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The idea that American Indians played no part in Polynesian prehistory originated with J.R. Forster, a companion of Cook on his second voyage. Forster made a comparative study of five Polynesian languages, using a basic list of 40 words that included 'sweet potato'. He concluded that although there were many similarities between those languages and the languages of Southeast Asia, 'no distant or accidental similarity' existed between the Polynesian and American languages. Moreover, the 'wretchedness and small size' of American sailing craft proved 'incontestably' that the Pacific Islanders had not originated in the Americas. The premises for Forster's claims have long been proved to be wrong. Yet many scholars still accept his main conclusion. This article contraverts that view. It argues that voyagers from Mindanao crossed the Pacific to Ecuador in about 200 BC on a bamboo raft and that this became the prototype of the balsa rafts of Ecuador and Peru of early Spanish times. Such rafts made prehistoric voyages to Mexico, south-central Chile, and the Galapagos Islands. Easter Island's first settlers, it is argued, were drifted there in a balsa raft. A new claim that Polynesians from Easter Island sailed to South America and returned with the sweet potato and bottle gourd is also discussed.  相似文献   

明代从海外引入华南的粮食作物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代中后期,华南地区与海外诸国的联系较为密切。在这种情况下,海外的一些作物也逐渐传入华南。从有关资料来看,明代从海外引入华南的粮食作物主要有玉米、番薯和花生。这些作物的引进,是华南农业史上的大事,对华南农业的发展具有积极的意义  相似文献   

Analysis of plant microfossils (pollen, phytoliths, starch grains and xylem cells) was carried out on 12 soil samples from a variety of pre-contact archaeological features in South Kona within a portion of what has been termed the Kona Field System, on the Island of Hawaii. The oldest radiocarbon ages of the sampled deposits are 1300–1625 AD and 1310–1470 AD. The pollen and phytolith evidence suggests a change from more to less trees and shrubs in the area as a result of human activity. We found phytoliths of banana (Musa sp.) leaves in most and starch grains and xylem cells of tuberous roots of c.f. sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in all of the samples, suggesting that the sampled features were associated with these crops and that both crops were cultivated intensively within the study area. Higher concentrations (volumetric) of starch and xylem in samples from older deposits suggest that cultivation was more intensive then. The apparent absence of starch and xylem remains of other tuberous crops archaeologically identified elsewhere in Polynesia suggests that tuberous cropping within the study area was mono-specific.  相似文献   

In the second presidential summit of the Americas, which took place in April 1998 in Santiago de Chile, 34 heads of states of the Americas announced that they were ready to start negotiating a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), to be concluded by 2005. This article briefly discusses the current trend in favour of regional preferential trade agreements, describes how the proposal for an FTAA came about, explores more than three years of negotiations that made it possible and assesses the probability of its success.  相似文献   

The exhibition hall of pre-his-toric culture in the TibetMuseum displays exhibitsfrom stoneware of the Pale-olithic Age to bronze andcliff paintings of the early Metal Age,which is a vivid epitome of the develop-ing history of pre-historic human culturein Tibet.Archaeologists have demonstratedthat the distribution of Neolithic Age pot-tery in China covers the whole country,but especially in five major areas: YellowRiver Valley, Yangtze River Valley, south-east China, southwest China and …  相似文献   

We report analysis of ancient mitochondrial DNA sequences from nine archaeological specimens (8 femura and 1 incissor) of Rattus exulans excavated from Anakena Beach Dune on Rapa Nui. Sequence of a 239-base-pair fragment of the hypervariable mitochondrial control region reveals a single mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of all samples corresponding to the R9 haplotype prevalent in East Polynesia. This suggests a single or very limited introduction of Rattus exulans to the island. Rapa Nui, like other remote islands of Polynesia, remained effectively isolated following colonization.  相似文献   

本文提出了玉米、番薯集中产区和一般产区的数量标准,探讨了清代至民国时期山东东部地区玉米、番薯的分布特征,阐明了玉米、番薯以竞争的方式取得优势地位的过程,以及南方和北方的玉米、番薯不同的发展模式。研究表明,与南方的玉米、番薯发展模式不同,在北方,两种美洲作物以竞争的方式排挤了原有作物,并导致作物结构由多样性渐趋向于简单化。  相似文献   

Sites which have been occupied semi-continuously in the past present some inherent difficulties for archaeology. Here we present new research from a coastal site on the North Island of New Zealand at Cooks Beach where anthropogenic vegetation changes are seen using microfossil analysis of obsidian tools, sediments and pit fill. The results indicate the initial presence of people in AD 1300–1400 followed by subsequent periods of disuse or abandonment and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivation. Around the time of initial settlement, obsidian from this location is found at sites across the country. After AD 1400 the area appears to be deserted for a century or more, after which we see evidence for the cultivation of sweet potato in AD 1500 as evidenced by extensive soil modification and numerous storage pits. There is no evidence of a permanent settlement at the site. The geographic distribution of Cooks Beach obsidian was constricted while the site was used for sweet potato cultivation, a pattern often attributed to increased warfare. It appears cultivation was abandoned after AD 1650 marking a second secession of use, a fact confirmed in AD 1769 when Captain Cook visited the area. We consider the possible drivers for the late abandonment of cultivation at Cooks Beach.  相似文献   

Ancient human migrations provide the critical genetic background to historical and contemporary human demographic patterns. However, our ability to infer past human migration events, especially those that occurred over rapid timescales, is often limited. A key example is the peopling of Polynesia, where the timing is relatively well defined, but the exact routes taken during the final stages and the source populations are not. Here, we discuss the technical limitations of current methods for inferring rapid human migration events, using the final stages of Polynesian migration as an example. We also introduce a promising new proxy method to infer human migrations—patterns of bacterial evolution within ancient dental calculus (calcified plaque). While we focus on Polynesia, this method should be applicable to other past migrations, enhancing our understanding of human prehistory and revealing the crucial events that shaped it.  相似文献   

The prevailing archaeological consensus on Paleoindian origins and colonization of the Americas has been shaken by recent wide acknowledgment of pre-Clovis occupation at Monte Verde, Chile, and by claims that ostensibly non-Mongoloid skeletal remains might represent a precursor population. Recent mitochondrial DNA studies have been interpreted by some as indicating an earlier and more complex peopling of the continent. This paper reviews the current archaeological and biological evidence, in America and northern Asia, for the origins of Native Americans, assesses models of the colonization process in the light of new data and a revised chronology, and suggests avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Since 1989 abortion in Chile has been illegal in every single circumstance. This means that tens of thousands of women every year undergo clandestine abortions at great risk to their health. Class directly influences Chilean women’s relationships to abortion; wealthier women can pay for the confidentiality of a safe doctor whereas poorer women cannot. There is just one region where women regardless of class can easily travel to another country in search of abortions, Arica in northern Chile. This article considers the previously unstudied phenomenon whereby women cross the border quickly and cheaply from northern Chile to the Peruvian city of Tacna where numerous clinics offer the procedure. This article utilises Foucault’s concept of biopolitics to trace how women are forced to cross a border to avoid government legislation and finds that even by leaving the territory of the state, women do not fully leave state control. Despite the lack of official statistics, interviews with healthworkers and a young woman who made the crossing show that abortion border crossings do occur and this article reflects on the legal, safety, and biopolitical ramifications of these journeys for Chilean women.  相似文献   

The Real Pragmática of 1765 of Free Grain Trade was one of the most influential events in eighteenth century Spanish political and economic history? But was it influential in the Americas? Despite the abundant scholarship on the Bourbon reforms, we do not know much about the application of the Pragmática or more broadly about policies that affected domestic grain trade in the Americas. In this article I argue that the Pragmática was influential in increasing the participation of the viceroy in matters of wholesale and regional grain trade. Such changes in policies as applied in New Spain involved both pragmatism and a centralization of power, rather than a dogmatic support for free trade policies or a staunch support of traditional doctrines. In this I believe that New Spain did not differ from contemporary Western European countries, in which free trade was constantly being negotiated between different actors and authorities of various levels.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary approach involving analysis of plant macrofossils, pollen and soil micro morphology in combination with large-scale stripping of top soil, was applied in order to get a comprehensive understanding of pre-historic settlement, farming economy and land-use in Østfold, SE Norway. Investigations of 25 sites lead to two distinctive results: 1) A time-space perspective on usages of plants, and 2) Identification of agrarian activities in a relict field. Studies of these topics have hitherto been limited for this region. The results add fresh and essential knowledge to pre-historic times in Østfold and make a significant contribution to the understanding to these topics in neighbouring regions.  相似文献   

We analyzed two mid-Holocene (∼5000 years before present) individuals from North America that belong to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup M, a common type found in East Asia, but one that has never before been reported in ancient or living indigenous populations in the Americas. This study provides evidence that the founding migrants of the Americas exhibited greater genetic diversity than previously recognized, prompting us to reconsider the widely accepted five-founder model that posits that the Americas were colonized by only five founding mtDNA lineages. Additional genetic studies of prehistoric remains in the Americas are likely to reveal important insights into the early population history of Native Americans. However, the usefulness of this information will be tempered by the ability of researchers to distinguish novel founding lineages from contamination and, as such, we recommend strategies to successfully accomplish this goal.  相似文献   

The consumption of hallucinogenic substances is a long-standing tradition in the Americas. San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) in Northern Chile is the archaeological zone with the highest incidence of snuffing implements in the world. Snuff trays from SPA have been studied under a variety of prisms but their provenience, in particular that of the wood used in their manufacture, has not yet been addressed. The delicate nature of trays and their excellent state of preservation call for the use of non-invasive analytical methods. Wood density was used to demarcate a possible range of species and hence as a broad provenience marker, and its value determined for 169 trays from the museum at San Pedro de Atacama. The results showed that although some of the SPA snuff trays studied may have been manufactured with local wood, most of them used exogenous wood as raw material. At this point, it is not possible to ascertain the precise origin of such wood, but Bolivia and NWA appear as likely candidates. Three distinct styles have been defined for SPA trays: Tiwanaku, San Pedro, and Circumpuneño (encompassing the area around the Puna de Atacama and including SPA). The effect of style on density points to different sources of wood in Tiwanaku style trays and trays in San Pedro and Circumpuneño styles. As expected from geographically and temporally dynamic patterns of interaction of SPA with neighboring regions, diachronic differences in wood density distributions were found. Tray manufacturing technique was not dependent on wood density, suggesting that the skill of artisans and the quality of their tools allowed them to use any type of wood for their art work, independent of its complexity.  相似文献   

Starch analysis is proving particularly useful in tropical regions like the central Pacific where crop inventories are often dominated by starchy fruits and tubers and recovery of macrobotanical remains is rare. Analysis of 23 shell tools from the Marquesas Islands provides direct evidence for translocation of five traditional crop plants. Four taxa derive from the western Pacific, including Artocarpus altilis (breadfruit), Piper methysticum (kava), Colocasia esculenta (taro), and one or more species of Dioscorea (yam). The fifth taxon, the South American Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato), dates from the 14th century AD onward and constitutes the earliest record of this cultigen in the archipelago. The occurrence of sweet potato starch suggests that this crop plant may have been more important than usually is assumed, while the limited recovery of breadfruit starch, the main Marquesan food plant at western contact, requires further investigation. The starch residues also inform on tool use, demonstrating that shell tools ethnographically associated with specific crops (e.g., “breadfruit peelers”) had more generalised functions. This study is a further demonstration of the potential of starch analysis to provide important information on the history of crop introductions, on-site activities, and artefact use.  相似文献   

This paper is a critique of Kadomtsev's fluid dispersion equation for electrostatic drift instabilities in a plasma with weak BGK charged-neutral collisions. The numerical solution of this equation is compared with the solution of a more exact kinetic dispersion equation. At maximum growth rate, the fluid results do not correspond to the kinetic results in either the collisionless or the collision-dominated limits. Thus in the BGK model of charged-neutral collisions, the “drift dissipative instability” is not a distinct mode, but only an approximation to the universal density drift instability in a limited range of parameter space.  相似文献   

Most of the evidence available so far suggests that malaria was not present in the New World before the European conquest. However, the timing of the introduction of the disease in the Americas is still a matter of controversy. In this paper we appraise the debate in the context of the Brazilian Amazon, where malaria is, at the present time and has been for several centuries, an important health problem. We review and summarize the available evidence in favor of the introduction of malaria after the conquest based on historical documents, studies in genetics and evolutionary biology, epidemiological issues, and archaeological discoveries. We argue that despite the compelling arguments provided by the extant body of evidence, a more definitive proof is needed. We suggest that archaeology, via analyses of existing skeletal remains from Amazonia using biomolecular techniques, may represent the best (and unique) approach to a definitive resolution of a long-standing debate. We anticipate that in the near future a multidisciplinary effort can be brought together to provide a clear answer to a long standing epidemiological question: Was malaria present in the Amazon before the European conquest?  相似文献   

Melissa W. Wright 《对极》2017,49(1):249-269
Social justice struggles across the Americas have, over the last half century, transformed the urban areas of this region into international staging grounds for protesting the global devastation wrought by capitalist exploitation, state terror and social hatred. This paper maintains that there is much to learn for struggles against this triangulation in other parts of the world. In particular, through a discussion of how contemporary activism in Mexico against feminicidio, drug wars and brutal repression draws from a long legacy of protest across the Americas, I seek to illustrate the relevance for other places as people fight a cruel modernity that evolves through terror, profit and hatred. Critical geography has long contributed to exposing these connections and can still deepen its commitments to mapping the landscapes of the growing populations of disappeared and marginalized peoples in Mexico and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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