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美国文官制的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于十九世纪末二十世纪初的美国文官制改革,国内外史学界众说纷纭。有的认为,美国文官制改革是“行政部门的总统和国会进行斗争的武器”;有的则把它看作是“在野派”和“在朝派”之间的斗争;有的说,文官制改革后的“量才录用是真正的民主”;有的则认为,文官改革法“实际上成为政府控制公务员思想的反动工具。”笔者认为,把美国文官制改革看作是统治阶级内部不同部门或不同派别之间的斗争未免过于简单化。而把它过分颂扬或绝对否定则失之偏颇。本文不打算对上述论点逐一评论,只就美国文官制改革的社会历史背景及其后果作初步探讨,以求教于史学界同行。  相似文献   

在19世纪末和20世纪初的美国新式中产阶级形成时期,作为其中的一个重要白领阶层,文官群体的优势日渐显露。其一,由于文官职业和收入的稳定,使其成为美国中产阶级中颇具稳定性的职业群体;其二,由于文官掌握一定的权力,使其成为美国中产阶级中颇具政治影响力的职业群体;其三,由于文官兼有政府雇员和利益集团的双重身份,使其成为美国中产阶级中颇具社会地位的职业群体;其四,由于文官对权本位的追求,使其成为美国中产阶级中颇具独特文化价值观的职业群体。不仅如此,文官群体所具有的这些优势,又使其在第二次世界大战后逐渐演变成为美国中产阶级的主体。  相似文献   

正文官制度是美国政治制度的一个重要组成部分。自19世纪末创设,经历20世纪的演进,美国文官制度得到了发展,取得了一系列建设成果。由这一制度造就的文官集团在20世纪的崛起与膨胀,不仅使其逐渐演变为美国联邦政府立法、行政和司法之外的"第四部门",并且对美国政治权力结  相似文献   

石庆环 《史学月刊》2007,2(7):70-76
19世纪80年代以来,随着美国历史的发展,以文官制度的逐步完善为契机,文官群体的政治角色、经济地位、价值观念以及社会影响都发生了很大的变化,逐步朝着成为美国社会中的一个独立阶层的方向发展。首先,从"政治附庸"发展到"行政主管",文官群体的政治角色发生转换,其政治势力得以迅速膨胀;其次,从收入菲薄到待遇优厚,文官群体的经济地位得到提升,政府的财政负担也随之加重;再次,从"官本位"发展到"权本位",文官群体形成了带有现代官僚特征的价值取向,同时也开始蜕变为一个有人格缺失的群体;最后,从声名狼藉到公众认可,文官群体不仅扩大了社会影响,而且也在新的层面上形成了真正的官僚主义。  相似文献   

英国文官政治中立的历史及现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国的文官制度在资本主义国家中产生得最早,也最具有典型性。它是在资产阶级取得统治地位后,于十九世纪逐步建立起来的。文官政治中立的原则是文官制度形成和发展中的必然产物,是英国政府体制的重要特征。它对于削弱国王的政治权力,提高资产阶级的地位,以及在两党政治的交替中保证资产阶级政策的连续性,都起到了十分重  相似文献   

石庆环 《史学月刊》2003,2(9):75-81
1978年卡特总统的文官制度改革.不仅是20世纪美国历史上的一个重大事件.而且是继1883年《彭德尔顿法》颁布以来美国联邦政府文官制度发展史上的又一个重要的里程碑。这次文官制度改革不仅涉及到联邦政府高级文官结构的变化,中级文官报酬制度的改革,下级文官利益的重新分配等问题.而且也触及到联邦政府文官管理机构的调整与改组。因此.改革不仅影响到联邦政府行政工作效率的提高,而且关系到总统对联邦文官的政治控制。  相似文献   

韩国世界化战略评析王克敏1993年2月26日,金泳三当选为韩国第14届总统,建立了韩国第一个文官政府。金泳三在大选一开始就以“新韩国建设论”作为竞选纲领,执政后又以此构想作为内外政策的总纲,提出了医治政治、经济领域存在的“韩国病”的设想,主张实现各地...  相似文献   

唐佳红 《安徽史学》2022,(5):23-29+62
明代驾帖源于一种“敕谕”,为皇帝所出诏令的替代品,代表着在各种公私事务中皆得便宜处置的至高无上特权。正统以后,厂卫权力膨胀,驾帖也成为厂卫提人缉事的专用文帖。朝臣试图利用制度化措施来限制驾帖的使用范围,却以失败告终,以致明代后期驾帖成为皇帝或宦官掌控司法的工具。驾帖具有平衡特刑机构与法司的司法权及皇帝越权专制刑狱的双重功能,文官集团对驾帖的限制实际上侵犯了皇权,反映了皇帝、厂卫与文官集团三方之间复杂的政治关系和明代社会的司法生态。  相似文献   

在美国政治生活中至今还可以看到“院外援华集团”的影子,他们无孔不入、不择手段地在美国“政治市场”发动金钱攻势,笼络、收买政客、传媒和各界人士,使其影响美国的对台政策。  相似文献   

作为一个移民国家,美国历来重视移民的“质”和“量”,因为移民决定着美国的国际竞争力和未来发展空间。200多年来,美国对华移民政策不断演变,但无论是禁止还是有限度地开放,都是在为美国的国家利益服务。对外来移民的政策是美国国内各个利益集团博弈的结果,也受一定时期美国政治、军事、外交政策和种族主义思潮的影响。美国对华移民政策调控着赴美华人的人口数量和人口构成,间接地影响着在美华人的职业结构、地理分布、居住模式及经济、政治、社会地位等各个方面。  相似文献   

Although frequently treated as apolitical by social scientists and practitioners, public personnel administration has always been infused with political considerations. Today, it is more widely recognized that personnel policy choices can have political ramifications of major consequence. However, this policy realm is characterized by a number of competing values espoused by different governmental institutions and private groups. The civil service reforms of 1978 created more coherent personnel policy and greater clarity among the various competing interests and participants. Nevertheless, the political environment of public personnel administration remains so complex that the issue of whether it is possible for public managers to manage lively is legitimately raised.  相似文献   

The structural allocation of decisionmaking power between political authorities and career civil servants influences agency policy behavior. I propose and examine this argument in the context of the national park service agencies of Canada and the United States. Centralization of power to political authorities increases agency attention to electoral concerns such as visitor service. Empowerment of careerists enhances attention to long-term agency goals such as preservation of natural resources.  相似文献   

This article attempts to blend the insights of development economics and political economy in order to analyse industrial policy in Hong Kong. It describes the lack of industrial upgrading, the process of de-industrialization, and the over-reliance on the service sector, and examines the political economy of the functional industrial policy practised in Hong Kong, as well as its limitation. The author suggests that the political change from a colony to a special administrative region of China provides a context for Hong Kong State to undertake a more interventionist, industry-specific policy, the success of which will depend on a combination of two factors: state autonomy against the excessive influence of Beijing, and state capacity to guard against corruption and to enhance a mutually-beneficial regional co-operation in the South China region.  相似文献   

杨红林 《史学月刊》2005,(12):61-65
关于北京政府时期的外交,尽管学术界近来已开始有了较为客观的评价,不过对于其背后因素的考察还有待深入。实际上,在北京政府时期,由于特殊的时代背景,各种社会舆论被全面动员起来,以汹涌澎湃之势冲击着外交这一特殊的政治领域,从而形成了近代史上国民外交的黄金时期。于是,由于中央政府统治的虚弱,在其决策者进行外交运作时,就处处受到来自舆论界的影响,这是一个极为明显的历史特色,通过对当时舆论的考察,就会更深层次地探究北京政府外交的两难境地。笔者在考察时,主要以关税特别会议为个案,以上海舆论为核心,以《申报》、《东方杂志》等报刊为第一手资料。  相似文献   

Understanding mass public support for health systems and welfare polices is required in order to safeguard the legitimacy of democratic governance of the welfare state. If policies to meet dissatisfaction go unnoticed, the whole idea of responsive democracy is in vain. This paper focuses on the 2005 Swedish health care waiting-time guarantee, which resulted in drastically lower hospital waiting times in Västra Götaland County. Exploring questions of significant theoretical relevance in the literature about policy feedback effects, the paper investigates if the decrease in waiting times affected hospital service satisfaction and if this effect was moderated by policy proximity and visibility. Data from the West Sweden SOM survey are utilized, measuring hospital service satisfaction from 2004 to 2009. To disentangle the role of policy proximity, two indicators are used—user status and subjective health status. Furthermore, policy visibility is measured by an individual’s level of political interest. The results show that the decrease in waiting times resulted in a substantial increase in hospital service satisfaction. However, the increase was not more pronounced among groups with higher proximity and visibility. On the contrary, results indicate that the increase in hospital service satisfaction was stronger among those already in good health.  相似文献   

发展电子政务很有必要。电子政务有利于减少政务成本、改变粗放的行政管理模式,有利于转变政府职能、促进廉政建设。针对当前我国电子政务中存在的问题,应加强信息基础建设、提高社会化信息程度,建设一只高素质的公务员队伍,统一电子政务的标准,完善电子政务的安全系统。  相似文献   

This essay reexamines civil theology, a venerable concept in the field of political science and how it is symbolized in contemporary political practice. Civil theology provides the foundation of politics for a community and is reflected in its myths and how the community interpretes itself within the greater structure of reality. It is during periods of crises, however, when this myth structure and society's understanding of itself come into question that civil theology presents itself as a salient topic for theoretical analysis and speculation. This article considers a contemporary response to the crisis of our time, one associated with the breakdown of the “traditional” American civil theology and the impact this has had on political thought and policy debates. From an understanding of this response may come a broader knowledge of the problems confronting the policy process as well as potential resolutions.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that the role of intellectuals was essential (1) in the formation of Finnish cultural policy and (2) for the development of national cultural administration and public arts subsidy system in the country in the period leading up to the Second World War. The actions of the intellectuals can be considered as political choices in a contingent socio‐political realm, and arts as an essential part of the signifying system. In Finland, intellectuals remained active in the intertwining areas between the state and civil society. We highlight the impact of their actions especially through a study of archival materials obtained from the State Arts Boards. At these Boards, the intellectuals served as representatives of their own fields of arts in general, and of certain professional and civic associations and societies in particular. These intellectuals acted in various roles depending on the subject matter at hand, and as a result the decisions made by the boards reflected predominantly the interests of some groups over those of others.  相似文献   

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