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王晓菊 《世界历史》2007,25(2):95-102
俄罗斯远东的“犹太民族家园”——犹太自治州诞生于苏联时代,迄今已有70余年的历史。作为世界上第一个犹太民族行政区,犹太自治州的创建与发展有着深刻的国际、国内背景,并日月显地带有象征意义,其中不仅反映出东亚局势的风云变幻、苏联远东移民与开发的时代特征,而且折射出苏联对待犹太人和犹太复国主义运动的态度。  相似文献   

Two political geographers examine significant ways in which northern-tier states of the EU-10 entrants in 2004 have challenged conceptions of European integration. The paper first focuses on the institution of exclusionary citizenship regimes, particularly in Latvia and Estonia, that created a new caste of "non-citizens" within the EU's boundaries. It then turns to the strained Polish-EU relations involving inter alia the war in Iraq, pro-Americanism, and alleged violation of human rights through the purported existence of CIA detention and interrogation facilities. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F02, O15, O18, 2 figures, 1 table, 72 references.  相似文献   

"东亚"既是一个空间性概念——即地理性、地域性的概念,又是一个时间性的概念——即历史性的和意识形态的概念。现代性的介入,使得"东亚"成为一个需要不断重新界定和检验的概念。区域东亚是知识"东亚"的理解和阐释对象,知识"东亚"是区域东亚在理论和知识上的抽象和提升。区域东亚在结构上具有封闭性、多元性的特征,在功能上又具有流变性和开放性的特征。知识"东亚"的命题集中反映了知识界的"中心-边缘"结构、各种知识背后的意识形态竞争和权力诉求。现代性和东亚的关系并不是一种单向度的"冲击-回应"关系,而是一种双向的相互建构的共生关系。  相似文献   

黑脸琵鹭有一个长而扁的大嘴,嘴的前端呈圆勺状,就像中国的古典乐器琵琶,因此人们称它为琵鹭.琵鹭体态优雅,黑色从喙部一直延伸到脸部,遮盖了眼睛,仿佛是戴着面罩的大侠佐罗;与嘴相呼应,它有一双漆黑的长胫和阔足,除此而外,其它的剁毛通体雪白,仿佛是佐罗肩上飘飞的大氅.它飞翔起来舒展如芭蕾舞演员,因而人们称它为"黑面舞者".  相似文献   


In the 260 square kilometres between York and Selby, under the rich agricultural land of the Plain of York, the British National Coal Board is creating one of tbe world's greatest single deep mining undertakings. Designed to produce 10 million tonnes of coal a year at very high efficiency, the scheme is well advanced to reach full production in 1987. In addition to utilizing all the latest mining technology, the design, which handles all the output at one disposal point, has involved the development of much greater capacity coal-handling techniques and equipment than that previously used in the deep coal mining industry.  相似文献   

1619年,明朝廷决定分兵东、西、南、北四路.进攻后金.本文根据史料记载和当地出土的一些文物.详细介绍了由刘綎率领的东路军的作战情况.  相似文献   


An analysis of the material and social implications of the change of dining style from à la Française to à la Russe seen through the perspective of a documented individual, the Countess of Harewood, Diana Elizabeth Smyth, who is making preparations for a formal dinner at Harewood, West Yorkshire. Combining documentary evidence with the surviving material culture, imagined monologues are presented as they might have been delivered by the Countess in 1871, followed by explanatory commentary. The counterpoint texts create a dialogue which allows us to explain, analyse and consider the attitudes, behaviours and meanings of the dining choices made in the past, and how we create our understanding in the present.  相似文献   

This article analyses how the National Conference of Congolese Catholic Bishops (CENCO) identified its public mission in society as veilleurs et éveilleurs des consciences (custodians and awakeners of consciences). This perception emerged because of external pressures, namely the phenomenon of war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. The argument is developed in four steps. First, I offer a succinct account of the period of war since 1996 and the magnitude of the havoc wreaked on the people of the DRC. Next, I consider the historical background of CENCO. Third, I discuss the organisation and some most important modern bishops of CENCO. Fourth, I analyse how CENCO perceived the role of the Catholic Church in this troubled society and how this acute consciousness emboldened the Congolese Catholic Church to tackle the woes of the deadliest war in recent history. Finally, I draw some implications and address challenges that CENCO faces when it intersects with politics.  相似文献   

本对20世纪30年代在新疆出现的分裂政权“东突厥斯坦伊斯兰共和国”的出笼及其覆灭过程做了深入分析,认为它是军阀混战、农民起义暴动此起彼伏的特定历史时期偶发的一次分裂运动的产物,违背了各族人民群众的意愿,不得人心。  相似文献   

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