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According to the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Hermes on the day of his birth met a tortoise, killed it and constructed the lyre from its shell. This became the orthodox version of the invention of the lyre. There are, however, some traces of another version as well, which can now be reconstructed with the help of an 11th‐century Persian verse‐romance. Here, Hermes is an adult, he finds a tortoise‐shell sounding in the wind, and then tries to imitate nature. Behind the two versions, each the creation of an individual author, one may discern the original myth.  相似文献   

The juridical force of time forms a critical, but hitherto unexplored part of Hugo Grotius’s discourse on the justice of war and peace. Grotius defines war as a span of time in which disputed rights and armed conflicts between states are examined in reference to temporal coordinates. This method allows him to adjust otherwise static laws to meet the demands of times and spaces in an increasingly expanded world. In doing so, Grotius is also able to reconcile multiple layers of laws in a temporal framework, which suspends one layer of law, to be revived at later times. Finally, cautious in the use of the language of time, Grotius admits both that right demands immediacy, and that justice suffers delays. By this nexus of delay (mora) and emergency (necessitas), Grotius warns against the abuse of ‘time’ as a legal concept to justify unlawful claims, which still rings with alarm today.  相似文献   

这个亚洲高级钟表展以高级制表丰富迷人的历史文化为背景,呈献各高级制表品牌的新品佳作,并为亚洲地区数以万计醉心于复杂机芯与精湛工艺的名表收藏家及鉴赏家奉上一场美妙的交流盛宴  相似文献   

Baden‐Württemberg is one of the strongest regional economies in Germany. Quite commonly, its success is explained by the technological competence of its industry, by the flexibility and ingenuity of its many small and medium‐sized firms, and by the impact of an active industrial policy. Today, however, the region has to cope with severe economic problems, and there is some evidence that these problems — at least partially — are due to its praised specific industry structure. On the other hand, there is reason to believe that the region will manage the required structural adjustment — not at least because of its well developed institutional profile. Thus, although the story of success of Baden‐Württemberg has to be revised somewhat, there are lessons to be learned with regard to industrial policy and the promotion of (regional) economic development.  相似文献   

Emilia‐Romagna and Baden‐Württemberg are two highly successful industrial regions. Their economic success is based on a specific industrial and institutional order, on regionally concentrated production network based mainly on small and medium enterprises and on ‘cooperation enhancing’ institutions. This regional production order was the basis for strategies of flexible specialization’. The fundamental restructuring of mass production concepts as well as harsher worldwide competition over innovation and costs, however, undermined previous advantages of these regions. Emilia‐Romagna and Baden‐Württemburg handle these new challenges in different ways: while Baden‐Württemberg counts on technology‐ and research‐based restructuring, Emilia‐Romagna's restructuring is service‐based—increasing the demand for new production‐related services (quality control, financial services, marketing). These different patterns of reorganization and institutional learning point out institutional and industrial differences between the two regions undervalued in the concept of ‘flexible specialization’.  相似文献   

Flowerstudio 《世界》2008,(9):136-139
当全球许多酒店都对宠物说NO的时候,首尔W酒店不仅为你的宠物准备好了食物、玩具,甚至他们在为你研发著名的W标志睡床的时候,也没有忘记你的四脚宠物。入住的客人只要多支付25%的房费就可以让宠物和你享受一样的待遇,当然宠物的体重不能超过18千克。每天客人还可以在酒店专门设计的2公里林间慢跑路线上,和宠物散步、嬉戏。  相似文献   

The German school system is socially highly unequal, as educational research criticized for a long time. While in some schools socially privileged pupils are the majority, other schools are composed by mostly poor pupils. The combination of socio-geographic and educational geographic considerations leads to a social school index, which clearly shows how strong schools are socially privileged or disadvantaged. The paper presents a practical example of building a social school index for cities and compares the results. The residence-based density index on grid data from German Social Code (book 2) is preferred because it is unproblematic in terms of data protection law and can be extended at the level of 100 × 100?m grids. Calculating detailed and differentiated social school indices with school enrollment data leads to very good results, but is much more work.  相似文献   

This paper explores attempts to establish a network of firms and organizations to develop the multimedia industry at a regional level. The paper sets out its review in the context of the regional economy, and then details the nature of the networking process under investigation. An evaluation of networking in this context is provided, based on detailed empirical research. Lessons are drawn from the experiences of seeking economic modernization through organizational networks.  相似文献   

The study shows the relation between urban green and (urban) stress within the urban district Bonn, Germany. How do urban ecosystem services influence the subjective well-being? A triangulation of methods (site’s inspections, online survey) was applied to collect data on the availability and state of urban green spaces regarding the urban district of Bonn and by whom, why and how often they are visited. Of special interest could be the ecological state of the green space. The ecological state of green spaces in Bonn was assessed and connected to the results of the online survey. Thus, health effective potentials of urban green can be given. Main advantages were proved by an excellent network of green infrastructure as well as big green spaces or rather open catchment areas.  相似文献   

Due to climate change, but also because of the demographic change and financial constraints in many municipalities, the future of cities is a currently much-discussed topic. Conflicts over land-use are inevitable: As densification is an essential principle in growing cities, the pressure on open (green) spaces rises. Climate Change and water-management as well as mobility-issues and air-quality confront municipalities with new challenges, in terms of open space planning and greenery in the city. It is necessary to save the existing green in these days of budget-shortage and other priorities in communities. Municipalities have to raise new strategies to strengthen the awareness of the value of green in public and in the local business.  相似文献   

Urban green space is a key subject of actual urban negotiation processes on how the city shall develop. Visions of the ideal city are reflected in the meanings currently ascribed to urban gardening. Thereby the relation between human and nature as well as between build and natural environment in the city plays a central role. Results from different Swiss cities show that allotment gardens as well as newer forms of urban gardening are oscillating between a compensatory and a complementary understanding of nature, and they equally combine the desire for pristine nature with the demand for functional green space in the city.  相似文献   

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