normal distribution of city sizes as well as the observed distribution of growth rates. Our experimentation was performed on a large harmonized historical database that includes a few hundred French urban agglomerations between 1831 and 1999 (Pumain‐INED database). Both spatial interaction and innovation cycles are necessary ingredients to explain the evolution of urban hierarchies. We suggest that Gibrat's generic stochastic growth model based on independent entities should be replaced by a more relevant model of spatially and temporally interdependent geographical entities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which centralisation affects service delivery through a comparison of geographical variations in community-based services for the aged in the cities of Melbourne and Adelaide. The first part outlines the administrative structures in the two cities. This is followed by a comparison of geographical variations in the provision of meals-on-wheels services and residential accommodation within the cities. The final part considers the implications of the results for our understanding of the influence of centralisation upon service provision in Australian cities.  相似文献   

赵可 《史学月刊》2007,26(8):49-55
清末,一些有识之士发现城市自治制度是西方民主政治的基础性结构后,自觉地将实现民主政治的愿望寄托在争取城市自治之上。清末地方自治的实践主要侧重于城市进行,使城市自治运动实质上成为地方自治运动的主体。政治民主化城市优先发展的思路由此初露端倪,并且成为近代城市在政治层面发展的主线,影响着近代城市的发展走向。城市自治思想使近代城市的发展具有以追求实现民主政治为目标指向的主观精神动力。  相似文献   

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