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一、引言 某一社会中的语言使用问题往往会受到该社会成员的关注或干预,他们或者抱怨报纸编辑人员的复函语意含糊不清,或者倡导进行一种拼写法的改革,或者主张保险规则要用“大白话”来写,或者建议某一社区的教育体制应发挥少数民族语言的作用,或者呼吁有关部门应该培训法庭译员,或者提议某一机构应该研发国际通行术语,或者建议政府应该选定一种或多种官方语言,等等.在社会语言学中,这些问题均被囊括在一个统一的研究领域即语言规划当中.  相似文献   

赵旭敏 《神州》2012,(28):153-153
马克思主义理论是思想政治教育理论形成的科学理论基础。中国共产党的思想政治教育理论是在马克思主义指导下,依据马列主义的基本原理而创立的。思想政治教育的形成和发展是20世纪初以来中国社会政治、经济、文化等社会各方面综合作用的产物,是马克思主义理论与中国实践相结合的产物,同时它还是中国共产党对古今中外思想政治教育进行批判的继承的产物。  相似文献   

党的建设包括包括思想建设、组织建设、作风建设。中国共产党整个发展过程,也就是党的各项建设的发展前进的过程。党的领导阶级在推动发展过程中,不断充实和发展思想,使各方面趋于完善。为继续推动党的发展,对整个发展过程的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

孟继娟 《神州》2014,(14):237-237
在当今社会中,提高高校大学生思想政治教育工作有着重大的意义。高校思想政治理论是对高校大学生进行思想教育中起到了最重要的作用,要想有效的开展高校思想政治理论教育,就必须要着手说服力的研究,说服力是高校思想政治理论教育开展的重要保证。由于,目前高校的思想政治理论教育只是一味的对理论知识进行灌输,使得思想政治教育的内容缺少了原本的意义,从而也缺乏着一定的说服力。要丰富理论知识并且针对学生实际情况进行教育能有效增强说服力。  相似文献   

江泽民党风廉政建设思想,是党的十三届四中全会以来,以江泽民为核心的党的第三代中央领导集体,以马克思主义党风廉政建设学说和毛泽东、邓小平党风廉政建设思想为主要理论渊源,并广泛吸收古今中外人类社会廉政建设思想的精华,紧紧抓住在新形势下把我们执政党建设成一个什么样形象与怎么样建设这个主题,在领导全党和全国人民承前启后、继往开来建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中,根据新的实践和新的经验不断进行理论思考和理论创新,而逐步形成、发展和完善、丰富起来的。  相似文献   

董浩军 《神州》2011,(4X):78-79,81
思想政治理论需要是人们基于对思想政治理论所具有的满足自我和社会的价值、意义的认识和把握而对思想政治理论产生的一种内在渴求。大学生的思想政治理论需要构成包括内容构成、社会意义构成、意识构成和时间构成。大学生的思想政治理论需要具有潜在性、自由选择性、批判性、实用性、从众性和职业性的特点。  相似文献   

提高思想理论素质是执政能力建设的灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商兆鑫 《攀登》2004,23(5):17-19
提高各级领导干部的思想理论素质是加强执政能力建设的灵魂。要提高思想理论素质,首先要坚定正确的政治信念.其次要树立正确的世界观和科学的思维方式,再次要加强主观世界的改造。  相似文献   

强调从思想上建党,是我们党从中国实际出发,对马克思主义建党学说的一个创造性发展,是我们党的一个根本特点,也是我们党的思想政治优势。我们党历来把思想建设摆在党的建设的首位。这是我们党提高自身创造力、凝聚力、战斗力的一条十分重要的经验。  相似文献   

海德格尔认为,理解是人处在他的世界中的方式,从这个基础出发,伽达默尔强调"先见"作为理解的起点、理解的历史性、理解的间距以及生活世界的回归等对思想政治教育具有很大的启发性,几乎在思想政治教育每一个环节上都可以受到哲学解释学的"理解"的启发。  相似文献   

刘艳 《神州》2012,(32):129-129
环境问题在马克思恩格斯生活的时代并不像今天表现的这样突出,但是马克思恩格斯还是以其见微知著、极具前瞻性的思维为我们阐述了人与自然的关系问题,即社会属性与人的自然属性相协调、外在尺度与内在尺度相统一的环境理论思想。本文参照了当代环境伦理思想研究的基本问题,结合我国社会主义建设的实践经验,阐述了中国共产党领导人在建国以后如何追求可持续发展、尊重自然规律为人民利益服务的环境理论思想。通过对西方环境伦理学的基本概念的剖析,运用马克思恩格斯环境理论思想来探讨建设当代中国的环境伦理思想结构。  相似文献   

解放后,新中国的首都面临着只有安居才能乐业的巨大挑战,中共北京市委和市政府坚持"为生产服务、为中央服务、为劳动人民服务"的方针,在百废待兴和建设新首都的前提下,逐步解决城市居民的住宅问题。改革开放以来,围绕着北京住宅的规划和建设,北京市委和市政府采取了成片开发与危旧房改造并举、房改与改善住房条件并举、市场运作与宏观调控相结合等项措施,使北京在进入新世纪的时候,以城市居民人均17 62平方米的住房面积而达到小康水平。北京作为历史古都、文化名城和新中国的首都,其住宅建设应有其历史的继承性和创新性。  相似文献   

青岛是中国近代城市中按规划建设发展起来的典型代表,在城市的形成和发展过程中,城市规划与城市发展体现了良好的互动关系。历史研究显示,合理的城市规划是城市发展的前提,对城市性质、城市空间形态、城市形象、城市经济活动乃至城市社会结构等方面都发挥具体的作用。近代青岛不仅用事实证明城市规划与城市发展的关系,而且对今天的城市规划工作,无论从进一步认识城市规划的作用,还是具体到规划的制订与实施等方面都有若干启示。  相似文献   

许多先秦学(史称先秦诸子)在研究管理问题时,认识到了存在于管理与民众之间的利益问题具有三个内在的规定性。他们认为,管理只有正确认识了利益问题的内在规定性,才能处理好管理与民众之间的利益关系,才能使自己所追求的管理事业获得成功。  相似文献   

自1980年代初以来,管治(Governance)思潮已经在西方社会汹涌澎湃,社会、经济、政治、文化等领域受到其巨大冲击。在城市规划的具体实践中,如何在众多利益共同发挥作用的领域中取得一致的认同,这有赖于对管治的认识与理解。作为管治重要理论之一的元管治(meta-governance)理论在西方社会有着深刻而广泛的影响。本文通过对规范化的自组织协调机制--元管治的探究,试图以元管治为理论基础建立我国城市规划的公众参与组织形式和保障机制,从而在规划决策中发挥持久作用。  相似文献   

Ståle Holgersen 《对极》2020,52(3):800-824
The renewed interest in Marxism that occurred in social sciences and humanities after the 2008 economic crisis has not yet found its counterpart in spatial planning. This paper examines what Marxist planning theory and practices could mean in the current conjuncture. It does so through scrutinising (1) the vibrant Marxist discourse in planning that existed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, (2) the recent history (since the 1980s) of planning theory and its relation to the political economy, and (3) the current political economic context (not least defined by the diabolic crisis). Where previous Marxist approaches to planning were very strong on analysing the political economy, I argue there is currently a need—with old hegemonies losing ground, communicative approaches losing support, and neoliberalism in the political economy losing legitimacy—to also discuss establishing alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent research on the changing spatial structure of Australia's major cities from the early 1990s, concentrating on (a) the location of employment and journey to work patterns, (b) the changing nature of housing, and (c) patterns of residential differentiation and disadvantage. The paper argues that the 1990s was a watershed decade during which some taken‐for‐granted aspects of Australian urban character experienced significant change. It then examines the latest generation of strategic planning documents for these major metropolitan areas, all published between 2002 and 2005, and argues that there is a mismatch between the strategies’ consensus view of desirable future urban structure, based on containment, consolidation and centres, and the complex realities of the evolving urban structures. In particular, the current metropolitan strategies do not come to terms with the dispersed, suburbanised nature of much economic activity and employment and the environmental and social issues that flow from that, and they are unconvincing in their approaches to the emerging issues of housing affordability and new, finer‐grained patterns of suburban inequality and disadvantage. Overall, the paper contends that current metropolitan planning strategies suggest an inflexible, over‐neat vision for the future that is at odds with the picture of increasing geographical complexity that emerges from recent research on the changing internal structure of our major cities.  相似文献   

The 7 February 2009 bushfires in the peri‐urban region to the north of metropolitan Melbourne heralded what many have called an entirely new epoch in terms of weather‐related disasters in Australia. A total of 173 people and 2000 properties were destroyed and, as with the 1939 fires in Victoria, a Royal Commission was subsequently instituted to inquire into the causes and responses to the fire. The Royal Commission has heard much evidence about alleged failings of fire response, communication and administration. It also considered land use planning issues and the associated regulatory framework. Using the Shire of Murrindindi as a case study, this paper argues that the location of population growth, and associated regulatory failure, are contributory, yet under‐researched, factors associated with life and property losses. The adoption of more robust planning tools which incorporate climate change considerations, we argue, is essential to anticipate and minimise the impacts of disastrous natural events such as bushfires. In the latter part of the paper, attention is drawn to a recent Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision which is groundbreaking in its use of the precautionary principle to prevent dwelling construction in an ‘inappropriate’ location as well as to some major inconsistencies between planning for flood and bushfire threats.  相似文献   

<考工记>营国制度的产生,标志着中国古代都城布局规划理论体系的正式形成.以这一理论为标尺,可将中原地区古代都城布局演变划分为四个阶段.分析考察可知,<考工记>营国制度在当时的历史背景下,只是儒家描绘的一幅"理想王都"的美妙蓝图,只有在统一的封建社会盛世,才有可能将这幅蓝图变为现实.  相似文献   

徐兆仁 《史学月刊》2006,(10):96-103
道教内丹学以精、、神为标识,以五派为支柱,其思想体系对于中国学术具有深刻影响。张伯端开创的道教内丹学南宗理论吸收儒、佛思想,主张三教融合,其内丹理论以性命双修为特色。张伯端的后继者坚守师法,传承有绪,注重印证,著述不断,丰富了道教内丹理论与实践。  相似文献   

Recent discussions on state rescaling have pointed towards the need for a greater focus on how and why state activity may change over time in order to generate insights into the provenance, trajectories and outcomes of rescaling in different global regions and national state spaces. Consequently, this paper explores the dialectical and recursive relationship between the concepts of “statecraft” and “scalecraft” to explore the evolving sites, objects and mechanisms for urban planning within two key urban centres in different parts of the world—Birmingham, UK, and Brisbane, Australia. It is illustrated how a range of actors—from the national to the local level—have sought to craft and reshape the strategies and structures for urban planning according to different imperatives. In turn, the implications for a tighter specifying of the process of state rescaling are considered, as well as the subsequent nature of urban planning arrangements.  相似文献   

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