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There is an ongoing debate as to whether Chinese capital can be described as developmental. While some argue that Chinese capital is simply a tool of the Chinese state to exploit the global South, others claim that Chinese capital opens new development opportunities. Rather than advancing a framework based upon either an exploitative or an egalitarian mode of development, this article argues that China's current crisis of overaccumulation has led to a so-called Sino-centric capital export regime, which sends out two types of capital to the global South. First, state-backed capital imposes a development model by modifying ‘local orders’, attempting to make host states legible by creating maps of peoples and terrains that surround China. These maps aim to improve China's ability to manage inter-state disputes. Second, flexible capital is interested in extricating itself from the conditions imposed on it in China. By moving into the global South, flexible capital breaks through the barriers placed by the Chinese state. As a by-product of this quest for extrication, flexible capital can generate new venues of accumulation and novel ways of organizing production. This article demonstrates these two types of capital using examples from Rodrigo Duterte's Philippines — the Kaliwa Dam project and online gambling — drawing on original field research and a newly generated dataset.  相似文献   

刘洪英 《史学月刊》2000,(6):68-71,79
中国近代工业道路形成于19世纪后半期的半殖民地半封建社会,其形成的前提条件、产生方式、组成结构、行业发展和资本积累等方面,都具有与一般资本主义国家所不同的独特性,给我们今天的工业现代化建设留下了深刻的教训。  相似文献   

This paper examines the destructive tendencies associated with the commodification of rurality in some of Australia’s more scenic and accessible rural areas. While development based on the consumption of idealised rural landscapes and cultures can contribute to the accumulation of capital in rural areas, it can also result in the destruction of those aspects which consumers find attractive. These attributes include traditional farming landscapes, picturesque country towns, scenic rural environments, and perceptions of congenial and cohesive local communities. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the processes that lead to the degradation of these attributes. The discussion is set within the context of the ‘commodification of rurality’ and ‘creative destruction’ perspectives, and uses the case of Bridgetown in the south‐west of Western Australia to illustrate how an almost unfettered pattern of development is leading to the gradual destruction of the countryside ideal.  相似文献   

长株潭城镇体系的形成机制研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
长株潭地区现有3个地级市、4个县级市、177个建制镇及360多个集镇,是湖南省城镇体系发育水平最高的区域,也是全国"十五"期间重点引导和培育的七大城镇密集区之一。本文定性分析了政策机制、乡镇企拥与商贸市场集聚布局机制对长株潭城镇体系的影响,采用回归分析法、关联分析及经济联系强度计量模型定量研究了投资机制、辐射机制在长株潭城镇体系形成中的作用。进入21世纪,长株潭城镇体系的发展进入了一个新的阶段,其发展成效的好坏在很大程度上取决于上述机制的综合作用。为促进长株潭城镇体系的优化建设,应在进一步完善各单项机制的同时,搞好各机制之间的相互协调,提高各机制综合运作的组合效应。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国小城镇的建设问题从作为“大问题”提出,到形成经济社会发展的“大战略”,其间经历了艰苦的探索、创新过程,最终实现了一个发展思路上的飞跃,积累了极为宝贵的经验。在中国城镇化的进程中,小城镇的恢复和发展占有十分重要的地位。建设小城镇的主要目的并不仅仅在于建设一批现代化的城镇,而且在于通过城镇发展过程中资本的聚集和人口的集中逐步解决“三农”问题。  相似文献   

镇域尺度的空间相互作用研究对促进城乡统筹和城镇体系规划具有重要意义。本文借鉴最新研究成果,从理论及实践层面对镇域空间相互作用研究进行了探索,提出一种基于空间可达性的辐射模型,并与传统重力模型进行比较分析。以大冶市16个乡镇为例进行实例研究,结果表明:1辐射模型与实测数据的相似度较高,可以更好地反映镇域空间相互作用的客观规律;2两种模拟方法在体现空间相互作用的方向性以及结构特征方面具有显著差异;3辐射模型中影响范围的引入以及空间可达性对区域异质性的体现是其与重力模型的主要区别。  相似文献   

Ethnographies on evictions and critical urban studies have showed how, globally, corporate and government seizure of urban space has been fundamental to the production of circuits of values under capitalism. This paper adds another layer to the scholarly understanding of evictions. Drawing on long-term ethnographic research on the economies of Addis Ababa's inner city and the politics of city building in Ethiopia's capital carried out between 2010 and 2018, I explore how evictions not only helped make room for private investments and urban regeneration. Evictions helped make the logics of investments and capital accumulation the framework within which the reach and the scope of policies of redistribution have been defined. By exploring how redistribution is made compatible with dispossession, this paper explores how evictions reshaped the terms of poor people's adverse incorporation in Addis Ababa's development through a political and moral economy of unequal entitlement.  相似文献   

目前全国新城区已经处于严重的失控阶段,如何更加合理的规划全国的新城区布局,思考其可持续发展的方向成为重要研究课题。本研究基于生态经济学理论及新城区空间尺度从资源利用效率与环境可持续性两方面构建可持续性评估指标体系,应用多准则模糊评价方法NAIADE及PROMETHEE排序方法评估新城区资源利用效率与环境可持续性水平,探讨影响新城区可持续性的短板因素。结果表明:①鄞州新城、宝山新城、闵行新城发展的可持续性最优,嘉定新城、苏州工业园区、滨江新城及下沙新城的可持续性偏低;②建设用地开发强度、人口密度、二氧化氮浓度、人均公共绿地面积、5公里半径内三甲医院数量五个指标是目前制约新城区可持续发展的短板因素;③距离主城远近及用地规模对新城区的可持续性有一定的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the individuals and bodies engaged in the development of British towns and cities between the mid-nineteenth century and the mid-twentieth century. Particular attention is given to the supplanting of local owners, architects and builders by external firms and the extent to which activity was concentrated among fewer firms over time. Previous findings are re-examined and synthesized, and the results of new research are presented. A major source of information is building applications submitted to local authorities. The most important changes took place in the two decades following the First World War. Having had a major role in the nineteenth century, especially as providers of capital, private individuals ceased to have a significant place in urban development by the 1930s, other than in their role as owner-occupiers and owners of potential development land. Responsibility for the establishment of institutional sites rested with a variety of individuals and organizations in the nineteenth century, but became much more concentrated in the hands of local authorities in the inter-war period. Significant numbers of non-local architects were engaged in the design of public buildings as early as the middle of the nineteenth century, but building work of all kinds was still being undertaken almost entirely by local builders even in the 1930s. The large-scale introduction of non-local architects in the inter-war years was related to the influx of non-local owners. On the whole, local influences declined sooner in towns close to major cities.  相似文献   

The recent financial and economic crisis had substantial but spatially differentiated impacts on growth. However, there is still a lot left to be understood about the local aspects of the crisis. One of these aspects is its socio-economic consequences. This paper investigates local socio-economic change to Danish towns from 2008 to 2013, with a focus on the impact of local labour market (LLM) structures on change. Socio-economic change in towns is measured both directly as mean income and employment growth, and indirectly as population and human capital growth. The paper relies on micro-data and uses robust regression to generate results. Several findings are presented, but the two main conclusions are: first, the LLM structures of towns still influence local socio-economic development; and, second, towns experience better socio-economic development if they are in close proximity to a larger labour market and/or have a large ratio of commuters in the working population.  相似文献   

陈培阳 《人文地理》2017,32(1):9-15
全球化竞争促使国家和地区不断扩大高等教育规模,加上住房市场的持续去管制化,欧美国家多数大学城镇出现“学生化”的现象,与此相应的城市地理学研究逐渐展开。从学生化概念的提出入手,回顾了西方尤其是英国学生化研究的简要历程,从学生化的现象特征、形成机理、后果影响、应对策略和学生化与中产阶层化关系等方面分析当前学生化研究的新特征。结合研究回顾,认为学生化的实证研究和理论构建尚处在探索阶段,且主要在中产阶层化的理论框架体系中进行。中国学生化研究应当结合自身背景进行概念界定与实证、理论研究。未来学生化研究将集中于四个方面:大数据等新技术方法在学生化研究中的应用、学生化理论体系的构建、学生化效应评估与应对机制研究以及学生化的国际比较研究。  相似文献   

军镇的成立、发展乃至转型皆深藏于北魏政治演进之中,并在政区地理以及地方行政制度维度,与州郡相互勾连。太武帝基于地方行政治理的需要,在部分军镇开启了州郡化进程,至孝文帝时,军镇州郡化全面席卷地方行政领域。而军镇在政区地理方面的差异,影响了州郡化的路径与结果。根据军镇的类型及其转型方式,军镇州郡化应细分为“改镇立州”“废镇立州”“废镇存州”三种方式,前两种直接改变了北魏政区体系,并使得军镇体制渐次退出地方行政领域,第三种的作用则仅限于制度变化方面。三者共同推动军镇政区及军镇体制的州郡化,进而在政权结构层面引发北魏地方行政制度的更张。  相似文献   

近代上海城市交通网络的扩张、工业技术和资本的渗透以及中心市场的整合作用,不仅强化了周边市镇对上海城市的向心力,也将沪郊南汇乡村发展融入上海的城市化进程,凸现出20世纪初中心城市现代化发展直接带动周边市镇成长的新趋势。  相似文献   

Adam Hanieh 《对极》2016,48(5):1228-1248
This paper examines processes of financialisation in the Arab world, a region that has been almost completely absent from the wider financial literature. The paper shows that financialisation is much more than simply the expansion of financial markets within neatly bounded sets of social relations operating at the national scale. In the Arab world, financialisation has been marked by the growing weight of regional finance capital—most specifically, those capital groups based in the Gulf Cooperation Council—in circuits of capital operating at all scales. This has important implications for processes of class and state formation. Approaching financialisation in this manner—moving away from methodologically nationalist assumptions and the literature's largely singular focus on the advanced capitalist core—brings into focus the significance of cross‐scalar accumulation patterns, their spatial hierarchies, and geographic unevenness. The paper thus reaffirms the need for a more spatially sensitive approach to financialisation.  相似文献   

A noted international specialist on the Russian economy compares the different mechanisms by which the emerging powerful economies of Russia, China, and India accumulated substantial foreign reserves during the 2000s in the lead-up to the global financial crisis. He also investigates the costs incurred by these countries of intervention into exchange markets to maintain exchange rate regimes supporting such accumulation, as well as measures undertaken after the crisis to address sudden and massive outflows of foreign private capital and considerable decreases in demand for imports in developed countries. The author argues that each of the three countries can be viewed as a prototype for a particular means of reserve accumulation among emerging market countries that has led to the revival of the Bretton Woods international monetary system.  相似文献   

Islamic finance signifies more than a projection of religious affiliation. The importance of Islamic finance is increasing in central Asia, both as a source of capital and as a form of post‐colonial market‐building. In central Asia, it is an important facet of the new phenomena of ‘nation‐branding’ and a means of reinvigorating the economy. In identity politics, Islamic finance projects an attitude of religious tolerance allowing states in the region to reposition their geopolitical identity relative to the Islamic community. This creates a ‘performance’ of Islamic finance that facilitates the creation of legitimacy for the state. Adopting Islamic finance projects images of the state's religious tolerance and diversity without changing the underlying structures; it suggests an ‘Islamicness’ that is useful to the development and post‐colonial goals of the state. As such, it creates opportunities for geopolitical alliances with Muslim countries. Economically, it appeals to rising financial‐industrial elites seeking new investment‐opportunities, which reduces pressure on the state to democratize. Meanwhile, in Russia, Islamic finance is an alternative source of capital for the sanctions‐hit state and a useful identity marker with which to connect to the increasingly wary Caucuses and Commonwealth of Independent States countries, lending it a wider significance across Eurasia.  相似文献   

In 1907, the Pittsburgh Survey team recognized that dispersed industrial development had created a metropolitan area stretching 30 to 50 miles from downtown Pittsburgh. Traditional interpretations of metropolitan formation fail to account for the crucial role of industry in this process. Beginning in the 1870s, the transformation from small, craft organized factories to integrated mills, mass production, and modern management organization in steel and other industries led many manufacturers to search for large sites with railroad and river accessibility. They purchased land, designed modern plants, and sometimes built towns for workers. Other firms bought into new communities begun as speculative industrial real estate ventures. Some owners removed their plants from the city's labour politics to exert greater control over workers. The region's rugged topography and dispersed natural resources of coal and gas accentuated this dispersal. The rapid growth of steel, glass, railroad equipment and coke industries resulted in both large mass-production plants and numerous smaller firms. As capital deepened and interdependence grew, participants multiplied, economies accrued, the division of labour increased, and localized production systems formed around these industries. Transportation, capital, labour markets, and the division of labour in production bound the scattered industrial plants and communities into a sprawling metropolitan district. By 1910 the Pittsburgh district was a complex urban landscape with a dominant central city, surrounded by proximate residential communities, mill towns, satellite cities, and hundreds of mining towns.  相似文献   

刘淼 《史学集刊》2004,(1):28-33
晚清时期是中国民间资本重新组合的重要历史时期。在这一时期 ,集中于城镇的各种手工业组织对资本的需求增大 ,而拥有资金的商人又缺乏投资渠道。因此 ,在经济相对富裕的苏沪地区 ,民间资本开始通过招股与认股的方式组合成为股份公司。各股份公司成立后 ,在股金管理、红利分配和组织机构等方面均形成了新的体制。同时 ,随着股份公司的建立 ,传统的生产和销售等经营方式也开始发生转变  相似文献   

城市文化资本与文化旅游发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市文化与旅游发展的关系需要从文化资本即文化因素不断积累和文化价值增值的角度进行考察。城市文化资本传承和累积受到文化资本的基础差异、获取能力和保障力度三个方面因素的影响,其综合作用的结果,决定了城市文化资本的质量及其势能强弱。文化资本质量高的城市,文化旅游无疑会有更好的发展。作为文化资本价值实现的一种具体形式,文化旅游同文化资本之间存在着一种双向选择互动关系。由于文化所具有的公共属性以及市场选择的某些消极作用,互动过程中就需要公共调节机制的介入,以保障城市文化资本和文化旅游发展的永续性动力。从文化资本的视角来看,可以从城市文化资本积累、文化的传承与创新关系、文化旅游系统化开发、城市旅游形象整体定位等方面考虑旅游目的地建设的措施。  相似文献   

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