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1944年3月,太宰治在杂志《新若人》上发表了短篇小说《散华》。这篇作品是作家怀念死于二战战场上的青年友人的产物,令人意外的是,这篇与时局联系比较紧密的作品,在太宰文学研究中却一直较少被批评界提及。本文将从杂志特点、时代言论倾向和小说人物的两种“死”三个视角,探讨作品与作家的战争理解。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍并评析了日本现代著名作家太宰治的小说《惜别》。此书是太宰治以"鲁迅"为原型创作的长篇记传小说,是太宰治应日本内阁情报局和日本文学报国会的要求而作,完成于日本宣布战败投降的1945年。此书以跨文化的视角记录、描绘了日本文学家眼中的鲁迅,有助于了解中日两国上世纪中期的国情与文学。  相似文献   

程鹏  俞泉 《丝绸之路》2010,(6):69-70
长久以来,由于对西方文化传统的陌生,我们常常以东方文化传统的视野来阅读西方现代文学经典,误读或望文生义也就在所难免,对《喧哗与骚动》的解读亦是如此。作为福克纳史诗作品之一的《喧哗与骚动》的创作,在很大程度上借鉴了乔伊斯的笔法,所不同的是乔伊斯以希腊英雄奥德修斯的流浪经历为隐线,福克纳则是以《圣经》的历史作为小说的隐含结构。因此,对基督教的了解,对《圣经》故事的谙熟,成为理解《喧哗与骚动》的一把钥匙。  相似文献   

<正>2007年5月18日,是国务院总理温家宝签署《地方志工作条例》(以下简称《条例》)一周年的日子。一年来,各级党委、政府和各级修志机构采取多种形式积极宣传学习和贯彻《条例》,进一步加大了依法修志、依法治志的力度,并取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

阙是我国古代一种礼制建筑。宋《营造法式》曰,阙在周代称象魏,“周官太宰以正月示治法於象魏”,也就是说,阙是公布政令法规的地方。阙也称门观,“说文》:“阙,门观也。”  相似文献   

千秋大业,乃编史修志,志为记也,记的是横涉百科、纵贯古今的内容。自地方志这门学科诞生以来,就有一个明确宗旨,那就是记述地方的政事,以此借鉴历史、经略当代、规划未来。办理地方政事称为治,治就是不乱。治理政事有方,把地方的政事办理得井然有序,社会稳定,经济发展,各项各业兴旺发达。乱就是不治,败坏地方政事称为乱。治政无方、办理政事违背客观规律、强奸民意,误国害民。古人说:“治天下者以史为鉴,治郡国者以志为鉴”。前人所著的《禹贡》、《山海经》、《史记》、《汉书》、《华阳国志》、《元和郡县志》、《资治通鉴》等史志名著,为人们留下了许多宝贵的精神财富和治理政事的重要借鉴史料,这就是治的理论、治的依据。哲人云:“圣人以治天下为事者,必知乱之所自起,乃能治之。不知乱之所自起。则不能治”。  相似文献   

张宏林 《收藏家》2011,(3):49-54
在我国古代青铜器中,把历史题材以连贯画面形式作为器物图案纹饰的,恐怕只有伍子胥画像镜。《史记》中有越王"勾践乃以美女宝器令种间献吴太宰"①的记载。而成书于东汉时期,被誉为我国方志鼻祖的《越绝书》中,  相似文献   

黎庶昌研究治地理,得益于他出任西欧诸国外交官生涯,它的地理研究大多以欧洲为重点,成果有《欧洲地形考略》、《西洋游记》等。他还考察了国内数省的水土民情和关山道里,写成《丁亥入都纪程》。黎庶昌是抱着国富民强,捍卫祖国疆土的目的来研治地理学的。  相似文献   

万静波:《圣经》、《道德经》、《论语》、《世说新语》、沈从文《湘行散记》、歌德《歌德谈话录》、夏多布里昂《墓中回忆录》、黄灿然译《里尔克诗选》、村上春树《挪威的森林》、惠特曼《草叶集》。刘珏欣:按阅读时间顺序:《十万个为什么绘图版》、《乱马1/2》、《西游记》、《红楼梦轶《巴黎圣母院》、《聊斋志异》、《青铜时代》、《芥川龙之介全集》、《悉达多》、《三体》。  相似文献   

太宰纯是日本《国语》研究的先行者,其《国语》研究成果并没有形成专书,而是散见在《紫芝园漫笔》以及后世的《国语》研究著作或批校中。今从太宰纯《紫芝园漫笔》、渡边操《国语解删补》、千叶玄之校订《韦注国语》、高木熊三郎《标注国语定本》、六谷藏书《国语》批校中,辑出标为太宰纯之说者125条,其说大致分为校订文字、训诂语义、音注订正等三个方面。太宰纯的有些说法对于训释《国语》、补充韦注是有益的,但是也存在误会《国语》本文及韦注的地方。今撷其中53条,一一辨析,俾有益于《国语》之研究以及太宰纯《国语》研究之得失。  相似文献   

孙应鳌的心学美学思想形成的文化价值取向必然是:以心性本体为基础的人格境界,以伦理本体为基础的道德境界,以意向本体为基础的至美境界。孙应鳌这体现着真、善、美相统一的三种境界所构成的文化价值取向,在其心学美学的范围内出现的一定程度的价值迷失,在其心学美学的范围外恰恰可以成为一定程度的价值获得。  相似文献   

国民党引入军队政工制度原因考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄共十月革命后建立的”以党领军”的统军制度,为孙中山重新考量”以主义集合”军队提供了鲜活的参照物。受俄共政治工作的启发,孙中山1921—1922年特别注重对官兵进行政治教育。1922年6月,陈炯明的背叛说明,孙中山的政治工作观念存在致命缺陷。在苏俄的引导下,孙中山决心由党建军,1923年8月,以蒋介石为首的考察团赴俄。此次考察对国民党创建黄埔军校、改党建军,影响巨大。苏俄红军的政工制度成为国民党进行政治工作的模本,党代表制与政治部制是政工制度的两大组成部分。  相似文献   

东林学派站在纠正阳明后学流弊的立场上,反对性无善无恶说.东林学派的重要学者高攀龙与孙慎行都主张性善说,而援引道教中的善恶果报与忠孝成仙思想为他们性善说作补充.两人思想中的道教因素,与吴会地域的道教文化影响,以及当时的政局和残酷的政治纷争有关.  相似文献   

从表面上看,《贩书偶记》只是书商出身的文献家孙殿起先生在经营古书时编录的一部图书目录,但它在著录图书之时,对与各图书相关的重要信息或多或少地作了一些抄录,这些信息包括撰者的生平传记、著述情况、书籍本身的刊刻、序跋等等,尽管零零总总,却有着十分重要的史料价值。  相似文献   

This article examines the Bible study method known as the Bible Reading, which became popular among a segment of conservative evangelicals in the late nineteenth century. Scholars have closely identified it with the Common Sense approach to Scripture and have attributed its popularity to a conservative response to attacks on this approach. This article argues, however, that the Bible Reading is best understood as a devotional exercise that should be examined independently of these controversies. Exploring the devotional aspects of the Bible Reading nuances the standard portrayal of evangelicals in this period as being reactionary in their use of Scripture. In particular, it sheds light on the use of sentimental Bible study in the revivals of the late 1850s as well as the transatlantic holiness movement in the decades that followed. Ultimately, it argues that the exercise's popularity was due not simply to changes in the Bible's cultural status, but to changing conceptions of the Christian life.  相似文献   

纪宁 《攀登》2008,27(4):166-168
孙中山先生一生对教育问题多有思考,并发表过不少通达而具深刻见解的文章,成为其三民主义的重要内容之一,对后人颇有影响。他一生重视教育事业的发展,致力于创办学校,培养人才,为中国近代教育事业的发展做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

This article explores the dissonance between the radicalism of Ahad Ha'am's essays such as “Ancestor Worship” (1897) and “Moses” (1904), and his defense of the Masoretic Text as the starting point for teaching the Bible and rejection of source criticism as a pedagogic tool in the Herzliya Gymnasium debate. While Ahad Ha'am consistently deployed the Bible as a tool for promoting national revival, his polemics against Yosef Haim Brenner's attempt to divorce national identity from cultural allegiance to the Bible, and against Claude G. Montefiore's attempt to place the New Testament on a Jewish pedestal, drove him to a more conservative position.  相似文献   

传说是民间文学的一种,是先民们关于自然、世界、自身的文学叙述,具有极大的人类学意义。《圣经?巴别塔》和流传于贵州金沙一带的少数民族传说《汉苗彝的来历》这两个故事中,虽然父的形象、子的形象和塔的象征有其异同,但二者都隐藏着这样的语言观:语言对于人有着本质性的意义。  相似文献   

According to Leo Strauss, the Hebrew Bible is to be regarded as being in “radical opposition” to philosophy and as its “antagonist.” This is an influential view, which has contributed much to the ongoing omission of the Bible from most accounts of the history of political philosophy or political theory. In this article, I examine Strauss's arguments for the exclusion of the Bible from the Western tradition of political philosophy (i) because it possesses no concept of nature; (ii) because it prescribes a “life of obedient love” rather than truth-seeking; and (iii) because it depicts God as “absolutely free” and unpredictable, and so without a place in the philosophers' order of “necessary and therefore eternal” things. I suggest that Strauss's views on these points cannot be accepted without amendment. I propose a revised view of the history of political philosophy that preserves Strauss's most important insights, while recognizing the Hebrew Bible as a foundational text in the Western tradition of political philosophy.  相似文献   

Chiang Kai-shek’s faith in Christianity has long been a controversial issue. Some have held that his faith was genuine while others have claimed that it was merely a posture to curry favor with the Americans. Now that the Hoover Institution has released Chiang Kai-shek’s diaries, historians are in a better position to explore this long-ignored part of Chiang’s life. This paper will examine Chiang’s faith as it developed during the Stilwell Incident, the most serious crisis of US–China military cooperation during World War II. While facing American pressure to grant military command to General Joseph W. Stilwell, Chiang reveals in his diaries how he relied on his faith in the Bible, how he interpreted the Bible, and how he applied his understanding of the Bible to his political decision making. An examination of Chiang’s diary during this crisis will help us understand his practical relationship with Christianity, which in turn will provide insight into Chiang’s attitudes and methods in dealing with the Stilwell Incident.  相似文献   

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