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清初迁海给沿海尤其是盐场地区的社会经济带来严重的破坏,但具体影响的范围、程度和方式,却不能仅就官方文献和展界后的赋役情况轻下定论。通过广东归德等盐场及相关宗族在迁海前后的活动情况,我们发现,迁海并没有给盐场宗族主要成员造成太大的影响,相反,官方文献"盐课缺征"、"丁绝田荒"的记载,实际上是盐场家族有意识地利用迁界机遇和制度漏洞,逃避灶课、隐匿盐田,借恢复祖先祭祀之机抢占民田的结果。  相似文献   

We examine public attitudes toward vulnerability and evacuation in hurricane natural disasters. Using the results of an opinion survey in a coastal, New England state, we find important differences in how men and women, and Whites and minorities perceive natural disasters. Race, gender, and geographic proximity to the coast affect how vulnerable people believe their residence is to a major hurricane, while government officials and media reporting telling people to evacuate influence evacuation decisions. In order to avoid future breakdowns, governments need to understand the different information processing approaches of various groups of people.  相似文献   

This article studies the relationship between local society and social change in rural north China from the late Qing dynasty to the People’s Republic of China period through the activity of “Zhuo huanggui” (literally, “Catching the Yellow Ghost”). “Catching the Yellow Ghost” is a ritual activity in Guyi village, Wu’an county, Hebei province. According to villagers there, “Catching the Yellow Ghost” has been celebrated since the late Qing dynasty. However, due to political pressures in the 1950s, it was not until the 1980s that “Catching the Yellow Ghost” began to be revitalized. Since that time, “Catching the Yellow Ghost” has gained rapid popularity and fame in north China. Through the lens of the “Catching the Yellow Ghost” ritual, this article explores social transformation in China from the late 19th to the early 21st century. By analyzing the continuity and discontinuity of “Catching the Yellow Ghost,” this article offers a new understanding of the relationship between local society and social change in rural north China.  相似文献   

清代县以下行政区划   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
清代地方政权最低一级为县.县以下基层社会中的行政区划,是国家权力与基层社会固有权力在制度层面上的契合点.本文通过考察清代县以下行政区划的形态、依据、性质,探讨了里社、保甲制度演变的深层原因--国家权力与基层社会固有权力在其中的位置及消长,揭示了原本对立统一的两方,如何在相互斗争中达到更高层次的统一,最终于基层社会确立了以士绅为主体的支配体系.  相似文献   

云南汉族分布区发展最快的时期是明代。明代80余万汉族军事移民大规模进入云南,深入传统的当地民族世居区或边疆地区,建立卫所,定居屯田,促使云南涌现出大量的汉族移民新区,形成相对稳定和独立的汉族社会和汉夷杂居的发展趋势,基本奠定了明清以后直到今天云南各民族分布格局和民族交融的基础,成为明清以来云南边疆开发和社会变迁的重要推动力。  相似文献   

At the turn of the twentieth century, the Tibetan plateau was a zone of intense imperial contact—and competition—between British India and Qing China. Even before the 1904 Younghusband Expedition to Lhasa, Indian rupees had become the primary currency of commercial exchange across the plateau, and British explorers had gathered detailed knowledge of both the presumed natural resource bounty of eastern Tibet and the lucrative border tea trade traversing it. This article explores models manifested by these interactions between British and Qing officials, merchants and explorers in the Kham region of ethnographic Tibet and the role empires played in the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century global spread of Euro-American norms. Although Sichuan officials directly engaged with administering Kham shared a common perception of Khampa society with their British counterparts, they also recognised the encroachment of Indian rupees and British explorers as challenges to Qing authority, if not a prologue to territorial expansion paralleling the contemporaneous scramble for concessions in coastal China. Beginning with the establishment of the Zongli Yamen in 1861, close Sino-British interaction along two tracks, British ‘lessons’ in statecraft and diplomacy in the imperial capital Beijing and commercial and political actions in the imperial borderland of Kham, provided models for Qing assertion of exclusive authority on the plateau. Two globalising norms inflected in these British models—territoriality and sovereignty—fostered transformative policies in the borderland during the first decade of the twentieth century. Implemented by Sichuan officials, these policies sought to undermine Lhasa's local challenge to Chinese authority via monasteries, thereby legitimising appeal to international law to repel regional challenges from both British India and Russia. This article analyses in depth two examples of these policies in action: a silver coin modelled on the Empress Victoria Indian rupee and a monopoly tea company partly modelled on British Indian tea firms and the Indian Tea Association. Both contributed to weakening the political, social and economic power projected into Kham by British India and Lhasa. The adaptation of these models in Qing policies fostered by the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Sino-British encounter in Kham reveals the conduits through which Euro-American norms of authority were shared, and demonstrates their power to transform relations in the interstices of global power, where empires met empires and states met states.  相似文献   

Past studies of southwest Guizhou during the Qing dynasty tend to focus on the policy of “abolishment of the native chieftainships and extension of direct bureaucratic control” (gaitu guiliu) pursued under the Yongzheng emperor, and also to emphasize the correlation between state expansion and Miao revolts as a political process of institution building. Based on personal memoirs and ethnographic accounts of the Qing dynasty, this study focuses on the Qing incorporation of Miao territory (Miaojiang) in southeast Guizhou, where there were not even native chieftainships but only unorganized, or “raw,” Miao indigenes; it also examines the incorporation as an interactive process of cultural understanding and construction among the Yongzheng emperor, Governor-General Ortai, a group of local officials, represented by Zhang Guangsi and Fang Xian, and local Miao people, who had already interacted with Han migrants and started to seek the protection of the central government. The paper calls attention to the contribution of lower level Qing officials made in the decision-making process, the formation of knowledge by the Chinese about the long-ignored Miao territory, and the significance of mutual understanding of cultures. It argues that the tragic confrontation between the Miao people and the Qing state building was not necessarily inevitable, but contingent on the officials’ perception of the minority people’s culture and the handling of the relationship between the state and local indigenes.  相似文献   

《王玉连》是流行于望谟蔗香一带用布依语翻译、以布依族方块古文字记录的叙事长诗抄本。抄本产生年代在清末至民初,由王廷彬、王由戬、黄华祥根据历史故事"改汉作夷"(改编)而成。故事讲述王玉连被王二娘迫害被迫参军,母亲与妻子遭王二娘虐待外出乞讨,王玉连功成名就之后,在朝廷帮助下,惩罚了王二娘,与母亲与妻子重新团圆的故事。改变者的初衷是以布依族民众喜闻乐见的形式介绍汉文化,丰富布依族文化内涵。作品的改编在布依族中产生了广泛影响。布依语改编本《王玉连》是研究清代布依族文人社会思想的重要史料,是研究布依文学的一个窗口,也是研究布依族古文字的重要资料,具有重要价值。  相似文献   

在中国古代,宴饮活动承载着一定的政治、社会和文化的功能,对国家权力的建构和社会秩序的维系,起到某种微妙的作用。汉代民间的宴饮活动可以分为政治性、宗教性和生活性三种类型,对建构乡里社会的秩序结构、满足百姓的精神需求和人情需要、促进基层社会关系和家族内部关系的协调,具有重要的作用。民间宴饮成为透视乡里社会形态和特征的一个特别视窗。  相似文献   

A major issue in attempts to construct cross-culturally valid theories of state origins is the relative roles of irrigation agriculture, population growth, and warfare in the rise of complex society. Recently, data from the coast of Peru has provided the stimulus for the formulation of the “coercive theory” of state origins. This theory proposes that state formation in circumscribed environments was the result of population pressure, internecine (local level) warfare, and the incorporation of defeated groups into ever larger, victorious polities. Yet, although the pioneering study of settlement patterns was carried out in Virú Valley, the lack of a comprehensive regional study of the development of prehispanic subsistence-settlement systems in any Peruvian coastal valley meant that the “coercive theory” rested on a precarious data base. Selected results of an extensive and systematic survey carried out in 1979–1980 in the Lower Santa Valley, an area only partly studied prior to our research but long famous for its large number of major prehispanic walls and fortresses, are discussed. Following a discussion of the problem, research methods and data for the early periods leading to state formation are outlined. Analysis of settlement patterns, maize-based carrying capacity, and settlement-cluster ceramic assemblages is then carried out to suggest refutation of the “coercive” model and acceptance of an alternative model of multivariate causality. External, or intervalley, warfare is shown to have been an important socioenvironmental stress leading to sociocultural complexity not only in Santa, but probably in adjacent valleys as well.  相似文献   

This article examines the efforts of two county instructors (jiaoyu), Xie Jinluan and Zheng Jiancai, to bolster the security of the maritime frontier and stabilize local society in early 19th century Fujian and Taiwan. Occurring during the Jiaqing transition in which Chinese elites increasingly voiced concerns about problems afflicting the empire, Xie and Zheng waged an information campaign to lobby for local issues while embedded in county educational posts. Printing their treatises through their alma mater, the Aofeng Academy, Fuzhou’s premier educational institution that promoted a rigorous Neo-Confucian scholarly orientation, and using well-positioned Aofeng alumni to take their causes to Beijing, the instructors were able to make changes on the local level and provide Qing officials with a new source of “expert” local information that bypassed the regular bureaucracy. By producing information on themes of local governance and manipulating the elite network of the Aofeng Academy that connected Fujian to circles of power in Beijing, Xie and Zheng became models of local political action, influencing new generations of Fujianese scholars over the 19th century.  相似文献   

The archaeological community worldwide now readily recognizes the role and significance of interregional interaction in the development and sustenance of urban societies (e.g., Marcus and Sabloff 2008; Sinclair et al. 2010; Trigger 2003). Over the past two decades, we have carried out a systematic, problem-oriented research program on the Kenyan coast and its hinterland in an effort to understand the ecological and cultural milieu that enabled towns and city-states to develop along the East African coast beginning in the late first millennium CE. Archaeological research complemented with historical sources of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries shows that different scales of analysis can be used to understand the long-term history of the development of urbanism along this Swahili coast: local, regional, and trans-continental frames of reference each show that Swahili communities were part of numerous networks of interactions. An emerging picture of preindustrial urbanism shows that local, regional, and trans-continental interaction spheres tied coastal towns to the hinterland and to wider Indian Ocean commercial and social networks. Not all of the theorized links between the coastal towns and their local and regional trade and interaction partners will be visible archaeologically. We address the still poorly known elements of preindustrial regional networks of alliance and interaction spheres between urban and rural polities and argue that an integrative approach is necessary to understand the context of coastal urban society.  相似文献   

刘晨 《史学集刊》2020,(1):72-87
江南是太平天国建立较稳定统治并有力推行各项政策方略的地区。太平天国政府作为该区域的政治实体,在应对社会危机和基层社会治理方面均有不同程度的尝试和努力,主要采取了“应变十策”,旨在完成由“打天下”向“坐天下”执政理念的转型。但因主客观条件限制,太平天国应对社会危机的成效不大,调控社会秩序的预期没有实现;但某些地区的太平天国地方当局在内忧外患的非常时期,仍能于社会建设领域有所建树,所以过去认为太平天国“重立不重建”的政权建设惯性也仅是相对而言的。政府调控和应对社会危机的政略实践,还是国家统治技术和社会战略的体现。太平天国的社会战略展现了太平天国时期国家与社会关系的特殊实态。我们发现太平天国的政治权力以较为积极的姿态向乡村社会渗透,不同于该时期绅权扩大的一般势态,占领区的绅权呈现被压缩的另面镜像。太平天国战争之后,清政府在重整社会秩序工作中有意识地继承江南绅权被压制的趋势,在更广范围内限制和约束绅权,激发了国家权力与地方社会的新一轮角逐,并对晚清政局产生了影响。这一视角还为我们客观理性地认知太平天国的历史地位提供了切入点,呈现了太平天国复杂多重的历史面相。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on “cooperation networks” for the provision of public goods and services as a specific form of governance in late imperial China. While concentrating on differing forms of local self‐regulation at the end of the Qing dynasty, the article pinpoints several actors involved in the cooperation networks and (re)classifies them along the continuum of “public” and “private.” In addition to state and non‐state actors, the players included semi‐state or hybrid actors with profound network advantages who played a crucial role in the provision of governance services, as well as colonial and transnational actors who occasionally took part in this cooperation. To contextualize these actors and illustrate their modes of interaction, this paper will describe cooperation networks established for the provision of disaster relief and education in local society in late Qing China. In so doing, this paper also will question participants' motives and describe their personal gains, as well as the accumulation of symbolic capital as major incentives.  相似文献   

黄河河套万家沟小流域的变迁史呈现了水利秩序构建与蒙旗社会演变之间的关系.清代以来,在"走西口"的历史进程中,河套地区逐渐从游牧社会向农耕社会过渡,农田水利渐次开发,定居村落大量形成.在共同的地域空间中,围绕着万家沟清洪水的开发和利用,蒙汉民众交往愈加频繁.地方社会自发地形成了以"村落"为中心的用水秩序.中华人民共和国成...  相似文献   

今内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市所辖磴口县位于河套平原西部,地处西北农牧交错带,清代属阿拉善王爷的封地。由于该地便利的沿黄灌溉和黄河水运条件,晚清以来天主教会以此地为中心,通过开垦土地、修建灌渠、招徕陕甘等地汉族贫苦农民等方式,在磴口地区建立起天主教社会。发展至民国时期,伴随着汉族移民逐渐聚集,甘肃省及由甘肃分出的宁夏省都试图延续清政府“蒙人归旗、汉人归县”的以属人管理为原则的政策,将政治势力伸展至磴口,并建立县治。在磴口地区行政区划设置中的政治角逐和利权争夺,一方面反映了民国时期中央政府的边疆政策;另一方面体现了边疆地区不同人群、不同立场的各种势力对政区设置的影响。  相似文献   

姜生 《安徽史学》2015,(6):49-55
文章通过对韩凭故事原本形态的考证表明,故事的核心应是颂扬韩凭夫妇以生命复贞信,此世不可处,乃相踵讬死赴太阴,终成尸解仙。贞信守节、重义轻死,是汉代死后尸解成仙的标准。汉代画像石和铜镜等出土金石资料,说明韩凭夫妇的夫信妇贞、至死不渝品格所造就的爱情故事在汉代广为流传,并引起强烈共鸣。韩凭夫妇殉情而死及死后化作梓树、鸳鸯之说,实际上是汉晋时期盛行的以墓室为"炼形之宫"、经历"太阴炼形"、最终变形而仙的尸解信仰的一种仙话表达。图其形于古圣贤、忠孝、节义、贞烈、英雄之伦,意在示其同臻仙域,藉以讴歌春秋大义。应在汉墓画像的系统配置和更为宽广的汉代思想和信仰背景中去寻求对汉画中韩凭夫妇故事的合理认知。  相似文献   

According to Yue Fei’s biography, when the legendary general was slandered and interrogated for treason, he tore the shirt off his body, exposing four characters tattooed on his back: “Exhaust one’s loyalty in service of the state.” This study looks at two components of the Yue Fei story—patriotic tattoos, and tattooed generals—and examines their meaning in the broader stretch of Song dynasty history. Yue Fei was not the Song dynasty’s only tattooed general who came to a tragic end. The Northern Song’s Di Qing was a tattooed soldier whose military merit allowed him to rise to the highest levels of power in the empire. Di Qing’s story makes it clear that tattooed generals were objects of suspicion and ridicule at court due to their military tattoos, a trait that linked them to the criminals and lower class men that manned the Song armies. Though military tattoos sometimes had a loyalist ring to them, they were carried out on a mass scale, and were a characteristic of coercion rather than fervent loyalism. This study shows that underneath the nationalist historical narrative of the Song dynasty, of which Yue Fei is a famous example, there lies a different story of social conflict within the Song state. Rather than a story of Chinese fighting non-Chinese and of traitorous and cowardly officials struggling with loyal patriots, this study offers a narrative of a social conflict between high-born clear-skinned officials and low-born tattooed military men.  相似文献   

本文认为汉代的亭可分为边疆亭与内郡亭两大类,内郡亭又可分为都市之亭与乡野之亭。亭有多种职能,但其基本职能是治安。根据分布地域的不同,亭的职能有所偏重。《汉书·百官公卿表》中的“十里一亭”和“十亭一乡”主要是针对乡野之亭做出的概述。前者强调亭舍间的距离,在社会实际中基本得到了体现;后者强调一乡之内亭部的分布密度,它往往与实际情况有所出入。从统属关系看,亭长属于县的官吏编制,同时接受郡都尉的管辖。  相似文献   

Over the last few decades historians have been rediscovering Australia's religious heritage, often in response to entrenched narratives depicting Australia's social, intellectual, and political history as a triumph of secular enlightenment over vestiges of Old World partnerships of religion, state, and society. That Australia has a rich secular heritage is indisputable, but to draw a sharp distinction between the “secular” and the “religious” is anachronistic and misguided, and any attempt to tell the story of Australia's secular heritage must acknowledge that the “secular” often found its justification flowing from more general religious premises grounded in enlightenment ideals such as rational religion, rational piety, and general Christianity. Indeed, when liberal democracy was emerging in the colonies the “secular” had to be justified in terms acceptable to the public square and these terms were broadly religious. Robert Lowe is an apt case study for divining the nature of the secular in colonial Australia, for his thought and political activity show the subtle and complex way that ideals such as “enlightenment,” “religion,” and “secular” entered into dialogue rather than warfare with one another and contributed to social institutions judged suitable for a fledgling pluralist nation.  相似文献   

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