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英国是最早实现工业化并步入现代化的国家。今天的英国,虽早已实现了现代化,进入了以服务业为主要产业的现代社会,但和其他发达国家一样,农业在国民经济中仍居重要地位并发挥重要作用。今天的英国,农业繁荣、农民生活富足闲适,皆源于政府惠农政策的实施。英国政府的经济政策经历了从轻视到重视进而珍视农业并对农业实行巨额补贴的过程。而赋税制度也相应经历了以农业税为主到以工商税、所得税等为主的过程。本文试图从中古后期、近代早期、近代晚期、第二次世界大战之后以及欧盟时代五个时段阐述英国政府的农业政策及农业税制演变。通过对英国政府农业经济政策的认识,了解现代发达资本主义国家农业发展的趋向和问题,从中吸取可供借鉴的经验和教训。  相似文献   

中古英国地方自治研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈日华 《世界历史》2008,(5):111-117
英国是“地方自治之家”,近代英国独具一格的地方自治制度树立了良性的中央与地方关系。从历史的角度考察,这一制度可以追溯到中古时期。因此,对中古地方行政的研究可以为我们理解“地方自治之家”的由来与发展提供历史的背景。  相似文献   

谷延方 《世界历史》2008,(4):106-114
中外学者主要关注工业革命以及由此带来的世界范围内的城市化运动,较少关注前工业化时期英国农村劳动力转移现象。中古劳动力转移和城市化具有不同于工业革命时期的特点:其一,主要动力源于农业而非工业,农业生产的兴衰决定了城市化和非农产业发展的进程;其二,中古劳动力转移历时久、水平低;其三,中古英国劳动力转移呈相对集中的地域流动模式,农村居民流动迁移的主要目标是首都伦敦。此外,中古英国劳动力转移在地域和行业流动方面均呈不均衡状况,地域上偏重英国东南部和西南地区,在行业流动方面主要集中于纺织等轻工业部门。工业革命后劳动力大量流向西部和北部,汽车、钢铁等重工业部门日渐重要,英国农村劳动力转移和城市化呈现出均衡化、网络化发展态势。  相似文献   

英国对近代农业革命和农业资本主义的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文礼朋 《世界历史》2007,7(2):113-124
近代英国农业史一直是英国学术界研究的重点问题,不断地有新的论和作问世,观点也是不断推陈出新,经常出现所谓修正派,然后又对修正派进行新的修正。在国内,近代英国农业史也一直是学术界研讨的重大问题,人们一直希望从英国近代农业史中得到一些对我国农业现代化发展的历史启示。本拟分成几个专题,按时间的顺序对外国学的各个时期的研究成果做一个简要的学术史的回顾,以方便国内学术界对近代英国农业史的研究。[第一段]  相似文献   

成德宁 《安徽史学》2002,3(3):84-89
英国农业自16世纪始发生了一场深刻的革命,农业生产增长明显加快,农业劳动生产率也稳步提高,直接为工业革命铺平了道路。同时也使英国率先摆脱了传统社会周期性生存危机的困扰,孕育了近代乡村工业,为乡村人口流动和城市发展提供了动力,在英国由传统农业社会向近代工业社会的转型中扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   

本文证明,在英国近代农业中包含了大租地农场、小型家庭租佃农场、大地主地产、庄园制残余等多种经济结构成分,提出了与国内一些学者所持的英国近代农业是资本主义发展的典型的结论不同的见解。提出英国近代资本主义时期国民经济中农业经济部类的结构特征和性质的问题,认为农业部类与工业部类的结构性质有所不同,前一部类常常保留了若干封建残余和非资本主义经济结构成分,资本主义时代农业发展道路不同于工业。由于从封建主义向资本主义社会过渡的第二次国际大讨论中,布伦纳的论文是以英国农业资本主义典型性的论点为基础的,今天对布伦纳辩论有必要重新加以考虑。  相似文献   

近年来,国内学术界对西欧近代资本主义早期市场的研究日趋重视。然而,西欧早近代市场与前近代的中世纪市场有直接的转承关系,故而对早近代市场的研究迟早要上溯到中古市场。实际上,在西方对巾古市场的研究一直在商业史和经济史的范畴内进行。自19世纪末以来,西方学术界对中世纪商业和市场的研究大体上经历了一个从“长途贸易”论到“内部根源”论、再到“商业化”学说为主导的学术发展历程。这里我们主要以对英国的研究为主线作一简要评述。  相似文献   

英国农业革命初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英国工业革命以前,农业是国民经济中的主要部门,农业人口占全国人口的绝大多数。农业从自给自足的状态发展到适应现代大工业发展需要的现代化农业,对工业化的进程、对社会经济结构和阶级结构都产生了深刻的影响。因此,深入研究农业革命的历史对正确理解英国近代社会经济和政治的发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

中世纪和近代早期英格兰敞田经营制度再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大村庄的定居方式是中世纪英国平原开阔地带盛行敞田经营制度的重要原因。在中世纪和近代早期的生产力水平下,敞田经营制度是一种有效率的产权安排,并且还具有分散风险的作用。近代早期虽然出现了圈地,并且从长期来看它确实促进了农业生产力的大幅度增长,但敞田经营制度并没有成为当时农业进步的障碍。  相似文献   

英国中古后期,农民的饮食结构发生了重大的变化,从食物的种类到结构日趋合理。本文试图从中世纪后期英国农民的食品种类、饮食支出比例、饮食的结构和加工方式的变化、食品消费人群的变化进行分析,进而剖析英国饮食结构变化所带来的社会影响。  相似文献   

This study proposes that the American manufacturing belt emerged during the antebellum years as a replicated set of regional industrial systems. A broad-based set of demands spurred the growth of regional manufactures, including the pivotal producer durables sector. Eastern regions industrialized first, and they were followed by frontier regions in the Midwest. The relative importance of regional market manufactures declined over time and multiregional/national market manufactures increased. Regional industrial systems became increasingly specialized; the result was higher levels of interregional trade in industrial specialties. The decline of regional market manufactures eroded the bases for the emergence of regional industrial systems by the 1860s. The westward spread of the manufacturing belt ended, and internal differentiation and structural change within the belt were characteristics of late nineteenth century industrialization. The South failed to join the manufacturing belt during the antebellum years because regional demands for manufactures were insufficient to support important regional industrial systems. It lacked the bases to participate significantly in late nineteenth century industrialization.  相似文献   

In a climate of profound uncertainty over Britain’s postwar status, some industrialists and policymakers sought solace in a ‘defiant modernist’ aesthetic, proposing radical technological transformations to circumvent economic constraints. The British computer industry, which briefly challenged that of the USA for technological sophistication, presents a revealing instance of this approach and its limitations. Early promoters, notably Vivian Bowden of Ferranti, shrewdly laid the rhetorical groundwork to position the new machines as the natural outcome of a uniquely British technological trajectory. Into the 1960s, however, their agenda was disrupted not only by economic realities, but also by the increasing importance of software and compatible systems as opposed to individual machines, and by growing public and industrial familiarity with computing in general. Promoters sought new points of differentiation, but had made little headway when a combination of national policy changes, growing market dominance by US-based corporations, and Anglo-French rapprochement rendered the British national exception largely unworkable. Its powerful rhetorical appeal, however, ensured that it never entirely disappeared.  相似文献   

Industrial policy is back at the centre stage of policy debate, while the world is undergoing dramatic transformations. This article contributes to the debate by developing a new theory of industrial policy, incorporating some issues that have been neglected so far and taking into account the recent changes in economic reality. The authors explore how the incorporation of some of the neglected issues — commitments under uncertainty, learning in production, macroeconomic management (especially demand management), and conflict management — changes the theory. They then examine how the theory of industrial policy should be modified in light of recent changes in economic reality: the rise of the global value chain, financialization and new imperialism. This contribution aims at promoting a pragmatic approach to industrial policy and pointing to new areas for policy intervention in a changing world.  相似文献   

The post‐war employment changes on Clydeside: the continued decline of the traditional industries, the slow expansion of the new growth industries, and the relative lack of change in the employment .structure of the conurbation. The effect of the employment changes on the pattern of industrial distribution in the conurbation in the light of a number of factors such as the availability of land, the City of Glasgow's redevelopment and overspill policies, the immigration of new firms, the outward movement of population, ‘and the role of central government policy. The possibility of changing circumstances resulting from more recent increased levels of redevelopment and the availability in the “centre of the conurbation of larger amounts of developable land on privately operated industrial estates.  相似文献   

The empirical analysis in this paper explores the interurban variation in family income distribution. The results point to increasing urban development, rising female-headship, a widening educational distribution, and changes in the industrial and occupational mix as major contributing factors to rising inequality. However, the increase in the relative number of multiple worker families was a significant mitigating force to rising inequality. A decomposition of 1979 and 1989 cross-sectional models revealed that while changes in urban family and industrial characteristics have been sources of rising inequality, there has been significant structural change in the urban models acting to decrease inequality.  相似文献   

In this work, we apply a systemic approach to the analysis of a particular geographic territory, the industrial district. We are particularly interested in analysing the interaction between the productive-technological environment and the scientific environment by an examination of research contracts and patents. Our analysis shows that R&D activity in the Spanish ceramic tile District Innovation System was mainly conducted by suppliers. Final producers’ innovation efforts were related to non-technological aspects and differentiation.  相似文献   

徐滨 《史学集刊》2004,(3):102-107
16世纪以来的济贫法直到工业革命时期都是规范贫困救济的重要法律依据,但旧济贫法主要体现的是传统的经济观念,这与工业革命的经济社会变化越来越不相容。倡导自由放任的古典经济学的兴起为人们创造了一个理解现实的新的理论基础,在新思想体系的影响下,社会对贫困救济的观念不断变化,最终导致济贫法改革和1834年新济贫法的确立。  相似文献   

城市绅士化引起的低收入原住民被动迁居及其行为响应一直受到学术界高度关注。以南京近1000名安置房社区居民就业变动调查数据为基础,系统分析了被动迁居后城市低收入原住民就业变动的成因及影响因素。研究结果表明:安置点与理想岗位空间错位是被动迁居后城市低收入原住民就业变动首因,个人或家庭以及单位等因素对就业变化亦产生重要作用;被动迁居后城市低收入原住民就业变动呈普遍性和差异性双重特征,城市绅士化运动在一定程度上可能导致弱势阶层内部发生分化。  相似文献   

New industrial innovation policies like smart specialization aim at boosting economic growth by diversification towards more complex and higher value economic activities. This paper proposes a conceptual and analytical framework to support the design and implementation of such policies considering place-specific preconditions, particularly the differentiation of the regional system of innovation and entrepreneurship and the degree of current industrial diversification. The paper expands on the links between these preconditions and the barriers and opportunities for industrial diversification. Consequently, it proposes an archetypical place-based policy framework covering overall policy objectives as well as measures at the level of actors, networks, and the institutional and organizational support structures.  相似文献   

Industrial change is related to and experienced by those affected by such changes through particular sets of relations with futures. However, engagements with industrial change have in large part included futures only in the role of the temporal, and often teleological, background of industrial change rather than addressing futures in their own right. Through an engagement with the closure and later reopening of a steelworks within Teesside, UK, this paper argues that attending to futures allows the complex relationships through which industrial change comes to be rendered present, related to and lived to be brought into accounts of the experience of industrial change. Through diverse modalities such as phone calls, tones of voice, news reports, rumour and soundscapes a future of works closure was rendered present by and for the steelworkers of Teesside. In addition to this, the paper also goes on to exemplify how such relationships with futures of industrial change can be theorized through the example of engaging with pension entitlements through the concept of ‘cruel optimism’ after the work of Lauren Berlant.  相似文献   

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