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Áridos 1 and Áridos 2 (Madrid, Spain) are two Middle Pleistocene sites belonging to the isotopic stages 9–11. Both places contain partial carcasses of Elephas (Paleoxodon) antiquus associated to Acheulian stone tools. In this work, the taphonomic study of the elephant remains of Áridos 2 is presented. This study has documented several cut marks on different bones, which indicate bulk flesh and viscerae extraction by Middle Pleistocene hominins. Several arguments are provided to support that at least some of the cut marks were made with handaxes, further suggesting that some of these artifacts were butchering tools in this stage of human evolution. Although cut marks on elephant carcasses have been documented at some Middle Pleistocene sites, very few have been published in detail to allow consideration of their status as hominin-imparted marks. By doing so, the present study provides more evidence of large carcass exploitation by hominins during this period.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis, optical absorption spectroscopy and mathematical modelling of high temperature viscosity have been carried out on five 1st–2nd century AD Roman blue-green bottle glass fragments from Coppergate, York. Modelled viscosities indicate remarkable consistency within the sample set studied and support the suggestion that temperatures of ∼1000–1150 °C were required to remelt these glasses and to provide suitable viscosities for forming articles. Iron redox ratios (Fe2+/ΣFe), analysed SO3 contents and the absence of characteristic Fe3+–S2− amber absorption bands suggest that melting conditions for all studied glasses were mildly, rather than strongly, reducing (estimated pO2 ≈ 10−1–10−6 bar). These furnace conditions are consistent with the effects of combustion gases and carbonaceous matter contained in the raw materials.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the three-dimensional micromorphology of cut marks on fossil mammal remains from a ∼0.5 million year old Acheulean butchery site at Boxgrove (West Sussex, southern England), and make comparisons with cut marks inflicted during the experimental butchery of a roe deer (Capreolus caproelus) using a replica handaxe. Morphological attributes of the cut marks were measured using an Alicona imaging microscope, a novel optical technique that generates three-dimensional virtual reconstructions of surface features. The study shows that high-resolution measurements of cut marks can shed light on aspects of butchery techniques, tool use and the behavioural repertoire of Lower Palaeolithic hominins. Differences between the experimental cut marks and those on the Boxgrove large mammal bones suggest variation in the angle of the cuts and greater forces used in the butchery of the larger (rhinoceros-sized) carcasses at Boxgrove. Tool-edge characteristics may account for some of these differences, but the greater robusticity of the Boxgrove hominins (attributed to Homo heidelbergensis) may be a factor in the greater forces indicated by some of the cut marks on the Boxgrove specimens.  相似文献   

Early Stone Age cut marks are byproducts of hominins' tool-assisted animal carcass consumption and provide a potential avenue of inference into the paleoecology of hominin carnivory. If diagnostic cut mark characteristics can be linked to flake and core tool use or the completion of distinct butchery actions, it may be possible to infer ancient tool preferences, reconstruct the consumption of specific muscular tissues, and illuminate landscape-scale stone resource use. Recently, diagnostic morphological criteria including cut mark width and depth have been used to identify marks made by different classes of experimental and archaeological stone tools (Bello, S.M., Parfitt, S.A., Stringer, C., 2009. Quantitative micromorphological analyses of cut marks produced by ancient and modern handaxes. Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 1869–1880; de Juana, S., Galan, A.B., Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., 2010. Taphonomic identification of cut marks made with lithic handaxes: an experimental study. Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 1841–1850; Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., de Juana, S., Galan, A. B., Rodriguez, M., 2009. A new protocol to differentiate trampling marks from butchery cut marks. Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 2643–2654). The work presented here adds to this experimental butchery database by using measurements of cut mark cross-section taken from bone surface molds to investigate how stone tool characteristics including flake versus core tool type, edge angle, and tool weight, influence cut mark width and depth, ultimately testing whether cut mark size is a useful indicator of tool identity. Additionally, these experiments investigate the influence of contextual factors, including butchery action, carcass size, and bone density on cut mark size. An experienced butcher used replicated Oldowan flakes and bifacial core tools in experimental trials that isolated skinning, bulk and scrap muscle defleshing, and element disarticulation cut marks on goat and cow skeletons. This sample explores cut mark traces generated under realistic butchery scenarios and suggests the following results: 1) Core and flake tools were equally efficient at completing all butchery tasks in size 1 and 3 bovid carcasses. 2) Samples of cut mark width and depth produced by core and flake tools were similar and cut marks could not be accurately classified to a known tool type. 3) Skinning and disarticulation activities produced significantly wider and deeper marks than defleshing activities. 4) Cut marks on cows tended to be wider and deeper than those on goats. 5) Cut mark width is negatively correlated with bone density when carcass size and bone portion are taken into consideration. These results suggest that a general quantitative model for inferring tool type or edge characteristics from archaeological cut mark size is not warranted.  相似文献   

Microscopic signatures have previously been used to emphasize the similarities of butchery and trampling marks. The experimental background applied to differentiate both types of marks has been rather limited and authors have sometimes reached conflicting conclusions. This is partly due to methodological reasons: some authors have used very high magnification to examine microscopic features, whereas others have relied on more reduced magnification. Likewise, some experiments have exposed bones to trampling for reduced periods (minutes) whereas others have used longer time periods (hours). The present study stresses that the use of a scanning electronic microscope is not practical for identifying the impact of butchery and trampling marks in complete bone assemblages. It also emphasizes that previous studies have not addressed all the possible variables that could potentially be used to discriminate these marks, nor have they quantified the morphological patterns of each type of mark. Here we present a multivariate analysis of more than a dozen variables and show that butchery and trampling marks have very distinctive microscopic morphology. We advocate the use of a low magnification approach (≤40×), which can enable the analysis of complete assemblages using either hand lenses or binocular lenses. We also show the morphological criteria that differentiate butchery cut marks made with simple and retouched tools. We show that whereas complete discrimination of marks is impossible due to some degree of overlap, the list of criteria derived through multivariate analyses can be confidently used to correctly differentiate butchery and trampling marks in more than 90% of cases.  相似文献   

Previous studies of patterns of osteoarthritis involvement in prehistoric skeletal populations have been used to suggest differences in lifestyle or subsistence patterns. In spite of the intriguing nature of such studies, inadequate controls for the potential confounding effects of age have made results less secure than they appear. While researchers remain unable to control for the inherent limitations imposed by preservation bias, meaningful advancement could be made in the analysis of these data. Here we propose two methods from epidemiology that would allow more robust comparisons between populations with differing age-structures: age-adjustment and logistic regression. We apply these two methods to previously published data from prehistoric populations of the American Great Basin. In doing so, we are able to discern sex differences in risk for osteoarthritis at the shoulder (beta = −1.82, SE = 0.74, OR = 0.16, 95% CI = 0.04–0.69, p = 0.013), elbow (beta = −2.07, SE = 0.82, OR = 0.13, 95% CI = 0.03–0.63, p = 0.011), and in the foot (beta = −3.11, SE = 1.57, OR = 0.04, 95% CI = 0.00–0.97, p = 0.048), that were not noted in previous analyses of these data. These findings suggest that greater clarity of results and more precise comparisons of risk may be achieved by using these methods. We conclude that further application of these methods to bioarchaeological studies would potentially improve what can be said about prehistoric health patterns and lifeways.  相似文献   

Palynology, radiocarbon dating, and open-section stratigraphies from archaeological trenches are used to examine the impact of human activity around the time of Norse landnám on vegetation and landscape associated with a small farm (Ø34) in the Qorlortoq valley, Eastern Settlement, Greenland (61° N 45° W). Peat deposits from a mire abutting the Norse ruins revealed a discontinuous palaeoenvironmental record containing a possible hiatus from ca. AD 410–1020. Palaeovegetational data were recovered either side of this period. Pollen assemblages suggest that open Salix scrub dominated the landscape during the pre-settlement phase. The later phases of landnám resulted in the creation of hay fields and heavily-grazed grassy heath. Site abandonment is reflected by a re-expansion of Salix. This occurs shortly before the onset of deposition of a Sphagnum peat, dated to cal AD 1420–1630 (2σ) and reflecting an increase in mire surface wetness, probably in response to a deteriorating climate. Radiocarbon dates were obtained on peat and plant macrofossils sampled from either side of the proposed hiatus at two different but closely-spaced (<20 m) locations across the mire. These produced significantly different dates for the cessation of peat formation in the pre-landnám period (cal BC 2130–1770 and cal AD 240–410 respectively), but near-synchronous dates for the recommencement of peat growth (cal AD 890–1150 for peat and a probably more reliable interval of cal AD 1020–1190 based on plant macrofossils). It is suggested that this hiatus may represent the first direct evidence for peat cutting in Norse Greenland.  相似文献   

We report here on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope measurements of human and faunal bone collagen from the Iron Age, Viking Age, and Late Medieval site of Newark Bay, Orkney, Scotland. We found a wide range of results for humans in both δ13C (−15.4‰ to −20.3‰) and δ15N (8.6‰–15.6‰) values. The enriched carbon and nitrogen values indicate the consumption of significant amounts of marine protein, which is very unusual for post-Mesolithic (e.g. 4000 cal BC) UK and European populations. Also of interest is a statistically significant difference in δ13C (t = −2.48, p = 0.011) and δ15N (t = −2.44, p = 0.011) values, and therefore diets, between adult males and females at this site, with males (δ13C = −17.8 ± 1.2‰, δ15N = 13.2 ± 1.6‰) having, on average, a higher proportion of marine protein than females (δ13C = −18.9 ± 1.1‰, δ15N = 11.8 ± 1.8‰). The weaning age of the sub-adults was difficult to interpret due to the large isotopic variation in the adult females, but nearly all individuals between birth and 1.25 years have elevated δ15N values indicating that they were breastfed to some extent.  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment of all known dental and mandibular morphological criteria for differentiating sheep (Ovis aries) and goats (Capra hircus) using for the first time an archaeological sample of complete caprine skeletons (90 sheep and 13 goats) from burials at Kerma (Sudan, 3rd and 2nd millennia BC). The species determinations were assessed using cranial and post-cranial morphological criteria. Consequently, the reliability (percentage of correct determination) and efficiency (complementary percentage of intermediate scores i.e. neither sheep nor goat) of 38 individual dental criteria could be fully assessed using a prehistoric homogeneous domesticate population. We demonstrate that, for this sample, individual criteria for lacteal teeth are more reliable for sheep (sheep: 95 ± 3%) than the adult premolars (85 ± 5%) and molars (sheep: 88 ± 2%), whereas for goats premolar criteria were more reliable (83 ± 12%). For efficiency, lacteal dental criteria are better (goat: 97 ± 5%; sheep: 95 ± 3%) than those for premolar (goat: 85 ± 10%; sheep: 79 ± 5%) and molar (goat: 82 ± 6%; sheep: 83 ± 2). We also demonstrated that most isolated teeth can be determined with less than 10% error. However, on average, within specific age classes (0–1 year, 1–4 years and more than 4 years), isolated teeth increased in reliability and decreased in efficiency. The average reliability of the criteria for complete mandibles for each age class for goats and sheep was 100%, when the efficiency was 67, 40 and 50% for goats and over 90% for sheep. This is due to the effect of age on the efficiency of isolated criteria and the poor performance of specific criteria mainly those P3, M1 and M2. We conclude that separate species kill-off profiles are possible. The effect of age on dental criteria would not significantly change the interpretation for specific subsistence strategies focused on one particularly species.  相似文献   

Recently, a report on two human skeletons from an Early Bronze Age tomb excavated at Tell Ashara, Syria has been published in International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. One individual was identified as a warrior following these criteria: (i) size and robustness of bones, (ii) cut marks on the humerus, (iii) reduction of the ulnar styloid process, both interpreted as healed weapon‐related trauma, (iv) well‐developed muscle insertions, and (v) degenerative joint disease. Actually, none of these five criteria support the conclusion because of the following reasons: (i) not necessarily all tall and robust men become warriors, (ii) the post mortem origin of cut marks on the humerus is more likely than sharp force trauma, (iii) there are several possible causes of the unusual ulnar styloid shape other than weapon‐related trauma, (iv) the interpretation of musculoskeletal stress markers and (v) degenerative joint disease lacked control for age, sex and body size. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a previous article, we presented an innovative method to analyze cut marks produced with metal tools on animal bones from a metrical and tridimensional perspective (Maté-González et al. 2015). Such analysis developed a low-cost alternative technique to traditional microscopic methods for the tridimensional reconstruction of marks, using their measurements and sections. This article presents the results of an experimental study to test this photogrammetric and morphometric method for differentiating cut marks generated with metal, flint, and quartzite flakes. The results indicate statistically significant differences among cut marks produced by these three types of raw material. These results encourage the application of this method to archeological assemblages in order to establish a link between carcass processing and lithic reduction sequences on different raw materials and also to define the kind of tools used during butchery.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis was undertaken on bone collagen extracted from archaeological human (n = 48) and animal (n = 45) skeletons from the Nukdo site, Location I C, South Korea. This shell midden and grave site is dated from the late Mumun (550–300 BC) to early Iron Age (300 BC-1 AD) periods. The herbivorous mammals fell within the range of C3 consumers, with average values of δ13C = −21.0 ± 0.5‰ and δ15N = 3.6 ± 0.5‰ for deer (n = 16) and δ13C = −20.6 ± 0.5‰ and δ15N = 4.5 ± 2.0‰ for wild boar (n = 17). Humans from this site averaged δ13C = −18.3 ± 0.4‰ and δ15N = 11.2 ± 0.7‰ for adults (n = 15) and δ13C = −18.7 ± 0.7‰ and δ15N = 12.5 ± 1.1‰ for juveniles (n = 33). These δ13C values indicate that there was no significant input of C4 plants in the human diets and this may be associated with the spread of rice agriculture in the Mumun period. Human bone collagen δ13C and δ15N values indicate that there was some consumption of marine foods, although the main protein sources were from terrestrial foods. The isotope data demonstrate that the humans at Nukdo had mixed diets that included marine and terrestrial protein, including C3 plants such as rice. Finally, the isotope results from the juveniles indicate that weaning occurred before the age of 1.5 years in this period.  相似文献   

Starch residue, pollen and phytolith analysis was carried out on coralline deposits from a c. 3050–2500 cal. yr BP Lapita site at Bourewa, Viti Levu, Fiji. Starch grains, calcium oxalate crystals and xylem cells of introduced Colocasia esculenta and Dioscorea esculenta were identified, involving a process of elimination of possible taxa by cross-correlation of microfossil types. The data provide an eastward extension of direct evidence of Lapita horticulture in Remote Oceania previously identified in Vanuatu.  相似文献   

The Fauresmith lithic industry of South Africa has been described as transitional between the Earlier and Middle Stone Age. However, radiometric ages for this industry are inadequate. Here we present a minimum OSL age of 464 ± 47 kyr and a combined U-series–ESR age of 542−107+140 kyr for an in situ Fauresmith assemblage, and three OSL ages for overlying Middle and Later Stone Age strata, from the site of Kathu Pan 1 (Northern Cape Province, South Africa). These ages are discussed in relation to the available lithostratigraphy, faunal and lithic assemblages from this site. The results indicate that the Kathu Pan 1 Fauresmith assemblage predates transitional industries from other parts of Africa e.g. Sangoan, as well as the end of the Acheulean in southern Africa. The presence of blades, in the dated Fauresmith assemblages from Kathu Pan 1 generally considered a feature of modern human behaviour ( McBrearty and Brooks, 2000, The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior, J. Human Evolution 39, 453–563),-provides evidence supporting the position that blade production in southern Africa predated the Middle Stone Age and the advent of modern Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from bone collagen in skeletons from the Byzantine (5th–7th century AD) monastery of St. Stephen’s in Jerusalem were examined in conjunction with a review of historical sources detailing dietary practices during this period in the Levant. Relatively low δ13C ratios (−19.0 ± 0.5‰, 1σ) indicate a diet consisting primarily of C3 sources and display continuity with textual records describing monastic daily life. Conversely, human δ15N values (9.6 ± 1.2‰, 1σ) are enriched in 15N relative to local fauna (7.3 ± 1.1‰, 1σ) and point to the contribution of animal protein to the diet, an unexpected result based on both the rarity and expense of these luxury food items as well as dietary prohibitions associated with an ascetic monastic lifestyle. No sex-based differences in diet were detected for either δ13C or δ15N values, suggesting that men and women consumed isotopically similar foods. As the vast majority of monastic communities in the ancient Near East were located in the desert, the urban setting of St. Stephen’s monastery allows for a unique glimpse into a rarely-explored facet of Byzantine life.  相似文献   

Two adult male skeletons from Buckland Dover, dated to the pagan Anglo-Saxon period, displayed evidence of cranial weapon injury. In one case (SK 348) the injury, probably inflicted by a sword, showed no evidence of healing. The other (SK 303b), possibly an axe injury, appears to have been survived. The nature of the traumata, blade injuries, suggest that they were inflicted in battle rather than the result of a street brawl. However, neither skeleton was buried with weapons, suggesting that they may have been seized by the attackers on the battlefield.  相似文献   

Recent experimental studies have developed new diagnostic criteria to differentiate between trampling and cut marks. Within cut marks, these diagnostic criteria have been useful to differentiate between marks made with simple and retouched flakes. The present study expands the application of these criteria using a multivariate analysis to discriminate marks created with handaxes from those made with stone tool flakes. A discriminant analysis resulted in a selection of specific variables, which can successfully differentiate cut marks made with handaxes from those created with retouched flakes in more than 80% of occasions. The utility of this analogical taphonomic signature created by handaxes is discussed in the light of their potential value as butchering tools.  相似文献   

We report here the results of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of human and faunal remains from La Vergne (Charente-Maritime, western France), a rare Early Mesolithic burial site (ca. 8500–8000 cal BC). The results for nine humans (average δ13C = −19.3‰; δ15N = 9.4‰) indicate a strongly terrestrial diet, dominated by animal protein, with the possibility of, at best, a slight contribution of marine-derived protein. Given lower sea-levels in the early Holocene, the site would have been some 60–80 km from the sea at the time of its use; nevertheless, contacts with the coast are shown by the presence of numerous marine shell beads in the graves. In the light of the stable isotope results, it is suggested here that such contacts most likely took the form of exchange with coastal communities whose remains now lie underwater.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the value of bone density assessed by computed tomography (QCT) of the right tibia in the diagnosis of low bone mass in prehistoric bones. Trabecular bone mass (TBM) was assessed by histomorphometry in undecalcified bone sections of a small part of the proximal epiphysis of the right tibia of 78 prehispanic individuals. Bone density was also assessed in the proximal epiphysis of the right tibia, in an area of cancellous bone immediately adjacent to the wedge which was destined to histomorphometry, with the aid of a Tomoscan 60 TX™ (Philipps Medical System, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) using a phantom of hydroxyapatite included in plastic resin at three known concentrations (50, 100 and 200 mg/cc) and ethanol as fat equivalent. Bone density (as bone hydroxyapatite concentration in milligram per cubic centimeter) was calculated by means of a specific software tool (QCT Bone Mineral Analysis System, Image Analysis, California). We compared bone density assessed with QCT with TBM in these individuals, and also, with the results obtained from a modern control group. We calculated the median TBM of the prehispanic sample and tested the sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy of QCT in diagnosing TBM values below the median. We later performed the same analyses on 24 more prehispanic individuals. Both QCT (t = 5.61, p < 0.001) and TBM (t = 3.79, p < 0.001) were significantly lower among the prehispanic individuals than among the control ones. QCT showed a significant relationship with TBM (r = 0.41, p < 0.001). QCT values below 100 mg/cc serve to establish a diagnosis of low TBM values with a sensitivity of 82.1% and a specificity of 41%. In the test group sensitivity was 83.3% and specificity, 50%.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential use of strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) for identifying migration within Lapita populations and their commensal animals, specifically the pig (Sus scrofa). Lapita people (ca. 3300–2200 BP) were the initial colonists of the island groups to the east of the Solomon Islands, spreading from Papua New Guinea to Tonga and Samoa within a few centuries. Mobility is assumed to have been an important mechanism for maintaining cultural solidarity between Lapita communities. It has been previously argued that Lapita populations became progressively more sedentary over time after the initial colonising events. Two Lapita sites, Kamgot and Balbalankin, from the Anir Islands in the Bismarck Archipelago are included in the analysis and fall within the Early (ca. 3300–3000/2900 BP) and Middle (ca. 3000/2900–2700 BP) Lapita periods respectively.  相似文献   

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