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This paper explores the way in which the languages of space and time condense and how the values of spatiotemporal fluidity and fixity are gendered. It considers several narratives from South Pentecost, Vanuatu, stories of primordial beings and of more proximate ancestors which alike stress women's association with flight and flood. Such narratives are situated in the context of labour migration in colonial history and more recent patterns of migration to towns. Here too, the movement of men and women is differentially constructed. These processes are considered in the context of recent feminist theories of the relation of spatiality and temporality, in modernity and ‘postmodernity’.  相似文献   

The history of nostalgia as a clinical category has many highly specific national stories. This paper traces an aspect of this history, examining aspects of nostalgia's changing meanings in nineteenth-century France. Nostalgia was a disease triggered by displacement, which became medically and politically important after the French Revolution, when military surgeons encountered epidemics of nostalgia in the armed forces. Understood as a form of pathological homesickness, the category straddled environmental medicine and emerging ideas about insanity. The diagnosis became particularly important to Idéologue writers as a case study in regulating and redirecting the emotions, demonstrating the efficacy of their new "moral" treatments and an ability to generate patriotic attachment to the new nation state. Over the course of the century, nostalgia disintegrated as a medical condition reflecting a decline in environmental explanations for disease within medicine, and increasingly plastic meanings attached to nostalgic desire.  相似文献   

Representing Place: Landscape Painting and Maps. By Edward Casey
Landscape, Nature, and the Body Politic: From Britain's Renaissance to America's New World. By Kenneth Robert Olwig  相似文献   

Snowymountains,bluelakes,mountainousvillages,ancientmonasteriexAllofthesemakeNyingchiahappeningplacefortourists,mountaineers,scientistsandexplorers.WORLD-CLASSWONOER.NamjabarwaisaTibetanwordthatmeansaspearthrustintotheskies.Indeed,thePeak,7,782metersabo…  相似文献   

几年前,见到刚从墨脱回来的摄影师卢广。 墨脱,那个遥远的、原始的、危险重重的,几乎无路可走的地方。那个神秘的、丰盛的、圣洁浪漫的,美到无与伦比的地方。就在这一夜,杭州正下着入冬以来的第四场雪,从办公楼的窗口望出去,是高架上蠕蠕前行的车河。在这间暖气充足的办公室里,阅读前往墨脱的故事。  相似文献   

根据秦西垂第一陵园出土文物及考古资料,《秦风》产生的时代,当从秦非子以下至秦康公之世。《秦风》产生于今甘肃东部天水与今陕西西部的"西府",即宝鸡地区。而《秦风》十首中主要的、有影响的篇目则产生于天水地区。如从历史的角度讲,《诗经》中在今陕西境内产生的诗歌,应该是《周南》、《召南》,而不应该是《秦风》。"秦"是秦人东进时由天水带过去的名称。  相似文献   

李水城 《南方文物》2020,(1):128-129
人类是从何时开始制盐的?这个问题考古学家至今还没有一个明确的答案。在狩猎-采集经济阶段,人类靠取食动物的肉、血、奶等满足身体所需的盐分,不需要额外再补充盐,而且也不会制盐。即便进入全新世以后,世界上仍有很多狩猎-采集民族不事农耕,也不制盐,有些民族甚至不怎么吃盐。在人类历史早期,尽管还不会制盐,但大自然有天然的馈赠。在中国山西南部的运城市的河东盐池,每年春夏之交,南风袭来,池水中便自然结晶出白白的盐花。在有些盐泉出露的地区,人们甚至直接开采天然卤水食用。  相似文献   

<正>题记:古村落依山傍水、宁静和谐,蕴涵山水风情之美。建造在山麓、丛林之中,浓郁的绿色与黑白建筑色调相映,以山水意境的定位,追溯"国画写意里的悠然田园"。优美的景致里往往渗透着"水为财源"的观念,建筑时重视村落的水口,斟酌自然环境的优越,追求天时、地利、人和的境界,从而营造出徽州建筑和谐的原生态环境。  相似文献   

A model is developed in which the change in the population distribution of a region is linked to the employment pattern, and this latter in turn to the population distribution through the concepts of central place theory. The result is a dynamic model of interacting urban centers in which the fluctuations (the exact history) of the system play a vital role, and with which the effect of an infrastructure decision can be estimated in the long term.  相似文献   

"绿杨城郭是扬州"--清初扬州红桥成名散论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董以宁是康熙(1661-1722)时期到过扬州的诗人及作家,他曾对一个地方通过名人而获得知名度有过评论:"山川得名,多因人杰。未有苏公之游,赤壁一顽石也。苏公既游之,虽荒台残树,赤壁一名山也。"①游览赤壁时,董以宁朝拜苏轼像,并口诵刻在崖上的苏轼诗篇。他甚至特意将自己的这次出游安排在苏轼的名篇《赤壁赋》所写的季节。显然,正由于苏轼来过此地,并且由于他的文学创作,使得赤壁对于董以宁来说,有着重要意义。正如Craig Clunas 所提出的,一处园林的名声并不从它"自身的景致"中来,而是从它所具有的…  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Alessandro Brogi, A Question of Self-Esteem: The United States and the Cold War Choices in France and Italy , 1944 – 1958 (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2002). 336 pp. $99.95 (cloth).
Jeffrey Glen Giauque, G rand Designs and Visions of Unity: The Atlantic Powers and the Reorganization of Western Europe , 1955 – 1963 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002). 344 pp. Notes, index. $49.95 (cloth), $19.95 (paper).  相似文献   

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