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环境和生态危机是当今世界最引人关注的突出问题之一,它不但促成了席卷全球的环保运动,还引起了各个学科的广泛兴趣,历史学也不例外。20世纪70年代,环境史应运而生,逐渐成为了国际史学界的一个新领域。尤其在美国,环境史研究非常热门。但是,目前国外的环境史研究呈现一种“过度的碎化”趋势,即过度地强调专业化、多元化和区域化,而忽视了对环境与人类历史的关系、对全球环境史等一系列全局性重大问题综合性的研究。  相似文献   

包茂宏 《史学月刊》2004,(10):91-95
亚克西姆·纳得考教授是德国著名环境史学家.2002年笔者在美进行环境史学研究期间,专门就德国环境史学问题访问了纳得考教授.访谈主要涉及两方面的内容一是关于德国的环境变迁,尤其是对环境变迁的感知,如自然的思想、景观的概念、绿党的历史、生态现代化的理论、疾病与环境的关系、社会制度与环境的关系、自然保护与文化的关系等;二是从与美国比较的角度分析德国环境史学史,重点探讨环境史在德国的起源和发展、它与全球史的关系、未来的发展趋势等.这个访谈为中国学者了解德国的环境史学提供了基本线索,有助于中国学者深入认识德国环境史的特性.  相似文献   

马克思主义环境史学论纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境史学在西方兴起于 2 0世纪晚期 ,在中国也许起步更早些 ,但其受到国内史学从业者兴趣日增的关注 ,则是近年来的事 :一方面是缘于西方环境史学发展的促动 ,一方面是因人与自然之间的关系日趋紧张等现实因素的推动。但环境史究竟是历史学的一门分支学科 ,还是一种新的考察人类社会发展历程的视角或方法 ,或者一种新的史学范式和新的通史观念 ,国内外环境史研究者均未形成共识。这组“笔谈”的发表 ,无疑将有助于人们深化对这一新的历史研究领域的认识。“笔谈”的作者包括老中青三代史学从业者 ,虽来自不同的史学领域 ,但都较早涉足环境史研究 :或早在 1973年就开始涉足沙漠研究 ,并多次深入我国北方沙漠地区进行实地考察 ,提出了著名的“沙漠化二重性”论断 ;或长期致力于美国环境史著作的译介 ;或率先在国内高校历史系开设《环境史研究导论》课程 ,培养环境史研究新人 ;或较早运用自然与社会互动关系理论 ,系统地对自然灾害与民国乡村社会变迁问题进行全方位的研究 ,从而拓宽了乡村社会史畛域。因此 ,这组“笔谈”在一定程度上反映了目前国内环境史研究者对于环境史的思想认识及其所达到的水平。“笔谈”的组织 ,得到了北京师范大学历史系梅雪芹副教授的热情支持和全力协助 ,本刊谨此致谢。  相似文献   

周琼 《史学集刊》2020,(2):13-18
中国环境史的研究已从2008年学科初建时对有关学科名称“环境史”“生态史”“生态环境史”等的名实之辩、学科归属及与其他学科关系的研讨, 周琼:《中国环境史学科名称及起源再探讨——兼论全球环境整体观视野中的边疆环境史研究》,《思想战线》,2017年第2期。 经过了接受、内化国外环境史的理论方法,到探讨并初建本土环境史理论及方法,研究区域环境史及具体问题,再到反思及总结目前研究瓶颈突破及转型的学理思考, 周琼:《承继与开拓:环境史研究向何处去?》,《河北学刊》,2019年第4期。 中国环境史学逐渐进入新阶段。  相似文献   

环境史学是 2 0世纪六七十年代在美国兴起的历史学新领域 ,是以历史学为基础的有关人类与环境关系研究的多学科交叉的产物 ,其中 ,人文地理学与环境史学密切相关。从阿·德芒戎的人文地理学思想来看 ,环境史学无论在定义、研究对象还是在方法原则上 ,都与人文地理学既有联系又有区别。联系的基础在于它们都致力于探讨人类与环境的关系。但由于它们对这一关系的具体认识和研究目的的不同 ,二者之间又有差异。认清这一问题 ,有助于我们更好地把握环境史研究的对象和侧重点 ,以推动环境史学在我国学界的发展。  相似文献   

<正>从20世纪70年代环境史研究兴起以来,灾害史就一直受到美国环境史学界的重视。灾害史,尤其是农业灾害史成为美国环境史研究的重要内容。迄今为止,在对农业灾害史的研究中,最为瞩目的就是有关美国大平原的农业开发,尤其是其变成尘暴重灾区这一经历的探讨。这方面的专题成果不仅为数众多,而且出自多位知名环境史学者之手,因而颇具代表性。本文拟结合有关成果,来探讨环境史视野下的灾害史研究及其动向。难分难解:环境史与灾害史环境史是在战后生态危机和环保运动推动下出现的一门新史学,它以历史上人与自然之间的互  相似文献   

年鉴学派与环境史学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高国荣 《史学理论研究》2005,100(3):127-136
战后率先在美国兴起的环境史.与法国年鉴学派既有亲缘关系,又存在不少差异。年鉴学派对环境史学的启示在于,它重视自然地理等结构因素对历史发展的作用,它提出了总体史观念和跨学科研究方法,它强调历史和现实之间的紧密联系。但环境史学与年鉴学派不仅在产生背景、研究重点方面有比较大的差剐,而且在人与自然的关系问题上也有着不同的认识。环境史学强调人与自然的相互影响和生态的变化,而年鉴学派则强调社会结构等因素的决定性和自然因素的稳定性,此外,环境史学具有比年鉴学派强烈得多的文化批判意识。  相似文献   

一、本刊是河南大学和河南省历史学会主办的大型史学专业刊物,发表高水平的史学研究成果,尤其欢迎史学理论、史学评论、社会史、城市史、乡村史、生态环境史、文化史、学术史、电脑与史学应用、新资料的发掘与研究等方面的优秀稿件。  相似文献   

一、本刊是河南大学和河南省历史学会主办的大型史学专业刊物,发表高水平的史学研究成果,尤其欢迎史学理论、史学评论、社会史、城市史、乡村史、生态环境史、文化史、学术史、电脑与史学应用、新资料的发掘与研究等方面的优秀稿  相似文献   

环境史的兴起和发展,是自然对人类警示的结果,是人对自身历史反思的结果,是历史学科的又一大发展。环境史为史学观念提供了一种新的思考范式,即抛弃人类中心主义,从环境中心主义去思考世界史,从自然的整体思考人类历史,思考整体史,并试图以此构建一种新的全球史。  相似文献   

Frontline regulators are largely responsible for the implementation and ongoing compliance with environmental laws. Yet, as with other frontline worker populations, environmental regulators are routinely overlooked. Existing acknowledgment of these regulators typically only extends to the regulatory enforcement strategy their agency employs. Missing in these conversations is a focused study on regulators themselves and their perceptions of the regulated community that they interact with daily. Understanding these perceptions will provide insights into how regulators approach their interactions and how they ensure regulatory compliance. This research reports on one‐on‐one interviews and a statewide survey of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency frontline regulators and their perceptions of the regulated community. Findings from this survey reveal generally positive perceptions of the regulated community in Ohio and experiences with them. These findings call attention to a neglected population and emphasize the importance of regulators' perceptions in their regulatory approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines a recent dispute generated by the Queensland State Government proposal to build the Traveston Crossing Dam on the Mary River in southeast Queensland, Australia. It is particularly concerned with the ways in which interrelated issues of belonging, community identity, and social diversity were negotiated during the anti‐dam campaign. As an unusual alliance of farmers, environmentalists, urban retirees, some Aboriginal people and others, it takes a view of the anti‐Traveston Crossing Dam campaign as a fluid network of people and approaches the notion of community identity as the symbolic construction of similarity. Locally specific, the paper describes pertinent aspects of community politics in the context of rural socioeconomic change, and the mobilisation of heritage. With regard to local senses of belonging, it also discusses the involvement of Aboriginal people during the campaign. More broadly then, this paper attempts to make an ethnographic contribution to the study of environmental disputes and the politics of alliance in peri‐urban areas of settler‐descendant societies such as Australia.  相似文献   

郑媛媛 《攀登》2006,25(1):69-70
随着我国经济的高速发展,环境污染呈现逐年加重的趋势,而已有的污染收费和零星的与环境相关的税收政策已与现实的经济社会发展要求不相适应。因而,适时征收环境税已势在必行。  相似文献   

环境史及其对自然的重新书写   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,由于根深蒂固的静止世界观及地理环境决定论的消极影响,再加上人类对自然的生态价值缺乏认识,自然长期被历史学家所忽视。自19世纪后半期,一些美国学者尝试将自然纳入历史的写作范畴。经过长时间摸索,这一努力日臻成熟,集中表现在20世纪六七十年代出现的环境史。环境史扩大了历史研究的范畴,提供了观察历史的新思路和新视角,它还可以对一些重大历史事件和理论问题重新做出解释。  相似文献   

Policy scholars recognize that most policy arenas are characterized by competition among interests advancing different problem frames with conflicting problem definitions and/or solutions. At the same time, there is little research that empirically analyzes the dynamics of such framing contests. Using a case study of energy policy advocacy by the Sierra Club and Environmental Defense Fund across three decades, I examine the tactics that interest groups employ when faced with agenda conflict. Contrary to what most policy research suggests, I find that interest groups do not avoid public clashes with their competitors; rather, they often willingly engage in confrontational framing techniques. I call this activity frame contestation , and it involves attempts at discrediting opponents’ factual claims, policy ideas, and/or group character. The study reveals interesting differences between groups in the specific types of frame contestation employed. In particular, the use of character frames that attack an opponents’ reputation appears to be linked to group ideology and orientation toward the business community. These findings enhance our understanding of advocacy group decision making and focus our attention on the role of frame contestation in agenda setting and policymaking outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper studies an attempt to replicate the Earth’s biosphere in the second half of the twentieth century with the aim of preserving and refashioning the environment as a self‐reproducing ecological system. Ecosystems dynamics framed the planet Earth as a closed system and directed scientific attention to questions of global environmental management. The image of the Earth as a spacecraft and operable in a similar way supported ideas of placing the environment in a laboratory setting. Using the case of Biosphere 2, launched in the Arizona desert in 1983, this paper studies the images of nature and environment contained in this quest to create an ecosystem and human habitat as good as, or superior to nature on Earth (known in this context as Biosphere 1). The second biosphere was designed as ‘a prototype for a space colony’ that would eventually enable its deteriorating predecessor, the Earthly biosphere, to reproduce and allow human settler societies to migrate to other planets. The paper draws on the cultural history of the ship in Western culture and on ships and spaceships as archetypes of autarkic enclosures set apart from nature. It argues that Biosphere 2 as an example of a technologically controlled endosphere advanced an understanding of the environment as a ‘life support system’ that emphasized not completeness but systems integrity, and was based on principles of functionality and replaceability. The paper will explore how notions of biospheric life support shaped demands on the natural and social environments in Biosphere 2 and Biosphere 1.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):647-669

Environmental ethicists speak fervently about the impact of human activity on the sustainability and survivability of Earth's community. But often these discussions fail to acknowledge one human activity more powerful and with the potential for greater destruction than any other— the United States military and its "empire of bases" encircling the globe. Military operations, both peacetime missions and contingency operations, and military installations stamp a large footprint on the earth's environment. From the atmospheric nuclear tests in the Bikini Atoll to the removal of the coral reef at Diego Garcia, the environment of the Pacific Rim has been shaped by the demands of U.S. national security. This paper examines the environmental footprint of U.S. Pacific Command. Secondly, it suggests that the exigencies of U.S. military presence need to be included in discussions of environmental ethics.  相似文献   

The northern border of Mexico, a region with great tradition and rooting of the assembly plants industry, outstands by its specialization in the processing of electronic products and automobile parts. Also, this industry outstands by restructuring its techno‐productive capabilities derived from its integration with North America, which has aroused the interest about the resulting environmental problems. As depository of direct foreign investment, this region demands to design efficient mechanisms for an environmental management actively involving all the local actors. The deepness of liberalization of the Mexican economy has not been a condition for Mexico to specialize itself in “dirty” industries because since the North America Free Trade Agreement has taken effect, it is favoring less polluting industries as this is compliant of the environmental regulations, which are determined by the cooperation among companies and government through inspection and promotion of voluntary self‐management programs and through the environmental policy imposed by the corporation to its affiliates by means of quality and environmental international certifications (ISO 9001, 9002, 14001, and 14002). The objective of this work is to analyze the environmental performance of foreign companies operating under the assembly plants industry regime, considering the relationship between industrial upgrading and environmental performance.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the theoretical issues surrounding the commodification of nature and its value as a research topic. In particular it examines the relationship between European colonization, the rise of capitalism and the increased use of abstract space. An appeal is also made for adding environmental history to the research agenda of historical archaeology. Case studies from South Africa and Virginia illustrate the manner in which abstract notions of space and the environment contributed to the commodification of nature. The Virginia case study from Jamestown Island provides a particularly vivid example of how micro- and macro-level environmental changes can be linked to important political and economic events.  相似文献   

靳国胜  王文旭 《攀登》2008,27(5):75-78
生态安全问题是最突出的全球性问题之一,已经成为影响国家安全及人类社会整体生存安全的大问题。我国的生态安全面临着来自国内和国际两方面的双重压力,而且生态安全恶化对我国经济社会的可持续发展带来了极大的负面影响。处理这些问题时,既要从国际环境法的角度加以考虑,又要从国内环境法的角度加以防范。  相似文献   

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