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<正>龙泉窑是继越窑、耀州窑、汝窑、南宋官窑之后青瓷生产的又一高峰,是青瓷生产发展到后期的杰出代表。晚唐、五代时期,龙泉、庆元等地的窑业生产开始形成规模,并且渐成体系,成为龙泉青瓷生产的发端。两宋之际动乱,北方制瓷业中一些重要工艺技术传播到南方。其中,胎釉配方的改进和厚釉工艺对龙泉窑制瓷业的发展起到了重要作用。北宋后期,龙泉窑发展成为具有举足  相似文献   

20世纪上半叶,因海内外市场需求等原因,在浙江龙泉的宝溪、八都、木岱口一带出现了几家仿制南宋、元、明时期龙泉窑青瓷器的小型怍坊,部分产品则属创新之怍。龙泉市博物馆收藏了少量作品,其中以宝溪张高岳所制居多。  相似文献   

正一概述龙泉隶属于浙江省丽水市,龙泉以窑业生产闻名,龙泉窑是中国瓷业史上最重要的窑场之一。龙泉市是龙泉窑的中心分布区,规模庞大,目前保存的窑址超过300处。按照窑址的地域分布,可分为龙泉东区与龙泉南区两大部分,以龙泉南区为核心。龙泉南区又以大窑为核心,大窑龙泉窑遗址位于龙泉市南40公里处的琉华山下大窑村一带,是龙泉窑的起源地和中心产区。大窑龙泉窑遗址地跨龙泉、庆元两县,包括今龙泉市小梅镇、查田镇、庆元县竹口镇境内的大窑、金村(含上垟)、石隆和溪口四大片区,窑址约有  相似文献   

历代龙泉青瓷釉的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
龙泉窑是我国陶瓷生产业中最重要的窑场之一,其制瓷业有着一千多年的发展历史。现代仿古龙泉青瓷的生产水平也达到了一定高度。为研究不同时代龙泉青瓷产品的特征,特采集一组宋、元、明及现代龙泉青瓷样品,通过显微观察、色度测定及对瓷釉的主量、微量化学组成进行X荧光分析,实验数据分析表明龙泉青瓷釉的制作有一定的年代特征,宋早期青瓷釉中存在石灰釉产品,而南宋以后,龙泉青瓷釉逐渐成为石灰碱釉。现代仿古龙泉青瓷的主量化学组成与古龙泉青瓷有很大相似性,但微量组成的不同反映出在原料配方上还存在很大差异。分析结果将为龙泉青瓷的研究与鉴定提供部分借鉴和依据。  相似文献   

高雪 《收藏家》2011,(1):60-62
元代是中国瓷器生产承前启后的转折时期,在很多方面都有创新和发展。尤其是江西景德镇的青花、浙江龙泉青釉器的再创造及其他釉瓷,无论在造型、纹饰以及烧造技术等方面,都为明清两代瓷业的进一步发展打下了良好的基础。吉林省博物院藏元代瓷器200余件。以下介绍的是从中选出的几件有代表性藏品。  相似文献   

2006年6月10—11日,由华东师范大学海外中国学研究中心和历史系举办的“20世纪上半叶美国中国学”学术研讨会在上海顺利召开,来自清华大学、中国社会科学院、北京外国语大学、复旦大学、上海社会科学院、上海大学、同济大学、上海师范大学、上海图书馆、淮北煤炭师范学院,以及德国汉堡大学、美国康奈尔大学等近30名专家学者参加会议。与会者围绕20世纪上半叶美国中国学的基本成就、理论及其方法展开热烈讨论,并对深入开展对海外中国学的研究及其学科建设提出诸多建议。会议探讨了20世纪上半叶美国中国学的发展情况和地位问题。与会者认为,这…  相似文献   

陈锋 《史学月刊》2004,(1):113-122
20世纪的清代财政史研究,按照其研究进程,可划分为20世纪上半叶和20世纪下半叶两个阶段。这两个阶段的总体研究情况,反映了20世纪清代财政史研究的特点与得失。  相似文献   

陈炜 《广西文史》2002,(3):72-77
近年来,有关20世纪上半叶农村经济史的研究,成为了经济史研究的热点。学们分别从不同的角度去研究作为整体的农村经济和个体的农户经济。但对20世纪上半叶桂东北农村经济和农户经济的研究仍是一个薄弱环节。而且对此深入研究也为我们现今农村经济建设提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

历史瓷业地理考察区域瓷业起源、发展、衰落的时空过程,瓷业相关要素的空间差异及其原因,以及瓷业与区域经济、文化和区域人群的关联性,是一个既有专门性又有综合性的研究领域。历史瓷业地理的研究可以采用系统地理学和区域地理学两种视角,一方面选择瓷业要素进行时空分析;另一方面对各区域瓷业生产的历史进行全面考察。时空过程、区域分析和人地关系,共同构成历史瓷业地理研究的核心。  相似文献   

崔晓芳 《沧桑》2010,(4):208-209
赫钦斯是20世纪上半叶美国最有影响的教育思想家之一,是永恒主义教育哲学流派的主要代表人物。为了实现"永恒的"、"普遍的"、"整体的"教育,赫钦斯以他的哲学认识为基础,提出"普通教育"思想,以区别于"专业教育"或"职业技术教育"。其教育理论及大学教育改革实践在20世纪上半叶为美国教育带来了巨大的变化,并对我国当前的高等教育有着很大的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

北宋是海外陶瓷贸易相对平缓的一段时期,但贸易活动并未中断。北宋早中期,贸易陶瓷在五代宋初基础上渐进发展,越窑青釉瓷和景德镇窑青白釉瓷构成了稳定组合。北宋中期晚段是贸易陶瓷的转变期,闽广地区以外销为主的窑场迅速兴起并占据了海外市场的主体。其中广州、潮州、泉州窑场主要面向东南亚及西印度洋地区,福州窑场主要面向日本。北宋末期,闽南、广西窑场青白釉瓷繁盛,龙泉窑青釉瓷崛起,潮州、漳州产品亦见于日本。此时,东西方贸易陶瓷品类组合都趋于复杂化。  相似文献   

本文采用荧光能谱仪(EDXRF)测试了杭州卷烟厂、严官巷、吴庄和太庙四处南宋遗址出土的官窑类瓷片的胎釉元素组成;并根据胎体元素分类情况,制备了光学薄片,运用偏光显微镜对部分官窑瓷片的胎体进行了岩相分析。在此基础上,本文对杭州这些遗址出土官窑类瓷片的窑口问题进行了初步讨论。结果表明四处南宋遗址出土的56块官窑类瓷片当中,有48块样品可能为杭州两窑烧造,而有8块样品的胎体元素组成更接近龙泉黑胎青瓷,结合判别分析和岩相分析结果,这八块样品为龙泉窑烧造的可能性更大,但具体窑口尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Aspects of 2nd- to 5th-century ce Roman production technology and knowledge transfer in southern Austria (known as Noricum) were examined. With no evidence for workshops identified in the study area, 44 grey ware bowls from two sites at Aguntum and Lavant were studied macroscopically, and combined with optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, prompt gamma activation, neutron activation and scanning electron microscopy, in order to understand whether one (large) workshop supplied these bowls, or whether the bowls were produced by several (small) workshops nearby. Combined with information from the geological background, the results were used to tentatively indicate the production location. The results indicate that the grey ware bowls from Aguntum and Lavant were produced by local workshops nearby. The bowls were manufactured with similar clay sources, tempered with crushed calcite-marble rocks from the Tauern Window, their surface smoothed and burnished, and fired between 800 and 850°C in a reducing atmosphere of an open fire. This is taken to suggest that Roman potters, who were located at Aguntum and Lavant, shared strategies of raw materials selection, paste preparation, finishing and firing, and transferred technological knowledge through time.  相似文献   

Research on ancient Longquan wares and their imitations has attracted considerable attention. Using a series of experimental methods, including micro X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy (μ‐XRF), X‐ray diffractometry (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), polarizing microscopy (PLM), dilatometry (DIL) and spectrophotometery, different samples of Longquan imitations from Dapu in Guangdong Province were collected and analysed. The study of different types of celadon from the Dapu kiln factories shows that the pale yellow body had a higher TFe2O3 content, and the body material must therefore have been treated differently or have come from a different source. The SiO2 and Al2O3 contents in the body can be used as auxiliary parameters to identify Longquan wares and its imitations. The study also found that both kinds of glaze recipe—including calcium–alkali glaze and alkali–calcium glaze—existed in the Dapu products, which suggested that while imitating Longquan ware, the potters in Dapu also showed innovation in the recipe for the glaze material. Moreover, there were some differences in the TFe2O3 content, as well as the size, number and distribution of bubbles in the different types of glaze. Finally, the study revealed that the material of both the saggars and separators were composed of another porcelain clay, different from that of the celadon body. In addition, the white and compact body of the celadon had a higher firing temperature, of 1140–1187 °C, compared with other types of wares, which had a lower firing temperature of 1050–1080 °C.  相似文献   

In 2005, sherds of a special type of ancient Longquan celadon ware were excavated at Maojiawan, in the city of Beijing, China. Although archaeologists agree that these sherds were fired in the period between the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, their specific date is unclear. In order to solve this problem, five other groups of ancient Longquan celadon sherds of known date were selected as reference samples. The elemental body composition of all the sherds was determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Using the same principles as in provenance research, pattern recognition methods were used to build classification functions to specify the date of the unknown sherds. After analysing the experimental data by discriminant analysis, three classification functions were built. All the unknown sherds were classified as Ming Dynasty. This prediction is well in accordance with the fact that these sherds are similar to other Longquan Ming celadon, and so they should be fired in the same dynasty. This also verified the judgement of the Beijing Institute of Cultural Relics.  相似文献   

Majolica pottery is one of the most characteristic tableware produced during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Majolica technology was introduced to the Iberian Peninsula by Islamic artisans during Medieval times, and its production and popularity rapidly spread throughout Spain and eventually to other locations in Europe and the Americas. The prestige and importance of Spanish majolica was very high. Consequently, this ware was imported profusely to the Americas during the Spanish Colonial period. Nowadays, Majolica pottery serves as an important horizon marker at Spanish colonial sites. A preliminary study of Spanish-produced majolica was conducted on a set of 246 samples from the 12 primary majolica production centers on the Iberian Peninsula. The samples were analyzed by neutron activation analysis (NAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical procedures. Our results show a clear discrimination between different production centers. In some cases, our data allow one to distinguish amongst shards coming from the same production location suggesting different workshops or group of workshops were responsible for production of this pre-industrial pottery.  相似文献   

广东是唐宋时期瓷器的重要产区之一,本通过整理有关资料,用考古类型学方法作分期研究,以复原广东唐宋时期制瓷手工业历史面貌。  相似文献   

夏商西周时期是我国古代量制初步建立的重要时期,大口尊、盔形器、尖底陶杯、花边陶釜、殷墟的部分铜容礼器和箕形器是这一时期比较典型的定量容器.通过分析殷墟箕形器和南河崖西周盔形器的容积,可知晚商的安阳地区和西周中期的鲁北制盐作坊可能俱以250mL为基本单位量,与之配套的量制体系也可能已经产生.  相似文献   

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