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The De institutione laicali by Jonas of Orléans has frequently been examined as a source for conjugal life in the Carolingian period, but rarely analysed in its entirety. In this article I propose an overall reading of the text, based on the version addressed to Count Matfrid before 828, in order to place the chapters about marriage in their context. I will formulate new interpretations of its purposes – arguing that Book II was configured as a speculum comitale – and of Jonas's view of marriage. The De institutione laicali will therefore be shown to have served the needs of Carolingian representations of society and public power.  相似文献   

随着国际金融海啸后社会经济矛盾的地理大转移,广大新兴市场化国家内城市新白领阶层的社会经济生境边缘化趋势不可避免。边缘化的新白领必然导致其中产阶层化历程的异化,与常规的中产阶层化特征、机制与社会空间后果相异。本文将新白领及其边缘化中产阶层化机理纳入中产阶层化一般化研究之内,继而构建新白领中产阶层化研究理论构架,以便进一步补充、完善一般中产阶层化理论体系。最终,希望为"十二五"以来面临新转型的中国大城市内城再城市化、更新和转型提供一些发展引导思路。  相似文献   

赵云 《攀登》2007,26(4):137-138
创设治保中心户长,是进一步健全和完善农村治保会组织工作机制的创新之举,是把农村治安综合治理各项措施落实到最基层的务实之举,是坚持公安专门机关和群众路线相结合`的必由之路。  相似文献   

房地产泡沫和金融安全之间的相互关系既是政府宏观管理必须密切关注的问题,也是学术界长期探索的重大课题。本文以20世纪80至90年代的日本泡沫经济为对象,全面分析了日本以地价泡沫为特征的泡沫经济状况以及日本房地产泡沫对日本金融安全伤害的情况。在此基础上,从制度变迁、宏观经济政策的变化以及预期和经济主体行为变异等方面,考察了日本房地产泡沫和金融安全之间的相互关系,重点分析了两者之间的传递机制。  相似文献   

In November 1861, Dr. J. Marion Sims, an American gynecologist, named and described the syndrome of vaginismus, which linked symptoms of vaginal hypersensitivity to muscular spasm. The only rational treatment for this disorder, said Sims, was surgery. His work was taken up immediately in France, but the story of its interpretation and application is a rather complicated one. Félix Roubaud, a leading specialist on matters of impotence and sterility, revised earlier writings in order to make a clear place for Sims's theories. But in the succeeding decades, Sims was subject to more and more criticism in French medical circles. Some argued that French specialists had already identified all the key elements of vaginismus, and that Sims was no more than a successful publicist. Others-and these were finally the most influential-argued against surgical treatment. More and more French writers on sexual medicine argued that vaginismus was a "moral" disorder that could not properly be treated by physical methods. And within French medical circles the Sims operation for vaginismus came to represent an "American" approach that was too rational, and too straightforwardly physical.  相似文献   

空间隔离视角下中西方城市社会排斥研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间已成为社会排斥研究的重要维度。本文通过梳理国内外相关文献,重点对空间隔离与社会排斥的内在逻辑及其重点研究领域进行阐述。总体上,社会排斥研究的空间维度聚焦于资源和机会的非均衡配置及流动性障碍导致的边缘化过程。具体来讲,从邻里结构性特征中辨识潜在的被排斥主体,强调了社会排斥产生的物质基础;厘清不同尺度、不同空间类型下空间隔离与社会排斥相互作用机制,为消除空间隔离产生的社会排斥障碍提供实践基础。基于社会融合发展目标,提出融贯社会空间隔离到社会空间融合的分析框架,为建构多尺度社会融合路径提供理论支持。  相似文献   

期望与感受:旅游体验质量的交互模型   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
本运用模型分析的手段探讨了旅游体验过程中的一些基本理论问题。通过对旅游期望的定义以及特点的分析,作提出了旅游体验过程中满足获得的渠道和影响机制,进而指出了这种理论探讨对指导企业经营管理工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

杜宗斌  苏勤 《旅游科学》2013,27(3):61-71
乡村旅游地居民是社区参与的主体,社区参与是乡村旅游地可持续发展的重要前提,目前社区归属感对乡村旅游地居民社区参与的影响机制和路径研究较为薄弱。基于文献回顾,引入旅游获益中介变量,构建乡村旅游地居民的社区归属感——社区参与结构方程模型。以浙江安吉为例,通过实地问卷调查采集数据,探讨社区归属感对社区参与的影响机制及路径。研究表明:乡村旅游地居民社区归属感对旅游获益和社区参与均有显著正向影响,旅游获益是社区归属感影响社区参与的中介变量;社区归属感对社区参与既有直接效应又有间接效应,其直接效应(0.48)远远高于通过中介变量旅游获益对社区参与的间接效应(0.55×0.27);旅游地居民对个人职业与旅游业的关系的重视程度要高于家庭成员职业与旅游业的关系。最后提出了促进乡村旅游发展的若干建议和研究不足。  相似文献   

This article uses a 1972 television advertising campaign for Femfresh vaginal deodorants and the backlash against it to explore how women grappled with the permissive society in their bathrooms and living rooms. It uses women's magazines and the business archives of Femfresh to trace the popularity of vaginal deodorants in the early 1970s and show how advertising for the product played on women's fears of undesirability and shame about their bodies during a period of changing sexual mores. It details how feminist campaigners Women in Media (WiM) constructed a campaign against vaginal deodorants and how adverts for the product became linked in press coverage to trial television adverts for Lil-lets tampons, before analysing complaints made about both product categories collected by the Independent Broadcasting Authority. The contested terrain of feminine hygiene advertising adds nuance to historical understandings of debates around ‘permissiveness’, suggesting that, for some women, frank discussions of bodily functions were not inherently ‘indecent’, but rather had a correct time and place. WiM's campaign and the complaints collected illustrate how women of varying political leanings utilised conceptions of shame to exert limited control over the extent to which feminine bodies were up for public consumption in 1970s Britain.  相似文献   

In order to promote “cohesion, competitiveness and cooperation” across Europe, the EU has established a common regional policy to support underdeveloped territories. This EU regional policy required to set up a very complex mechanism to implement such a huge effort to coordinate many interventions across highly differentiated territories. However, those territories are provided with very different institutional settings, and then the mechanism to coordinate all of them becomes particularly complex. The aim of this paper is to discuss the EU multi-level governance for structural funds (SFs), revising the origin, rationale and evolution of this policy in order to identify the limits of the institutional mechanism for the implementation of this policy. These limits will show their effects on the unstable distribution of SFs across the EU regions on a long-term perspective. Results show that the intervention of the EU is neither constant nor stable across regions, independently from their development paths. This instability should provide further arguments on the discussion about the SF policy and governance in order to take into considerations also institutional limits of the EU.  相似文献   

孔翔  陆韬 《人文地理》2010,25(3):153-156
人地关系是人文地理学重要的研究领域。徽州文化是农耕文化繁盛时期遗存的典型地域文化。本文主要结合对徽州地域文化的案例研究,剖析传统地域文化形成中的人地关系作用机制。论文认为,自然环境将影响地域人口社会、经济结构的特征,而人口的社会、经济结构则对地域文化的形成和发展有着关键性影响,因此,地域人口的社会、经济结构可以被视为人地相互作用中的关键性链接因素,优化人口结构将有助于区域文化的持续健康发展。  相似文献   


This article presents a study on the out-of-plane response of two masonry structures without box behavior tested in a shaking table. Two numerical approaches were defined for the evaluation, namely macro-modeling and simplified micro-modeling. As a first step of this study, static nonlinear analyses were performed for the macro models in order to assess the out-of-plane response of masonry structures due to incremental loading. For these analyses, mesh size and material model dependency was discussed. Subsequently, dynamic nonlinear analyses with time integration were carried out, aiming at evaluating the collapse mechanism and at comparing it to the experimental response. Finally, nonlinear static and dynamic analyses were also performed for the simplified micro models. It was observed that these numerical techniques correctly simulate the in-plane response. The collapse mechanism of the stone masonry model is in good agreement with the experimental response. However, there are some inconsistencies regarding the out-of-plane behavior of the brick masonry model, which required further validation.  相似文献   

卢忠民 《安徽史学》2011,(3):19-26,97
人力股制度作为近代北京五金商铺所使用的一种核心激励机制,在实践过程中不断得到创新,其实质是通过物质利益推动或激励着员工的进取精神。本文主要就五金商铺人力股份的获得与变动、人力股制度的激励作用之表现及其历史功过等方面展开论述,以期深化对此制度的认识,同时为今天一些企业在因地制宜、灵活机动地进行激励机制的改革方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国民族区域自治制度的发展和实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着具有历史意义的中共十一届三中全会的召开 ,我国的民族区域自治工作进入了一个新的发展时期 ,不但全面恢复了民族工作机构 ,而且重申了过去行之有效的各项民族政策。以江泽民为核心的党的第三代领导集体继承了党的第一代、第二代领导集体关于民族区域自治的理论和实践经验 ,认为民族区域自治是我国解决民族问题的一大政治优势 ,具有旺盛的生命力。从民族地区发展的角度来看 ,西部大开发 ,实际上就是西部民族地区的大开发。随着西部大开发战略构想的逐步实施 ,民族地区必将迎来其发展史上新的历史性机遇 ,将进一步印证我国民族区域自治制度的巨大优越性  相似文献   

许春晓  朱茜 《旅游科学》2011,25(5):57-66
由于重游所带来的经济利益日益凸显,使得重游问题受到学界的广泛关注。本研究以湖南凤凰古城为案例地,采用问卷调查获得基础数据,建立结构方程模型从求新动机、满意度两个方面考究旅游者重游间隔意愿的形成机制。研究发现,在凤凰古城这样的快速发展旅游地,求新动机会直接影响旅游者的短期重游意愿,但对中期、长期重游意愿则没有显著的直接影响,同时求新动机会对满意度产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

传统技术发展演变有复杂的社会经济与环境背景。通过讨论江苏淮南盐区制盐技术发展的过程及关键影响因素,可以揭示中国传统盐作技术演化机制的复杂性。明末清初各海盐区基本废煎改晒,但江苏淮南盐区仍继续沿用传统煎法生产,成为中国海盐经济发展史上的特殊现象。作为中国传统盐业生产的“特区”,淮南盐区在明末清初至20世纪中后叶也经过数次废煎改晒尝试,但淮南岸段的砂质土壤与低于500毫米的净蒸发量限制了大规模改晒的可能,重煎轻晒的产销政策又使淮南煎法在清代更为巩固,进一步影响了该区域传统制盐技术革新。淮南盐区传统制盐技术演变可为前工业化技术的比较研究提供经验基础,有助于更深刻了解本土技术发展机制及其环境适应特征。  相似文献   

徐玲 《文博》2022,(1):107-112+106
1949—1966年是陕西省博物馆的重要建设时期,其由民国时期的省立博物馆变为中华人民共和国西北区示范性博物馆,又随国家行政区划调整回归省级中心馆,期间经历了馆名更改、馆舍修整、藏品扩充以及与其他机构合并等一系列体制性变革,重新树立了博物馆人民观,打破了原有古物陈列观,采用大众化教育的陈列模式。调整后的陕西省博物馆融入社会主义博物馆体系,获得了新发展,成为中华人民共和国初期博物馆建设的一个历史缩影。  相似文献   

论文以《中华人民共和国归侨侨眷权益保护法》授权立法条款的设置作为考察对象,分析探讨了明示授权立法与默示授权立法两种类型、授权立法条款设置的必要性及价值以及授权立法条款设置的实施效果;并针对《中华人民共和国归侨侨眷权益保护法》授权立法条款在立法技术上存在的诸如默示授权条款过多、可操作性差等问题,提出了需要在授权主体、授权内容等方面进一步修改完善的意见。  相似文献   

西方城市居住行为研究进展及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
穆学英  崔璨  徐伟 《人文地理》2020,35(5):8-17
改革开放40年以来,住房市场化转型使中国拥有了一个相对独特的住房制度环境,对城市空间结构、居民居住状况和民生福祉等各方面都产生了深远影响。中央政府明确强调需加快研究建立符合国情、适应市场规律的房地产基础性制度和长效机制,而这需要对城市居民微观居住行为进行深入研究。居住行为作为城市地理学的重要议题,近年来,相关研究虽不断涌现,但尚缺乏系统的理论梳理和实证研究总结。本文利用知识图谱可视化刻画了居住行为研究热点的演化,从居住迁移、住房产权获得、住房生涯三方面对西方相关研究进展和前沿进行评述,并进一步梳理了居住行为与城市空间的关系,以深化对城市居住空间分异机制的理解;在总结中西方差异的基础上,对中国现有实证研究进行了回顾;立足于中国国情和现有住房政策,分别从理论、内容、数据和方法三个方面对未来中国居住行为研究方向进行展望,旨在引起学术界对居住行为的关注,为推动中国居住行为研究理论构建、理解社会空间重构机制提供参考。  相似文献   

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