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近年来我国历史文化名城保护研究的进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国历史文化名城保护的研究起步较晚,但发展很快。本文主要从名城保护概念,名城保护的三个层次,保护与发展关系等方面对近十年来的研究状况和进展作一综述。并指出总的发展趋势是从宏观走向微观、从单一走向多元,从理论走向实践。  相似文献   

中国新亚欧大陆桥经济带的城市战略定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新亚欧大陆桥经济带是驱动21世纪中国经济增长的主要轴线之一。本文运用城市定位理论,从城市群体与城市个体两个层面,探讨了中国新亚欧大陆桥经济带的城市战略定位和主要城市的发展方向,并就加快这一经济带城市发展提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of historical trends in city growth rates within Moscow Oblast (1926-1984) reveals two major components or city types: a group of cities with below-(oblast) average rates for each of five periods of analysis (1926-39, 1939-59, 1959-70, 1970-79, 1979-84) and a second category experiencing above-average growth until 1970, with subsequent reduction of rates below the oblast average. Further breakdown of the two major components reveals seven smaller groups, analysis of the spatial patterns of which can provide a basis for planning recommendations on the future development of the region (translated by H. L. Haslett, Birmingham, UK).  相似文献   

In summer 1990, the Commission of the European Communities published a "Green Paper" on the urban environment as a first step toward establishing an integrated policy for European cities, focusing on the revaluing of public space whose degradation is considered a symptom of a deep-seated developmental and environmental crisis. This article addresses the questions raised by the Green Paper: the needs to which it responds, and the results to be expected; the extent to which the proposed themes cover a "full range of difficulties facing Europe's conurbations," given the diversity of urban space in the old continent. Finally, it considers the paper's relevance for Greek cities: this highlights the existence of non-discussed city typologies within the single European space, which means that the concept of the European city should be carefully re-examined and based on the social and cultural plurality and complexity of the European cities, rather than stressing the existence of a single city-type. The Green Paper, when seen not as a text of generalizing assumptions or an instrument for action, may very well act positively to open a debate that will reveal and answer the specificities and the problems of each city.  相似文献   

The article compares the events of 1968 in Scandinavia, pointing to the differences and similarities between the Scandinavian countries as well as comparing Scandinavia to the rest of Europe. Within Scandinavia, Norway and Sweden present a Scandinavian model with focus on conflicts between centre and periphery, Maoism and a low level of conflict. In Denmark, the student movement and theoretical Marxism dominated the scene. However, the political context of the three countries and the interplay between mainstream politics and 1968 were rather similar. In Finland, both the political context as well as the movement developed quite differently. The article concludes that the high level of integration of the protest movements makes Scandinavia stand out compared to continental Europe.  相似文献   

中国城市流动人口的空间结构   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用中国公安部1996年流动人口统计数据,采用空间统计分析方法和断裂点法,对中国城市流动人口的空间结构进行研究发现,中国城市流动人口主要集中在沿海地带,而且客观存在着三大城市流动人口圈:①京津连流动人口圈。为中国第三大的城市流动人口圈,具有性别比高、来自圈外的流动人口比重大、以亲缘、地缘为纽带聚居等特点。②沪宁杭流动人口圈。为中国第二大的城市流动人口圈,具有来自省内的流动人口比重高、暂住时间差距大等特点。③广深厦流动人口圈。为中国最大的城市流动人口圈,具有女性流动人口比重高、来自外省的流动人口比重大等特点。  相似文献   

The author, comparing growth histories of East and West Siberian cities of over 50,000 population through regression and cluster analysis techniques, develops a number of city typologies based on magnitude of population growth, economic specialization, and social infrastructure. It is argued that such typologies are useful in planning because they identify types of cities experiencing similar growth conditions and instances where cities have changed from one type of situation to another. Although the study is limited to 1926-1986, it addresses economic and social components of Siberian urban growth relevant to the interpretation of preliminary results of the 1989 census (translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK).  相似文献   

21世纪江苏省城市发展问题初析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姚士谋  宋平 《人文地理》1998,13(4):15-20
江苏省是中国的发达省份之一,其城市发展迅速。本文在分析江苏省情、其城市发展现状与趋势的基础上,总结出城市化水平和重点,并对未来江苏省城市空间分布及城市化道路选择和全省城镇体系结构作了预测。  相似文献   

城市儿童户外体力活动研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在快速城市化的当今,公共健康已成为各国尤其是发展中国家的突出问题.城市人口急速增加、城市建成区快速高密度蔓延,加之汽车入侵、城市结构及居住模式的改变,供儿童日常活动的户外公共空间越来越有限,儿童体质20年来持续下降,儿童能否在城市中健康成长成为维系中国家庭及整个社会稳定与可持续发展最具挑战的课题之一.文章对国内外户外环境中的儿童体力活动研究及实践进展进行了综述,国内外已有研究主要集中四个方面:(1)运用多种测量方法对儿童体力活动水平进行调查研究; (2)宏观尺度的城市儿童户外活动空间结构空间分异研究以及儿童游戏场地设计分析; (3)具体的户外环境因子对儿童体力活动的影响研究; (4)儿童对户外环境中的体力活动机会感知等四个方面.文章最后提出促进城市户外环境中的儿童体力活动应进一步研究的方向,包括环境因素对体力活动类型及体力活动强度影响、户外物理环境因子如温度、风速、日照等对儿童体力活动的影响、儿童与父母对户外环境及活动机会感知差异以及儿童户外环境感知偏好研究等.  相似文献   

陈涛 《人文地理》1994,9(2):38-43
本文首先提出商品价格空间分布的分形函数,以此为基础导出商品销售的空间受限模型,该模型揭示了人地非线性相关的某些机制,并为企业选择投资区位提供了分析方法。  相似文献   

The increasing impact of urbanization on the natural environment and physical constraints on city planning in the various natural zones of the USSR call for a program of research that would bring to bear the tools of the various geographical disciplines on the problem and might give rise to a distinctive geography of city planning. Geomorphology might be concerned with a variety of caving and slumping processes typical of large cities; climatology with the impact of cities on the microclimate of an area; hydrology with watertable changes and water-management problems, and biogeography with the distinctive plant and animal life of large cities and urban agglomerations. More complex, integrated research in both physical and economic geography would deal with the choice of suitable sites for new cities, particularly in extreme types of environment; with predictive aspects of the impact of urbanization, and the functional structure of cities. A number of cities and parts of cities with different layouts and different environmental settings should be designated as experimental study areas for geographical research of a more systematic character.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper provides an empirical study of the determinants of income inequality across regions of the EU. Using the European Community Household Panel dataset for 102 regions over the period 1995–2000, it analyses how microeconomic changes in human capital distribution affect income inequality for the population as a whole and for normally working people. The different static and dynamic panel data analyses conducted reveal that the relationship between income per capita and income inequality, as well as between a good human capital endowment and income inequality is positive. High levels of inequality in educational attainment are also associated with higher income inequality. The above results are robust to changes in the definition of income distribution and may be interpreted as a sign of the responsiveness of the EU labor market to differences in qualifications and skills. Other results indicate that population ageing, female participation in the labor force, urbanization, agriculture, and industry are negatively associated to income inequality, while unemployment and the presence of a strong financial sector positively affect inequality. Finally, income inequality is lower in social‐democratic welfare states, in Protestant areas, and in regions with Nordic family structures.  相似文献   

新世纪地理学的新思路新观念新战略   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
孙峰华 《人文地理》2001,16(5):16-19
文章阐述了新世纪是一个以知识经济为主体的世纪,用知识经济地理学的观点审视新世纪,新世纪的内涵将赋于地理学新的研究内容。面对这种形势,地理学用哲学观点,周密思考,精心研究,潜心探索其发展的新思路。新思路打开了地理学正视现实,面向新世纪的新视野、新领域,从而产生了一系列的新思路和新观念。地理学有了新思路和新观念,必然探索其发展的新战略。地理学有了新思想、新观念、新战略,就可以在新世纪滚滚而来的知识经济浪潮里抢抓机遇,开拓进取,勇于创新,并确立其应有的学科地位,这样,才能迎来一个灿烂美好的明天。否则,新世纪的到来,将预示着地理学进入危机时代。  相似文献   

Arguments for the expanded use of Kuznetsk coal in electric power generation within the European USSR are presented within the context of the goals of the Energy Program of the USSR and current efforts at overall economic restructuring: fuel substitution as a means of conserving oil and gas resources, replacement of difficult-to-mine and increasingly finite Donets coals by the more abundant, surface-mined Kuznetsk variety, and elimination of an irrational pattern of energy flows generated by the present fuel balance in electric power stations. A three-stage model is described which incorporates a wide variety of alternative assumptions about the fuel mix at power plants for projections of the future role of Kuznetsk coals in the region (translation by Andrew R. Bond).  相似文献   

历史时期西北城市发展简论   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文运用历史地理、文化地理的方法,通过分析周代至清末西北地区城市的发展过程,简要探讨了西北城市形成、发展的过程及其内在机制。  相似文献   

Foregone benefits of the open space that is sacrificed through urban sprawl are hard to quantify. We obtain a simple benchmark measure by introducing a demand for trips beyond the urban boundary into the monocentric city model. The externality arises from the increase in travel costs that expansion of the city imposes on its prior inhabitants. An empirical application illustrates the moderate informational requirements. It indicates that open space externalities warrant rather mild restrictions on urban expansion.  相似文献   

The author seeks to establish possible reasons for differences in the rates of growth of towns within urban systems with rank-size regularities. It is shown that a system follows Zipf s law if the growth of population N i of the towns of the system follows the regularity MN i )/N i ~ (In N i - c) where M is the mathematical expectation, ΔN i is an increment of Ni over a short period of time, ~ stands for “directly proportional,” and c is a constant.  相似文献   

INEQUALITY IN CITIES*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Much of the inequality literature has focused on national inequality, but local inequality is also important. Crime rates are higher in more unequal cities; people in unequal cities are more likely to say that they are unhappy. There is a negative association between local inequality and the growth of city‐level income and population, once we control for the initial distribution of skills. High levels of mobility across cities mean that city‐level inequality should not be studied with the same analytical tools used to understand national inequality, and policy approaches need to reflect the urban context. Urban inequality reflects the choices of more and less skilled people to live together in particular areas. City‐level skill inequality can explain about one‐third of the variation in city‐level income inequality, while skill inequality is itself explained by historical schooling patterns and immigration. Local income also reflects the substantial differences in the returns to skill across, which are related to local industrial patterns.  相似文献   

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