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戏剧公演与雅典城邦政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以古典政治文化理念的视角来考察希腊公民集体社会生活,城邦戏剧公演活动实际上是城邦民主政治实践的一种重要形式。雅典酒神节戏剧公演活动中诸参与者之种种表现,与他们在城邦公共领域中作为政治行为主体所各自扮演的角色是一致的。戏剧公演,反映出古典时代雅典城邦与社会、大众与精英、男性与女性、公民与奴隶等特定社会关系的丰富性,无异于是对雅典政治真实面貌的生动展现。  相似文献   

雅典外邦人的社会地位与历史作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭霞 《安徽史学》2006,(6):13-19
作为一个主要由外来移民所组成的社会阶层,外邦人(Metics)是解读雅典城邦社会形态的重要载体.古典时代,雅典的开放和繁荣吸引了大批的外邦人.由于雅典公民的重农轻商意识和对政治权利的垄断,外邦人不能从事农业生产与政治活动,但是在雅典的工商业与文化领域外邦人拥有相对自由的发展空间.雅典外邦人以其独特的社会地位为雅典城邦的繁荣和稳定发挥了不可或缺的特殊历史作用.  相似文献   

在雅典,狄奥尼索斯崇拜等宗教活动与城邦政治彼此和谐地交融在一起。狄奥尼索斯崇拜具有消融社会等级界限、增强社会成员凝聚力性的功能,在雅典民主政治形成的过程中弱化了平民和贵族之间的矛盾,对塑造雅典民主政治的意识发挥了积极作用。梭伦改革前后,酒神狄奥尼索斯的形象大量地出现在瓶画等艺术作品上。庇西忒拉图时期,建立了城邦共同庆祝的城市酒神节。克里斯提尼改革时,酒神颂歌比赛成为融合各部落团结的重要手段。而在雅典民主政体巩固和发展的过程中,城邦对狄奥尼索斯崇拜活动也进行了细致的管理,城市酒神节成为表达城邦意识的主要场合。  相似文献   

张新刚 《历史研究》2022,(1):142-162+223
疆域是古希腊城邦组织的基本要素。古希腊城邦疆域一般由城区和乡村构成,不同城邦疆域的构成及居民分布差异较大。城邦疆域的边界不易确认和划定,存在自然山川、人为建筑以及悬置的边境地区等复杂形态。疆域不仅体现城邦的空间秩序,还反映了城邦的权力秩序。在城邦内部,公民权与土地所有权绑定在一起,疆域变动与城邦内部权力秩序密切相关。斯巴达和雅典两大城邦,除固定的本土疆域外,均拥有受各自权力支配的“城外疆域”,这是它们在古风和古典时期主导希腊城邦秩序的重要基础。  相似文献   

古典时期雅典城邦对贫富差距的制度调适   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古典时期(600-338BC.),雅典城邦通过施行解负令、公民兵制、公职津贴制、征收非常财产税和公益捐等制度,抑制最富有的阶层,扶持最贫困的阶层,强化中等阶层,从而缓解了因贫富差距增大而引发的社会矛盾与激烈冲突,保证了雅典城邦的社会安定与发展.  相似文献   

苏格拉底审判被认为是雅典哲学家与民主政治冲突的典型案例,但是很少有人注意到苏格拉底与雅典民主的一致之处。苏格拉底将父子关系从私人领域转移到公共领域,认为公民是法律的产物,公民的出生、成长、教育都仰仗于雅典法律的规定。他之所以能自由地从事哲学事业,也是拜法律所赐。为了报答城邦,公民就应该遵守城邦法律、积极参与公共生活,并使用自己的"特殊禀赋"为城邦服务。苏格拉底认为自己的"特殊禀赋"就是做一只教育公众的牛虻,叮咬雅典这匹懒惰懈怠的马,这也是履行公民职责、报答城邦的一种方式,符合雅典人共同的政治理念。因此,苏格拉底的哲学与雅典民主是兼容的,而审判是伯罗奔尼撒战争后特殊的历史社会条件下的偶然事件。  相似文献   

陈超 《史学月刊》2020,(1):78-87
传统观点认为,虽然古典时期的雅典人创造了民主制,但并未发展出相应的民主政治话语,贵族的传统价值观和意识形态始终在民主政治中居于主导地位。然而,对"刺杀僭主"叙事的分析表明,贵族发明的话语传统可以在公共空间内被大众转化为城邦的政治话语,进而在新的历史语境中被民主化,为民主政治话语提供符号、仪式和形象,成为民主制的有机组成部分。这说明,古典时期雅典民主政治对旧时代政治符号的继承,并不等于贵族话语对民主政治的胜利。能够在新的政治语境中对旧叙事进行创造性改编,反而说明民主政治有能力利用旧传统的养分,创造出属于自身的政治话语。  相似文献   

希腊城邦的公共空间与政治文化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
从公共空间的视角 ,对古希腊的神庙、剧场、运动场等公共建筑及其空间进行历史的解读 ,可以看到它们所传载的公共活动———无论是宗教崇拜活动还是社会与文化活动———都是城邦政治活动的一部分 ,因而体现出城邦政治的开放性与民主性。而且 ,公共空间的主导性与私人空间的次要性 ,也体现了城邦政治中民主高于自由这一不同于现代西方自由民主制的重要特征。  相似文献   

欧美学者对古希腊城市的研究简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内学者对于与古希腊城市相关联的城邦问题的研究大约始于20世纪中期.1957年,胡钟达先生在<历史教学>发表<雅典的民主政治及其阶级基础>一文,率先指出城市工商业经济的发展对雅典城邦民主政制的决定性作用①,至20世纪80年代,在日知(林志纯)、刘家和、王敦书等前辈学者的努力下,中国世界古代史学界对希腊古代城邦史的研究不断深入.笔者据中国人民大学复印报刊资料<世界史>统计,自1985年至2003年,国内学者发表的有关希腊古代历史的研究论文约300篇,其中近1/3的论题是研究希腊古代城邦之政治、经济和文化的②,专门研究希腊古代城市的论文、论著则较少.③.  相似文献   

十九世纪末二十世纪初国外学者开始对雅典的国土防御问题进行研究,他们的研究内容主要集中在雅典进行国土防御作战可选择的战略和战术上。具体体现在为以下三方面,探索雅典城邦战争期间的整体战略和国土防御作战战略;从军事地形学角度分析雅典乡村军用工事的作用和意义;探索古典时期雅典国土防御作战战略战术的演变过程。  相似文献   

In this article, I seek to move beyond the traditional, polarised model of ancient Greek cities which views the civic sphere as gendered male in contrast with the domestic sphere which was gendered female. I argue that this model oversimplifies a much more complex set of relationships, leading scholars to underplay the possibilities for female agency within the built environment of the Classical city (polis) and to underestimate the scope of women's activities within Greek society more generally. Taking Athens as an example, I suggest that space was not rigidly divided between ‘public’ and ‘private’ zones. Instead, a number of factors led to flexibility which enabled a woman to enter civic space in order to carry out a variety of activities on her own behalf, on behalf of her household and also as a representative of her household in the context of the wider community. The civic context was thus an inverse parallel for the domestic sphere which, although constructed as female, was clearly also an important arena for male activity.  相似文献   

Negotiating Muslim identity and diversity in Greek urban spaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on a recent study of indigenous and migrant Muslims in Greece, this article provides an exploration of the spatial expressions of religious identity and practice among indigenous and migrant Muslims in Athens. Through a detailed analysis of ethnographic and visual material, we investigate the ways in which Muslim communities negotiate their religious identities and belonging in a city where there is no official mosque, considering that exclusionary perceptions of Islam constitute an important element of Greek national identity. The discussion concentrates on the management of visibility of Muslim identity through public displays of religious practices. Finally, we explore the ongoing debates surrounding the building of a Central Mosque in Athens as a symbolic claim to acceptance and recognition of Muslim presence and religious diversity in the Greek capital.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the Olympic Games on Athens’ cultural tourism and the city’s potential to leverage the Olympic legacy in synergy with its rich heritage in order to enhance its tourism product during the post-Games period. In doing so, a qualitative and interpretive approach was employed. This includes a literature review on Athens’ 2004 Olympics to identify the sport facilities and regeneration projects, which constitute the Olympic legacy and heritage. Based on that, an empirical analysis was undertaken, by collecting official documents about the 2004 Olympics, and conducting five semi-structured interviews with tourism/administrative officials. The findings indicate that the Olympiad contributed significantly to Athens’ built and human heritage, revealing the dimensions of new venues/facilities, infrastructure, transportation and aesthetic image of the city, and human capital enhancement. Hence, the Games affected to the multifaceted representation and reconstruction of the city’s identity and cultural heritage. However, the potential afforded from the post-Olympic Athens remains unrealised due to lack of strategic planning/management. The study concludes that there is a need to develop cross-leveraging synergies between the Olympic legacy and cultural tourism for the host city. Finally, a strategic planning framework for leveraging post-Games Olympic tourism is suggested in order to maximise the benefits of Olympic legacy and heritage in a host city’s tourism development.  相似文献   

Penny Koutrolikou 《对极》2016,48(1):172-192
Through the notion of “conjuncture” this paper explores the interplay of urban crises that have been unfolding in the city of Athens during the past 7 years (2008–2014). By focusing on specific “critical moments” that have significantly influenced the narratives, discourses and subsequent policies concerning “Athens in crisis”, it examines a number of intertwined approaches and tactics that shaped the governmentality of such crisis. These approaches and tactics, that work in tandem, include emergency‐driven policies and politics; politics of fear that occasionally transform into geographies of fear; processes of defining the “public” and “public enemies”; and redefinitions of (il)legalities. Yet, they have repercussions on people, places and politics. In this context, certain issues are deemed critical or urgent while others do not or are even obscured.  相似文献   


Literature depicts children of the Global North withdrawing from public space to ‘acceptable islands’. Driven by fears both of and for children, the public playground – one such island – provides clear-cut distinctions between childhood and adulthood. Extending this argument, this paper takes the original approach of theoretically framing the playground as a heterotopia of deviance, examining – for the first time – three Greek public playground sites in relation to adjacent public space. Drawing on an ethnographic study in Athens, findings show fear to underpin surveillance, control and playground boundary porosity. Normative classification as ‘children’s space’ discourages adult engagement. However, in a novel and significant finding, a paradoxical phenomenon sees the playground’s presence simultaneously legitimizing playful behaviour in adjacent public space for children and adults. Extended playground play creates alternate orderings and negotiates norms and hierarchies, suggesting significant wider potential to reconceptualise playground-urban design for an intergenerational public realm.  相似文献   

魏萍  蔺宝钢  张晓瑞 《人文地理》2021,36(5):177-183
旅游消费文化的入侵导致了城市周边乡村发展中社会与空间的巨大变革,使其公共空间面临社会公平与空间正义缺失,进而出现异化。为深入剖析该类型乡村公共空间的生产机制,本文引入列斐伏尔的空间生产理论,运用其三元辩证法理论框架,以西安市长安区清水头村为例,从“空间实践—空间表征—表征空间”三个层面对其进行解构,深入阐释城市周边旅游型乡村公共空间的生产机制和内在逻辑,最后从乡村公共空间生产的作用力、目标形态、机制保障等方面给出了相关优化建议。研究发现,旅游型乡村公共空间在地方政府空间表征过程中,其“使用价值”被压制,而“交换价值”被凸显,但是村民在表征空间过程中的“抵抗”态势并不明显,反而“内化”趋势更多。本文的机制分析和优化建议有助于引导城市周边旅游型乡村公共空间的健康发展,最终达到促进乡村经济发展和优化社会生态的两重目的。  相似文献   

从西汉史可见都城长安"千余人"集会,"守阙上书"的情景。"阙下"曾经发生大规模的武装冲突。而宫阙前特殊事件的发生,"吏民聚观者"甚至可达"数万人",也说明这里有规模可观的空间。民众可以比较自由地进行公共活动的空间是"市"。刘据在"巫蛊之祸"时曾经策动"市"的群众"数万人"与丞相军激战。"里巷仟佰"也曾经成为民众"聚会"场所。而礼制建筑区也有相当宽阔的空地。不过这是不允许民间活动使用的空间。总体说来,西汉长安宫殿区的宏大规模,使得普通居民的生存条件受到严重压抑,而公共活动空间相对有限,使得都市功能的实现,不得不以诸陵邑作为补充。考察西汉长安和东汉洛阳的城市规划和城市建设,可以发现公共空间的区别。东汉洛阳已经有空间更为充裕的公众活动场所。城市史进程中都会职能和交往条件的这一重要变化,也体现了汉代都市社会构成形式和社会生活形态的若干历史特征。  相似文献   

Ophlie Vron 《对极》2016,48(5):1441-1461
This paper examines issues of power and resistance in “divided cities”. Basing my analysis on fieldwork I carried out in Skopje, Macedonia, I look at how urban space may be constructed and used by hegemonic groups as a means of asserting their power and how, in turn, the city may be a place of resistance where power is contested and public space reappropriated. Drawing on Lefebvre's perspective on the production of space, I compare the conceived city to the lived city and examine how urban inhabitants may resist the division of the city and challenge hegemonic representations. I also draw on Debord's psychogeography to define an artistic, active and participatory approach to urban space through which the inhabitants may re‐conquer their right to the œuvre and to the city. I argue that the city as a lived environment may offer narratives other than division and that there are alternatives to the divided city.  相似文献   

龙韬  柴彦威  忻俊  马玫 《人文地理》2008,23(4):17-22
在城市化的过程中,随着大城市空间的扩张,出现了一种与传统的外延型城市化完全不同的新型城市化地区。这些新型城市化地区的出现显著改变了大城市的地域空间结构,并已成为我国城市化和城市空间扩张的重要方式。以天津经济技术开发区居民社区发展问卷调查为第一手资料,通过分析居民对这一新型城市化地区不同阶段有代表性的城市公共空间的认知状况、利用状况及其影响因素,为此类型地区的城市公共空间建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Greening public city space is a growing issue in France. With examples drawn from Paris and Montpellier, this article seeks to understand what happens when city-dwellers green the public space outside their door and when policies encourage spontaneous flora on the street. Plants were already part of ancient cities and have been a tool for urban planning since the nineteenth century leading to the development of public green spaces and street-tree planting. Urban ecology sparked an interest for spontaneous flora in the 1980s. Public policies concerning water, climate, and biodiversity have been trying to take this unbidden vegetation into consideration since the beginning of this century. Besides, the social sciences have shown that city-dwellers are interested in plants to embellish their balcony, and in city gardens and parks. We tried to find out if this vegetation can be more than just a tool to plan, to green, to bring biodiversity, and to beautify urban space. We argue that letting planted and unbidden flora colonize sidewalks and allowing people to act directly on it brings residents and plants to co-inhabit and co-domesticate the streets, and challenges the timelessness of a city by introducing a life cycle.  相似文献   

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