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Peter CRAMER, Baptism and Change in the Early Middle Ages, c.200—c.1150, Cambridge, 1993, xx + 356 p., ISBN 0–521–35163–4.

Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Jacques PYCKE et Benoît‐Michel TOCK, Diplomatique médiévale, 442 p. ; Jacques BERLIOZ et collaborateurs, Identifier sources et citations, 336 p., (volumes 1 et 2 de la collection “L'atelier du médiéviste"), Turnhout, Brepols, 1993 et 1994.

Jean‐Claude SCHMITT, Les revenants. Les vivants et les morts dans la société médiévale, Paris, Gallimard, 1994, 306 p.

Guy LOBRICHON, La religion des laïcs en Occident (XIe‐XVe siècles), Paris, Hachette, collection “La vie quotidienne/Civilisation et société”, 1994, 242 p.

Emilio OLMOS HERGUEDAS, La Comunidad de Villa y Tierra de Cuellar a partir de las ordenanzas de 1546, suivi de Apuntes para la historia local de Lastras de Cuellar, Diputacion Provincial de Segovia, Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Segovia, Ayuntamiento de Lastras de Cuellar, Valladolid, 1994.

Claudine FABRE‐VASSAS, La bête singulière. Les juifs, les chrétiens et le cochon, Paris, Gallimard (Bibliothèque des Histoires), 1994, 423 p., ISBN 2–07–073448‐X, 165 FF.

Christine LANGE, La inmigracion francesa en Aragon (siglos XVI y primera mitad del XVII), Saragosse, Institucion Fernando el Catolico, 1993, 189 p.

Francesco MAIELLO, Storia del calendario. La misurazione del tempo, 1450–1800, Turin, Einaudi, Biblioteca di cultura storica 203, 1994, VIII‐235 p., 8 illustrations hors texte. ISBN 88–06–13228–8. 55 000 L.

Exposition L'âme au corpsArts et sciences, 1793–1993, Paris, Grand Palais, automne 1993.

Olga Semyonova TIAN‐SHANSKAIA, Village Life in Late Tsarist Russia, ed. by David L. RANSEL, translated by David L. Ransel with Michael Levine. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1993, xxx + 175 p.

Alain CORBIN, Les cloches de la terre. Paysage sonore et culture sensible dans les campagnes au XIXe siècle, Paris, Albin Michel, 1994, ISBN 2–226–06752–3, 150 FF.

Feminisms of The Belle Epoque: A Historical and Literary Anthology, edited by Jennifer WAELTI‐WALTERS and Steven C. HAUSE, translated by Jette Kjaer, Lydia Willis, and Jennifer Waelti‐Walters, Lincoln‐London, University of Nebraska Press, 1994, x + 337pp., Pb $ 16.95.

Colloque international “Il regime fascista italiano. Bilancio e prospettive di studio” (Bologna, 24–26 novembre 1993).

Hugh MIALL, Shaping the New Europe, Londres, Pinter Publishers, 1993, 118 p., ISBN 1–85567–119–0, £ 9.95.

Christopher HARVIE, The Rise of Regional Europe, Londres et New York, Routledge, 1994, 92 p., ISBN (M15–09523–9, £ 6.99.

Fragments d'Europe, sous la direction de Michel FOUCHER, Paris, Fayard, 1993.

Pierre CABANES, L'Albanie, le pays des aigles, Aix‐en‐Provence, Edisud, 1994, 160 FF. (Photographies de Paul Lutz).

David LE BRETON, La chair à vif. Usages médicaux et mondains du corps humain, Paris, Métailié, 1993, 336 p.

Peter DINZELB ACHER, ed., Europäische Mentalitätsgeschichte. Hauptthemen in Einzeldarstellungen, Stuttgart, Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1993, xxxvii + 663 p., ISBN 3–520–46901–4, DM 48.  相似文献   

Early Europe—L'Europe antique

Maurice SARTRE, L'Asie Mineure et l'Anatolie d'Alexandre à Dioclétien (IVe siècle av. JC—IIIe siècle op. JC), Annand Colin, Collection U, Paris, 1995.

Peter KINGSLEY, Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic Empedocles and Pythagorean tradition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995, ix + 422 p., ISBN 0–19–814988–3.

Central and eastern Europe—L'Europe centrale et orientate

Catharina LIS, Jan LUCASSEN & Hugo SOLY eds, Before the Unions: wage earners and collective action in Europe 1300–1850, Cambridge University Press, International Review of History Supplements, Cambridge, 1994,194 p., ISBN 0–521–47954–1.

M.S. ANDERSON, The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740–1748, Longman, London & New York, 1995, xi + 248 p., ISBN 0–582–05951–8.

C.W. INGRAO, ed., State and Society in Early Modern Austria, Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1994, xvi + 339 p., ISBN 1–55753–047–5.

P.W. SCHROEDER, The Transformation of European Politics, 1763–1848, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994, xxii + 894 p,. ISBN 0–19–822119–3.

David E. BARCLAY, Frederick William IV and the Prussian Monarchy 1840–1861, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1995, 335 p., ISBN 0–19–820430–2 (German ed., Anarchie und guter Wille. Friedrich Wilhelm IV. und die preussische Monarchic, trartsl. by Marion Müller, Siedler Verlag, Berlin 1995, 535 p., ISBN 3–88680–463–1).

Jörg BABEROWSKI, Autokratie und Justiz. Zum Verhältnis von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Rückständigkeit im ausgehenden Zarenreieh 1864–1914, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt/M. (Veröffentlichungen des Max‐Planck‐Instituts für Europälsche Rechtsgeschichte, Ius Commune. Sonderhefte, Srudien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 78), 1996, xi + 845 p., ISBN 3465028325.

La vision de Ian Kershaw sur le pouvoir d'Hitler sur les Allemands. Deux ouvrages novateurs sur le nazisme traduits en français

Ian KERSHAW, L‘opinion allemande sous le nazisme: Bavière 1933–1945, CNRS‐Editions, collection “Histoire du XXe siècle”, Paris, 1995, 160 p.

Ian KERSHAW, Hitler: essai sur le charisme en politique, traduit de l'anglais par Jacqueline Carnaux, Gallimard, collection “NRF essais”, Paris, 1995, 240 p.

The idea of ‘Mitteleuropa’

Joseph ROTHSCHILD, Return to Diversity: a political history of East Central Europe since World War II, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York, 1993, 299 p., ISBN 0–19–507382–7.

Peter STIRK, ed., Mitteleuropa. History and prospects, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1994, 176 p., ISBN 0–7486–0449–9.

Europe since 1945—L ‘Europe depute 1945

Geoffrey BEST, Law and War since 1945, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994, xiv + 434 p., ISBN 0198219911.

Anne‐Marie DURANTON‐CRABOL, L'Europe de l'extrême droite de 1945 à nos jours, Editions Complexe, Paris, 1991. 222 p.

Themes in cultural history—Etudes d'histoire culturelle

Mario MIEGGE, Il sogno del re di Babilonia, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1995, 210 p., ISBN 88–07–10178‐S.

Reba N. SOFTER, Discipline and Power: the university, history, and the making of an English elite, 1870–1930, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1994, viii + 308 p., ISBN 0–8047–2383–4.

Robert WOHL, A Passion for Wings: aviation and the western imagination, 1908–1918, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1994, vii + 320 p., ISBN 0300057784.  相似文献   

State‐building—Formation de l'Etat

P. LE ROUX, Romains d'Espagne. Cités et politique dans les provinces, Paris, Armand Colin, 1995,182 p., cartes, chronologies, glossaire, bibliographie, index.

Janice E. THOMSON, Mercenaries, Pirates and Sovereigns. State‐building and extraterritorial violence in early modern Europe, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994, xiii + 219 p., ISBN 0691086583.

Isser WOLOCH, The New Regime. Transformations of the French civic order, 1789–1820s, New York & London, W.W. Norton, 1994, 536 p. ISBN 0–393–03591–3.

Marie‐Anne MATARD‐BONUCCI, Histoire de la mafia, Bruxelles, Editions Complexe, 1994, 317 p. ISBN 2–87027–505–6.

Religious history—Histoire religieuse

C. Stephen JAEGER, The Envy of Angels: cathedral schools and social ideals in medieval Europe, 950–1200, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, xvi + 515 p., ISBN 0–8122–3246–1.

Bodo NISCHAN, Prince, People and Confession. The Second Reformation in Brandenburg, Philadephia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, 366 p., 21 black & white illustrations, ISBN 0–8122–3242–9.

Marriage and power—Manage et pouvoir

Martin AURELL, Les Noces du Comte. Mariage et pouvoir en Catalogne (785–1213), Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1995, 623 p.

Carole LEVIN, The Heart and Stomach of a King. Elizabeth I and the politics of sex and power, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, ISBN 0–8122–1533–8.

William G. WAGNER, Marriage, Property and Law in Late Imperial Russia, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994, xiv + 413 p., ISBN 0198204477.

Northern Europe—Europe du Nord

T. KJAERGAARD, The Danish Revolution, 1500‐I800. An ecohistorical interpretation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, xii + 314 p., ISBN 0521442672.

David KIRBY, The Baltic World 1772–1993: Europe's northern periphery in an age of change, London & New York, Longman, 1995, viii + 472 p., 4 maps, ISBN 0–582–00408‐X (hardback), 0–582–00409–8 (paperback).

Contemporary political history—Histoire politique de l'époque contemporaine

François DUCHENE, Jeen Monnet: the first statesman of interdependence, New York & London, W.W. Norton & Co., 1994, 478 p., ISBN 0393034976, 0393314901.

Romain YAKEMTCHOUK, L'adhésion de la Belgique à l'ONU 1944–1945. La contribution belge à la rédaction de la Charte de San Francisco, Bruxelles, Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, 1995, 207 p.

Kenneth MAXWELL, The Making of Portuguese Democracy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995, 250 p., ISBN 0–521–46077–8.


Jean BOUTIER et Dominique JULIA (sous la dir. de), Passés recomposés. Champs et chantiers de l'histoire, Autrement, Série Mutations, no. 150–151, 349 p.  相似文献   

I canonici ai servizio dello Stato in Europa, secoli XIII‐XVI—Les chanoines au service de l'Etat en Europe du XIIIème au XVIème siècle

Recueil d'études sous la direction d'Hélène MILLET, avec la collaboration d'Elisabeth MORNET.

Istituto di studi rinascimentali, Ferrara, saggi, Modena (Franco Cosimo Panini editore), 1992, 290 pages (avec cartes, tableaux, graphiques). 80 000 lires.

Rodzina w Osiemnastowiecznej Warszawie (La famille à Varsovie au XVE?ème siècle)

Cezary KUKLO

Instytut Historii Filii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w Biatymstoku, Biatystok, 1991 (Institut d'Histoire, filiale de l'Université de Varsovie à Biatystok, Biatystok, 1991. 262 pages)

Collapse of a State: Honecker, Krenz, Modrow, and the end of the German Democratic Republic  相似文献   

Peter GARNSEY & Richard SALLER, L'Empire romain. Economie, société, culture, Paris, La Découverte / Textes à l'appui, 1994.

Morris SLAVIN, The Hébertistes to the Guillotine: anatomy of a ‘conspiracy’ in Revolutionary France, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London, 1994, xvii + 280 p., ISBN 0–8071–1838–9.

Philippe BURRIN, La France à l'heure allemande, 1940–1944, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1995.

Emmanuel LE ROY LADURIE, Le siècle des Platter 1499–1628, t.1 “Le mendiant et le professeur”, Paris, Fayard, 1995, 529 p., 170 FF., ISBN 2–213–01444–2.  相似文献   

Themes in Political History—Thèmes en histoire politique

Peter BLICKLE ed., Resistance, Representation and Community, Oxford University Press, Origins of the Modern State in Europe, 13th‐18th Centuries Series, Oxford, 1997, 401 pp. ISBN 0–19–820548–1. £50.00.

J. L. MERRITT ed., The Political World of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford 1621–1641, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 307 pp. ISBN 0–521–560–411. £40.00.

Themes in Napoleonic Studies—Etudes sur Napoléon

Malcolm CROOK, Napoleon comes to power: Democracy and Dictatorship in Revolutionary France, 1795–1804, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1998 ISBN 0–7083–1461–9 (hardback) £15.00, ISBN 0–7083–1401–5 (paperback) £7.95.

Christopher PRENDERGAST, Napoleon and History Painting. Antoine‐Jean Gros's La Bataille d'Eylau, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997, xiv + 223 pp., ISBN 0–19–817402–0 £45.00.

Matthew TRUESDELL, Spectacular Politics. Louis‐Napoleon Bonaparte and the Fête Impériale, 1849–1870, Oxford University Press Oxford, 1997, viii + 238 pp., ISBN 0–19–510689‐X £35.00.

Themes in Twentieth‐Century History—Aspects de l'histoire du vingtième siècle

Götz ALY, Macht‐Geist‐Wahn. Kontinuitäten deutschen Denkens, Argon, Berlin, 1997, 220pp., ISBN 3–87024–361–9.

Holger H. HERWIG, The First World War: Germany and Austria‐Hungary 1914–1918, Modern Wars, Arnold, London, 1997, xx + 490 pp. ISBN 0–340–67753–8 (hb), 0–340–57348–1 (pb) £16.99.

Lonnie R. JOHNSON, Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbours, Friends, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, xi + 339 pp., ISBN 0–19–510071–9 (hardback) £27.00. 0–19–510072–7 (paperback) £15.00.

Iwao Peter SANO, One Thousand days in Siberia: The Odyssey of a Japanese‐American POW, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London, 1997, xvii + 210pp., ill., ISBN 0–8032–4262‐X £23.95.

Martin THOMAS, Britain, France and Appeasement: Anglo‐French Relations in the Popular Front Era, Berg, Oxford, 1996, x + 268pp., ISBN 1–85973–192–9 £29.95 and £12.95.  相似文献   

Norman DA VIES, Europe: a history, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, xvii + 1365 pp., ISBN 0–19–820171–0 (hardback, £25.00; paperback £12.99)

Wolfgang REINHARD, ed., Power Elites and State Building, Oxford University Press, for the European Science Foundation, Oxford, 1996, xvi + 316pp. ISBN 0–19–820547–3, £45.00.

David CANNADINE, Aspects of Aristocracy: grandeur and decline in modern Britain, Yale University Press, London, 1994, x + 321pp., ISBN 0300059817.

F.M.M. HENDRICKX, In Order Not to Fall into Poverty: production and reproduction in the transition from proto‐industry to factory industry in Borne and Wierden (the Netherlands), 1800–1900, Stichting beheer HSG, Amsterdam, 1997.

Timothy KIRK, Nazism and the Working Class in Austria: industrial unrest and political discontent in the national community, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, ISBN 0–521–47501–5.

Ad KNOTTER, Bert ALTENA and Dirk DAMSMA, eds, ’Labour, Social Policy and the Welfare State, Sichting beheer IISG, Amsterdam, 1997.  相似文献   

Seventeenth‐Century France—France du dix‐septième siècle

Thomas WORCESTER, Seventeenth‐Century Cultural Discourse: France and the Preaching of Bishop Camus, Mouten de Gruyter, Berlin & New York, 1997, ix + 306p., ISBN 3–11–015220–7 DM 228

John A. LYNN, Giant of the Grand Siècle. The French Army 1610–1715, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, 651pp. £45 ISBN 0 521 57273 8.

Themes in Cultural History—Thèmes en histoire culturelle

Susan PLANN, A Silent Minority: Deaf Education in Spain, 1550–1835, University of California Press, Berkeley, California & London, 1997, xvi + 323 pp. £40.

Charles DIERICK and Pascal LEFEVRE eds., Forging a New Medium: The Comic Strip in the Nineteenth Century, VUB University Press, Brussels, 1998.

Larry WOLFF, Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of Enlightenment, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1994. xii + 419 pp. Paperback, £15.95.

Social History—Histoire sociale

Ann‐Louise SHAPIRO, Breaking the Codes: Female Criminality in Fin‐de‐siècle Paris, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1996, pp. viii + 265, ISBN 0–8047–2 693–0.

Nancy GREEN, Du Sentier à la 7e avenue. La confection et les immigrés, Paris‐New York, 1880–1980, Paris, Le Seuil, collection “L'univers historique”, 1998.

Nancy GREEN, Ready‐To‐Wear and Ready‐To‐Work. A Century of Industry and immigrants in Paris and New York, Duke University Press, 1997.

Lewis J. EDINGER & Brigitte L. NACOS, From Bonn to Berlin. German politics in transition, Columbia University Press, New York, 1998, ISBN 023108413729 £13.50£39.50

Themes in European Politics—Aspects du politique européenne

Dimitrije DJORDJEVIC, Scars and Memory: Four Lives in One Lifetime, Boulder, East European Monographs, 1997, pp. 463, ISBN 0–88033–368–5, £34.

Grigor MCCLELLAND, Embers of War: Letters from a Quaker reliefworker in war‐torn Germany, IB Tauris 1997, pp. xxiii + 230, ISBN 1–86064–312–4, £25.

Michael BERKOWITZ Western Jewry and the Zionist project, 1914–1933, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997, ISBN 0 521 47087 0 hardback £40

Paul W. DOERR, British foreign policy 1919–1939, Manchester, Manchester University Press 1998, ISBN hb: 0–7190–4671–8 pb:0–7190–4672–6. £45.00 (hb) £14.99 (pb).  相似文献   

Themes in medieval history—Aspects de l'histoire du moyen âge

Dianne WATT ed., Medieval Women in their Communities University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1997 ISBN 0–7083–1369–8(Hardback) £30.00 ISBN 0–7083–1361–2(paperback) £14.95.

Chris GIVEN‐WILSON ed., An Illustrated History of Late Medieval England, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1996 xi + 292 pp. ISBN 0–7190–4152‐X £35.00

Themes in Eighteenth‐Century History—Aspects de l'histoire du dix‐huitième siècle

Jeremy BLACK ed., An Illustrated History of Eighteenth‐Century Britain 1688–1793 Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1996, xv + 244 pp. ISBN 0–7190–4267–4. £25.00.

Jeremy BLACK ed., Culture and Society in Britain 1660–1800 Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1997, viii + 199 pp. ISBN 0–7190–4947–4. £35.00.

Themes in Russian History—Aspects de l'histoire Russe

Lionel KOCHAN and John KEEP, The Making of Modern Russia: From Kiev Rus’ to the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Third Edn., Penguin, London, 1997, xii + 603 p., ISBN 0–14–015715–8. £9.99.

Wendy R. SALMOND, Arts and Crafts in Imperial Russia: Reviving the Kustar Art Industries, 1870–1917, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, xv + 270p., ill., ISBN 0–521–41576–4 £50.00.

Morgan Philips PRICE, Dispatches from the Revolution: Russia 1916–1918, Pluto Press, London, 1997, xii + 181 p., ISBN 0–7453–1210–1 £30.00.

John Lewis GADDIS, We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1997, x + 425p., ISBN 0–19–878070–2 £25.00.  相似文献   

William S. Hall and Roy O. Freedle. Culture and Language: The Black American Experience. New York: Halsted Press, 1975. 191 pp. Tables, figures, bibliography and index. $10.95.  相似文献   

Among the Berbers of Algeria. By Anthony Wilkin. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. xiv + 263. Price 16s.

The Siege of Kumassi. By Lady Hodgson. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901. Price 21s.

Hints to Travellers : Scientific and General. Edited for the Council of the Royal Geographical Society. By John Coles, F.R.G.S., F.E.A.S. Eighth Edition. London : The Royal Geographical Society, 1901. 2 vols.' Price 15s. net.

The Indian Borderland, 1880–1900. By Colonel Sir T. Hungerford Holdich, K.C.I.E., etc. With twenty‐two illustrations and a map. London: Methuen and Co., 1901. Pp. xii + 402. Price 15s. net.

Un Séjour dan l'Ile de Ceylan. Per Jules Leclercq. Paris : Plon‐Nourrit et Cie., 1900. Pp. xii + 293.

The Statesman's Year‐Book Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1901. Edited by J. Scott Keltie, LL.D., with the assistance of I. P. A. Eenwick, M.A., LL.B. Thirty‐eighth Annual Publication. London : Macmillan and Co., 1901. Pp. 1320. Price 10s. 6d.

The Civilisation of the East. By Dr. Fritz Hommel. (“The Temple Primers.”) London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Pp. xii + 140.

Ethnology. By Dr. Michael Hoberlandt. Translated by J. H. Loewe. (“The Temple Primers.”) London : J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Pp. viii + 169.

Chinese Pictures. Notes on Photographs made in China. By Mrs. J. F. Bishop, F.R.G.S. London : Cassell and Co. Price 3s. 6d.

A History of Egypt in the Middle Ages. By Stanley Lane‐Poole. London : Methuen and Co., 1901. Pp. 382. Price 6s.

The Story of the War in South Africa, 1899–1900. By Captain A. T. Mahan, U.S.N. With Map and Portrait of the Author. London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Company, 1900. Pp. vi + 322, including Index. Price 10s. 6d.  相似文献   

In his book Negara: The Theatre‐state in Nineteenth‐century Bali (1980), Clifford Geertz argued that ceremonial display, rather than material power, was the real basis and indeed the purpose of pre‐colonial states in Bali, and by extension South East Asia. This article argues, on the basis of historical and ethnographic evidence from one of these kingdoms, that he was largely wrong about pre‐colonial Bali, but that, ironically and presciently, his model makes increasing sense in early twenty‐first century Bali. The article also discusses the reasons for this and finally suggests a more dynamic model based on Bourdieu’s metaphor of material and symbolic capital, which seeks to bring Geertz’s essentially static model to historical life.  相似文献   

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